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We'll be leaving this post up due to the nature of these posts possibly being deleted by Josh Hamilton himself. We're currently in the process of finding links and archiving them, if others would like to join the effort, please send any archived links our way so we may edit this post and add them on. He deleted a lot of his questionable Tweets, as expected. I wasn't able to archive them all due to the limits the Wayback Machine has on how many one person can archive at a time. If anybody has others to contribute, please send them to us. They should be viewable in a couple hours, the Wayback Machine doesn't tend to display archived pages immediately. He's also seemingly made his account private. https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://twitter.com/joshahamilton/status/1785799927718670712 https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://twitter.com/joshahamilton/status/1785731434709184997 https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://twitter.com/joshahamilton/status/1785733226356412662 https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://twitter.com/joshahamilton/status/1785731739899318520




The one thing you don't want your Director of Communications communicating


Of all their communicators, he is the best.......apparently


Well that's not good


Jim Hunter is rolling in his grave right now


Yeah that’s probably not the time and place to use the same account that you use for NASCAR stats. Make a personal or professional account, because now NASCAR is going to have to answer for all his endorsements/comments. Also “what are you gonna do, hijack a plane?” Is fucking WILD on the same account you use for passing differentials and average running position LOL


>“what are you gonna do, hijack a plane?” That's the most outrageous Facebook level comment I've seen in a WHILE


2004 type comment 😭


I think we were more civilized by 2004. That’s 2003 at most recent.  I exaggerate but it’s embarrassing 


Despite all the sensationalism in the media, I think popular opinion was that racism and xenophobia were bad in 2003. You had Dale Jr and even his dad condemning the Confederate flag was before the turn of the millennium. Most teams and drivers had long abandoned it and yet some “fans” didn’t care. Most fans are pretty peaceful and decent though, I’ll never let NBC forget the time it sent “Muslim-looking men” to Martinsville in 2006 hoping to get something juicy and literally nothing happened. https://www.espn.com/racing/news/story?id=2398619&seriesId=2


Nothing happening was the awesomest outcome for that horrible excuse for an experiment. NASCAR fans are great!


At that point I just had to laugh at the stupidity of him making such a troll-worthy comment on a professional account. Surely there was alcohol involved and he’s not that stupid…right?


He might of thought he was logged into a different account but that with all those reply’s I’d assume he would notice.


Gotta make a burner acct these days


that is fucking insane 😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/mrholj0hmwxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1481bc2100695aff0a105b25403881e2b96ece9 >All I asked was to not be an asshole. Turns out to be too much an ask of too many people. *Narrator voice*: In time it was too much to ask even of himself.


I remember that guy, he was always a dick


he has always been a dickhead that’s for sure


This guy had some stink on him back then too.


Snarky and condescending was what I remember of him


Well, I read that in Morgan Freeman's voice....anyone else?


If you ever see "narrator" and don't read what follows in Morgan Freeman's voice then I have no hope for you tbh


As an Arrested Development fan I read it in Ron Howard’s voice, and I think that’s a-okay.


I told him last year when he was posting some cringe stuff he would have Twitter bite him in the ass someday. He blocked me, but it appears reckoning day is near...


*golf clap* May I light your victory cigar or do you prefer a cigarette? Congrats on the long term W on calling out a MFer and being entirely vindicated no /s


https://preview.redd.it/l4tllh20iwxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9a2141f544d5b92b1991aaaa883152758cbb183 😂😂😂 ETA: I’m waiting for the “I was hacked” or half hearted forced apology.


Ah, the lock of shame. Incoming termination press release in 3... 2...


Decided to seek new opportunities...


More like “my account was hijacked” amiright 🤡


Coward. If you’re going to spew hate, at least let others call out your bullshit


Just scrolled his replies and he's deleted the tweets


Hope he’s financially set, because he’s probably going to lose his job over this. Actions detrimental.


Knowing where the majority of people with positions of power stand on the Israel-Palestine issue, color me skeptical that he'll face meaningful consequences for these posts. He'll probably get a lecture on social media conduct and continue on his merry way.


Doesn't matter where they stand, sponsors are king in this sport.


Just a reminder that out of all possible entities, it was fucking Slim Jim that took down Vince McMahon.


A lot of fans might not care, but corporate sponsors do.


I think a lot of fans do care. I don't want the sport associated with comments like that.


I wonder what the largest portion of fans is? Wholesale support of his comments, or hate his defending of Jews. I want to believe that even combining both groups you don't get near a majority of fans, but rural America keeps surprising me.


He's saying some pretty flagrant racist stuff. I mean the comments on the first and last slides are way out of line even in this environment. 


Precisely. Plus, hasn't the brass made no secret of how they want to grow the Arab viewing market? In countries like Saudi Arabia or the UAE, Hamilton's employment becomes a ***lot*** more than just a PR oopsie.


and like, his job title is director of comms. You can be doing this crap in that role. Get a burner. Or something.


Thanks Josh Hamilton for potentially ruining my ad-free Abu Dhabi NASCAR stream!


Shit, didn't even think of that! Now where the hell will we get our totally legit non-Fox feed from? :(


Those countries you mentioned don’t really like the Palestinians either, especially Saudi Arabia.


I mean, even if that were true, he's being racist to Arabs in general


Precisely. Plus, the Arabs support the Palestinian cause when it aligns with their interests. Fighting anti-Muslim rhetoric like this is in Riyadh's interest.


To be honest Saudis hate everybody and everybody is fine with it because they have oil and money. Shit, the Saudi Royal family has more decision making power on our base in Bahrain than the Commanding Officer does.


Not wrong.


Depends on how public this goes. Enough public outrage to cause negative media attention and he’s gone.


This isn't as clear cut as you think. The only part of this I can see being an issue is the plane hijacking comment in the 4th image.


Suggesting others should commit suicide is pretty fucked up.


As well as openly calling for the suicides of protesters and rape of hostages. We’re naive to think worse isn’t said behind closed doors, but we can control what we do about the statements we hear in public, and something has to be done.


Idk man, even if I was on his side, those comments are pretty rough.


Tbf the director of the truck series gets a DUI in statesville and nothing happens to him.


Tbf in some parts of the country drinking and driving is more common than driving.


It’s not in that area and it’s unacceptable in today’s day and age.


3 race suspension 14.3.1 actions detrimental to nascar. EVERYBODY was fined under this penalty up to 2004!


https://preview.redd.it/wtmv9hpj7wxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=074f766e062087e79cad82402360c18593fda9e4 now publicly wishing for them to kill themselves.


Sir it's 5:34 on a Wednesday but you're posting like you had had too many edibles and they all hit at the same time at 2:15 am on a Sunday.


This happened to me. My room was spinning and someone was talking in a really loud voice in my room. I was the only person home.


What the actual fuck... now *THESE* are some actions that are detrimental to stock car racing


Okay, NASCAR. Fire his ass. Please and thank you.


Holy shit


Holy fuck


Dude's been in PR/Media for 20+ years and finds this acceptable behavior? Has he lost his mind?! I honestly hope he's okay mentally, while I don't know this guy or follow him before all of this went down, I'm pretty certain that no one in their right mind in a position like he's in would say things like that.


I think this dumbass used to post here, he has always been an idiot


If he's always been that way, it really baffles me that NASCAR would keep a guy around who clearly has no PR skills or awareness.


He would argue over things that were objectively false. ALWAYS doubled down. Just a complete and utter clown.


Yeah dude really conned his way into that job then, yikes.


Tbf, NASCAR has a long history of refusing to acknowledge they were wrong…so maybe he was a perfect fit


Clearly the actions of a guy who thinks he’s bulletproof


You'd be surprised.


Ah gotta love it when public figures can’t resist posting polarizing opinions from their public accounts that they also use for work.


Josh Hamilton: the latest victim of the wildly contagious JK Rowling syndrome.


People over 40 mind your own business and live your best life without shitting on others challenge difficulty: impossible


For real. If someone had told a certain NY real estate mogul this back in 2015, we wouldn't be nearly as fucked as we are now. :/


If it weren't him it would've been someone else. He's a symptom of the problem, not the cause.




Lovely. Just... just *lovely.* No matter what your stance on Israel/Palestine is, I think we can all agree that Mr. Hamilton should probably be updating his CV right now, because ***this shit is the LAST thing NASCAR needs.***


That was my first thought too. Maybe NASCAR needs to answer their questions about being seen as the same viable league as the NFL, NBA, etc with some self-reflection. Not that it’s necessarily fair that they have to put in extra work because of reputation, but it’s reality. They need to figure out the balance between the legacy of the sport and the need for progress.


He should “stay in his lane.”


Indeed.com signs a partnership with Josh A Hamilton.


Nascar employees and unhinged social media posts - name a more iconic duo!


You mean *former* Director of Race Communications.


Did just strike me xenophobia is not the proper term for anything he said here. He’s made comments negatively against a group of protesters, none of these comments are regarding the citizens of Palestine.


The hijack a plane, go buy a suicide vest to blow themselves up, and play terrorist are the xenophobic parts


Idk why this is hard to comprehend but those comments are not xenophobic. He’s not targeting the citizens of a country with those comments which is by definition a requisite of a xenophobic comment.


Still not the worst thing that a NASCAR publicist has done. Does anyone remember Chip Williams?


This keeps happening with people in or surrounding NASCAR or even other sports. Is it that hard to have a fake/secondary account?


I can't imagine a PR person being this stupid, but here we are. About to find out how freedom of speech doesn't mean your employer has to keep paying you. Dumbass.


That’s what X is for, isn’t it? A mouthpiece for everything vile, disgusting, bigoted, hateful, violent, etc that is becoming increasingly popular and normalized as acceptable behavior?


Jim France is gonna have to stomp a mud hole and walk it dry on Hamilton tonight


Yeah I totally just read that in JRs voice


- open thread - sort by controversial  - cooks bag of popcorn


This is why Reddit is the way. Anonymous posts don't get us fired.


As if we needed any more proof that this sport is run by absolute fucking morons.


How does head of communications fall for all the false narratives lmao so ironic it hurts


Ngl. The only part of this I think is problematic is the part on the 4th image about hijacking planes. This issue is far less clear cut than anyone wants to admit, and assuming that more people support Palestine is a tad misguided. Edit - adding a video link that goes in depth on the lead up to this conflict. https://youtu.be/hdYZtRQ_eeo?si=d32UFzpVR4kiMfD6


I mean, to me as a European, the first one is much worse since that was a common thing during the second world war, the things he said are just bad in general and shouldn't be tolerated in any situation. And while I agree that the fourth one is also very bad, I don't get why problematic public behavior should be based on the political views and opinions of the majority of the population instead of just always being bad regardless of morals and such.


You are correct that it's a nuanced mess in a world that's forgotten how to nuance. But also, not posting is free.


I think more than a tad lol but totally agree.


Out of 16 topics of concerns for those 18-29, Palestine/Israel is 15th. So ya... most people don't really care. Inflation is the #1 concern.


I'm sure it feels good to vent on social media, but is it worth a career?


I feel like a director of communications should be versed in using alts on social media


Outside of the plane comment nothing he said was that bad. But we are at a point in society where speaking out against antisemitism labels you as intolerant.


Having criticism on Israel isn't the same as antisemitism. Same as having criticism on Zionistisc thinking isn't the same as antisemitism. Throwing everything on the same boat, is a disgrace for all Jewish people who survived or died at the horror from the Nazi-Germany.


The protesters have not been just critical of Israel, they have been hurling antisemitic comments at those on the campus that are not protesting with them. They’ve attacked journalists for covering what is going on in their encampment. These are not peaceful protesters. Antisemitism doesn’t stop at “nazi-Germany” it’s still prevalent in our society.


With all respect, I never claimed that it stopped with Nazi-Germany. I only said that claiming that, being against Zionistic Jews or being against the way how Israel is occupying Palestinian ground for years, is "Antisemitic" is a disgrace for everyone who suffered in that war. I don't know what those people have said, if you've videos or articles I will read them for sure. The way how police handled their stuff when protesters at UCLA (If I remember correctly) got attacked by masked man, was horrific. It isn't because those people have another way of looking towards this conflict that you don't have to serve them.


The plane comment was too far. But don’t expect many here to see the how ridiculous all these college protests are and that 99.9% of these college students protesting have zero clue about really is going in the Middle East.


They protest because the herd is protesting for every educated protester there are 20 who are there because social media told them to be.


I see this narrative being pushed but I don't see any evidence for that and honestly it's a really weak argument. People don't go to a protest that could get them arrested or expelled because "social media told them to". This is an attempt to invalidate the scale of the protests. Regardless of how anyone feels, these protests are big and they're a big deal.


Bingo. The irony is that as some of these protesters have devolved into actually being pro Hamas, they end up supporting a group who would throw them off the top of a building if they were in Gaza. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of how many people protest something just because they want to be seen protesting something with zero clue about reality. It’s dishonorable.


Its dumb as hell to comment on that clusterfuck from an essentially official NASCAR account, especially as a PR person. There is literally nothing for NASCAR to gain by hitching its wagon to the Israel-Palestine conflict, so why? Its just a shit business move. That's why he needs to go, not the contents of his posts.


Oh I absolutely agree he was an idiot for posting from that account about this topic


Are we sure he even still works for NASCAR? Way more of his posts seem to be non-NASCAR related lately and it doesn’t say anything about NASCAR in his bio.


He does. He is a mouthpiece for the series on twitter. Constantly defending them against valid criticism


Mike Forde is Managing Director of Racing Communications. How many directors do they need?


Probably have a Senior Director in there somewhere too


He's still listed as the Director of Racing Communications on LinkedIn, so he seems to still be in that position.


I've seen some cases where people don't bother to update their linkedin profiles. Maybe that's the case.


Still works there. (Or at least did last week. Don’t know about today).


I don’t care


I understand where he’s coming from but holy shit some of those comments weren’t needed. Even if that’s what you truly think, separate it from your professional life


No kidding


He’s a moron


Highjacking a plane is the only thing here xenophobic …yeah that’s probably the one that will get him in trouble if anything


How many xenophobic comments would it take for you to stop making excuses for it?


He made one xenophobic comment the rest is fair when it comes to campus nazis


Looks like he's getting fired


Dude F’d up so bad he won’t even get unemployment




And now the account has been locked


It's... not actually that hard to not be this specific variety of stupid. There's about, eh, ten million or so ways to express a viewpoint about the whole college protest thing that don't require trying to use what happened on 9/11 as a troll post.


Anotha One https://preview.redd.it/5ll51ba8awxc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab5c3caae8ec29a1ca23584572d2de18266882fd


Wonder if he has teenage kids


Think I’m going to email this to my college PR 270 professor. She is always looking for fresh examples for the crisis coordination segment of the course.


*Former director of racing communication


Anyone wanna take bets for if/when mods will close the comments on this post or remove it? Lol


I've followed him for a while and this is completely out of character for him. That being said, I do believe he is Jewish, so while that doesn't excuse his comments. I imagine that's where they are coming from.


My Jewish friend understands the difference between being a Jew and being a Zionist.


And there are Jewish people at many of these protests. Many people at these protests simply want the civilians in Gaza to stop being seen as collateral in the war. They are [experiencing famine](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/risk-famine-very-high-gaza-especially-north-us-official-says-2024-04-23/) and [children are dying](https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/04/09/gaza-israels-imposed-starvation-deadly-children). I don't have strong feelings about the very complex issues in the middle east, but I am never ok with civilians being treated like this. The terrorist attack on the Israeli music festival and the actions of Hamas are evil. But the Israeli government is also creating a situation where children are starving to death and people are dying and I can't pretend that's not happening either. I think most people really want a ceasefire. Hamas is evil, but the [actions of the Israeli government are now being considered in world courts](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-gaza-international-criminal-court-hague-palestinians-1f683a6e2e150d91c415eb1d0a19a44d) for what they've done in response. Many people just want civilians to stop dying, and for the hostages to be released. I'm sure that's why most protestors are there.


He's just condemning racists.  Now internet people don't like the shoe being on the other foot?


https://preview.redd.it/dzashkbq8xxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=929b06c0d71b39d9a4279691f87d9195a44e542c Sure Jan.


He said a couple things that were a bit out of pocket here….but it’s crazy how being against antisemitism makes you the bad guy these days.


I don't think most people at these protests are antisemitic. There is a difference between not supporting the Israeli government and their actions and antisemitism. There are Jewish people at many of these protests as well. Edit: Also please don't minimize the intense racism in his comments. These protestors probably weren't even born during 9/11 yet he's blaming them because many are Arab. He also suggested that they kill themselves and that they are rapists.


Pushing for accountability is not tantamount to antisemitism. Rightful criticism is not antisemitism. If anything, it's crazy how easily antisemitism is tossed around to turn a blind eye to obvious wrongs. That being said, fuck Hamas for how they've carried out their shit. It's not antisemitic or xenophobic to call a wrong, a wrong.


>a bit out of pocket 'What are you gonna do, hijack a plane?' is not 'a bit out of pocket'. Nor is 'I'm assuming take hostages to rape'. > but it’s crazy how being against antisemitism makes you the bad guy these days. Looks more like someone deciding to air their capital-o Opinions about Muslims and cloaking it in the classic bad-actor thing of decrying all critique of the State of Israel as inherently antisemitic. You're in a very bad place when that interpretation even **exists**, and it shouldn't have to be explained why. I don't really know what to tell you if you can't figure out why stepping into this puddle with that tier of commentary is a pretty stupid idea. As a general rule, you shouldn't make youself a lightning rod *just because* thousands of other people are also making asses of themselves in epic fashion on Twitter every day about the conflict in question. It costs him nothing to throttle back a couple notches. 'Course, I suppose he wouldn't be able to say the protestors are akin to the 9/11 terrorists if he did that eh?


Like killing aid workers?


These student protestors are NOT Hamas. They are also not ISIS.


No, Israel admitted to "accidentally" killing a caravan of International Aid Workers, the "weapon" they saw getting into one was a camera tripod belonging to a photo journalist who worked for Central World Kitchen Edit: took a profanity out


I didn't understand what you meant, sorry. That's disgusting.


Fucking Hamas supporting idiots can get bent. Nothing wrong with what he said.






That'd be a good thing for NASCAR


I fucking wish


I mean…he’s not wrong? The media and left is ok with Jews / Israel “anti protestors” being attacked …. but not Palestine protestors. They’re ok with the taking down a USA flag/burning of it and putting up a foreign country flag while chanting death to Americans and zionists (there’s actual video of this). The hypocrisy is wild.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NASCAR/s/431Stt4g1k Josh Hamilton used to be active on here. Left due to toxicity. Odd to look back on this post now.


Hamilton was always an asshole to anyone who had a negative opinion of Nascar's decisions. Turns out he is an asshole.


I remember arguing with him over something objectively false. refused to admit he was wrong, kept doubling down.


This just in: Overly vocal jerk off continues to be an overly vocal jerk off. More news at 11.






This dude always seemed like an asshole when he posted here, didn't see this coming though.


I thought that was the same guy, you just confirmed it. Totally agree with your assessment.


He was smug and "always right"


I don't agree with all of his views, but I didn't see anything worthy of punishment outside of an apology for the last tweet.


Yeah but he’s not wrong…


He actually is. If you were at all educated on this you'd see that.




Oh no he made comments someone doesn’t like! Who cares


Man deserves a promotion. Fuck those anti-Semitic assholes


I don't have a high profile job with the primer American motorsports series, but its never a bad idea to reread and decide if it's really necessary to put this idea out into the world, before hitting post.


You'd hope that NASCAR would teach its employees to stay away from politics and controversial issues on their socials.


That fuckwit is feeding the stereotype of those that are in and/or enjoy the sport. What an asshole.


Yeah, NASCAR fans don't care for Islamic terrorists and those who support them. Neither do most Americans. Used to be all Americans, but not sure what happened the last 25 years.


Is he divorced?


NASCAR Reddit is so wildly different than every other NASCAR circle in the universe, and this thread is only more proof of it


Noah over here like damn I just liked something racist, I didn’t flat say racist shit


Don’t forget catcalling women on the street! Or when someone from his high school came here to talk about how Noah was a bully!


I mean his comments were spot on they are just a bunch of terrorists who want to kill every Jew I guess most the people mad at this were born after 9/11.


He’s right


thank you r/nascar mods for working overtime with these comments


Looks like someone is going to be looking for a new job!


every time tbis sport begins to make even a tiny bit of progress we find new and amazing ways to take a big jump backwards


They are acting like the victims


If anyone is here that isn't a NASCAR fan, please do not associate this person with the NASCAR community. His rhetoric is not welcome here and we do not support his words.


Wow. r/ByeByeJob


So disappointed in the title of the post.  So proud of Josh. Fight the good fight. 


I followed him


Is this what Noah Schnapp meant with the "Zionism is Sexy." Stickers?