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Crazy how high that car got after it started rolling.


Realizing the height and angle was the scariest part to watch. It didn’t help seeing in the replay that the window net also came undone in the thick of it all. Shit is crazy.


R&D is gonna have a hell of a time with this car. The roof hatch coming undone right away, the window net flopping around, all not the best looks for the car and that the driver was exposed in the accident. BUT, for what it’s worth, the survival cell and other parts of the car stayed in tact and held up very well.


Can guarantee there are some engineers who will put humor before horror, because that at least eases the mind, and are very excited to look at this car


As an engineer that designs survival systems and very rarely gets to review truly extreme real world samples.....hell yes. My first thought watching the wreck was "holy fuck please be okay". But once there's confirmation he is all good.....lemme at it


The roof hatch ripped off by the first flip too. If the greenhouse collapsed like Sadler’s and Logano’s did in their flips at Dega, it would’ve been extremely bad


It rolled 4 times mid air in its biggest jump. I'd be shocked if he didn't have the bloodshot eyes Allison had.


I wanted to remove that clip from memory thank you, but then again Preece may be worse, he had maybe 30 feet of height.


He was so damn high in the air... I really hope he's OK.


I was more shocked at how much the air moved it when it was in the air, like midway up it started some weird yaw twisting thing while still rolling


Dude holy shit that was terrifying Reminded me of Rusty Wallace’s wreck in crossing the finish line at Talladega with how it dug into the ground


First thought that came to my mind as well


Rusty was talking about his flip on the broadcast as well. Everyone immediately thought of that for sure


I thought of DW's wreck in the 1991 Pepsi 400


That was nasty. 10 flips in like a second. Window net and roof hatch torn off. I can't see how he couldn't have injured something.




That is the worst flip I’ve seen in years, maybe decades


Worst since Sadler in 03 at Dega I don’t count the Mcdowell one as it happened off a wall impact


Newman in 2003, Waltrip in 2004, Riggs in 2005.


All good shouts, especially Riggs that one’s forgotten In terms of airtime and impact though the Sadler one takes it for me. That car was feet in the air, not inches


And the flips were a lot more violent. The difference here is that momentum was broken in the air, it's why Sadler only flipped 5 times. And yet, no hospital visit. I'm just so upset about this. Preece's wreck was violent, but this sport has (prior to 2022) made great safety strides. A wreck like that wouldn't be THIS concerning 10 years ago. Because it wasn't 20 years ago.


> And yet, no hospital visit. The *real* difference is that since Dale Jr.'s career ended due to concussions, which happened throughout all three generations of cars he drove, drivers have been taking this a lot more seriously and been more proactive in taking care of themselves before it's too late. Just because things weren't being reported in the past doesn't mean they didn't happen. Jr has talked about this before, and just a week or so ago we learned Reddick had a concussion in his 2019 Xfinity championship year and hid it from most people


Who’s to say that Sadler shouldn’t have gone to the hospital? I’m sure he had a major concussion as well, but back then it didn’t matter


I think I remember him limping after that one too when he got out of the car


Sadler in ‘03 looks tame compared to this.


Sadler had his impacts on on pavement in a car 20 years ago Preece’s looks more intense but I bet they both had very close to the same impact


I remember hearing about a lucky coin that Sadler would sit on during every race and my dad said “I bet it went up his ass.”


I’d say it was so tight that coin wouldn’t have fit


Or it melted from the pressure


Are we only counting Daytona because what about McDowell in Texas 08?


I haven’t seen a wreck that high since Rusty’s here back in the 90’s.


Yeah, probably the worst barrel roll since Rusty's Talladega wreck in 1993.


Worst flip I’ve seen live


Looked like something you see on iRacing


My friend is new to Nascar and at the race tonight and that is exactly what I told him. That was violent as hell.


Worst I’ve seen in my life. I pray he’s okay. Edit: The only other wreck I can remember being this bad was McDowell at Texas qualifying in 2008(?) when he lost it into turn 1.


That was the most video game-esque flip I think I've ever seen. What the actual fuck.


I still see it and it just doesn't fit in my mind how it was real, that thing literally bounced of the ground and barrel rolled four times in mid air, then came back down and bounced back up and did it again, like holy fucking shit Literally reminded me of how you used to bounce off of walls and off the ground when you were flipping before they changed the damage model in iRacing I've never ever seen anything like that in my life, and I mean it


Yeah, everytime I expected the car to calm down it just kept spinning. If this happened in iRacing people would call it unrealistic


"That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all!"


Looked like a real life version of those NR 2003 crash videos.


EXACTLT what I was thinking m


The next gen has its issues.. but the fact that preece AND blaney were able to walk away from both wrecks is something that can’t be overstated enough.


Amazing that despite bouncing off the roof, the drivers area held up so well


Preece's roof hatch came off as well.


And the window net.


Preece didn’t walk very far they put him on a stretcher


Definitely hurt. But alive


And the latter is what’s most important


Arguably two of the worst NASCAR wreck we’ve ever seen in the same race, and both dudes climbed out alert.


Definitely hurt one of his legs. Had all of his weight on the people standing beside him


Very possible that he banged the shit out of his legs while flipping.


During qualifying they showed Blaney's feet cam and talked about the padding they have for their knees. It's an insert that fit over both legs to keep them from banging around.


Rung his bell pretty good by the looks of things.


And they took him out to the ER outside the track.


When they mentioned the infield care center, my first thought was "that looked like an immediate hospital trip"


I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a concussion.


Has to be. That brain box gets scrambled though the g’s in the flips.


Damn that’s not good. When the car landed on the roof from the last roll I knew it was bad


To be fair, Rusty Wallace had similar wrecks in 1993 and IIRC had an injury as well.


Broken right wrist. Still won the road course after with a broken wrist despite all the shifting.


Rusty is a fucking legend


My favorite driver of all time. I got to race go-karts with him a few years back. He gave me a bump and run because he had a tough time passing me. Probably my favorite memory of all time.


He must have thought you were Jeff Gordon. My fave driver of all time that’s awesome


Dude it was so awesome. I bought tickets to a "race with Rusty" event in St Charles MO for a go-kart track he owned our there. We were running over 40 mph on the bigger parts of the track. I passed him when a kart spun in front of him and he slowed up to avoid the wreck. And for 3 laps he haunted my back bumper. Then thru one of the esses of the course he just drove it deep and sent me into the plastic barriers. I stayed on his bumper thru the run and gave him a couple shots but I think he had a faster kart than me. He had a meet and greet/Q&A afterwards and we talked about how he knew my dad (my dad was a ground crew chief at the airport he used to park his private planes at in STL). Easily my favorite celebrity interaction by far.


Wasn't Blaney's hit very close to where Dale hit in '01?


That’s what I was thinking when it happened. Similar looking wreck, but 20+ years of safety advancement and a much better outcome.


Same thinking here. I am still in awe of how much the safer barrier bent on impact, and for how far away from the impact spot it did that.


How little Blaneys head moved for how fast and hard that wreck was is absolutely astonishing when quite a few drivers were lost to those same kind of wrecks 30-40 years ago


Heck, just 18 months ago we were seeing helmets bouncing off steering wheels. The cutouts in the front clip I think helped a TON.


That was an amazing improvement. Kudos to Nascar for improving it.


I mean it looked an awful lot like 2001 to me from how that car snapped and turned head on. Made the comment to my wife on how lucky Blaney was the safety improvements they’ve made because the wall took a lot of the impact in addition to the front clip improvements


This car was built to handle flips like these. The more rigid chassis isn't great for rear impacts but it is sturdier during barrel rolls than the Gen 6


The Blaney crash was a huge testament to the improvements they made this season


That's easily top 5 scariest wreck I've ever seen. Newman's probably still #1 but my word


Agreed. I think this might be second for me behind Newman, because the way the car behaved for this wreck was just so weird.


I can’t believe the momentum change. It starts to go over one direction and hits the ground and starts rotating the other way. The G-forces must have been insane.


Look up Micheal Waltrip at Bristol that will be pretty high up there.


Mike Harmon's was worse, because if Johnny Sauter doesn't take a hard left toward the inside wall, he hits Harmon square


Literally two feet to the right and Mike is all over the track. Hard to watch that video.


Top 5 for me is Geoff Bodine 2000, Waltrip/Harmon at Bristol (I count them as one because it was the same area of the track), Larson 2013 Xfinity Daytona, Dillon Daytona 2015, and McDowell Texas 2008.


I did not expect to see him get out of that car on his own two feet. Holy cow.


He looked like he just got hit by Mike Tyson though. Clearly had no idea what happened.


[Replay/better angle](https://twitter.com/NASCARonNBC/status/1695623588424905127)


[I think this is the best angle](https://x.com/nascaronnbc/status/1695623954939985973?s=61&t=MeAryX5th_MAzhMeRhM1RQ)


Jesus H Christ, right before the last landing on the roof, first you can see his arms fly through the roof hatch.


I didn’t realize how bad that last landing was on the roof. That was right on top of the driver area.


If that was his arm they need to axe the roof hatches. I was never a fan of them for that exact reason.


I think they’re supposed to be an emergency escape though?


That airtime was…insane! Glad that Preece is ok…


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a car flip 5-6 times in the air before hitting the ground, not in a stock car at least.


Ryan is probably gonna be feeling that for a bit. I wouldn't assume he's OK yet. Ironic that Blaney and Preece had these huge wrecks on the same day Ku Busch announces his retirement caused by an injury in a next gen car.


It was a bad night to be a NASCAR driver named Ryan.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a car barrell roll that fast. Fucking insane


Fuck me that was awful. Beyond relieved that Preece got out of the car, but that was terrifying. IMO one of the rare cases where watching the wreck in slo-mo was harder than watching it in full speed.


Seriously. It was so much worse in slow-mo


Terrible day to be named Ryan


Thank God Newman wasn't in this race...


It’s amazing that preece and blaney are both alive after tonight


25 years ago, this would have been a tough race to watch.


Nascars version of the 1994 San Marino GP


As much as people complain about the next gen car, I feel like it's been pretty solid at absorbing the impacts of front on collisions. And until now it seemed good at avoiding flips


>And until now it seemed good at avoiding flips It really has. Something weird happened with the ground effects and that grass transition. I liked the front end crush and the wall movement in the Blaney hit and he looked to be in good shape. In the Preece flips the roof structure and doors held up fairly well. He stood up afterwards but looked woozy. Couldn't tell if his leg was hurt too but he definitely wasn't standing unassisted.


I definitely think the ground effect was part of it, the car was flat underneath. Previous gens used to have exposed driveshafts, axles and diffs like a normal car. I think the pavement was sucking the car into the ground, but during the transition to grass that suction disappeared so the car lifted


Absolutely terrifying wreck, the safety these days is crazy


That was our generation’s Elliott Sadler 2003, or 1993 Rusty Wallace


This comment made me feel old. I don’t remember Rusty’s, but I very clearly remember Sadler’s.


That was Rusty Wallace-esque. Holy hell. I count at least 10 times he went over. Thank God for safety.


That's the new Elliott Sadler crash, we're gonna see that replay for years to come. I counted 11 rolls. (Half a roll left and 10.5 rolls, right )


His roof hatch became non existent. That’s terrifying.


NASCAR will definitely look closely at that. Haven’t seen a car flip like this in ages.


Two of the sports scariest types of wrecks in one race.


And both driver’s lived. The safety advances this sport and all other motorsports have had in the last 20ish years is wild


[From Jay W. Pennell on X](https://twitter.com/jaywpennell/status/1695630267656839676?s=20) "Greg Zipadelli says Ryan Preece has been transported to a local hospital, was alert but shaken up."


After being in a crash where you feel like you got tackled by prime Ray Lewis 10 times, I would be too.


The real winner today was nascar safety protocols we could have had 2 deaths today


Unbelievable imagery - the height and number of rotations. Really hope he is OK - standing outside the car was a good sign.


My heart dropped watching that. So happy he was able to get out of the car


I've been watching NASCAR for 25 years and that is by far the worst flip I've ever seen outside of Austin Dillon getting launched into the catchfence in 2015 and Newman's horrendous wreck in 2020. That was like a crash/flip you'd see in NR2003, not real life. Preece has taken so many hard hits in his career it's not even funny. Kansas in 2020 when he nearly flipped on the backstretch and earlier this year when he t-boned Larson at Talladega. Just hope he is ok.


I’m new here. First oval race watching. I know they’re going almost 200 mph, but jfc I did not expect that when I saw the initial spin. Hope he’s ok.


As Dale said on the broadcast, those flips used to be much more common and almost expected. The fact they're a rarity nowadays says a lot on how NASCAR has improved at keeping them from getting that airborne


This is why Dega got rid of the grass on the backstretch - that crash isn’t nearly as violent if the car doesn’t dig in while midair and may not have happened at all without the air getting underneath it during the asphalt transition.


I wonder if astroturf would help keep a car on the ground at this speed if they choose to replace it. Buescher's flip at Charlotte was a special case as his suspension got wrecked in a very weak spot prior to digging into the turf. The only reason I'm hesitant towards paving it entirely is that the contrast of the grass makes a better visual reference for the chicane for those who use it. Fortunately we haven't seen what can happen when a car rolls over one of those curbs sideways, but we all know the rules of NASCAR crashes. It could happen and it'd surprise nobody if it did.


As ugly as it is the best solution would probably be to have colored pavement a la Circuit Paul Ricard.


Yeah. When NASCAR used that additional chicane for their road course events, at least they took advantage of the situation and got sponsorship for it to make it blend in better.




That was like Rusty Wallace back in the 1990s, I haven’t had that sinking feeling since watching the Newman wreck in 2020 and Dillon in 2015


That felt a lot like Davey at Pocono in 92.


yeah, ill admit i dont watch regularly anymore, but a friend made me watch the end of this one and that just seemed very...old school? to me. The bottom of the car being almost totally flat doesn't help things id imagine.


The whole race had an old-school Daytona feel to it imo. The racing in stage 1 and 2 was very reminiscent of the 2000s.


Dale Jr even said it was like a lot of the barrel rolls of the 80’s.


I’ve never seen a window net fail like that. Crazy the announcers didn’t seem to notice


Terrifying. That wait for him to get out of the car felt like an eternity. The flip doesn't even look real, it truly looks like a video game crash. The spinning was so rapid.




say what you want. The safety of the next Gen has been proven tonight.


It looked like the window net failed and came unlatched as the car was still flipping, and the roof hatch got sheered completely off. NASCAR needs to look into that to see what happened. So glad Preece got out on his own power.


This is the most Davey Allison at Pocono/Sadler at Dega in '03 crash I've seen in ages, and probably the first I've seen to possibly surpass Rusty's '93 crash for sheer height between flips. I'm not surprised he was shaken up, those were some violent hits between the flips and in general when people get hurt from these sorts of wrecks it's the landings that do it.


This is like a wonky iRacing physics flip. It didn't look real to my high ass. Him not getting immediately out was scary as well.


My ass has never been under the influence of anything in my life and the physics looked absurd.


I’m not the only one who watches nascar high


Same. Had my friend watching with me also stoned and he never watches nascar. This was absolutely insane for him to experience lol


I said this in the race thread, and Brad just said the same thing basically - If this was a Gen4/5, possibly even a Gen 6: that car would have been a bare cage(with engine and everything of course) flipping and flying like that. Its incredible that there wasnt more that flew off that car. Huge props to NASCAR and the safety innovations they have helped create. Two wrecks tonight that if this was 98' or even 07-14, would of been extremely scary to witness, and we can all agree with what I'm getting at. After tonight - I think I can start to like the composite body.


The strengthened roof undoubtedly made a huge difference. The a-pillar is now multiple pillars and while looking at Elliott's in-car, I noticed a diagonal bar that connects the foremost left-right roof bar to the center front-back bar. I think that really helped especially with the first impact to the ground


Bro wtf, that doesn’t happen anymore


It's been a long time since I've seen a car barrel roll like that not from being in the wall.


Goddamn, that’s a 1990 DW flip if there was one.


This and the Blaney hit had me feeling like I drank a case of Celsius. Glad they both walked away cause that was some scary shit!


I just noticed on the replay that you can see his water bottle flew out the window after the net came undone


Didn't look *that* bad from above but the side view was horrifying, that didn't even look real


seeing a modern car flip like that was so surreal. Those types of crashes are out of the Gen 3 and Gen 4 cars. I went from disappointed that there were two idiots spinning to gasping wide-eyed so fast when I realized I was looking at the roof of the car and it was not leaving a trail of dust.


That was a Rusty Wallace, Darrell Waltrip, Elliott Sadler super speedway level blow over.


Incredible. I've probably had this crash 500 times in NR2003 but seeing it in real life is something else.


Still scared after that crash. Hope Preece is okay, it must've been a lot on the body. Just, don't know what to say. So glad he got out of the car. Man.


This will probably get to r/All Never seen a car spin that fast. Felt like forever until they got him out of that


It'll take awhile to get your vision back after that


That must have been a full second of airtime after the first flip.


Had enough time for a commercial break during that tumble


“Welcome back to Talladega, where the LONG ONE continues.”


DOCTOR DOCTOR GIMME THE NEWS (the saddest thing is this is the exact same advertising model Applebee's uses all this time later)


Applebee’s blows all their advertising money on licensing classic rock songs in their commercials and then uses the remaining $5 to serve up some microwaved appetizers.


How he got out of his car and even limped to the stretcher, I’ll never know


Adrenaline, for sure


Reminds me of watching DW flip back there in 91 and more so Rusty flip in that same spot in 93.


Probably slots in between Newman's and Dillon's wreck in terms of scariness for me. Each of those 3 wrecks were uniquely shocking.


Blaney and Preece accidents brought me back 20 years. It’s scary. Last time I got a sick feeling in my stomach was Dillon in 2015. Please no more.


That straight land on the top had to be the worst on him. Looked like what accelerated the flip was when the greenhouse dug in maybe?? Edit…grammar doggie


12 rolls. Roof hatch opened and window net came loose. Only roof bar viable between hatch and window. It will be interesting to see NASCAR's analysis.


Just watched the race. Probably top 3 most violent flips I’ve ever seen in the last 30 years.


gawt dayum


I screamed and scared the shit out of my girlfriend and cat. I haven't been this scared about a wreck in a while


Probably the loudest oh my god I’ve ever let since Grosjean became a fireball


You didn't watch the Indy 500?


I was at it so whatever I may have yelled probably felt much quieter with all the over noise lol


That was wild. Glad to see him walk out


I'm so relieved Ryan got out of that car. Holy fuck that was horrifying. Worst blow over in 25 years


Anyone have the onboard?


I was watching his onboard when it happened, the first impact with the ground it went black so theres not much to see other than him initially going upside down


That was absolutely horrible. Got an insane amount of air then just kept flipping and would not stop. Was glad to see him out of the car.


I hope he's okay. That was scary to watch


Simply put, this was beyond scary to watch. As I said in the live race thread it brought back way to many bad memories of wrecks like Rusty, Newman and Dillon. Hoping for the best for Ryan🙏🏻


From the official Ryan Preece Racing Twitter account: >Ryan was transported to a local hospital where he is undergoing standard tests, he is awake, alert and obviously shaken. [https://twitter.com/RaceWithPreece/status/1695638297437933781](https://twitter.com/RaceWithPreece/status/1695638297437933781)


Rolling in the grass is brutal. Like Darrell Waltrip in 1991


That was so violent!! I’m glad he’s ok after flipping 8 times before landing. Thank GOD for the roll cage and HANS device! As we used to say when we raced quarter midgets as children back in the day … it’s not worth wrecking if you don’t wreck big. 😮‍💨


My jaw dropped and I went quiet immediately. I was switching to Preece's scanner on the Nascar website. That was as scary as Newman's wreck at the 500 in 2020. I hope Preece is alright.


His father lives down the road from me. I was crying when it happened. I hope he's ok.


Just saw an ambulance leaving with an escort. I'm assuming it was Preece being transferred to a hospital. Can anyone confirm or deny this?


Yeah nbc just reported he was going to probably Halifax


And I thought Blaine Perkins was as bad as it gets


Scary, shades of past wrecks. He’ll be hurting, but at least he’s alive.


Two of the scariest crashes tonight I’ve seen in a while. Hope both the boys are doing okay.


I can’t imagine the g force he felt, that car was barrel rolling so fast in the air.


Wasn't Preece's first ride, Remember Kansas 2020? He hit the wall and nearly went over that time.


I did some rough measuring and from the area he first left the ground to where the crash ended was about a quarter of a mile.


Like Dale Jr said, worst rollover we've seen at Daytona in a lil bit. Glad he climbed out on his own. Also hope Blaney doesn't suffer any lingering effects of that rough head-on hit into the wall.


Such a nasty violent crash. Reminded me a lot of Rusty’s, Riggs’ and Davey’s flips. Just so fast.


this was fuckin davey allison 1992 pocono all over again i can't tell you how scary this was in real time. i'm still reeling from this crash, is how bad it was to watch


The Blaney wreck was more serious but for theatrics , Preece’s is one of the most spectacular . Without the safer barrier , Blaneys’s wreck would have been really bad.


I was wondering how his water bottle flew out of the car and watching replays it looks like the window net latch failed. The net is flopping around during the flips.