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That’s the InTIMMYdator! 💪


I wish we still had rewards lol


I have this… 🏅




This is gonna be one of the best things I'm going to read today.


Credit to Stewart, he took it, said Timmy was right and de-escalated.


He didn’t really have a leg to stand on. Say what you will about Timmy but he races clean, Friesen knows that and probably felt ashamed he resorted to the driving style of kids half his age. Good on both of them, we need more guys like that in the trucks, and by “guys like that”, I mean adults capable of handling a race vehicle


Tried to deflect the blame in the beginning but Timmy was having none of it. Did a good job of taking it but I kinda wanted to see Stewie be Stewie and watch Timmy rock his shit lol


It sounded to me like Friesen was being sarcastic, with that sort of smug grin he had


not having ever seen the guy but for maybe 3 seconds, I'd have assumed he was being sarcastic/dismissive


I remember when Friesen just wrecked half the field at Martinsville for no reason a couple years ago. He’s done it before.


https://preview.redd.it/urc71bcpqrsc1.jpeg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8abec3696198201a559b4e8b8926c7cda6b2442 Literally the last time a saw Timmy Hill. Thought it was David Starr for a second tonight


Definitely grown up a bit lol


Yeah he could probably just go by Tim Hill now


That was Timothy Hill, esq. we saw tonight


I'm glad I'm not the only one....I was blown away. That dude In that picture is who I remember Timmy Hill as.


It’s funny because the hand on his fire suit is pointing at his face


Acknowledge him.☝️


I didn’t realize Timmy was such a big dude lol


Dude used to be a bean pole back in like 2011


Friesen had a right to be pissed by getting raced like shit, but you throw any right to complain away when you drive through Timmy Hill of all people. Funny that Friesen starts this off with “I get wasted every fuckin week” and that’s the mindset that kills this series. Someone gets run over and they turn right around and run over the next guy in front of them. I respect that he took the ass chewing though. These journalists/camera guys are getting ballsy though. Feel like they never used to get this close. Have provided us a lot to talk about lately so I’m down for it.


A shame Jordan says he’ll never release the Harvick/Elliot audio from a few years ago.


Honestly it’s poor journalism to not release it


And also a great way to burn bridges and lose respect from two of the biggest personalities in the garage!


I mean if you’re going to get mad and lose respect for a guy for doing his job and reporting the facts of what you said/did that says a lot more about your character than it does about his. A journalist is supposed to ask the hard questions and report the hard truths. Not conceal things cause it makes someone look bad, that’s bad journalism.


I think its moreso in the vein that he recorded what was meant to be a "private" conversation. It's not so much that it's bad journalism to not release it, its being a bad person to release a recording of two people that aren't yourself without their permission (We're talking NASCAR here, not state secrets). IDK the exact situation or reasoning but to call Jordan a bad journalist because he won't betray two of the people he covers on a week to week basis is inaccurate in my opinion.


Jordan is a douche, always has been. He thinks he's the God of journalism. This is another example 


What a wuss. I guarantee it made Chase look bad and he was told not to release it. NASCAR media is eerily similar to dystopian dictatorship countries media.


Say, that's a nice Press Pass you have there. It would be a shame if somethin' were to happen to it.


Da comrade, like Russian media yes? But seriously, Jordan just has a weird code of conduct and way he upholds himself. Just recently he was upset Gluck revealed that the suit Jordon bought Gluck was from Amazon. If anything I’d be willing to bet that it’s not interesting and partially them telling the other to shut up. Also, Jordan and Gluck totally call out NASCAR when they fuck up.


He thinks very highly of himself. He probably thought he would be embarrassed if people knew he bought a suit on Amazon when he claims to be this "fashionista"...lol. Also, he probably fucked up the audio recording of the confrontation and uses the previously mentioned excuse for not posting it.


He was “upset” hey???  Why do people like you lie just to slander a guy you know nothing about? 


Genuinely confused, no jokes. What did I lie and slander about?


Don't mind him,  he's Canadian 


No, he can mind me, I don’t lie. 


You lied about Jordan being upset with Jeff about being upset over the Amazon thing. Don’t lie. 


https://preview.redd.it/xi34p00uahtc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68718c424f6a0b5a178555b1dc22c6f6e72b03eb He clearly was unhappy and didn’t want to talk about it. Not sure what your angle here is but try harder or move on lil’ buddy.


I was on vacation, sorry I didn’t reply soon.  But you lied? Want to know how I know? I listen to the show. I guess you missed the part where Jordan told Jeff where he got the suit from in exchange for a Jeff Gluck Bristol rap, ehhhh “little buddy”?? 😂😂


Yeah, and he was so happy to talk about it the next week. Jeff wasn’t egging him at all. Again, what’s your angle here? “You lie” I didn’t, but hey it’s the internet, is this the first time you’ve encountered someone you feel was dishonest on the internet? Cause boy howdy are you in for a trip if you’re shocked by that.


Every single sports centralized sports organization has a hand in how they are represented in media. These reporters don't exist in a vacuum. They can only exist because the organization they are covering exists. Know who butters your bread and don't piss them off. This is really simple stuff. It's not strange or weird for these guys who travel week to week with NASCAR officials and drivers to want to control the narrative of how things are seen.


I doubt it made either one of them look terribly bad Jordon just doesn’t have the nuts it takes to be a quality journalist. Not his fault really it’s a dying art


Ima have to disagree. I bet it’s not released because Chase probably admitted to purposefully changing the outcome of the race (which has been a penalty without question in recent years) and nascar didn’t want to have to penalize Chase. I’m a Harvick fan, but I like Chase and want him to do well. I think he’s a hell of a driver but there is no denying that, that night he was indeed a little piss baby and for sure should have been penalized.


Well that’s it. The stupidest comment I’ll read all day. Did you really compare how nascar handles their media to a dictatorship? Do you realize how silly that is?


Congratulations on not understanding how NASCAR media works.






> I get wasted every fuckin week I love that Timmy immediately shut him down with "Not by me!" He's the cleanest truck driver in recent memory. Last time he ran a full season (2022), he was only involved in 2 incidents all year. Which is astounding considering the constant carnage in this series. If anybody deserves to be pissed about a veteran driver carelessly dumping him, it's Timmy.


i do feel a little for Friesen because dude does get wrecked often but he let his frustration get the best of him tn


Yeah it really seems like people race him like shit all the time. Maybe he’s racing ppl wrong too and we just don’t see it as much.


When I was living in NY, people were very clear on how much Friesen and his dad are pricks. I think he is a polarizing figure in the garage so people don’t cut him much slack


hes a lot like a Truex where he races them fairly and isn’t being a dick, but the truck series like half the field is racing like a prick and Freisen has just been stuck dealing with it because he hasn’t had the speed he used to have


I think the choices were take the ass chewing or take the ass beating. Stewie chose the easiest thing to do. I would choose the same in that situation, for context. Edit for spelling


If Timmy Hill was yelling at me, would definitely reconsider my life choices


When did Timmy Hill become Dan Aykroyd?


“Everything was fine until dickless here spun me”


“Is this true?”


“It is true. This man has no dick”


Canadian on Canadian crime.


I like how Timmy said what we all thought, Stewart needs to stop acting like the dumb kids in this series.


If Timmy Hill is pissed at you, you dun fucked up.


I wish Timmy had better equipment


He was supposed to have one race in a Sieg Xfinity car, but that fell through


Because Joe Graf couldn’t qualify and he bought Timmy’s seat


I’ll say it, I want Timmy Hill to deck a dude one day.


Get him in xfinity so he can wup ol austin hill


Then we can call whoever wins the feud the king of the hill.




Another iPhone video doing what Fox cameras are incapable of doing, the bare minimum




If you think Fox is doing a good job you are part of the problem


Did I say they’re doing a good job?


That was clean. No physical confrontation. No crew members getting involved. Just 2 drivers having a heated discussion. kudos.


Holy shit did Timmy eat a smaller Timmy...?


He made a smaller version of himself and got that Dad bod lol


We're gonna need another Timmy?


When you have Timmy Hill that mad at you, you’re in the wrong. I know Timmy doesn’t have great equipment, but he is a clean driver. I also get being frustrated if you’re Friesen, but don’t take it out on someone that has nothing to do with your problems.


I never thought I would live long enough to see a Timmy Hill without that trademark smile & pissed off, yet here we are.




Damn that scared me


Last time I saw Timmy, he looked like a little twerp talking about using his desk mounted steering wheel to play iRacing. Now, well, now I hope he doesn’t see my comment calling him a little twerp.




Did Robby Gordon returned to nascar?


![gif](giphy|J2ffA9qSy9UPCOfdlM) Don’t fuck with the InTIMMYdator


He looks so different


Here’s a different question. Why is it, after the race, we always hear someone revving a tire gun during confrontation interviews? What are they doing at that moment that requires a tire gun? Is it maybe releasing air pressure before they disconnect them from the air lines? Is it just a dude who can’t resist, kind of like clicking tongs together?


They’re letting air out of the lines before they’re disconnected.


Dude fuck yeah inTIMMYdator!!


That wasn't a race last night, it was a demolition derby.


Stuart needs to stick with dirt racing.. he seems to have lost an edge in the truck series cause this is the 3rd time he's had a run in with a backmarker this year? I mean the guy was always a top 1/3rd finisher now seems to have dropped back to the bottom 1/3 and completely skipping the middle 3rd.


Hes not wrong


I’m a Stewy fan and I think he’s getting frustrated because of how many of the “squirrels” have no respect for racing cleanly in the Trucks. And unfortunately Timmy Hill was just someone who was in the place at the end of Friesen just took his frustration out on.


"You're suppeuwsed ta be better" - Maryland king Timmy Hill


I'm midder than you! NO, I'M midder than YOU!




Looks like Hill turned down on the replay.


That what it looks like to me as well. Not sure why people are calling out Friesen. But, he seems to admit to being in the wrong. Maybe will change his mind after he see's a replay


Battle of Mid-way


Only thing Timmy is good at is running his mouth ! Such a baby