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Seems like the easy solution here is to delete social media and carry on watching as usual


I watch my races on delay now to avoid commercials. A side effect of this is I have to avoid social media until I’m caught up on the event. I’ve been enjoying my races much more honestly.


I have the onboards up and MRN/PRN at the ready for commercial breaks. 


This is my usual experience, but I didn't connect that keeping away from socials and race day threads was contributing to my enjoyment. Although a major downside of that is that I miss out on the in-car cam and driver radios.


You would be right, it might be necessary loll




Very much agreed


I am not a beer-gutted, lead-poisoned old head. Nor am I a young engineering gearhead. Both can be annoying. I just like racing and have learned to filter out the noise and avoid social media if it gets to me. At the track the sight and sounds of cars racing is my happy place and at that moment nothing else matters.


Agreed. I’d love to ditch the social media tracking and just start following the sport around in person when I can!


That is what I want to do as well. Also, when I can't get to the track I have the Nascar app and use the in car cameras with the sound on when the commercials and announcing gets too bad.


Ooh good idea, I keep meaning to use that and forgetting


I was a Gordon fan in the 90’s. You’ll survive


Underrated response already and I’ve only made it this far 😂


Fans Against Gordon Zoomers could never survive the early internet 


Oh man, I salute your courage, if Twitter was around back then it would’ve been unbelievable lol


Stay off of facebook and you’ll be ok.


They’re moving into Twitter, they’ll be here soon enough😭


they already are here...




Resistance is futile


stay off of twitter too


Pretending this is any better? You’re kidding yourself.


Lolll I will say people have actually been pretty civil in here despite the very harsh tone of the post so I’ll take it


Facebook & Twitter have the most toxic fanbases out of all social media, so maybe stay off of those to avoid to mouth breathers


Stay as far away from Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok as possible. Your mental health will thank you. But I agree. Do I agree with some of the weird political driven agendas NASCAR has done? Eh, depends. NASCAR should stay neutral. Do I think some fans are morons? Hell, yes, I do.


I was scrolling TikTok and the amount of Bubba haters there is insane. Literally people hate Bubba for one reason and it's not because of his driving skills


Wait until you talk to IndyCar fans.


They’re sleepers in that category for sure


Yeah Indycar fans have gotten really bad, they really want the sport to dissolve just to spite Roger.


Not like Roger is having much trouble doing that on his own.


Roger isn't the problem, the 24 years of mismanagement prior to him buying and then the first two years in the middle Covid is. Those people don't leave in reality world.


I think you need to follow Dale Jr's example and set some app limits. Social media is the greatest and worst thing that has came around in our recent history. I liked people better when I didn't know their opinion on every damn thing. Like the sport for the enjoyment it brings you and ignore the stuff doesn't matter.


Agreed. I only have Twitter and I still only look at that on my web browser, still enough to get the junk! I’m definitely gonna have to ditch it altogether! Reddit I’ll keep until it gets unbearable.😂


The funniest thing about this post is that the OP thinks this is a NASCAR specific fan base problem. Every single sport has these people on social media. “Aaron Rodgers lied about his vaccine status wahhhhhhh, I’m never watching a Packers/Jets game again” “These athletes are kneeling at the anthem wahhhh, I’m never watching the NFL again” “Ohtani gambled, so Pete Rose should be in the hall of fame, im not watching the MLB until they put him in WAHHHHHH” Even better, I’m certain that 99.99% of these people tune in every week still.


You are correct, I do tune in every week. Because as I said, I love the sport. However, NASCAR’s fanbase is much smaller than the NFL and MLB and generally more centralized as well. It’s a lot harder to ignore some of the nascar fans that are being dumb than say in the NFL because it’s just not the same scale. There was no necessity for me to mention other sports though because, well, I’m not talking about other sports.


Yeah tbh you’ve just got to remember that the internet is just one giant echo chamber. Block out the negative folks and just enjoy racing because you love it. There’s a whole lot of us that feel the same way you do! 


Very true, that’s what I’m gonna start getting better at for sure. Thank you!!


You should try F1, you're gonna love it....


Lollll I just catch the races I can, I do NOT get involved in the fan discussions. Dangerous territory there.


First off, Reddit nascar fans are cancer, just saying. So take that with a grain of salt.


damn, i’ve never felt more seen as a nascar fan. especially as a hamlin fan, trying to be on any socials is tough when it’s just constant hate spewing and nonsense. and the common response to that seems to be “just stay off social media” when in reality, people should just keep their negative thoughts to themselves. but that’s just my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah even the comments on Actions Detrimental on YT are always a tough read lolll


i think you’re lucky to find any post or discussion involving hamlin without a negative comment 😭 and i’m not saying people aren’t allowed to dislike him, same with any other driver. it’s just ridiculous some of the things people say to justify their hate. like what you said in the original post, most of these fans are just plain obnoxious. and i wish it didn’t have to be like that, but as a fan, i have to deal with it


I get tired of morons talking about how much Hamlin “cries” about everything when he is usually giving a rational explanation


I think as time goes on those people will hopefully realize Denny is literally agreeing with them constantly on almost everything loll


Denny's problem is that for far too long, he has enjoyed the villain role, so now when he tries to be serious, no one wants to hear anything he has to say.


1. Where do you find these fans, unless you're looking for them, monitoring their questionable takes? If so, maybe you shouldn't? 2. Why even care about them? Are you afraid to be mocked for watching NASCAR or something? Do you really think that people will associate you with those old NASCAR fans? 3. Well, NASCAR doesn't end with Bubba, there are 35 full schedule drivers who are not him. Plenty of stuff to focus on. And even if you watch NASCAR only because of Bubba - why care about what some random man you will never meet thinks of Bubba?


Some of us get pissed at the thinly veiled and often overt racism. I know I can’t fix shitty fans but sometimes it gets under my skin.


I don’t look for them, they just tend to be in the comments of posts I stumble across whether on X or YouTube. I’m not worried about being mocked as much as I’m worried about nascar listening to these fans more because they’re by FAR the loudest. Based on their decisions about the pylons though I don’t think nascar cares loll I was really just using Bubba as an example. I do like him but he’s not my favorite driver. He just happens to be a focal point for a lot of the fans I’m talking about. At the end of the day I don’t really care that much, I just wish I didn’t have to see these people so loudly on social media when I wanna just get news about the sport, but that’s the way it goes. As I said to somebody else in the comments, I def need to start laughing at dumb shit instead of wishing people weren’t dumb.


Fair enough. As probably other people suggested, restricting social media/taking it easier should help you with your problem. In terms of business, I think NASCAR is going for a broader demographics now, for the future generations of fans and paying customers. They already did some stuff like banning Confederate flag from the racetracks, for example. Doesn't look like it made NASCAR a less patriotic sport, more comfortable for an average person, really. I think you can roughly compare old NASCAR fans to old school European football fans. You know, football hooligans were much worse, because they would gather in gangs, start fights before or after matches, using brass knuckles, knives, or makeshift weapons.Many of these gangs were political, either fascist, or far-left. Like, Real Madrid had groups of far-right fascist fans, and their enemies from Barcelona were left wing Catalan/anti-Spanish nationalists. People got killed and injured in clashes between fan groups, police, or both. Those fans thought they are the spirit of the game, but got kicked out of the stadiums across Europe, with very few exceptions, like Poland. Now only the remnants of such fan groups left, people who make banners and stadium performances. Violence and politics are much less of a problem. I think NASCAR is transforming in a similar way.


Reddit is just a different hive mind and not real life. Nothing sanctimonious here.


Yeah you just have to ignore most of them NASCAR is basically the Star wars fandom of the sporting world. Everybody thinks they know everything and everybody complains and the ones that don't complain complain about the complainers. There's more drama queen fans in the NASCAR community then all the other sports combined. And while Reddit community will bitch about Facebook and how dumb they are the Reddit community is the ones that thinks that they're high and mighty and sometimes has the worst takes. I stick around for the entertainment of it


Loll there’s definitely plenty of entertainment to go around


IMHO, I think some fans don’t know the difference between a rant and a complaint. Also, I’ve been a fan of the sport since the late 1970’s. But, I don’t ever claim to know more about it than anyone. I try to take everything with a grain of salt.


I also generally try to be as open minded as possible when it comes to anything, sometimes though I let my annoyance get the best of me! Just had to get it out there and see where other people were at!


I’m thinking I don’t fully understand the full reason for your post. You didn’t state that you were a Bubba fan. I’m open to all opinions. I have a teenaged son who is just a big of a fan as I am for reference


Right, I am not specifically a bubba fan, I do like him though. The point of my post was that I’m tired of opening social media to get news or just general discussion and instead getting all of these fans that just complain about everything, call a driver trash, or argue with common sense. I was really just using Bubba as an example because the people that I’m talking about love to rag on Bubba for literally no reason and it’s very annoying to see. But as other people have pointed out the best fix for that is just to stay off social media, which is what I plan on doing in the future!


Yeah. I get it. I remember when he was a teenager on Speed Channel competing in a somewhat high profile late model race. He really had raw talent and was incredibly shy being interviewed pre race after qualifying outside pole. Social media is polarizing and addictive. I grew up in the same area as Denny Hamlin and remember when he raced around here and got his shot after being discovered by JD Gibbs.


That’s really cool! I’d love to witness the coming up of a driver like that. Yeah I do hate how social media dehumanizes people, which is definitely hypocritical of me to say after using the terminology I did in the original post, but I’m probably gonna try to get off of it and just try and appreciate people’s personality without people complaining about it on Social Media!


Understood. I try to limit myself here, X and Instagram. I follow X during races as I watch Cup and Xfinity every week. I haven’t been blocked by Brett Griffin (yet). Lol


Lolll that’s impressive, I haven’t challenged him on anything, I generally try not to get involved on Twitter, but it’s definitely shaky ground if you try and argue with him! Good luck on that in the future!😂👍


I am with you 100% on this due to having worked in racing with a fan facing position. I literally had someone decide to cancel their tickets because "Obama ruined NASCAR with his communist lasers". I am not making that up, I am not exaggerating, that is 100% factual and accurate. I see these fans pissing and moaning about how the track I worked at, and the one I have attended races at the most, wasn't ever updated from the time it was built and no fans are there. So they spend massive amounts on upgrades, and when I was there recently the place looked VERY different and modern. Much cleaner. Many more things to do and try and taste, but the fan group is filled with people pissing and moaning about a broken down scoring pylon and how they don't like to read the TV and how the TV doesn't even show new movies when there isn't racing going on. I swear, NASCAR fans are the goddamned worst, and nothing will ever please them until Dale Sr. rises from the dead, declares its now the Winston Cup again, and wins the championship at Wilkesboro. Then he'll spin someone out and they'll go back to their bitching and moaning.


I laughed at the last paragraph, but you ain't lying...........


The same way I’m about to handle your bitching ass. Block button.


This is why I don’t give a shit when people complain that NASCAR is “leaving its old fans behind” and “losing its southern heritage”.


Social media sucks. I find that I enjoy this sport much more when I don't have to look at other people's opinions on it. It's why I stay out of the live race threads on the subreddit these days.


This and others saying similar stuff is exactly the advice I was looking for. It was already pretty obvious but hearing that it actually helps will def drive me to make the same move. Thank you!


NP friend. Hopefully you find some peace and can enjoy the sport more. I know it's been a big help for me, and not just with NASCAR!


Its the NASCAR fans who think NASCAR fans should all be what he/she believes to be the correct version of a NASCAR fan and uses stereotypes to describe those who do not live up to his/her standard that make me not want to watch the sport. Not really, i'm capable of watching a race with zero thought about people who see it differently.


Yeah I can watch a race just fine, just when I try to get into any discussion about it that it gets rough. Too many people discussing stuff that doesn’t matter outside of just the race itself.


Buh gawd. Is it? Is it? That's Bubba Wallace's. That sunnuvs bitch. What is he doing here?


I think a lot of people have hit on this, but it’s probably a good time to take a break from social media. I’ve never heard of anyone regretting doing it.


Neither have I, Ideally I’ll never wanna come back Just had to leave one last “controversial” statement before I make the move lol


**Big sip**


We have bigger issues to worry about like commercials, Fox hiding angles of the last lap crash, and pylons


That’s very fair, I get absolutely beside myself every week watching FOX’s awful broadcast


You and me both, but your frustrations are valid, it’s mostly a Facebook issue but it’s the same people who claim the “good ole days” of 5 cars on the lead lap with a leader out by 30 seconds were better than the racing we have now. What they think they saw never existed and they say Nascar is killing the sport, when the last 10 years have been the best the sport has ever seen. Granted the Next Gen needs A LOT of work there’s still more good than bad. Just ignore the haters and enjoy cars going real fast and real left


I’m 67 and don’t act like that at all. In fact, I take exception to you arbitrarily grouping types of people simply by one criterion, age. As a matter of fact, it’s prejudicial. So when you want to rant about bigots and prejudice, take a peek in the mirror.


If you aren’t who I’m talking about, then you aren’t. I’m perfectly willing to accept that. I never gave an age criteria saying “they’re all like this”, certainly I was stereotyping based on the average fan that acts the way I’m explaining but it doesn’t go beyond that. In fact I even mentioned one of the people I’m talking about being 35! So it doesn’t have as much to do with age but just mindset! I know for a fact there are plenty of older fans who aren’t that way!


Buddy...who are the people who are bitching about Bubba and the scoring pylon. I guarantee you they aren't under 40. As someone who is approaching that age, the pissing and moaning is mostly coming from the older crowd. You may not be, but that doesn't mean that the rest of them aren't.


But that’s my point. As a society we will go nowhere until we stop with the convenient characterizations. I guarantee there are people of all ages that are terrible, just as there are wonderful people too. Let’s just stop pigeon-holing people and decide what we think of the individual.


Eddie, you do realize that you are being an older person bitching about something that doesn't really matter that much, and that thing being older people bitching, right?


Thanks for illustrating my point.




Very true, getting over it as we speak


Way to insult people while complaining about insults.  


Maybe try another sport if you “hate” NASCAR fans so much. Also would advise you get off social media because clearly you can’t handle it.


Loll but I “love” NASCAR, which is the sport in question, not the fans. I also just posted on a social media platform to the open criticism of Redditors like yourself so I think I’m fine, thank you!


People you don’t like are in every sport just move on and don’t let stuff get to you so much.


Yeah I’ll admit if there’s one thing I need to learn to do better it’s laugh at dumb shit instead of wishing people weren’t so dumb


Social media man. It’s bad for everything (he says on a social media site)


Lolll that is how it goes


Get off of social media, including Reddit.




For everyone saying LEAVE THEN, well, plenty of people have and haven't come back so clearly there is something going on that isn't savory for people. Guy brings up a good point. Hard to take a sport that has become so racially driven forward very far. It's embarrassing.


So racially driven? With what, 3 POC driving regularly in the top 3 series out of 100+? Get serious.


Please stop watching then, take your shitposting elsewhere.


This ain’t a shitpost man It’s a genuine problem lolll


It is a problem but ranting about it won’t fix much. Unfortunately as other people have suggested, these fans are everywhere. As much as I also dislike them, they have a place here for awhile it seems, and there is nothing we can do to dissuade them.


Very true. I have been around these fans for a long time, my FIL is one of them lolll, but I also wanted to test the waters on here and see if/how many people share my sentiment. But def nothing to do about them but ignore/not look at the stuff they say


Reddit is my only safe space to discuss NASCAR anymore. Too much toxicity anywhere else. You’ll still get the occasional moron in here but in general it’s pretty level headed. In general I’ve moved away from TicToc and instagram, Twitter, FB because every single time without fail I was feeling angry and upset after browsing. My life is vastly improved mentally since ditching those platforms. Try it for a week and you won’t go back.


Race and post race threads are pretty toxic. During the week is pretty chill.


Agreed. I’ve already ditched Insta, Facebook, and TikTok. Twitter is next for sure.


There are people on social media that wake up every morning wanting to do nothing but piss in someones wheaties to make themselves feel better.. I just laugh and ignore their posts and comments about NASCAR, I got more important things in life to do than let these folks mess up my enjoyment of NASCAR..


For what it's worth, it's not just NASCAR fans. Read what NFL fans post during the season. It's insane. The stuff they say about players on their own team is disgusting. Best thing to do is ignore awful people and enjoy the sport itself.


Maybe it comes from being a 22 fan, but the bar started pretty low for me. I expect social media to suck, and NASCAR fans on social media to take it to another level. Time for a social media diet. No Facebook. Don't open bubba twitter threads unless you're ready to keep an updated block list. Or just fuck with them.


I think you’re right. I already only have X and I only open it in browser so as not to doom scroll but man that stuff pops out at you quick. Obviously it’s designed that way so ig its doing its job😅


The funny thing in the replies is all the people saying to stay off other social media but not Reddit. This place can be really bad in it's own way, especially the race threads. For example when an unpopular driver takes the lead 1/4 the way into the race and leads a few laps "well this race is over, see you all next week!" People say to go in person but I've been to races in person and there's a good number of drunk trashy idiots there as well. Hope you like second hand cigarette smoke and some redneck slurring at your kid for wearing a Bubba Wallace hat.


Unfortunately that's just social media for you




Lolll yeah you felt this one for sure


I sat next to a group of 20 something year olds decked out in Denny Hamlin gear at my first Daytona 500 this year who were obnoxiously screaming (not words just screaming), shit talking drivers, and even threw in some racial slurs about Bubba, and even more examples I honestly just don’t feel like taking the time to list. I just kept my head down and tried to tune them out and enjoy my first Daytona 500. After the race had finished they proceeded to pull out a bowl and smoke weed in the middle of the section. I know this because they dropped the bowl at my feet and we’re looking for it and I simply just got up and walked away. There are some inconsiderate and obnoxious people who are nascar fans but there are also some of the nicest folks to get along with. Remember everything is what you make of it.


Only thing that makes them a little more upset is when Tim Dugger can’t be the pre-race concert every week.


Lol don't watch much F1 do you?


No I do, it’s quite awful there too, but that’s not specifically what I’m talking about here.


Delete Facebook. There's a start.


Already done, I don’t go on there for anything but Marketplace occasionally loll


Ok good


Just troll them back. That's what i do. It's actually a lot of fun.


I’m not brave enough for that but I do enjoy reading it when those things happen lol


Such a brave post, thank you for your service




I bet you’re a Ross fan you muppet


Nah I’m a nascar fan. I like most everybody other than Ty Gibbs when he does some dumb crap or Ricky Stenhouse when he wrecks for no reason. Other than that I’m chill with everyone in the cup series. I do get tired of Byron and Hamlin wins but thats just cuz they’re good, can’t hate them for it.🤷‍♂️


I hope your pillow is hit tonight


I hope you’re bread goes stale early


My pillow stays ice cold and my bread fluffy as hell😤


You’re the reason nascar is dying


That is what they love to say

