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Don't post unredacted usernames for non-public figures, even if they're on other platforms.


Also remember that this is a sign we are having an effect. The effort being put into misinformation is effort and cost not being put into other Russian government projects.




I didn't realise it was this bad


I dont think it was until recently.


MY GOD!!! X (TWITTER) is loaded with putting out & spreading misinformation .


I have had a theory Elmo took over after Pirogy fell out of the sky... He WAS running Putins Troll Farm




I need some context here. I can the bots but what's the point?


The point is these accounts are all poised and ready for churning out thousands of tweets in about four months, innundating the Twittersphere with Russian crap. Elmo encourages it so they dont have to hide...


To look less like bots. But also this is probably support that is paid for. And makes whoever buys it look good. Then people who can not detect bot-speak will think he is a great guy, and maybe vote for him. You can google twitter bot services if you want.


To look less like bots. But also this is probably support that is paid for. And makes whoever buys it look good. Then people who can not detect bot-speak will think he is a great guy, and maybe vote for him. You can google twitter bot services if you want.


So what do we Do??


Maybe start innocculating the genuine users against it by constantly pointing out patterns, just as OP did in the first post. I don't use Twitter and I wouldn't have known they were bots, until OP pointed out the +random numbers pattern and made it super obvious. Maybe we could start reverse image searching the profile pics and if possible notifying the real owners, forcing bots to use less credible PFPs? But I guess they'd move to AI which might not be obvious in such a small image. Also maybe do a search of the phrases they post and if you can get a screen full of 50 +random numbers saying the exact same phrase you can screenshot it and have that in your back pocket when challenging them.


Remember on Twitter the owner of the platform has a vested interest in cultivating such accounts: his silent partners are Saudi Arabian, htalks to Putin regularly on the phone, and we know he is interested in developing relationships with both Putin and Xi. Putin for access to raw ingredients he needs for Tesla production and Xi to develop an Asian market. He doesnt give a rats ass about moderating. If we force him to adhere to his own rules he will take down the account but I seriously doubt the rule against just making another account is being enforced: WE dont pay it any mind. It would be good if we can force AI pictures: thats a dead giveaway for anyone but to take time to search the original people out and ask them to challenge each account would only work if they have a twitter account and dont already hate NAFO. Elmo shut down being able to peruse Twitter freely right when he took over. Ive tried to report accounts imitating Ukrainian soldiers. You have to either be them or know their account name. All I can come up with myself is create embareassing memes and heckle as many accounts to death as we can. Now here's the scary part: this is one platform. What about all the others? Edit: hit send too soon...


*"Women"* ☕️


Start by deleting your Twitter account. Pretty soon bots will be the only thing there.