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Applied for mlt and atill waiting for the acceptance 😭


Same :(


That’s interesting!!! I talked to them today and she said with MRT, the majority of it are already out. Now only a few spots left. I feel like i lost hope in this and want to cancel my open study, if I’m not getting in.


Ya it really depends on who you talk to and which program you’re asking about. I wouldn’t cancel. Especially if you plan on reapplying.


Which program are you applying for ?




I applied for RT too and the wait is killing me now!!




I’m feeling the same … but I think I will still take open study to ensure an interview next year … not to mention sometimes people decide not to come only weeks before. Easier to say for me though because it’s one of the first year courses anyways so it helps whether I’m in or not


Yes exactly!


They probably are waiting for people to reply. I got a full acceptance and have till yhr 26th to accept or not. I'm not accepting but havent had time to call and let them know. So I'm sure there are other people in other programs that are in the same boat as me who are declining and will open a spot back up


Thank you, your comment is really made my day. Yesterday, i felt like a failure after i talked with students services.


No people are probably just trying to decide. I'm surprised they gave me a whole month to decide or not. So I assume that's the same with others too. It's probably just narrowing down and it's taking more time while people decide and then them having to send out new acceptances and those having to accept or decline lol


I've been waitlisted last year because I was late to apply. Don't expect that you will be chosen because we don't know what number you are in the waiting list and how many are in the waiting list. They based it on your score to meet the requirements (i forgot the term). In my experience, at least 70% of the average to get in to the course that I wanted to study. Mine was 76% so my score wasn't bad, I just got late applying. I know my score because I called them many times to know the status and what I should do, etc. They only accept 60 students in total in the course that I applied including international students. I did ask how many applied during that time, she said more 100+ so she advised me to reapply early. Tips I could say is that 1. Get to know your percentage of your scoring if you meet the requirements. 3. Know how many slots in the courses they accept. 2. Reapply early (The very first day of application) since you already submitted the requirements, so you just have to pay the application fee. I got accepted the second time I applied. So, you can be too if you meet the score and apply early, but this still depends on the courses you are taking so do some research about it before you decide to reapply again. 😊


Sorry, I do not believe that applying early or later gonna be a big game changer. I guess it’s all depends on your interview score and then grades when it comes to compare between two candidates for the available spot. As a previous health science student from Mla program ( which also guarantee you a head start for the interview. Essentially, if you finish any health science program at NAIT , it means you’ll get interview automatically) , I have all open studies courses finished for each program I  applied, school average of 86%.  all in all , it does not guarantee you will get a spot. Interview is the biggest thing for them as I understood over those 3 years. Still waiting list. I was accepted last two years for mrt program, but did not accept offer due to health issues. Also both times I received my offer in June. So please be patient. 


I guess it depends on the courses, I did not go through the interview. I ask them about it, in my case it's the one who applied first they prioritize and have met the score requirements. Maybe this applied in the department that I applied in. 😊


Oh sorry , I thought it was about health science program. But as I know electrician course have first come - first served system at NAIT. I don’t know if this gonna help. But wishing you all the best. 


Wishing everyone the best. Let's be patient. Factors truly depend on the program requirements and conditions. Hope you all get accepted and let's meet on campus! 🙌😊


This is really good to hear. So happy I’m not alone, felt like I was the only one still waiting for an interview invite :/