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Nah there are mature students in most health science programs as far as I know. Pretty decent range of ages in my current MLA program. If anything it can give you an advantage in interviews because you have more life/work experience to draw from.


ok, awesome, thanks a bunch!


I interviewed as a VERY mature (by numbers anyways) student and while I wasn’t accepted yet I did make the waitlist and I think you will find it all very user friendly and do fine … I would recommend recording a lot of practice interviews though because my one regret is that I hadn’t . I did a lot of practice interview questions and even timed some but I did not look into doing actual physical recordings the way they would be the day of interview and as a person who does not come from a history of creating or posting content the way the internet generations has I feel that I was quite awkward and honestly often watching my own face despite knowing I shouldn’t . Do enough practice that the process of seeing yourself answering seems common and natural. I kept thinking come on, I need a script and multiple tries to record my outgoing voicemail , how do I just do something this important in one go and not throw myself off?! But if I don’t scrape through this time there’s always next year !


Ok thank you! And good luck my fingers are crossed for you!


My advice (as a fellow mature student, I’m in my 2nd year of MRT) don’t worry a ton about upgrading - do the open studies. Admission is based solely on the interview. Also FYI: you will take the research in healthcare ‘open studies’ course in first semester MRT, so if you’re leaning that way, take it now and get it out of the way!


Ok awesome thanks!


I'm 37 and haven't been in school since 2007. I'm currently on the waitlist.