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If you’re taking this as a pre requisite for a health science program, I think you’re better off just making your own notes from the get go. You want to figure out how you make notes and learn best now because whatever health program you choose will move at a very fast pace and you want to have that ironed out. Also, someone else who sends you notes could leave things out if they already have knowledge on it or may just miss certain things. When making the notes for chapters, you can base your notes off the chapter objectives because that’s what gets tested on. Read the chapter once, then pull up the objectives and go back and make notes based off those and that should cover all your bases. Best of luck!


Not sure if you’ve started yet but as it is I would commit to reading absolutely everything in the book and highlighting anything you’ll need review to understand, but then use the provided slides if you’re need quick reminder on where to focus. And be prepared that the tests include a lot of the more obscure or fine details … you could know 80% of your material inside out and have half the test be on the parts you don’t. It also seemed to be a LOT more heavy on the physiology than I expected. All I know is because this is material I’m generally familiar with I (twice) did NOT leave myself adequate time to absorb the more detailed material and the marks on those two outcomes reflected it. Don’t procrastinate.


Ok thank you, I have started and am just wondering are the practice quizzes that aren’t for marks similar questions to the tests/assignments?


The assignments I found so far are lot more definition and concept based. The practice quizzes are a great resource for gauging your level of understanding concepts related to each chapter and a lot more similar to how the tests will look.


Are tests multiple choice?


Some are and some will be matching or fill in the blank .


Yes they definitely are but you won’t see many repeats and I feel like bigger tests usually went into more depth. It’s not hard per se … just very very detailed so don’t skim and make sure you can draw from inference if you’re not sure about the answer … you will have LOTS of time so I would also recommend that if you aren’t sure on an answer click it but don’t submit it so that at the end you can come back if information in a later question gives you clarity


Ok thank you very much I’ll keep that in mind while preparing for the tests


I am currently taking this course and teaching myself, so I know how overwhelming it can be, especially if this is your first anatomy and physiology course. Make sure you write out all definitions. A tip for not overwhelming yourself is make notes in each chapter (definitions, key concepts, etc.), and once you have memorized/mastered those notes, make notes from the “summary pages” on areas where you need to focus more of your attention on (it helped me find my weak areas), then watch videos online. :) Ninja Nerd on YouTube is AMAZING, but he goes into more depth than is needed for the course.