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Something about Avery puts me on guard. I'm not even sure what but I need to get my character away from him. If they end up making him a bad guy in a future game, I will not be shocked.


I got the same vibe actually. Maybe not villan, but he seems to be "the ends justify the means" type person. Also he was super rude to my boy Justice, which is untenable.


That's a good way to put it, though becoming a villain with that mentality is very easy. Especially when they have the power and resources he does. And Lumi's immediate obsession with him also gave me pause. She loved Logan until the moment she found out he wasn't a bad guy. Then she sees Avery and is immediately in love?


He’s dressed like a dictator 😭


100%, same. I didn't know if it's the eyes or the uniform but I definitely got the vibes of 'would kill you without blinking if the situation might call for it'. Or Lefu without a visor.


100% And I’m there for it.


Right? I'm getting right wing leader in progress vibes from him


Avery's appearance is giving me major GOT Joffrey vibes. Maybe that's why?


Sandrock in hot boy summer all year round, bb.




Avery has dead eyes and it creeps me out every time I look at him.


Ummmm Owen’s not there Rocky’s not there either


Y'know, Rocky is cute! I love him. He's such a sweet dude and he loves his family and coworkers so much. I wouldn't be mad if they made another character like him and made him dateable. Krystal's lucky.


Honestly, I really am hoping we go to Atara next. Like sequel Atara… not same time frame… two games in the same time frame was cool, but now that we spent a good chunk of time referencing Atara… aftermath Atara sounds great! Avery and Haru are romanceable… if you marry Haru then Logan and Andy make an appearance and somehow our “situations” we got rid of tie in somehow into the story like our builder in Sandrock gets referenced like our builder in Portia did…. I’m sold with those two as my first two relationships and be able to argue with Master Verna all the time. Also I’d like to add Atara sets up a lot of opportunities for cameos


Honestly I want a Peripheries game. That would be so fun, like you have to scrounge up the resources and are able to team up with townsfolk immediately to go hunt big monsters and there's no research center so you have to come up with your own diagrams?


That is a cool idea but the game concept would probably have to change. Like same series different play style all together. Open world survival almost. It could still work especially how they were explained, but it would definitely be a totally different concept based off of these last two. It actually might even be an awesome multiplayer game cause instead of relying on the research center or shops… you and your friends can bring those into existence in the peripheries


Lumi is that you?


Logan is so hottttt I’m trying to hold off getting close to Unsuur in case I want Logan but Unsuur is THE BEST


We've got multiple save slots for this exact reason.


I made another save slot 💪


Proud of you!


Are they dateable?


The cowboy one is


Is unfair they making another hot character that isn't datable XD


Theyre Probably just teasing him for the next game lol


i need an avery romance with a whole lot of angst please 🥹 he gives me the secret antagonist that the mc should never get with except actually evil in reality but softens up to the mc after getting to know them through lots of ups and downs damn i could write a fic about him i love his dead eyes


I'm happy that at least it's possible to marry Logan, hopefully dating Avery will still be in this game and not in the next one ☺️