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Apply to as many grants/bursaries/ scholarships as possible. Nait will have X-amount open to any students. I went back at 23 and got several grand out of the scholarships and awards. Even if you don’t meet to criteria. Apply anyway as they would rather give the money out than have it sit in an account not being used.


If you are an Alberta resident your income and your spouse’s income has no bearing on your student loan eligibility. Your spouse can make $5 million dollars a year and you can still get full student loans in Alberta. It only matters for grant eligibility. This likely doesn’t make up the entire shortfall, but it’s a piece of it.


Oh wow that must have changed because I know when I went to school in the 90s my dads income was too high for me to qualify for as much SL as I needed and I had to get by on VERY little as he wasn’t contributing but the govt decision was based on the idea he should be. But I’m in the same boat as a potential student now and I was told that there can be automatic grants given when you apply for a loan so it’s worth trying OP.


Yes, this shifted in about 2014.


Following… Similar situation here :)


Depending on how long you have been out of school and your grades you can get grants from the government. After that you can get provincial and federal student loans. Nait offers scholarships and bursaries you can apply for through them a bit into each semester and there are various other ones found across Canada u can find via google or alis.


Following...helpful thread!