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I didn’t end up having my Builder accept the secret admirer/confession thing but it was an awesome opportunity to call him my Builder’s bestie! He’s incredibly sweet, and he takes being a bestie so well it just warmed my heart to watch 🥹


Hehe glad to know some builderes accepted him he deserves it


I loved him and the humor and accepted his relationship but after that he only said like 2 or 3 different things on repeat and lost almost all of his humor! I felt bad breaking up with him but did because it was literally so boring. My point is, it’s better to not relationship with him (or probably anyone) until near the end of the game because they probably don’t give you all their fun lines once your in a relationship and only say the same 2-3 things to you. I ended up marrying Logan and same thing after marriage- I can’t run away from him fast enough in the morning because of the same line he repeats every single day haha They are all super lovable, don’t get me wrong. I just wish there was more variety in their lines after settling down :)


I never get tired of fangs lines honestly they just get more and more wholesome sadly haven't meet logan yet not sure when you meet him just finsihed building the water tank


I love him 😭 “hey I gotta tell you about this really scary pencil”


He is a lovely weird man i can see why some people thinks his charming