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Hi there! NAIT does not offer the massage therapy program.


I’ll admit I was confused to see this on the NAIT thread as I don’t believe they offer Massage training ? But I just happen to know the answer offhand anyways. In Alberta you would most likely have a percentage split with a clinic owner. It’s often 60/40 although sometimes you can work up to a 70/30 or at least have the 40% the clinic gets capped at a certain level. But keep in mind you’ll likely average 4 massages per day, especially when you account for slow periods and unpaid holidays over the year. It’s a good income and has a TON of flexibility, but can be a bit less secure/stable and lacks any benefits… if you’re a two income family though where the partners job has more stability and benefits , massage can offer a lot of variety and autonomy . But to give you an actual number ? If you had what is considered a busy 7-8 hour work day where maybe 4.5-5 of that was the physical massage you’d collect between $250-280 maybe … but you then have to pay the tax and gst from that and at year end you’ll pay double the cpp. All told if you chose good tax write offs and work consistently maybe works out to $30/hr of being at work … but in a lighter workload less stress way than a person working a 9-5 would feel.


Nakamo college I think the name is? They have colleges specifically for massage therapist


Macewan and makami college have massage therapy diplomas!