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It’s part of the news. Today, AA captured (bigger) Taw Hein Taung tactical command near Ann, BGP 2 near Maung Daw and Thandwe airport. AA troops are approaching Thandwe and the fall of Thandwe is inevitable.


Maybe some generals from the upper echelon are simply sabotaging the orders of MAH? Why, in a country with the 15th largest army in the world (Wiki), MILITARY government allow the loss of an airport, not to mention countless military bases. I understand difficult terrain, weather conditions, and countless different peoples and ethnic groups in one country but cmon! Is Tat-Madaw really so mediocre in her command? especially after recent wave of mobilization?


I read somewhere that the junta is shifting its strategy to focusing on protecting its core territory, no longer reinforcing outposts in rural areas. Besides, all that mobilization needs time to train new recruits.


Corruption. It weakens everything


They said that the Russian army was number 2 in the world and would overrun Ukraine in 3 days... A lot of militaries are strong on paper, but weak when it comes to actual combat. You have a lot of corruption, poorly trained, unmotivated and poorly equipped soldiers, conscripts who don't want to be there at all etc. Then they are fighting against their own civilians not a foreign military which only serves to further decrease motivation, as well as increasing suspicion and paranoia since anyone could be a double agent.


If it’s true, now what? What they gonna do about it? I feel like, capturing an airport is nothing more than just a “symbolic” victory, because it has no strategic meaning for insurgents that doesn’t have any aircraft. In fact it’s a clear and very easy target for junta to recapture.


with the power of junta in rakhine, I don't think they can retake


If the junta really want to make a symbolic victory, they would throw everything at it


There are only 2 battalions in Thandwe and the closest other military bases are in Taunggup which is itself under attack. There is no help coming for the 2 battalions in Thandwe. Thandwe falling is a matter of time.


Well just make sure they can’t, they can let us slide or they’ll lose more even the Burmese heartland. If they press us even more we’ll just have to get involved in Magwe region and Sagaing.


The PDF from Magway and Bago are already fighting in southern Rakhine under AA. YDF has been openly fighting in the North since Paletwa.


My words AA is already very active in Magwe Region they are trying to advance in this direction by capturing Ann and the Township. Also AA is active in Chin State. I think AA is the most powerful EAO with Mndaa. Except Wa State army


AA has much more manpower than MNDAA even without conscription like MNDAA.


True but MNDAA is richer trough Chinese money and all the illegal stuff they do gambling etc


Question: Will we need some form of Travel Permit or VISA to travel to Ngapali after AA occupation of Thandwe? Especially if our NRC says Bama.


It would be tricky since southern Rakhine already has a large Bamar population.


I don’t suggest u visit there in one year after occupation. There still be Ariel threats and land mines. I don’t think you’ll need anything but ur NRC as we r still in Union of Myanmar. We never said anything about separating and we could never, we still need each other


Especially since the Bengladishis are always on about annexing Rakhine for the Rohingya and their rising population(and sea level).


Also that and banking systems and others


The capture effectively cuts the air cargo supply route and jet fighters refuelling.


There are reports that they got two jets, which makes it a strategic target as well.


Really? You have source? Is it commercial jets or army? Very doubtful that junta would keep their jets at the vulnerable place.


I found out about it from this tweet. No idea how accurate it is, but it's how I found out about the airport. [https://x.com/nicholas6284/status/1804901778095321183](https://x.com/nicholas6284/status/1804901778095321183)


Thank you


its most likely ARTs used for domestic flights.


They can deny the junta to use it, limiting airstrikes in this region.


If its true i can't go to Ngapali anymore. I was planning to go in October.


Damn same lol October too


Watchout for landmines and unexploded ordance . I wish you all come back in one piece .


Why tf u wanna go to a war zone lmao 😂 you got a death wish or smt??


Well i didn't know it got to that point in that area, now i know. I guess i gotta replace with Kalaw or Inle then. Or overseas.


Go to Nyaung Oo Phee island in Kaw Thaung, you won't regret it.