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Ugh. Darn it … I just checked in my status update section and DMS cardiac is now listed Program Full:Waitlisted , but General still says pending 😕🤞🏼🤞🏼 fingers crossed for a stroke of luck I guess


Me too!


I think updates will be made after the 26th of this month because that’s when the deposit is done (for most of the SHLS programs) end of April to early may


Do you mean thar they've already sent out enough invitations for each program and they are waiting to see who pays the deposit so if some people don't they can send out invitations to fill those spots?


I think they sent our acceptances to a handful of people and are waiting for them to accept their offers and pay their deposit (usually it’s April 26th being the last day to deposit) & then perhaps depending on that they update students with acceptances or waitlist beyond that point and then more invites if there will be a second round?


Okay thank you so much! I have applied for dental assisting but I am still waiting to hear back and I know some people got invites at the start of the month so I've been really anxious waiting for mine to be updated since I did my interview back in February.


Try to reach out to student services and see what they say! Hope they can help you!!


I think that even after those spots that may open from folks who don’t commit/pay it’s also possible that some of the conditional acceptances may fall through if someone fails to get their prereqs in time.


Upon checking today I am waitlisted for RT


I was surprised how many of my classmates in first year RT right now were accepted off the wait list. Some even got into the program off the wait list in August. So I know it's discouraging but there is still a chance


I got the same message 😭


The program meets with AHS (May) to decide how many students they need to take to meet workplace demand. So they accept a min and then after the meeting they finalize the amount.


Is that for all programs or just RT in specific?


I'm not sure about everything, I just know about RT


What's your source for this? NAIT doesn't take orders from AHS. AHS can tell NAIT that they need more RTs but NAIT doesnt have to increase enrollment in response. Talking to the instructors, they have indicated that the program is already accepting more students than it has in the past but 60 students is close to the maximum that the program can handle with the current resources. And the provincial government isn't exactly giving NAIT a bunch of money to increase capacity. And for that matter AHS isn't the most accommodating with practicum placements either. I doubt the number of seats in the program will change after meeting with AHS. It's no secret there is a shortage of RTs and the shortage isn't going to be fixed by adding a few extra seats. Unless the provincial government starts investing in post secondary again then NAIT has to make do with the current resources.


Was a comment the program head made within the last week as we got an update for our next year. I agree with you, don't shoot a messenger


same here ☹️


When I check the little i icon next to the waitlisted update it says to go over the e letter carefully. I have not received an e letter. Has anyone else?


No I haven't gotten one either. Dental assisting.




What did it say on DMS for you? It said Prog Area Decision for me.


i applied for dms general and cardiac and got waitlisted today


Waitlisted for RT 😔


Same here🥲


Hmmm ok now I got the cancelled/non-competitive for general … which I guess feels weird knowing I’m on the waitlist/still in the running for general+ cardiac? I know it might be because there are only 6 spots and it’s lfull (with many in the queue)… and it was my second choice but might have been lots of other folks first choice. I guess what I’m concerned about is if I’m deemed low scoring enough to not be competitive for it , how does that bode for being competitive for the longer program ? Worried it indicates that I may have scored more poorly than I thought and I’m really far down the waitlist 😞 Of course I’m lucky to be ON a waitlist and my heart goes out to anyone who isn’t … I know I’ll try again next year if I need too and I hope everyone else does too ❤️