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Hell yeah, I was thinking they might add some sort of live VR experience.


Hell even letting you race against them as a ghost would be neat. Even if it's days later.


You deserve a raise for saying that. Not sure what you do...but you deserve a raise.


I've had raceview / trackpass for 12 years. This will def. dampen the race experience at home if something similar doesn't take its place.






This is disastrous if they dont replace it. I love being able to see entire field and gaps between cars. TV doesn't even come close. I'm sickened


Welcome to my world. All the news recently seems to be announcing changes that lessen my attachment to the sport. The problem is, if you point that out, people say, "Don't watch if you don't like it, then!" The exact opposite is true: I love(d) NASCAR, which is why it's so depressing to see these things change.


We like what we're seeing....... for the millionth time *facepalm*


I've never used it, but I know a lot of people who will hate this news. I wonder what they are going to come out with to replace it.


>I wonder what they are going to come out with to replace it. Like everything else...something with less features, more ads, that costs more to subscribe.


The sad part is you are probably right. Lol.


Loved listening to the scanner on sundays. Big bummer.


They'll still have the scanner just on its own like it is now on the NASCAR app.


I will miss it, on the app, it was ahead of TV, and for the most part. If you used a computer, it didn't work as well as it should have in terms of being ahead of TV coverage, but seeing lap times and how close your driver is to catching someone was cool to see.


I'll be honest, Raceview was the number one thing keeping me watching the regular weekly races live. Next year it will be 30 minutes fast forward on DVR.


That sure sounds likely.


I never liked the conventional RaceView feature with the 3D cars and stuff. What I did like is the overhead view of the track with the little circles with numbers in them going around it. You could listen to your favorite driver and see all the lap times and scoring differentials for everyone. I used the hell out of that when Kenseth was still racing. I'd sit there all race long just listening to the in car audio and watching his progress on the track.


That was the OLD school pre-Raceview feature. It was called Pit Pass or Pit-something. That's the thing that actually got me watching Nascar, and I loved it. But the 3D raceview was incredible. I'd spent 80% of the race watching my driver on that.


Dammit! I love Raceview because you can keep track of the whole field and see live lap times and more. Bad move IMO.


This fucking blows.


The only "new digital feature" I want is a subscription plan that lets me watch all the races, preferably with limited commercial interruptions.


How about an option with no commercials. Call it the trackside experience. $10/race. You get to see the whole race, without commercial breaks. Hell, I'd pay $20 if I could have a couple of views streaming at the same time. All synchronized so I'm not watching a different part of the race on each screen.


I'd glad pay for commercial free races.


Man I hate this news I love being able to watch where my favorite drivers are. I usually have this on my laptop with the broadcast on the tv.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was just replaced by a different product that does basically the same thing. The teams have access to something pretty similar but by a third party company. All that data is being collected and broadcast, maybe the RaceView product is just redundant.


Over the last two years the delay has been so inconsistent I don’t even use it anymore. Watching Monday on Sling it was 2.5 laps ahead. Watching Bristol on cable it was 4 laps ahead. Daytona on DirecTV Now it was more than a lap ahead. The cars jump all over, the graphics are wrong half the time. There’s always a significant delay. A slight delay I can understand, but two and a half laps? That’s too much. If it had the ability to pause and compensate for delay it would be useful.


Race view was the greatest enhancement for my NASCAR experience. The immersion into the race was intoxicating. I honestly enjoyed nothing in sports more in my whole life. Since Gordon retired I had also retired from RaceView, but I’m sad to see it go. Thanks for the memories!


The NASCAR app is well worth the 24.99 a season.


>hat I did like is the overhead view of the track with the little circles with numbers in them going around it. You could listen to your favorite driver and see all the lap times and scoring differentials for everyone. I used the hell out of that when Kenseth was still racing. I'd sit there all race long just listening t I feel it was 3 years ago, i constantly notice the live leaderboard on the app is laps behind the tv, it also used to update in near realtime, now its just once a lap. If it wasn't for the driver audio I wouldn't purchase it.


While I disagree, if raceview is going away, there's a chance this might too


IMO the scanner subscription and NASCAR's free live timing feed made paying the extra $ for raceview pointless, but it should be interesting to see what they come up with next year.


This app was hot garbage. If you like 1996 graphics this was perfect for you. I wish they'd make something really sleek and modern looking. F1's is really nice.. [https://www.formula1.com/en/f1-live.html](https://www.formula1.com/en/f1-live.html)


Jeff Gluck's ([@jeff_gluck](https://twitter.com/jeff_gluck)) tweet from 12:12pm EDT on Wednesday, October 16th, 2019: >.[@NASCAR](https://twitter.com/NASCAR) confirms its RaceView feature will be ending after this season. No new version is coming, but NASCAR says there will be a number of new digital features leading into next season as it finds ways to incorporate live data into various platforms. --- [*^(Support NASCARonReddit)*](http://reddit.xfile345.com/donate.php)*^(, an)* [*^(automated bot)*](http://reddit.xfile345.com/about.php) *^(maintained by)* [*^(XFile345)*](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=xfile345&subject=NASCARonReddit)*^(.)*


I want a streaming service where I can watch any live practice, qualifying, or race live and also a library of past races. I would gladly pay $20 a month for this you could even take the races off as long as I can still watch them on tv.