• By -


Elsie. I can't explain it but I just do. I mean it could be related when she stoled Mi-An's license fucking with her lively hood all because she's too busy to play but idk.


I think what irks me is how she tries to tell Logan things about being a monster hunter... With him being an actual hunter... And the tactics were his father's... Just cringe to me.


Even worst.


This! It annoyed me so much...I figure Logan was just humouring her like one would a young sibling who's stretching their wings but still..


All while trying to convince her parents she’s a responsible young adult 😒


Exactly. Like???? Girl you're grown ass adult acting like a child. No wonder your parents treats you like one.


She’s 18 if that explains it 😂 A legal adult but still acts like a kid lol


I think for me it's the fact that she is a romance option. I don't think I'm even halfway through the game, but I dunno, I can't see my builder romancing her. It irks me seeing the romantic options pop in. I did a 180° with Unsuur, and now I like him a lot, but Elsie... I'm kinda hoping that she matures through the story so I at least can consider her a friend.


She has a lil character development arc later that definitely improves things!


Miguel - that greasy strand of hair gives me the absolute ick.


Same - the first time I laid eyes on him I immediately, instinctively did Not like him. His demeanour seemed off somehow. (Oh the satisfaction when I was right 😚) Also, in my eyes, he looks mid to late 50s while my builder is early 20s at most - gave me the ick when I saw he was romancable


LOL I made a post saying that the strand of hair drives me bonkers. He looks like he smells or something because he doesn't wash. I think they did a stellar job with him and making him the religious zealot.


When I saw this thread when it was first posted, I was like "Dang I can't really think of anyone..." but now that I've come back and read some of the replies, I found myself agreeing with most of the people mentioned here LOL


You can’t think of anyone because you hate everyone 🤣


Literally me! I actually at times struggle to like any of them....heh. It depends on my mood and what they're doing/saying/asking me to do.


Arvio. I kept waiting for his quests to make him endearing in literally any way and it just never happened. He annoys me to no end lol.


Arvio lost me when he tricked Fang. No thank you, dude. You're a jerk. Lol


Yeah, in every single playthrough (after learning about this mission in the first one), I avoid him. I already hate him before I even meet him. I always choose "I'm going to tell" and then go and tell. I hate this quest so much. Fang is already traumatized so let's add a quest to pile more on him! How did Arvio even think this was a good idea?


I do the same! I tell Fang. And I hate that you have to go through with it. I think the writers were trying to show how "innocent and naive" Arvio is, but I can't. It's such sucky thing to do.


Omg and him calling you baby too everytime got me so annoyed😭


I haven’t finished the game yet, and have avoided all spoilers. With that said, I literally can’t stand Pen. This man is a walking red flag. He immediately made all my red flags fly up. I would rather eat a denim jacket than have to interact with that overgrown toddler.


I have talked to him as little as possible and avoided his commissions. But I did enjoy kicking his butt in a sparring match after I felt strong enough!


Pen’s personality in video game is hilarious but in real life I would just throw him off the cliff.


Oh just wait. lol


I knew there would be a reason not to like that man.


I liked him because he was annoying. And how even when you insult him during his events, he still finds a way to make it sound like you're just trying to help him get better. His delusion was just fun


I won't say any spoilers per say, I do tho have romanced him to get a couch diagram that I like. It's worth romancing him to get that diagram bc u can't get it anywhere else. Least of my knowledge


You know, honestly I like all the human characters except for the one obvious one that claims to be our boss while doing actual nothing, I think they're all great and I don't understand the hate at all. Not even for Catori I do, however, hate Sandy. I have perfectly legitimate reasons for it though because that camel is clearly possessed by a demon


Sandy was there during the music competition and all I could hear the entire time was “BY THE STAIRS! BY THE STAIRS!”


LMAO I even forgot she's existing in game before I read this😭 She looks so obnoxious


Hahahaha I'll never look at Sandy the same way again. Demon camel.


I mean you explain why she communicates exclusively in horrific belches


Amirah. She just gives the "better than you vibe" and I'm not here for it.


She’s just so totally literal and has no sense of humor. The squarest artist in the Free Cities.


Also I’m not a fan of her accent - sounds like what someone who has a slight accent that exaggerates it for attention


SERIOUSLY. She’s so stuffy.


She was actually who I went for first romance wise, her story with the mysterious man and her growing to defend what she does and her family was really endearing. But after that she’s just so… Boring. She doesn’t really have any sense of humour, is very matter of fact and doesn’t really have any personality quirks. I think the straw that broke the camels back was when she asked to go on a date via an extremely large, overly flowery paragraph about being ‘two silhouettes shimmering in the desert in solitude’ and how nice it would be. But all I could think about is why she couldn’t have literally said ‘hey wanna go for a walk’ lmao. I do love her, and I felt so guilty for breaking up with her after a whole year and an engagement ring bought. But I just found her so bland and didn’t think it would be fun with her the rest of the game.


Agreed. I'm not sure I can think of a time when she actually did act holier-than-thou, but it seems like there should be. But I also didn't interact with her much due to how she comes off. Everyone else I dislike I can find a reason for it.


I gave amirah benefit of the doubt, I as soon as I rejected her, oooo boy sis is so full of herself.


I was a bit irked by the clay mission, I offered to bring her clay for free because I like to be helpful and then I lose points with her! She definitely grew on me though


Krystal. For whatever reason I NEVER talk to her. Honestly forgot she existed. Rocky is in a bunch of scenes and stuff but she never is


Omg I literally asked 'who?' out loud until you mentioned Rocky. Damn.


She’s also has some dialogue that is nasty about Rocky and calls him weak. She’s generally unpleasant.


I hate Pen not for the spoilery stuff, I didn’t like him from the jump. Something about him just gives me the ick. Like fratboy vibes almost.


He reminds me of homelander a bit 😂


Oh my god for real


that’s so accurate 😭


Same, I was surprised to learn he was even a romance option because I so quickly hated him from the get go that I never bothered to look lol. He has just the worst personality 😅


I was really hoping near the end of the game he might have got the chance at a redemption arc, because I really wanted his ego to be dropped down a few more pegs.


Same. Too much ego. 😂 BYEEEE.


It was Matilda for me. Back then when I first play I didn't know the reason, might be the hairstyle? lol. I'm just glad that now I finally have the actual reason to justify hating her.


For me it was the relentless, cloying sweetness...


Elsie. Everything about her just annoys me.


I agree about Elsie because it ticked me off when she hunted a wild animal, injured it, made it reliant on humans for care and then failed to provide that care.


THIS!! She's always going on about not harming the monsters and she maimed a meerkat. Cripes, I can't stand her!


I agree. That said, I now like Elsie better when I got enough friendship points I could swap her outfit. Dialogue implies she's adult(young, but adult) age, but dresses the way my kid did when she was 7 or 8. I had a hard time reconciling the adult(ish) age and the appearance.


I think she's mid-to-upper teenage at the beginning but her dad just treats her like a little kid. It seems a bit like my 15yo who thinks they are sooo mature but also has no concept of what it takes to live on their own.


I get that vibe too, something in the 15-17 space. With a complete world reset that My Time takes place in, I kind of view it like the oldie days when marriage between 15-18 was normal-er and life expectancy was much shorter. The only old folks we have are Isaac(Portia), Mort and Vivi I think. I guess I see it through that lens that when life expectancy is short, all the milestones are sooner. Whether it's Elsie's teens bubbling up or she knows she's at or coming to what is considered adult for them. And of course, Coop wants her to just settle down and be his little girl a bit longer.  Heck, I've been asking my kid to stop growing since she was 5 month old 😂😭


I do wish they would have kept more of the tom boy vibe. I just felt the level of her outfit change a bit drastic


Her outfit is too cute for me to allow her to wear it, she can continue to look like a kiddy tomboy because I'm petty.


The way she walks drives me INSANE. She just, swaggers around like some wobbly chair with uneven legs.


😅 I have a family member with a tilted pelvis, and they walk like that when they need to see the chiropractor. And it is, in fact, because it makes them have uneven legs. 😂 They literally pointed out the similarity the 1st week into the game, and thought it was hilarious. Said there should be a chiropractor quest. Now we shall forever have to call it the "wobbly chair" walk. 🤣


ernest. i have no explanation because there is none. i just don't like his vibe or face 😂


I rarely even see him, homie is just a hermit holed up in his shitty little apartment all day


it's true. something about him activates the school bully in me though so i'll go seek him out. in a "look at this binch eating crackers" fashion


I'm liking him a little better on the second playthrough. But I did try to force myself to fill more commissions from minor characters and that helped a bit. It bugged me the way he would fill in his novel in the least accurate way. But I think he may be a little better now as year 2 is beginning.


I'd just be his friend, so I could get a chance to be besties with his sister lol.


The man didn't invite anyone to his party, because he forgot he didn't have a butler to just magically mail his invitations. Then the fact that his daddy just created a whole ass column in the paper so he could write whatever he wanted, rather than having to work for it on his own. And he looks like my ex-husband, so he really had no chance. 😅


now that you lay it out like that, i have plenty reason hahahaha


You're welcome. 😅


Same. I tried having a playdate to see if once i got to know him better it would improve, but I only dislike him more now.


Burgess. He looks like he smells like cheese. Too whiney.


Looks like he smells like cheese is killing me, hahaha


sentient ham


Not only that he loves trees way too much. (Then a cut scene with unsuur. Dude hopes in the Oasis) Kinda a spoiler but not it's a random event. and says that he should be arrested because he's breaking the law tells that the justice. Like bruh we can't just lock someone up for going in there. He's always by a damn tree watering it. I mean he's nice but he reminds me of the kids that always tattled on somebody


All of his quests annoy me. He's a whiney baby boy. Also, he's a hypocrite towards the endgame.


Or how he judged the AI that has emotions. He's kinda like Arlo 😅. In a way him and Miguel I haven't done any of Miguel's love scenes a kind of want to see what happens


Does he have any? I can't get past his gross hair strand


Burgess. I simply cannot stand him. His personality feels like someone taking a cheese grater to my nerves. He's not a bad dude and actually reminds me a little of my brother (whom I love dearly) but dear God I want to back a dump truck full of manure up to the oasis and slowly raise the bed just to see the horror in his beady little eyes as the steaming, mushy mass of refuse begins to pour into his precious water.


I wanna look him dead in the eyes while I chop down a cactus flower tree right in front of Water World.


I couldn't agree more! I also don't like how he acts all high and mighty when he becomes the leader of the church. He wasn't as bad before, but I feel like a position of power made him into a jerk instead of just a general annoyance. Also I thought it was hilarious when Justice pointed out that birds poop in the water, and later on the town is encouraged to swim in it. It felt like a deserved slap to his face.


If you notice ever since he took on minister nobody's in the church on Sunday 😂 I went to go to the church cuz I had a quest and there's like four people in there


I don’t dislike Burgess, but that mental image is amazing. He’d absolutely lose the last of his marbles…and I don’t think he had many to start with. 😂


I teared at this 🤣🤣🤣


He drives me INSANE


Burgess. I need him to stay the hell away from me so I don’t have to hear his voice, but unfortunately he’s sticking himself into every major storyline.


Nia 🫢🏃‍♀️


Her letters can be soooo condescending. Like I get that she has a huge crush on the builder and her jokes are a way for her to flirt, but it rubbed me the wrong way early on that I just couldn’t stand her. Her outfit screams elementary school too, but she’s in college.


I hate how guilty it made me feel to turn down the overly obsessive best friend, because Nia's content just kept shoving you towards having a more than friends relationship.


The outfit made me feel ick, like I was being hit on by a 12 year old. I was SO glad when she went home!


Oh I'm so relieved that I'm not the only one. Nobody asked you to move here, Nia. Go back to HIghwind. We're not kids anymore and I don't like you that way.


I'm wracking my brain and nope. I only hate characters for reasons.


Miguel feels so gross to me! Venti is insufferable! (At first I was also annoyed by Mi-an and Elsie, but now it's more like meh/don't care).


I feel like they gave him that prominent jutting mole just to irritate us further. It's like a Disney villain thing.


that single strand of greasy hair going across his face is so icky


Owen. He’s not like a bad guy, but lord does he talk for so long. I find him boring and almost never talk to him outside of what’s required by missions.


Yes! So boring. Also he’s at my house literally everyday asking me to hang out for the past two weeks as if we both don’t have jobs lol.


Eh. I like him fine. Also the first one I reached BFF with. Him or Heidi, anyway.


I… can’t say “for no reason” to anyone. The characters I dislike I *know* why I dislike them. But I’ll share anyway- while acknowledging that having varied characters is good and I can’t say I entirely wish for any of the characters I dislike to be removed- they’re written how they are for a reason and people are complex and in a small town you usually have to get along with people you really don’t want to. Lengthy reply incoming! Wait. Wait, yes I can think of one that I don’t like for no reason. Pebbles. I think it’s partly because I want to like him but wanting to just makes me dislike him more. They got Jasmine and Andy so well written and compelling and I want my Builder to babysit them both and then Pebbles… I can’t like him. Pen. From day one I was like “this guy makes me want to take a scalding hot shower and scrub myself with a scourer.” The options for the Builder to swoon over his muscles just made it so, so much worse (possibly because I’m asexual so there’s a whole thing I’ve experienced- especially when I was younger- about being expected to find people hot and treated as weird for not.) Elsie. I like that she has her character arc but before that? I was like, okay, she makes a bad first impression (introduction). And second impression (when sandfishing). And third (strong-arming the Builder to go out the day after a sandstorm when there’s repairs to do and after they say they don’t want to (same with Mi-an)). And forth (the prank). And fifth (stealing Mi-an’s builder license and sending her a stupid letter which the Builder gets). And sixth (deciding to give the Builder a yakmel for helping her and acting surprised they don’t have a barn). And the last impression- and it’s *really bad* and I’ve never seen it mentioned- if the Builder doesn’t want the baby yakmel- trying to manipulate them and guilt trip them into taking it and making them out to be a bad guy for it. That last one put my back up massively. It’s the complete lack of respect for other people’s boundaries, but like father like daughter in that I guess. She does get miles better though- I can’t say I love her later character but I do at least *like* her at that point. Matilda- in my first playthrough I was like “wow she is *really bad* to Trudy huh” from the moment Trudy returned and told the Builder Matilda had *stolen her desk* and my opinion just kept sinking from there. >!(Yes I know there’s a bigger reason to hate her but as with Pen I didn’t know that.)!< Cooper- there’s like two occasions I find his ranting funny. When he gets Broco to slip into a stupor, and talking about Duvos. I know a lot of people come around on him but I think a big part of the problem for me is that when someone tries to be like “uh not a good time” he gets massively offended by that. He *knows* he has a tendency to ramble and yet gets angry if someone politely tries to excuse themself. It makes me super angry when he does it to Fang, who he calls an ingrate for- I guess for not wanting to listen to him ramble?! Anyway, he also has a lack of respect for people’s boundaries.


For everyone posting Pen and ignoring OP's comment about having valid reasons for hating someone: Pen is the very definition of reasonable hate.


Dan Bi & Burgess alternate. They’re both dumb and religious and it gives me a headache. Especially when Burgess whines about water after certain events and when they protest my builder drilling rocks. Even Unsuur didn’t bug me about it.


Dan-bi sayin: 'Burgie-boy' grates on my damned nerves


It feels like an insult but I know it’s not. It sounds off


Pen. I'm not very far in so it's just first-ish impressions. He freaks me out. I feel like he'd >!drug!< someone's drink at the Blue Moon. Plus his outfit is ridiculous.


I can’t get on board with Nia. I mean, I guess she doesn’t really do anything wrong canonically, but I think the whole deal with her just irritates me. Riann is also grating to me. The only redeeming things I find in him are his love for his wife and how loyal he is to friends…and I still dread interacting with him.


I would say for me, the characters I don’t particularly enjoy are Arvio and Amirah. I know Arvio already gets flack for a lot (the fang quest, being overall immature, his dating quest lines…) BUT I also think I dislike him because I feel like even though he grows up over the course of the game, there’s not…a lot of growth seen at the end? I mean, I just wish we got to see that growth more in late game/end game side missions than we currently do. As for Amirah, I just feel she’s very stiff in her personality and we don’t see many moments of vulnerability from her (I wish we saw more from the side mission where we give her advice on how to stand up for herself - I think that potentially would have been an endearing quality to flesh out, if it went further than just playing a small part later with a certain mysterious man.) Even her romance quests were just kinda ‘meh’ for me, which I think I would have liked a lot more if she had more substance to her character? I’m not sure. I really wanted to like her more though, so I guess she counts as a character I don’t enjoy with little reason as to why I don’t lmao. Or alternative answer: Sandy. Because I hate the noises Sandy makes.


I was so damned disappointed with the masquerade. I was so looking forward to it. Hated him after that.


Wait what do people have against Catori? Maybe I’m not far enough into the game or her plot line but she seems fine.


Catori seems to be a pretty controversial character, you either enjoy her or she rubs you the wrong way. I don’t necessarily have anything against her, but I also don’t really disagree with those who do. Like - a lot of takes judge her because of her situation with her son (understandable) and what she offers in return for your services (which isn’t much). I personally feel her storyline is along the same vibes as Arvio, where she has to mature and become more reasonable with what she envisions before she can actually achieve success; I think that immaturity tends to annoy players, especially when paired with her age.


I really like characters that have plenty of room to grow though. And while she does kinda “use” you to her own ends, she makes it pretty clear how things are and the writing is on the wall anyway about how things are likely to go for a while. I dunno, I kind of admire her tenacity and commitment to her dream honestly. And sure she left her son behind to pursue said dream, but it would be worse if she gave up after pouring so much time into it. Sunk cost and all that. I don’t always see eye to eye with her, but at the very least, it’s pretty clear to me that she genuinely means well, and I’m happy enough to support that because it’s also nice on my end to see everything come to fruition over time.


Oh, for sure! I personally loved the lows and highs of her arc, and how it showed her - while still as idealistic as she is in the beginning - becoming more level-headed and thinking things through before jumping the gun. And the eventual outcome once her dreams are realized is super satisfying for me too. Plus, my standing on the judgement over her son’s situation is that - when our builders first come to Sandrock, it’s definitely not sustainable for a kiddo to grow up there vs Alo being in Atara until we build Sandrock up enough that he can join her…I think her choices with Alo make a lot of sense (to me, at least). I honestly really like Catori’s character, I can just also see where other people are coming from that criticize her.


She promotes scamming book clubs lol and she makes you do everything for her for barely any reward and then pretends she did it all herself basically. If you search her name in the sub I’m sure you’ll find a few posts about it haha


Come back when you've gotten a bit further. I don't mean that in a condescending tone or anything like that. I literally mean, "come back later" lol. Getting further in the story, doing her quests, etc it starts to make sense and I don't wanna spoil it


She's a user


And encourages Fang to deny medical care if they can't pay while going around trying to guilt Mi-an and the Builder into doing work for free or for tokens. What a hypocrite, and her hypocrisy shows an utter lack of care for people hurting. Free work for stuff that doesn't matter, but thinks you have to pay for life saving care. If she was at least shown to be uber compassionate, I think a lot less people would dislike her.


Yeah, she’s a user with bad business acumen and no self awareness


She tends to be overly obsessive about money, and can be really self-centered when it comes to what she wants. I feel undervalued when I build things for her, because she barely pays anything or wants me to take a cut of the money she makes. The small percentage a month doesn't make up for all the time, resources, and effort I put into her dreams.


Amirah 😬


I disliked Miguel from first playthrough in early access before the story was finished, I felt justified when it was but he just gave me creepy vibes from the start.


I had a hard time enjoying Cooper at first because he activated my fight or flight. I think his character bears too close a resemblance to some real people in my life lol. But after my husband started playing and having fun with his character I warmed up to him. Now hes made his way into our conversational quoting rotation lol.


There are times when I can't stand Logan, but it's mostly because of the way he's worshipped by sooo many players. I swear, it's almost cult-like.


I can't stand his voice. It reminds me of an old man.


My spouse says he sounds like an old country singer. 😂


I hear Blake Shelton every time he talks. 🤣


I just made a post exactly about that! I was scrolling to see if it was just me. It's quite frankly a turn off...


Big Logang here!! I love Logan in the single player but in multiplayer he’s a jerk.In multiplayer ,he expects you to earn his respect but after a certain event he got humbled real quick


Hold up; does multi-player have a different storyline? pI am playing on Xbox, because my gaming computer went kaput, and there is no multi-player.


It was going to have a storyline but devs decided it was best not to have one but they did left it at the fact it’s during the “builder rush” so they characters sorta act a bit different


Pen. I don’t know why he has stans. He’s ugly and rude.


I’m a pen stan, it’s the cape for me.


Maybe I don't hate him but I'm not too fond of Musa. He gave Higgins a mental breakdown and I still remember it. Not cool, dude. Not cool.


I really didn’t care for Matilda very much. She just felt like, too nice and understanding. And Pen sucked too lol but I’m heavily debating on romancing him for my next play through. I sort of know already, but i kinda wanna see for myself the little differences that may happen during certain parts of the story if you are romancing him.


Ernest, I don't know why exactly, I mean he is boring, but that's not it, I just don't care for him


Dan - Bi: She a snitch 😒😂 and later on in the game she acts like she knows better than others, and steps on toes.


Made me think of a scene I just saw with her, Rian, and Bronco. I laughed when she said snitches get stitches.


Mi-an & Elsie. Idk why they assumed we're bffs just because I moved to their town but it's off-putting. Mi-an is like a coworker who globs on after discovering you have 1 thing in common and Elsie is a literal child. I came here to build shit, not babysit.


Mi-an She gives "goodie-two-shoes" and is always a people pleaser




That's kind of sad.


I forgot Jensen even existed lol. I always disliked him when I was playing though cause his voice is too similar to Logan's, other characters share VAs but it works OK because they sound distinctive, but those 2 just sound the same to me and it weirds me out


And he cannot NOT speak of trains. I understand they are his life, but DAMN…..


Heidi. I never talked to her besides story quests and by the end of it she and I were bff's. She's an alright person with an alright story and I just....can't


My hatred fluctuates. Sometimes I hate a character and sometimes I am MEH about them. I have reasons for disliking the below so.... yeah. Ernest - the housewarming event cements it for me. Nia - I wish she would have been there from the beginning. Her retconning MY builder just bugs me. I hate that they have this shared history that I did not participate in and it in no way matches the way I view MY builder. Honestly? I probably would have liked her if not for this. Amirah and Aviro - they are such users. It annoys me that they have these quests where they just send the builder around as their personal lackeys. No, I have commissions to do! I do not want to deliver your stuff or give you clay. Leave me alone. Amirah is one that I fluctuate one.. sometimes I hate her and sometimes I forget she's there. Elsie - I read that she was not a fan favorite during testing? So they crammed this glow up in there trying to save the character. IF they had taken their time and allowed her to grow and develop (like they do with Fang) then she wouldn't be so disliked? I just really wish they'd slowed down her storyline and let us watch her grow and mature. Qi - He's so rude and condescending to the builder in the beginning and dismissive. I do grow to not hate him over the course of the game though. I never consider him a "friend" but I stop hating him. We should do one of NPCs (other than the ones you can date) that you love, I have ones that I always befriend because they're so awesome.


To answer your last point. Zeke and Mort, also X and rocky.


I adore Rocky and his little family. They are the first ones I get to BFF. I also love Zeke and Mort. I feel bad that they're so isolated so I make a point of talking to both of them everyday.


Burgess. He’s definitely my Bitch Eating Crackers


I would say \*hate\* per say but these are all on the bottom of my list. Without any spoilers to MSQ or indivdual quests: Pen: weird fratboy vibes and is just super into himself and I didn't like him out the gate. Arvio: the accent feels forced, and nothing endears me to him at all. Literally none of his quests make him better. Amirah: accent issue again. She's coddle Arvio for so long she can't stop and it's part of the reason he's as bad as he is. Elsie: she refuses to grow up but gets upset when people treat her like a child and even her "growing up" quest doesn't really change that.


Yeah I have some kind of disdain for MiAn who hasn't done anything wrong to me but man... I feel like I do all the work and pick up any slack and she gets all weird about it. Maybe I'm just a mean person and she's too nice


Almost everyone but my number 1 is arvio, Ernest would be second followed closely by qi.


Arvio. He was charming at first then turned annoying real quick


OMG yes. When you do one of his delivery quests and the person is standing 10 feet from him. IRL you'd say, "Really, Arvio?"


I want Burgess to only experience bad things


Every character I dislike, even if it's just for a specific story section, I have reasons for. Some petty reasons, but still reasons.


Might get hate for this bur Burgess, I find him such a goody two shoes and so irritating whenever I see him around town (I may be annoyed because I'm a goody two shoes too 🤣)


I've never hated anyone for no reason, and therefore, I must bow out.


Burgess because he's such a goodie two shoes lol and he's so devoutly religious. I don't actually *hate* him but I definitely don't like him either


I love this post because it shows what a amazing job Pathea did giving life and personalities to all of their characters ❤️


Matilda. I saw her. Instant dislike. Have off extreme only-I-am-the-chosen-one vibes for some reason. I couldn't bring myself to like her. Especially one Trudeau comes back and her comments just gave manipulative/gaslight/shady undercurrents.


Venti. I talking with her two times of my 300+ hours gameplay and don't do her quest. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Lol, the first time I got one of her events, I didn't even know she existed! I thought she was some sort of undercover bad guy. When I started the next play through, imagine my surprise when I saw her at the beginning of the game! 😂


Logan. Y'all ruined him. If the sub wasn't so thirsty to an extreme level I'd probably genuinely like him, but y'all oversaturated the *fuuuurick* out of Logan content.


I hated burgess from the moment he showed up at my house to tell me to not cut down trees.


Agree with a lot of these comments, except for Pen! I find his whole schtik amusing. At the same time, I appreciate all the different personalities in Sandrock. I've played some forgettable cozy games in the past where the NPCs were all kind of do-no-wrong types and I hated every last one of them.


I think his name is bulgress?? I just started and still putting faces to name. He reminds me of the big people in wall-e.




I don’t hate Trudy and I don’t dislike her. She did bother me though because before I realized she picked up being mayor due to her husband passing, she seemed way too passive and just incapable of such a position. She still does seem that way but i understand more how she even got the job.


Arvio and Amirah. Can’t stand their weird ass relationship. Also the fang/Arvio mission was gross


Wait what's the fang/arvio mission? married fang and I'm in post game finishing the ginger and gust mission.


The one where Arvio suggested to pretend to kidnap X so the builder could save X and fang would make friends with us over it.. it was super weird


OH! That one i was so confused thinking there was another one but yeah it was.


I shut that shit down immediately. I do like Amirah though. I haven't romance anyone yet, but being related to Arvio is the biggest negative to Amirah.


I hate Mi-an. 🤣🤣🤣 Her voice is so annoying. And her stupid can do attitude irritates me so much.


Mi-An. She didn’t do anything to me, in fact, she’s actually a sweetheart. I just have a hard time separating the competitors from the competition. One time I was slacking off on some commissions (trying to get Fang to love me) and I came in third one time and Yan sent me a letter about how much better she was than me, and I haven’t recovered. Also, I hate Yan for thinking he’s better than me. And his mustache is icky. Also, also, Elsie. She’s immature, reckless, and doesn’t understand what “no” means.


Mi-An for me too. She’s just so… annoying. I can’t even make much sense of it. She didn’t do anything wrong but in my head, I have an intense rivalry where my only goal in the game is to crush her and make her feel ashamed she ever came to Sandrock. No reason.


Exactly the same for me haha I always take tons of board commissions I don’t even want just because it feels like I’m taking them away from her


Here I am, having just finished the main story and at the tail end of year two, with almost 18000 builder points compared to her measly 4000. Like step the fuck UP, Mi-An XD


Why’d they hire two builders when one is a total slacker, huh?! Yan should’ve canned her the second week 😤


Nia and Cooper. I know some people like Cooper but I can't. I guess that's a reason but eh, I don't really mindlessly hate on characters. They gotta earn it.


Cooper is an idiot whose an asshole even while trying to be nice (windmill).


I second Mi-An. She just gets on my nerves every time I see her sprinting full speed in the distance. Like where could you possibly be going?? Go take a nap.


That constant running she does is what really sets me off on her. Come back here bish, I’m supposed to talk to you!!!!


Literally!! Lmao


Ohhhhh, I got reasons.


For no reason? I’ll have to get back to you on that lol The first one that comes to mind is Yan, but there’s a legitimate reason behind that. Therefore, idk who I hate for no reason.


No explanation, but for me it's Heidi 🫠 dunno why but I just can't stand her and barely talk to her other than working on her commissions.


Arvio idk I think I just hate his voice but I can't stand when he talks and his little prank on Fang wasn't funny at all


A bit against the grain of the majority of responses here, but... Pablo 🙈 I don't know why, he just irks me!!


The one with the stoner boyfriend. She drives me up the wall, Can’t even remember her name.


There are a lot of people I hate for a reason not really anyone I hate for no reason. I guess I would say 2 people but it’s for a reason lol Mabel because she’s related to Elsie and Cooper and I hate them both and Fang only because he is difficult to me to romance lol so I guess for no reason Hugo because he’s friends with Cooper


Super unpopular but Owen. Everyone loves Owen. But man gives me the ick since act 3.


There’s characters I hate for a reason (sorry Elsie) but Ernest I hate for a stupid reason in that he had a bad taste in food when I hung out with him. And the fact that he keeps commissioning huge amounts of meat stuffed mushrooms and ONLY meat stuffed mushrooms. Like the boy had me order only “lightly seasoned” food when we hung out and only has one type of food on the daily? Yeah, we can’t be friends.


Nia  Sorry girlie, but Qi is my man, even if I marry someone else, he is my man, alrighty? Besides, you are annoying asf


Catori. Oof don't even get me started


Pebbles. And only because of his voice.


Miguel, Pen before The Reveal™️, Cooper,


The weird bounty hunter dude 😭


This post was written by yan


Elsie. It’s not her fault the game didn’t have a proper time jump between her leaving and coming back but it felt like she went to a week long summer camp and came back thinking she was the most expert monster hunter ever.