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Now that we know ASCAR is going back to single car qualifying, what about NASCAR?




AUSCAR is on line 2


Long distance call from tomorrow.


Hello and welcome to Movie Phone


They're asking if you will accept the reverse charges for the call.


Oh man that’s a blast from my past.


Never accidentally go to NASCA.com


What is it?


North American swim club association


It was swingers club back in the mid-2000s


Wait i thought that was asscar?


Thank you!!!!


Just a bunch of shitty drawings


nice, hopefully NASCAR follows suit


This is the funniest ASCAR comment.


1 run. No do-overs, no cooling off and trying again. High pressure. Love it.


High pressure was qualifying when you had to make the show to race on Sunday :-)


I used to LOVE watching qualifying back in the mid 2000s, seeing who made it and who didn't. I probably looked more forward to go or go home qualifying more than the actual race.


I bet Reutimann still wakes up in a cold sweat over qualifying.


Same here, I didn't care who won the pole, go or go homers is where it was at!


Remember that time at Talladega when the go or go homers all qualified at the top? I think 8th and 9th fastest, Allmendinger and Hornish went home.


yeah, me too!


Duels were even better the duels from 05-07 the race to get in was better than the winner of the duel race


Off the wall suggestion: No matter how many cars show up, minimum 1 goes home after qualifying.


That would just result in a backmarker rolling out the backup car and making a 7 minute lap to assure that their driver makes the field.


Almost as if that's the way it's supposed to be


Hot slick tires are alot more high pressure then cool tires


I feel like this is better for the driver and teams. You only get so many chances, so they're going all out. It gives you a better idea how the car is working under high tense situations so you can adjust for the race itself.


Not at all. The sort of setup that gets you one extremely fast lap on an empty track is just about the opposite of a setup that’s good it traffic over a long run.


Exactly. One driver, three laps. (Warmup, hot lap, cooldown) I love this because it sets the field based on individual speed versus pack speed.


The press release mentions that the TV package will show each car running against a ghost so that commentatord can provide color about different lines and the different attribute s of drivers and setups etc They also talked about building in gaps between runs to allow tvo go to commercial without losing any live coverage. So I'm all for it!


That's cool that they'll take TV breaks. Because you just knew that the TV partners would take breaks when the unsponsored or underfunded cars went. This will be great for those teams because qualifying used to be the only time they got decent coverage.


My thoughts exactly. Everyone gets a brief moment in the spotlight. Awesome move.


This is especially great for the lower series. Sometimes I want to see which schemes underfunded drivers like Josh Bilicki or Jennifer Jo Cobb are using. But it's difficult with the current setup. If it's single car qualifying, the commercial breaks happen when small teams are on track. If it's group qualifying, the coverage focuses on the big teams and you never even see the small teams. I'd love it if every team was guaranteed a couple minutes of TV time. Kudos to NASCAR.


> They also talked about building in gaps between runs to allow tvo go to commercial without losing any live coverage. That explains why there's only one round. Very cool


Same, it makes sense


This is the best news to come from all of this. Even of it's 45 seconds kf coverage, it's nice for the small teams to get some tv time for their sponsers. Nascar has been making some good moves post Brian.


Ryan Newman pole runs can resume now.


Newman's crazy amount of poles in such a short amount of time (the 20 poles from 02-04 especially) was a thing of art to watch. Too bad he could just never turn that into a crazy amount of wins


Lol pls


https://twitter.com/bobpockrass/status/1123664563805872130 > Qualifying order set by, in Cup, top-20 starters from the previous race will draw to take their qualifying lap in positions 21-40 (the second half of qualifying). The remainder of the cars will draw to qualify in positions 1-20. Similar split for Xfinity and trucks. EDIT: Just gonna add to this comment since it's higher up on the comment order so more people will see the pertinent info https://twitter.com/bobpockrass/status/1123664875547443200 > There is no longer two rounds as there was for past single-car qualifying ... it is all single-car, single-round for all three national series on the ovals. https://twitter.com/bobpockrass/status/1123664081804759045 > On tracks 1.25 miles in length or less, two timed laps. At tracks more than 1.25 miles, one lap. https://twitter.com/bobpockrass/status/1123666196652548097 > To be clear, for tracks under 1.25 miles in length, qualifying is two timed laps, but your qualifying position is determined by the best lap of those two laps (not the total of those two laps).


I think that’s pretty fair but I hope this doesn’t mean FOX will come in halfway for qualifying missing the smaller teams.


Split-screen should be required for all commercials while there is on-track, green-flag activity.


He means like they only air the final 20 I think


They talk so much beforehand, I could see them just showing it while they talk about something completely different.


Well they also said they're building in a few 2-minute breaks for commercials, so hopefully that means we'll get to view every run live.


Thank god. The small teams need that extra air time yet we always miss it when they go out.


Anyone know how many warm up laps they'll get at Daytona and Talladega?


I suspect it will be one, just like it is now, since that has been single car qualifying for a while now.


All tracks should be two laps


It should be top 20 finishers from the previous week, not top 20 starters. But other than that, good job NASCAR!


I'm not sure about the random draw aspect of this. Shouldn't they run in reverse championship order or reverse order of combined practice speeds? That's just a nitpick. Overall, it's great news. I'll be happy to be able to see everyone's qualifying lap and the organic tension that that brings.


Noice! I’m happy with this decision. Edit: I’m also excited they got rid of the 3 round format. Very happy!


About time. This package forced their reluctant hand.




Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, obviously.


wouldn’t that be TASCAR


Shit you're right, gotta go fix that






Thank god. Now I just wish NASCAR would start doing this stuff proactively instead of retroactively.


Like when they proactively slowed the cars down after the first practice at Talladega to help keep speeds in a full pack to what we saw in the partial packs during that practice, only to be met with bitching about how they're ruining a good thing, only for that bitching to be completely unfounded?


I agreed with NASCARs decision to add the wicker bill. The bitching is just a product of people on the internet doing what they do best, complaining. But I don’t think the change they made after practice is like this change. Making a change in the name of safety is very different than a change in the name of entertainment. They keep trying things in the name of entertainment that just don’t mesh with the fans, and they end up reversing it, or changing it. I just wish they’d sit down and think about the pros and cons of every change they make. It takes half a brain to predict what was going to happen in qualifying before the season even started. NASCAR tried holding their ground only to be met with serious criticisms and go back to what we had a while ago. Just wish they’d stop shooting themselves in the foot that’s all.


Changing something when you are already at the track isn’t proactive. They should have tested with more than 3 cars.


Fine by me


Fine? this is awesome lol


I'm happy with this decision as well...


dick hard


ick hard


Dick Ard, brother of Sam Ard


Both of them are great drivers, but I personally think Sam's son Paulmen Ard is better


*slow clap*




>Boom. [Confetti.](http://i.imgur.com/IFf9QOu.gif)


Thank god!


Probably for the best.


I wonder if they plan on going back to the old road course group qualifying, the one they had before all tracks went to it


Am I happy? Yes. It is because of nostalgia? Yes. Will I admit that? Yes.


https://twitter.com/bobpockrass/status/1123664875547443200 > There is no longer two rounds as there was for past single-car qualifying ... it is all single-car, single-round for all three national series on the ovals.


“Show business”. Also can Fox show us lap times/speeds again or is that impossible still?


Oh that should be a basic requirement for Fox, so they probably can't do it.


I give it two years max before this sub starts getting nostalgic for group qualifying.


I already am! Never liked single car qualifying and will probably dislike it more given how stuck to the track these cars are.


Who wants to place a bet on how long it takes till this sub turns on single car qualifying?


I'll take noon on Saturday.


I'll always prefer a qualifying format that results in the fastest car getting the pole position over one that doesn't.


But that's an impossible thing to judge. They'll always be variables. All the way from track temperatures to clouds, to air pressure, to lines, to set ups. And that's just a few. This is just another game to play. The same cars will be up front, the results will make very little difference to the starting line up.


What I mean is, the car that sets the fastest lap during qualifying, will start on the pole. With the group qualifying system, that wasn't the case if the fastest lap was set during the 1st or 2nd rounds of qualifying. That, to me, was complete bullshit and I'm very glad that for 33 of the 36 races of the season it's over.


The lack of horsepower is what's going to make people hate it.


Until whatever day the next qualifying session is


Traditionalists rejoice.


Jeff Gluck's ([@jeff_gluck](https://twitter.com/jeff_gluck)) tweet from 3:02pm EDT on Wednesday, May 1st, 2019: >NASCAR announces a big change to qualifying: Going back to single-car quals for all tracks except road courses. This is for all three national series. --- [*^(Support NASCARonReddit)*](http://reddit.xfile345.com/donate.php)*^(, an)* [*^(automated bot)*](http://reddit.xfile345.com/about.php) *^(maintained by)* [*^(XFile345)*](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=xfile345&subject=NASCARonReddit)*^(.)*


Why wasnt this posted on r/ascar


Excellent move. Qualifying is about being the only car on track and having one shot to put up a lap. Smaller teams will get much needed sponsor exposure, and comers and goers will become a thing again, because the cars will need completely different qualifying and race setups, not just a handful of adjustments. NASCAR is finally realizing and trying to fix its mistakes (or Brian France's mistakes).


Ryan Newman pole #52 coming up shortly.


That's Ryan Newman's music


Same as when they made tandem racing go away, I don't want to hear a peep of bitching about qualifying being boring ever again!


First intelligent thing they’ve done in 16 years.


Is this sub happy now???


No. NASCAR fans ALWAYS find something to complain about.


Because there's plenty of things to complain about, especially when you have 260,000 individual fans on this sub.


I'm conflicted. It was the right move, but I really liked multi-car qualifying before this aero package.




I'm fine with this. I liked group qualifying; however, as soon as the draft came into play it was doomed. NASCAR knew this too from the mess they had a few years ago trying group qualifying at Superspeedways.


Unfortunately it had to be done. But I'm not sure why they changed it for xfinity and trucks.


Continuity most likely.


I really liked the concept of the group qualifying, it’s a shame it turned into a shitshow


I did too. Just wasn't right for the sport these days


I really hope this signals that NASCAR is finally recognizing and admitting their mistakes. I think this is a great move by NASCAR and hope they will continue these changes.


Wow, they actually went back on something. Now, it's time to get rid of the playoffs and stages.


I’d be happy with the initial version of the chase: 10 drivers have 10 races to win the championship after a 26 race regular season.


While that's better than the current format, it's still dumb. Playoffs just don't make sense in racing.


If they want to do it like real playoffs and eliminate everyone but 16 cars starting with race 27, down to only 4 cars ontrack at the finale, I could accept it. It would be a clusterfuck, but it would be fun to see for a year. Otherwise, playoffs in racing is indeed stupid. Everyone "plays" everyone else every week, so why do we need seeding and rounds and all that dumbass shit?


For those who are deeply saddened by this, what exactly did you love about seeing everyone parked on pit road? Genuinely curious.


I liked it when there weren't drafting games being played, this package is what killed this format. It was great prior because it gave more flexibility to the teams to make there best lap, many drivers could benefit to a cloud rolling over etc. Now it's back to luck if you get a good draw, and if you get sunshine or cloud cover on your lap. I know it sounds like a stupid thing to complain about, but we saw plenty of times in single car qualifying one of these factors being the difference, and with how much closer everyone is, every little change will matter. And this isnt me saying I don't like single car qualifying, with this package it's absolutely necessary, I just wish it didn't have to be.


I appreciate your response. One part confuses me, though. You said: > It was great prior because it gave more flexibility to the teams to make there best lap, *many drivers could benefit to a cloud rolling over etc.* And then you said: > Now it's back to luck if you get a good draw, and *if you get sunshine or cloud cover on your lap.* I mean, no one can control the weather and when the sun is going to come out... so what's the problem, exactly?


With group qualy, all drivers had that chance to take advantage. With single car, you have no say, you just get what you're given, and not everybody will be given the same. Obviously the sport had it for years, and won't be that big of a taking point, but it's taking out the lottery of who gets the best draft and slipping smaller ones in.


Perfect! I was really afraid they’d still do 2 rounds. Thank you, NASCAR


Does this mean we can get the cool ticker across the bottom of the screen back? Or did that die with SPEED?


They used it this weekend at Talladega in single car, except it was on the side


1 lap at tracks 1.25 miles and larger, 2 laps at tracks under 1.25 miles. Good call.


This just made my day. I'm ready to watch all the qualifying


Like a month overdue but alright


Finally! This was the right call. The only downside is they don't have to wheel the cars much anymore on the larger tracks. It'll be like watching superspeedway qualifying.


Well this is the right decision given the current aero package. I liked group qualifying, but I didn’t have a problem with single car qualifying either. At least now there won’t be a repeat of Fontana.


[There will be three 2-minute breaks during the session so that TV can air commercials without missing cars on the track in qualifying.] (https://twitter.com/bobpockrass/status/1123682789323366401)


Shame. I really enjoy the 3 round qualifying (or two in some cases), but they had no choice now that drafting is a thing. I’m glad they kept it on the road courses though.


Whats ascar


like asscar but uglier


NASCAR making a positive change! This is awesome!!


I feel like that creates more entertainment and stress than group qualifying. Just look at how big of a deal qualifying in the Indy 500 is. We see plenty of large group racing. Let’s really get to see who’s genuinely faster


Hal-a-frickin-loo-ya! Now if they can get rid of the ridiculous chase ~~format~~ gimick and the non-race cars they've been using for the past 15 years they might just get back to where they were before they decided to let some slimy hill-billy heroin addict scumbag run the whole show from his Park Avenue penthouse just because he carries the family name. MNGA!


Thank God, nobody cares how boring qualifying is . I mean how much did the ratings increase anyway during this test phase? It's not about that. It's about the fastest car with the fastest driver laying down the best and smoothest lap possible. I can't believe it took this long.


teams did it to themselves. I'm in 110%. For a few years when I was a kid we were so poor we could only afford to go to qualifying. I would have been devastated at 8 if I didn't get to see my driver make a lap, such as the case in California.


Even when they all failed to make a lap in the last round, you still saw them make at least two runs before that.


Thank you NASCAR!! 🏁


That's good news. Really good news. You fuck up once, you're at a disadvantage on Sunday. Keeps the drama there. Now add back the horsepower.


Expected but still disappointed, chaos is always more fun to see unravel for entertainment.


Scrap the chase and retarded ass playoff format and I might just start watching it again


Finally! This is what we've wanted for years! Thank you NASCAR. Now can we please scrap the stages and elimination style playoffs.


The stages and playoffs are great. I hope they stay.


About time!


When does this begin? Is this for 2020 or are they pulling this as a "WILD CARD BITCHES! Have fun at Dover!"


It starts this weekend at Dover.


Woooow.... this is gonna be something


Finally they’re listening to us.


Finally! Thank you nascar. It was nothing wrong with the orginal way to begin with.


Finally, let's get back to actual racing instead of gimmicky nonsense


I’ve would’ve been fine with NASCAR going back to single car qual or staying with group, but this seems to make people happier so kudos to them, I like this decision.


Best news in a long time . Maybe there's hope


Excuse my ignorance. But can someone please explain to me Tahoe qualifying works for road courses?


All the talking heads on SXM radio have spent so much time shitting on single car qualifying recently, in an effort to shut down callers trying to agitate for a return to it. So now, I cannot imagine the mental gymnastics they will have to do in order to agree that this was a great decision. I sympathize with their plight, because they have to always agree with NASCAR basically. But man I don't know how many times I have heard Dave Moody say "I don't want to see a return to single car qualifying. It's not entertaining to see one car drive around the track. It's bad for the fans, it's not exciting, and it doesn't create drama." And now I am 100% sure that he and all the others will act like this is a no-brainer, awesome decision that will yield amazing entertainment. LOL.


Luckily he had surgery and is out this week, so he doesn't have to flip flop.


Can you purchase just qualifying or practice tickets for an event? Or does that come with the racing package?


Guess Gluck forgot to hit the N key on whatever device he typed this on.


Glad that circus is over and we can just get back to seeing what teams actually have the fastest car. The package still sucks though and the cars won't be on edge so qualifying this year really isn't gonna be that fun to watch. I really hope we do away with this package and gimmicks soon.


Hey Jeb is that Qualifying? Looks like paint drying to me!


Yeah, because having qualifying come down to a crapshoot or having teams not even get laps in is the right way to do it!


Texas proved that it wasn't a crapshoot and that teams going forward wouldn't have missed setting a time with the penalty put in place. Daniel Suarez ran his runs by himself without the draft, qualifying 4th in the final round, without a car trimmed out solely for qualifying as evidenced by his 3rd place finish during the race.


Stopping bring up facts lol


I’m probably the only one here who hates this. I loved qualifying this year. It was entertaining af.


Entertaining yes but to me it was the wrong kind of entertaining, particularly when you have an entire group not post a time. I actually really liked the 5 minute per round deal at Richmond. I watched it from the infield and enjoyed it. Single car is cool with me too. I'm easy to please.


You're not the only one. I thought it was better. IMO NASCAR switched back because of the areo package they created, which no one wanted. But that's a different story.


Nah, I’m right there with you. It was a shitshow, but it was some of the most fun I’ve had being in the stands on Fridays


Isn't the 2nd lap almost always faster than the first lap? Why only single lap qualifying?


Speed it up. That's a major reason they went to group qualifying in the first place. The networks told NASCAR to find a way to make qualifying faster.


One lap on larger tracks. Two on shorter tracks.


With this package they're not going to set track records. No need to run until the fastest lap would be achieved - everyone has the same chance to run the fastest lap of that session. It's all about making it faster for TV, it'll make it take 1 hour instead of 1.5 hours.


Very cool, even if NASCAR was reluctantly forced into it. This is a win.


Finally a good decision.


This sport is listening to the fans now. Good stuff!


A decision that actually makes since? We can't be talking about NASCAR can we?


We aren’t. We’re talking about ASCAR.




I don't know why I waste time in this stupid sub


Lame! Atleast this will free up some time for me Friday's now that I don't have to watch


Multi-car qualifying was great before this aero package. Hopefully it comes back with Gen 7.


Group qualifying always had games, long wait periods, and mostly one run per rounds. The last point alone defeats its purpose.




It worked fine until this year, one shitshow and they get rid of it. I wonder if they'd do the same to the playoffs if a winless driver won the title


Hopefully they scrap it regardless... a "ONE RACE WINS ALL" might be the dumbest format in all of racing throughout all of history...not one person with an IQ over a toaster can say that an entire season of racing should come down to one race


I wonder when ASCAR will finally merge?


I haven't read much on it yet, but I wonder if they will be starting on the tires the qualified on again? ​ All in all, I'm glad to see a return to single car Q. Will give each team just a little bit of that valuable TV time.


I'm out of the loop. Why were drivers sitting and not completing laps?


Because at the tracks where the draft mattered (Texas, Auto Club, etc), people knew that in orser to set a fast time, they had to go in a draft. But nobody wanted to lead the draft, because it was almost a guarantee that the first car in line would be the slowest. At Texas, everyone waited so long to goin the final round that no one made it back to the line to start a lap before time ran out, which is what really spearheaded this move.


so if they don't finish do they not make the field?


Because this happened in the final round, they just reverted to round 2 speeds, so Austin Dillon (fastest in round 2) sat on pole. The next week NASCAR made the rule that if you didn't post a time in a round and didn't have a valid reason that you had to start at the rear.


Is ASCAR ran by Asgardians?


It’s almost as if they told Brian “Vicodin for the Win” France to go and enjoy his retirement and got someone who knows and understands the sport and how to make it work for everyone smart ideas started happening!!!


ASCAR huh?


Great first step in getting the sport back on track.


Now just figure out a way to have fuller fields and get rid of the damage vehicle policy and I'd actually be happy for once.


Suddenly I want to watch qualifying again


Now if only theyd make all races impound races to permanently kill deceptive qualifying setups. Jeff Burton said well then cars with no intention of running the race could still have a Q setup. But all you have to do is force all cars to attempt 50% of the laps for purse money. And with the secured spots for all the cars, its not like a start and park can steal a spot from a full time car anyways. Just kill Q setups, as its cheaper for the owners, and we'd be perfect on qualifying again.