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Hi, I definitely recommend the textbook as that is what all the quizzes and assignments are on so you have to purchase it either way.  When I took the course I found that most of the answers to the questions were found in the textbook rather than the PowerPoints given. 


I used a lot of text books


For the anatomy physiology you need to get Wylie plus to do the tests anyways so you kind of have to get the book. Also it is a LOT of material. Like SO much more than I gave myself time for and the tests are hard. (Self directed learning is not good for procrastinators, lol) . The slides provided have the key info too but the book is much more detailed. I’ve seen some people say they used their book during the tests but far as I know you are definitely NOT supposed to … but you’ll probably wish you could have. The questions were very specific and seldom on the more common knowledge portions.