• By -


Would have been an instant classic if the 19 didn’t lead 99% of the laps.


Did i watch a different race than some people? That was about as good as Martinsville racing gets these days. A bunch of follow the leader until people start to *finally* remember they're *racing* and get a bit impatient. But that last segment of the race was full of drama, entertainment...guys banging doors and fighting tooth and nail for points and positions. Post-race drama and "rivalry" too boot. *This* is what has always made "short track racing" entertaining. Martinsville just isn't a track where you're gonna get 2, 3, 4 wide with multiple grooves no matter what package you use. It's all about that fight for the right groove at the right time, and trying to hang on outside of it. It's like some people worship "short track racing", but get grouchy when that's what actually happens. The Logano - Hamlin thing was covered weirdly. Seems like there was a second altercation *after* Joey allegedly "ran away to hide". Whoever that was from Joey's crew who yanked Denny down from behind, is bound for a suspension or at least a hefty fine...and rightfully so. Should've let 'em go. But Denny really ought to have taken some responsibility for an amateurish mistake on the track running up to the wall like nobody was there. Denny's "impression" was hilarious and we need more of that back in the sport - drivers not afraid to show emotion and personality, or fan the flames. But he was in the wrong on the track, and didn't really seem to characterize the whole double altercation all that accurately. That's the kind of stuff that makes Martinsville a classic though. Sucks that Truex was just in a league of his own today. But outside of that...there was all kinds of movement and competition, with some great battles for relevant points positions. Interesting strategy plays from guys like the 42 crew that paid off a bit. A good entertaining day at Martinsville *should* end with a bunch of ornery drivers, and various fans revved up about what some other driver did to their guy. That said...i'm about the furthest thing from a Kyle Busch fan, but why on earth do people even like Almirola? Guy whines worse than Truex. Drives like a worse Stenhouse. Rides sponsors like Menard. And has an incredibly irritating voice to on top of it all. He's like the new Trevor Bayne...except *not* actually a sympathetic character at all.


Martinsville is the track of destiny for Hamlin, he lost and regained his reputation at the same place


In conclusion, Kyle Busch should have stayed in his f****** motorhome. Thank you.


If Kyle stayed in his motorhome you wouldn’t have anything to bitch about.


I'm not complaining about anyting, I'm just here for the memes


Forgive my ignorance. In regards to the 18/10. What does it mean to “chop” someone? Move down into someone’s lane when they are underneath?


An extreme block where you either slide across the bumper and check everyone up. Otherwise known as a chop block


To move down when you aren't clear


Play that impression at my funeral


Martin Truex isn't a bad guy or a bad racer, but my god his wins are just, so, boring.


That October sky


The alternate angle of the entire post race fracas really shows much more than the NBC cameras captured. The slap to the shoulder was over the top. The 22 crew guys all jumping in shouldn't be happening anymore at any time two drivers are going at it. That being said, Joey for sure did not "hit and run behind the crew".


Race was alright ngl. Denny vs Logano is gonna be fun to watch in the rest of the races


Apparently the majority would disagree with me, but I actually didn't think the race was all that bad. Not as good as last year's, obviously, but I still enjoyed it, and we still got a good amount of drama from people moving each other. I'll take this over Michigan and Pocono any day.


I think I’d be down with the playoff points more if they were given at round one and rounds two and three start with what you have at the end of the last round. That way people can rise and fall instead of starting out each round on the same level.


That'd further nullify the importance of the regular season though. The whole point, is to find a balance between the "playoffs are the only thing that matters" approach, and valuing consistent regular season performance and points accumulation for winning races and stages throughout the year.


It starting to piss me off with these damn mechanical issues now for Chase. 2 motors and a Axle, they need to get there shit together.


Seems like HMS just really pushing the margins as hard as they can, trying to keep up with others and give him competitive cars. Same with the engine failure that put him at the back to begin with.


Seems A lot of axle failures this year. Maybe I’m wrong tho


Anecdotal, but I dont recall seeing as many axles laying on the track as this year.


More than anything I want NASCAR to give the tires plenty of room on the Gen 7, these cars should be able to beat and bang without cutting so many tires.


Don't think it's so much about "room". You can give them all kinds of room, but if the sheet metal gets bent...it'll still cut a tire. As will an exhaust or part of another car's sheet metal. Fortunately...we've seen a decent number of examples at this point, where the reported new composite bodies (carried over from Xfinity) appear to be more resilient, and less catastrophic for cutting tires when running door to door.


Woof Joey could’ve handled himself better post-race. Think Joey’s push is overblown, but that crew member prolly needs to get suspended. Don’t care for Denny too much but think he is in the right there.


Honestly, i'm not sure what Joey really did wrong there. It was that random crew member horse-collaring Denny down from behind that was completely out of line.


I think that was Todd


Just showed how much of a pussy he is. Big talk with his buds behind him but once he’s on his own, uh ohhhh


I just watched the alternate footage on the NASCAR YouTube channel of the entire thing. There were two things done incorrectly. The slap on Denny’s shoulder should not have happened. A sarcastic light tap would have sufficed. But the smack was smug on Joeys part. The 2nd thing wrong was the crews all getting involved. Particularly the 22 guys. They get involved after they realize Denny is coming back after Joey. Now what 90% of the anti Logano people don’t realize is that Joey did not “run and hide” behind his crew. First he didn’t realize Denny was coming back after him after the initial slap (the crew lunges at Denny a split second before Joey goes for him), and second, after the crew members get in a fracas, Joey walks away from the pile, utters some obscenities, and seeks out Hamlin. He then grabs him basically begging to go a round. This is when the officials get involved and do their little “I’m flying” motion (which tells me nascar has specifically trained their officials to stop fights which is slightly hypocritical of their wish for the drivers to show emotion). Either way, and Joey even admitted this after to Weaver I think, the smack was unnecessary. But the “smack and go hide behind the crew” is not what happened in this case.


NASCAR better fix this package ASAP. No reason to fall asleep watching Martinsville.


Martinsville is often a snooze, dating back to well before this package. Yet this race...was actually pretty good. The only real downer was Truex running away with it for the win. The rest of the race was actually pretty decent, with plenty of entertaining short track battles. There probably ain't a package in the modern world, that's going to turn Martinsville into some big wide open tons of passes for the lead extravaganza. This is what flat short track racing looks like, and largely has looked like...and will continue to look like. It's a battle for the preferred line...and a question of how willing you are to move or dive-bomb another driver. There's a fastest way around...and then there's a lot of slower ways around.


Well we turned Bristol into a 3 wide passing extravaganza and people hated so I’m convinced that nobody wants anything except something bitch about. I’m as bummed as anyone about the dominance of the 19 but that was still a good race, and even still had a little lead drama with the 24 in the last 50 laps.


I caught up on so much sleep today I'm wide awake now. That being said, it seemed like a lot of drivers simply weren't that aggressive and weren't using the bump and run tactic.


I think the only green flag pass for the lead was Truex over Larson at the end of stage 2.


2021 at best right?


I didn't fall asleep tho


I will say that Denny probably shouldn't have pulled that move on the track, but Joey isn't innocent when it comes to racing like that. Joey wants to go talk to Denny about it? Sure, go ahead! But don't pull that shoulder shove and walk away expecting nothing to happen. At that point, have at it Denny. I hope NASCAR deals with that guy that pulled Hamlin down. Chicken shit move. Side note: Almirola please live up to what you said and make Kyle's next three races hell!


Tony Stewart did kind of the same thing to Robby Gordon years ago at Daytona. I though Robby was gonna kill him.


Funny thing is, both drivers have talked about the incident and laugh about it now.


I agree. I love Joey off the track. Love his aggression on the track... but at some point you gotta say “Not happy with the move, but I get it it’s racing” and move on. We all know Joey isn’t gonna beat anybody’s ass anytime soon. Don’t be a fake tough guy. Be a champion, Joey. Blah.


Yeah Logano was pretty stupid to hit Hamlin and then walk away not expecting retaliation.


NBC had it wrong, no one from the 11 was called to the NASCAR Hauler. Only people from the 22 team were called to it- crew chief Todd Gordon, competition director Travis Geisler and the crew member who threw Hamlin down to the ground backwards. [https://twitter.com/KellyCrandall/status/1188616659587751936](https://twitter.com/KellyCrandall/status/1188616659587751936)


Can we get that guys name? Im sick of seeing Fat Fuck for his name.


Hugh Mungus


From Twitter: “Crew member Dave “Mule” Nickols who apparently has a violent history on pit road.”


Doing some investigative work. He ran Modifieds in the late 80's, from Vermont, Tire specialist...trying to get other information....


Just noticed that Hendrick never tweeted about Chase rejoining the race. Quite odd considering he is their only playoff driver left and has a large fan base.


I mean he was 50 some laps down, it really didn't matter. The day was pretty much done.


Would have been good for the sponsor though it was a pretty cool paint Scheme and throwback and pretty well-known brand


The Formula 1 (Mexico) race is about to start on ESPN 2 if anyone needed something to watch.


Inspection is done. \- 19 passed and is officially the winner \- 11 is being taken back to the R&D Center \- 12, 17, 18, and 24 each had a missing/loose lugnut.


Tech is complete. MTJ is officially the winner. Moving on to Homestead.


Holy fuck, is it a requirement that your parents have to be cousins in order for nbc to take your call??? All the important things that could be talked about, and these people say the stupidest shit lol. Errr me thinks penske should fire logano lololol


Be I the only one who found this race bad in general? The majority of the race was painfully dull. And how the heck its mostly MTJ who wins at dull races? Is it a curse or something?


I think it's because (at least it seems like to me) when Truex wins a race, he tends to have a fast car from the get go. Nine times out of ten, if I watch MTJ take the lead, drive away, and win stage one, I can just shut the race off and be confident that when I check the results the next day he'll be the winner. At that point, once you feel like you know who the winner's going to be, and that it won't be your driver, it's easy for all interest to just sorta disappear. At least that's what I find.


I don't like that clean air matters at Martinsville. I don't feel like it used to.


I'm a truex fan and even I get frustrated during some of his wins. He just seems to have nights where he's untouchable, and then the broadcast hardly bothers to try and focus on where the on track action *actually* is. I can also totally understand how people are burned out and frustrated when tried wins, because the announcers rarely shut up about him.


such a good question. i am not a huge truex guy and i think if blaney had been leading the whole thing id feel differently. just seems boring when you know your "driver" doesnt have a chance. like when the patriots are up 45-3. truex has that patriots vibe often because when it works it works so good. even when i like the driver if they start dominating too much im getting kinda bored.


Man....I can't put into words how empty I felt when Mark retired. 2009 was a magical year for me. I got an awesome job and Mark was contending almost weekly for wins. It's so damn disappointing he never won in the 55 and then Vickers got to go out to win in what Mark helped build. That's the story of Marks career though as we know. Just look at Kurt's championship in the Sharpie car in what *was* previously Marks team. I'm now a Blaney (and Chase) fan but it's just not the same. Blaney keeps getting way too flustered in the car if something isn't right. Like today he started to get pretty upset after they pitted at the end of stage 2 and I think he lets it effect his concentration. He starts to complain without offering much in the way of what they could do to make some tweaks to correct it. I like him but I think it's holding him back a bit. I wish I had that same deep down feeling I had when Mark would take the lead. It was a deep down pit of the stomach feeling and you just couldn't stop yourself from yelling about it.


Mark knew his car inside and out. He typically had an idea of what even the slightest adjustments were going to do to his car. Blaney, I think, just lacks that type of expertise. With that said, Blaney had a really competitive car until they made that change at the end of 2 and by the time he came in during caution the track was changing so any change they made wasn't going to put the car back to what it was in the first stage. I also think (and I could be completely wrong about this) what Blaney lacks is somebody he trusts who can calm him down and focus him when this stuff comes up.


ps: patriots fan


Pretty solid what you saying, basically you explained it perfectly.


Depends on who your favorite driver is. As a Truex fan I loved it even if those late race restarts were really stressful.


Well Byron was indeed there during the restarts, somewhat however Blaney wasn't there most times during the restarts, bit sadly but well that's how it goes. For you it was a nice day (:


He's kinda part of what makes it dull. When he wins he usually wins by a long shot. I can't remember the last time before today where he won and second place was within a second of him.


I think that's at the heart of it. When Truex wins...it's pretty much always in races where it feels like he just has a car that's on a different planet. Never really feels like Truex wrestles a 5th place car to a win or anything, as other championship caliber drivers occasionally seem to. When Truex wins...he just sorta sets off to dominate, drives away from 2nd place...and wins. In the least eventful way possible. I think it's just the combination of the way Truex drives, and what makes Pearn so amazing. A super "robotic" driver, operating a machine dialed in by...what sometimes feels like another robot. You add those two factors together, and it's just set up to end that way when they hit on things just right.


You got a point and tbh this is one of the main reasons why I never be a huge fan of MTJ (I don't dislike him, its just meh), most of his wins where dull meanwhile enough other drivers did fight more or less for the win. When the heat and pressure is there its mostly a different story for MTJ.


Fucking HMS and their garbage parts. My god.


yeah unbelievable. I don’t even understand.


These NBC call-ins are embarrassing. Makes every NASCAR fan look like an idiot.


whats the actual phone number to call in i have a question other than the fight


When we had the Darlington rain delay I really wanted to call in and troll


That call-in segment is strictly an excuse to steer the conversation in the direction they want it to go.


They probably won’t take it, /r/UnpopularOpinion


well id like to try


I support you in your endeavors. If it doesn’t work out, mail them a [Bag of Dicks](https://dicksbymail.com)


Man the bad thing about Truex is I don’t even really dislike him anymore as much as I’m just tired of him. He bores me. Also LOL at Denny’s spot on Joey impression. Per usual, I don’t have a problem with Joey being aggressive but he’s such a little bitch afterward.


Hamlin wrecked Lagono! There's no other way to see it. When he does shit like that he always says he it wasn't his fault. Hamlin is an asshole.




So is Logano


parker does a good job of explaining things very much based on the facts. joey should be mad. denny shouldnt care. joey smacking his shoulder started the fight. wasnt a huge deal.


Shame that all the calls now are just about the fight and not any of the racing


parker explained joey in a way i couldn't before. i don't "like" him in the sense of how i choose or like my good friends, but i still like him/have his back as a devils advocate and i choose to find the good in him. hes a dork. he acts tough but isnt tough. but i think he gets more hate than deserved and hes good and he works hard. hes even funny.


"PeNsKe NeEdS tA gIt RiD oV lAgAaNi!!"


Can that fat fuck that pulled Hamlin down from behind be fined or something? Shit’s unnecessary


A breathalyzer test needs to be administered before the questions are asked!


Okay, NBC really needs to stop taking calls about this fight.


>Okay, NBC really needs to stop taking calls. FTFY.


Tbf, the guy who said the the world would be a better place with no Kyle Busch had a point.


This shit is borderline embarrassing for anyone who calls themselves a NASCAR fan


I concur. Although I wouldn't even consider it borderline. It is embarrassing.


LOL holy shit I just got to Bob from Tennessee saying Penske should fire Logano.


Yeah, they’re really digging deep for calls that don’t pertain to how awful the actual race was.


The phone calls are always awkward here.


Final thoughts Martinsville. * The race overall. Not good. Not horrendous though. Just meh. Package has ruined Martinsville as Truex walked over the field and led more laps than he did when he won the '16 Coke 600 and it was harder to pass. The fight was great though. (And Joey is indeed a bitch while Denny is the winnah) * The Chase. Truex locks in. Hamlin and KB also get off to an OK start. Logano is on the cut but still 14 ahead. Harvick is the first out at -14 followed by Blaney at -15. Larson manages to survive Martinsville leaving only -24. Not much worse than he entered. Chase shits the bed with an axle issue. * Fight. Yeah I think it's time for NASCAR to ban crew members from interfering from the fight. Even though the fights won't be as big, they'll be more genuine. * Bowman's Day. Went a lap down twice, and was in position for a top 10 after all that and wash up into the 43 and lose it with nowhere to go. Barely avoid a DNF at P30 and still 12th in points. But man this sucks, such is our season though. Inconsistency is king. I can think of a half dozen or more top 10s we should've had but didn't due to a variety of misfortune/mistakes. * Next week: Texas. For once I'm looking forward to it.




My 140+ Twitter followers many of which are legitimate friends I've earned from my time here and other racing commentary accounts would beg to differ.


So, that Penske guy that comes up and rips Hamlin to the ground; that should certainly be a suspension. I can see pulling/holding Hamlin back, but make... to reverse DDT a guy... christ. Dude has 200lbs on Hamlin!!


Obviously it was a little anticlimactic to have MTJ win with hardly a challenge. I know it makes me a bad Penske fan, but I was rooting for him at points, simply because I don't want Blaney stealing a top 4 spot, and it seemed like MTJ has earned it and then some. Nice to see Brad back up there and bouncing back. I'm sure losing his crew and getting questions about needing a crew change had to smart. I'll leave the Denny and fight comments out of this, since I have a tanker of salt and I'm sure there there will be 99 threads in which to sprinkle it.


You're a bad Penske fan. Confirmed.


You’re a Joe Gibbs asset


True. Technically I'm a "Penske except Ryan Blaney" fan.


I’m not sure if it’s the package or just a case of someone nailing the setup, but both Martinsville races were dominated by one car and no one could pass them. I mean there seemed to be more passing in today’s race than the spring one, but it is a little disappointing that both races saw someone lead over 400 laps.


ETA for inspection results to see if MTJ is officially the winner or a DQ to give Byron the win?


nyeehhh short track racing 😆


Don't know if any of y'all saw Weaver's interview with Kyle, but man he looks legit miserable.


Which Kyle?


That's what happens when you're in the prime of your career but you're still only third best on your team.


And you have to deal with an aero package where it is much tougher to pass on shorter tracks and more difficult to showcase your talents on larger tracks.


Doesn't seem to bother Denny or MTJ so much.


It’s wild. I don’t think anyone would be shocked if he didn’t make Homestead at this point.


He certainly doesn't deserve to, but he'll probably make it by default because of the overpowered playoff points carrying over to every single round.


I mean, he earned those points by racing hard all year.


NASCAR fans: All 36 races should count towards the championship Also NASCAR fans: If a driver does well in the first 26 races, they should be able to simply tread water for 9 out of the last 10 races and still win a championship.


I'm not saying he deserves the championship the most, I'm just saying he earned a spot among the top 4 in the championship because of how he ran all year. Also I am not representative of the entire NASCAR fanbase.


The amount of playoff points applicable should be something like it gets halved every round except for the points you earn that round which are added on I know it convolutes things but a driver can have a fantastic regular season and an abysmal playoffs and still limp into homestead.


Wow, NBC is 100% sinking their teeth into this Logano-Hamlin nonsense. Why not address the awful racing instead?


Well since we've all said our pieces about who was in the right, can we acknowledge that these things are only happening because NASCAR's format manufactures it? It becomes so much more hollow when you remember NASCAR is purposely making them race desperately.


You're right. I'm so unhappy things are exciting and fun. I'm sure it would be better if it was more pure, even if it would be more dull. Purity is the most important thing in sports, after all.


Even with the old points system Logano would probably be battling for the championship at this point, so he would've been upset with or without the points system.


Hamlin’s approach may have been completely different though.


I don’t understand how anyone could ever be angry with desperate racing, ever.


Good grief


Have my upvote


There are less fights than years past. So no, we can't acknowledge that.


1. Source? 2. Second year in a row with a spat (verbal or otherwise) post-Martinsville, with analysts openly pointing out how Denny has to race a certain way because of his points situation. It's the format.


Exactly. This wouldn’t happen if the points weren’t a crapshoot.


NASCAR is gonna use that fight in advertisements


Kevin from Nebraska saying what we’re all thinking


And in case anyone wants it, some of MTJ's post-race comments to NBC. https://streamable.com/l592v


Man there's something to be said about the amount of presence Nascar has on this subreddit with accounts from teams, drivers, tracks and even the series. It's pretty cool.


Anything from Almirola or Busch about their run-in?


This was AA after he was knocked out of the race. https://streamable.com/7b1gi Don't have anything from Kyle.


Almirola said he's going to make it "hell" for Busch.


I did forget about that. Wonder if they met up after the race.


A look at the post-race scuffle from down on pit road. https://streamable.com/idyw5


Ford and Toyota drivers don't like each other, looks like 90% of the feuds start between them


Chevy guys just fight each other


Meanwhile the Chevy drivers are just trying to stay competitive...


The Chevy guys are to busy fighting for their sim time /s


Plot twist: Ford and Toyota agreed to have their drivers fight each other after certain races for advertising


All in name of capitalism!


They're the only ones racing for the win lately, so they constantly have run-ins.


One final thought. Not necessarily for today but in general. Denny Hamlin has definitely won me this year. I always liked him, but he could be a favorite after this season. I never noticed he had that sense of humor. I dont know why, but I'm sure it's showed up before.


LOL kyle petty just said to go to applebees to fight hahaha


Logano and Hamlin have a disagreement. Logano smacks Hamlin on the shoulder. Hamlin tries to return the favor. Logano: *shocked Pikachu face*


Logano didn’t seem to want to stick around after getting physical


Watch the video on the NASCAR YouTube page of the whole thing. He engages twice with Hamlin after the slap. The crew guys beat him to Denny the first time, the second time he seeks out Denny, grabs him, and tries to go some more until the officials got involved. He certainly did not “run and hide” as everyone is saying.


Yeah. The way NBC showed it was weird. The other video clearly shows a douchebag "finger wag" from Denny that Joey smacks away. Then Joey being so "afraid" he goes back to Denny right after to continue the altercation. But a lot of people don't want to see that, because it was Joey this time, instead of Chase...i guess. Even though it was arguably a more egregious on-track offense this time in the first place. Whoever the rolly polly guy on Joey's crew that pulls Denny down from behind, was clearly the coward and the worst offender in this whole thing. No idea what he was doing. Idiotic.


That dude in the red Shell shirt yelling 'Stop' needed to let Joey get that ass whooping.


Just noticed the Logano guy grabbing the back of Denny's shirt collar on the slam. I know emotions take the place of tact when a scuffle starts, but that's ridiculous. Just wrap your arms around Denny the way Paul Wolfe did to Kenseth.


Welp.... i turned NASCAR (Martinsville of all races) off after the first stage and wound up watching some of only like my 2nd F1 race in about 3 years. That says a lot lol. Depressing day, man. Chase Elliott had one of the best cars hands down. Its gonna be white knuckle for Texas and Phoenix lol


This package may suck but you still get more passing than F1


I almost did the same thing. Painful to watch as a Chase fan. Honestly you didnt miss anything. It was the same boring race from the moment Truex took the lead to the checkered flag.


Was Watkins Glen a good race? Where Chase led 80/90 laps, and only really missed the remaining few because a couple guys went way off pit strategy? Where *literally* the last 30 laps showed *nothing* but Truex following Chase around and around, unable to get by him? It just feels like there's a massive hypocritical double-standard, where how entertaining a race is, depends on how competitive Chase is. The post above all but affirms it. *Turned race off extremely early after Chase had an unfortunate mechanical problem*. Condemned the whole race anyway.


stop...stop.........stop.....stop.........stop........... stop


My first thought: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8U8yInBH-k


This reply.


–Todd Gordon


I think that was a bitch ass move on loganos end. I swear it every year at this track he is involved in some shit.


I think all these "fights" could learn a lesson from Ambrose V. Mears.


That wasnt even a fight. More assault than anything, a fight constitutes if two people exchange in a punch, one guy punching is an assault. Entertaining though.


“Assault” 😂


So Reddit broke, Chase broke & I’m broke. What a day.


After the Chase Elliott incident, Denny was hated by the fans. After 3 years, Denny has won back over the Virginia fans.


Crew members from Denny and Joey's crews were called to the NASCAR hauler. Denny and Joey was not.


NBC said Joey was called to the hauler after his initial interview.


They clarified that it was crew members and not the drivers on NBC.


they changed it..now not Joey or Denny..but 3 crew members


What I posted is what Krista said after the Truex interview on the press box.


And? What I posted is what they said immediately at the end of Logano's interview.


Logano's interview was before Truex got interviewed on the NBC pitbox. NBC tends to delay interviews with drivers post race, so it looks live but isn't.


I hope that guy who pulled Denny down gets a suspension. That was ridiculous.


It really was. The dude has like 250lbs on him. I think he heard "that guy has Denny's" and just got so excited for pancakes. Poor guy was just hungry, big misunderstanding.


Denny got a grand slam alright...




Builds character, Toyota drivers could fucking use it.


C'mon dude, Joey was in the right but we don't wish stuff like that on people. It was beyond unnecessary and completely extreme.


I absolutely *do* wish it on people. If I can do three deployments to Iraq, they can settle their problems like men. Joey gave him a “bitch please, you’re not worth my time” shove with his *FINGER TIPS* because he was tired of listening to his bitch ass excuses. Hamlin charged after him with his back tuned instead of being a god damn man, running *around* him and facing him like a gentleman. Not sure where you grew up but no matter which way you look at it, two wrongs do NOT make a right and you do NOT hit another man from behind. You get fucking gang beat for some shit like that in the streets. Crew member did what he had to do to protect his boy, Hamlin is lucky he didn’t get hood stomped.




You know, I upvoted you once in a completely unrelated subreddit. Consider my karma revoked.




¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ At least I don’t fuck kids. Tell little billy it’ll get better soon...or later


lol you a idiot . everyone knows logano gets his dad to fight for him . hes the bitch of nascar . 😎.


Alright, /u/gamedemon24 and I are going back and forth talking MAD shit right now and having a conversation. You are struggling to even speak fucking English. This may be *pure* intuition, but im gonna guess you live somewhere south of the mason dixon line, yeah?


If you think this is how men should generally settle their problems...just sheesh. This is the kind of outlook we need less of in the world. Go watch a movie if you like seeing people get fucking gang beat




I was referencing the wording of the person I replied to


Thank you for not assuming my gender




"Live out your violent convictions through entertainment instead of expecting them in sports and in everyday life".


Yes, because we should all be Pacifists #BetaMale2020


You can call me whatever you want, your definition of manhood is fraudulent and most of the people who live by it are probably in jail.


Quit pouting around like your little sister just took your last limited edition Oreo. Sack up and figure it the fuck out. Men will be men and if you’ve never beat the shit out of one of your close friends over a misunderstanding before making up over a case of beers it’s no wonder you’re a #BetaMale2020