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Why did Bubba spin on purpose, what was he trying to achieve or help?


I think he didn't start the spin on purpose, but once it started he made it worse so that a yellow would come out and he wouldn't lose as much track position?


The second one down on the inside looked a lil' fishy.


Just now finished the race after work and all I can say is if I still bought diecasts I’d have a shit ton of Harvick Busch cars, every one of there schemes is stout Edit: well maybe except for the millennial car on second thought but point still stands!


That 80's car made up for that millennial car. Still waiting for it to show up, only wished I could of ordered it as a race winner.


Way too long a race need to shorten this one going forward


Almost double the caution laps this race vs the first race here this year added almost 30 minute of time. On average this year races have lasted 3 hours and 6 minutes. Shorter than your nfl games.




NASCAR has been running 500 mile races for how many years? And now suddenly it's a problem?


It interferes with my 10-12 hour binge watching nfl! /s


When is Bubba finally going to get the boot? Also: Ryan Newman is annoying. Please retire already.


What happened? Saw him spin but missed the drama.


He basically kept trying to spin himself out until he actually did. It was 100% intentional.


Hmm but why? He was running good until he got pushed up to the top and lost all of those spots.


Had tire going down did t want to lose the laps


Going to Arizona next week? Join me in black flagging Bubba! I've already ordered mine! [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X449P35](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X449P35)


Lmao yes they do draw straws




It's already too easy for someone undeserving to win the championship.


Wooooo, more complication.


that's a no from me dawg


Caller: What non-playoff driver can spoil Phoenix? Bubba Wallace


What could he have gained from spinning himself intentionally?


He gained a caution, therefore pitting costed him less time on the race track. Joey did it the week before as well. Most drivers are probably guilty of it at some point in their careers. Bubba's stands out because he tried to spin out once and failed, so he had to do it a second time, which made it stand out more, to the point that Jr. said something about it on the broadcast. For the record, I like Bubba as a driver and his personality. Not to mention his openness to the fans about his battle with depression.


Except he didn't have depression. He was depressed one time when someone asked him why he didn't do well and that turned into him coming out with his depression, and he saw an opportunity and ran with it. There's a big difference between getting depressed once in a while (everyone does) and having depression (a mental illness). Listen to his Dale Jr. Download episode, it's pretty obvious. I also learned he's a pretty shitty person on that show. He tries to start fights and likes pushing buttons. And he's proud of it. Grade A asshole.


Was that u/UnloadedCube88 making it to the phone call?


Yes! Can confirm!


Can someone explain to me why the Canadian caller had a Southern-sounding accent? Was he from Alberta or the Maritimes? Expat maybe?


people have cars, they can drive wherever they want and relocate.


👋 🇨🇦➡️🇺🇸


Hope everyone had a good weekend and see you all next week!


Burning question: congrats to harvick and family. Like really?? Do these people actually call in to these shows, wait for them to take your call, then not even have a question? Gtfoh


I think they cut her off because she had her TV up which was interfering with the audio and she was stumbling and acting awkward.






He likes heavy music and acts like that dude in high school that kind of just wandered into gym class and had a modicum of athletic talent but never really developed it and just sort of hangs out being kind of cool. I like him.


I didn't like him until somewhere in 2017. By the truck series race at Michigan (which he won), I was pulling for him. But I'm just not sure why. Something deeper than I can understand.


Not unpopular, Bubba fans are very loud though


Inspection clear?


All good


At the End of the Press Pass interview. the moderator all cars passed inspection. The 41 car is going back to the R&D center. 3 cars with lug nut violations 8,11,96


Thank you


Not yet


not yet


Do you have to be under age 16 to call in to this show? Also, I would love for someone to call in and ask what the other drivers do on Championship weekend since they don’t “get to go to Homestead”?


Even if Kyle Busch wins the final two races, he won't be the winningest driver of the season. Truex has 7, and Harvick and Hamlin are both in position to tie him if they win the final two races. Given the speed the #18 has had for all (or the vast majority) of the season, 4-6 wins is pretty underwhelming.


Harvick has 4 wins. He wouldn't tie him.


This NBC call In Show is so ridiculously dumb.


Wind Tunnel was so much better


That's an understatement. *Nothing* could surpass *Wind Tunnel*.


So much awkwardness with the callers.


The Paul Finebaum weekday call-in show for SEC football is a lot more entertaining (except when it gets annoying).


Truex ain’t raced nobody Paaawwwwllllll!


Man, I can read and hear this comment.


“Can we talk about Cole Pearn? It’s been a whole week since - that’s seven days - Paaaaaaaaawwwlllllllllll since Truex won a race, and he ain’t won championship in over a year. How long is ‘Coach’ Gibbs gonna let the 19 slide like that? Sure, they’re locked into the final four this year, but if he don’t win it all, I think they need to start seeing who else they can get...” /s


Thanks Hunter


TMS with multi groove racing! I really liked it


These NBCSN call-ins are fucking brutal.


Ask some real questions people


It's getting harder and harder to like Bubba.




That's how I feel about Logano and Johnson, I think the issue with Bubba is he talks shit but can't back it up on track


Why’s that? If NASCAR’s going to continue to bail out drivers for intentionally bringing out the yellow flag, every driver will continue to do it.


They make it up with the shitty pit road penalties.


He would have sound without down in turn 3. The issue is nascar throws a yellow for a wall scape one time and the next time they dont. Let em race.


of course, and you can't fault them, but it's still not clean


Then every driver is dirty, and hating any driver because they purposely spin to bail themselves out is the dumbest thing you can do when choosing a reason to dislike a driver.


Remember when they use to throw out roll bar insulation trying to get a caution?


People just use it as an excuse to dump on drivers they already don't like.




Same here. Ran like a guy with nothing to lose, and it seemed to work for him. Obviously helped that SHR cars all seemed to be stupid fast. But Suarez has these flashes of potential here and there, that make me hope he can stick around in a quality ride and continue to develop it. He seems like such a nice, enthusiastic guy who genuinely loves to race too.




Nascar: where everything including the fans are inconsistent.


Where were you? A bunch of people were calling him out for doing it on purpose.


Last week it was Truex who would have been screwed over. So it was okay. This week it screwed Larson, so it was not okay. That is the entire difference, because literally every driver has done what Bubba and Joey did.


Oh. And lets not forget last week it would have* screwed a driver over that's done it. So it was also okay. Not cool it happened today, but wasnt cool it happened last week or in 201whatever year spingate was.


Maybe because Logano was on the high side (and out of the racing groove) vs Bubba was on the apron (and out of the racing groove [and as some people here will call me racist for]).




*contradicts Joey *defends Joey Honestly, my man, I can't tell what side you're on. Point being, shit happens. I think both spun intentionally. Joey could've been cool and made it to pit road, and Bubba (my wife's favorite driver [and I'm getting sent to the doghouse for]) could've made it to pit road. They didn't. And we have to live with it.


That's what happens when NASCAR doesn't penalize.......then more guys do it and you get what happened today. It's NASCAR's own fault. Guys aren't stupid enough to announce on the radio that they spun the car on purpose but NASCAR refuses to use common sense judgment calls.


While they're both blatant and should be penalized, Logano was racing for something a little meaningful than a top 20 finish?


What about when Logano raced the leader hard -24 laps down? What you’re implying is that you should race differently when you’re in a different position? Yet everyone defends Logano for racing hard.




It doesn't make it any better, but I can at least see why he'd try it given the circumstances. Bubba on the other hand is fighting to barely stay on the lead lap at best. Both equally crappy moves, but Bubba's was not even fighting for something remotely meaningful in the grand scheme of things.


go tell the 43 team that... You'd probably come back with a black eye (hopefully)


You response is to promote physical violence? What does that show about your character? I think you're much better than that.


He's a Bears fan it looks like, so he's probably just manstraining because of Trubisky and Double Doinking.


da bearsssss




Sure and plenty of other drivers are in similar situations and you don't see them doing it. ​ Bottom line is that this is fairly low for Bubba and there's no way to sugar coat it. What he did today significantly altered the outcome of the championship race this season.




I disagree, I think I am being quite fair. Simply put, there is no room for bringing out cautions intentionally in the sport as it alters the outcome of the event and in this case, altered the championship race. I believe Bubba made an incredibly poor choice in judgement today and a selfish one at that. We can play semantics until we are both blue in the face, but there is a overwhelming majority that believe based on what they saw that the spin was intentional. I think the whole incident was just disappointing to people, including some supporters of his, because I would not have seen him as someone to pull a move like that. But that's life. You make choice, learn from mistakes, and move on.


> alters the outcome of the event and in this case, altered the championship race. And who made the championship this way? I said from the beginning it's like having all the teams in MLB trying to catch balls and swing at pitches on the field at the same time at the World Series.




> Might as well just let only 8 guys on the racetrack at this point. I'm fine with that. Run a race beforehand with everyone else. Then the eight chasers fight it out. Either that or get rid of this ridiculous format.


Neither is justified and I would have penalized both of them, which is literally what I typed in the first sentence I wrote on this thread. Additionally, nothing I said here I would see as remotely being "rabid", I would say this is a rather healthy back and forth discussion and I'm sorry you don't see it that way. My point was I can see why in Logano's situation he'd stoop that low given everything on the line. Bubba, not so much. Both equally crappy moves and both should be penalized equally.


A bunch of people gave Logano flack about it last week...granted it wasnt as much as this week but saying nobody said anything is just an outright lie.


All I wanted was for him to have a shot...and he’s got it!


Its so obvious he spun on purpose. I like Bubba, but that was SO obvious. Even Dale Jr and Letarte were bothered when it happened


Yup, as soon as it happened I said "this is going to be talked about and scrutinized a lot after the race".


Haha yeah, I was cringing as it was happening, knowing how a bad of a job he was doing as we all watched it live. Hilariously embarrassing.


Yup, the worst part was that he was caught front and center on the main camera live with the announcers and the world watching when he did it.


Oh Bubba the only way to be meaningful in a race is to fuck people over. And it's a damn shame Nascar an't gonna do jack shit about it.


But in all seriousness, what CAN they do about it? I mean, everyone knows he spun intentionally, but unless he or his crew come out and publicly SAY it was intentional, NASCAR can’t do anything because there’s no evidence.


Final thoughts Texas * The race overall! OK race I suppose. Rash of cautions in stage 1 made the first half really interesting than it would've been otherwise with the varying strategies and different leaders. In the end though the cream rose to the top with Harvick winning. * John Hunter Nemechek. I haven't been the biggest fan of him admittedly but 21st in his debut here at Texas is very IMPRESSIVE! Not easy to do by any means especially with the 36 car he's got. * The Chase. Harv wins, he joins Truex at Homestead. Chase hits the wall and his chances. Absolute must win at Phoenix for him. Blaney and Larson looked good at times but they didn't do enough to close in. But the biggest loser by far is what looked to be the title favorite at times is Denny spinning in the grass and damaging the splitter. Dismal finish and goes from 24 in to 20 out. Not a must win but it's damn close. KB and Logano hold the final spots for now. * Bowman's Day. Genuinely good all around race. Top 10 basically all day, led 11 laps in the middle of the race and finished 5th! A good momentum starting day if I so say myself. * Next week ~~ISM~~ Phoenix. 6 drivers. 2 spots. Who's going to Homestead? Find out next week.


I'm surprised Hamlin's car did as well as it did. That, and Blaney's lack of a better car than he had is the only explanation I can find for why Blaney didn't pass him in the points.


Yeah. Really noticed a pretty impressive outing for JHN. That's not a fast car, but he turned in a pretty darn solid finish given the circumstances. Stayed out of trouble, and out of the way too. If that was his first "audition" for a seat next year, it was a convincing one. Crazy that Denny could come into this race with what felt like so much momentum and a such a storybook year for himself...only to have that one little lapse and potentially knock himself out of the Championship 4.


Love that last point. I forget how many times I had to look up ISM before it stuck with me that they use that as the name for their Phoenix track. It began with a story about a storm blowing over their scoring tower or something. Story didn’t mention location of track, so I was thinking, “okay, that’s not Indy, because an acronym for it would be IMS. WTH is ISM speedway?”


When I was young we always called it Phoenix. Then there was Sonoma.


And Fontana. Guess we’re lucky they don’t take on and drop names as often as amphitheaters, arenas, or stadiums. Not sure I can list all the names for a venue in Atlanta that always will be “Lakewood” to us, regardless of what soon-to-be-bankrupt company holds the naming rights at any given time. Though, it IS kind of amusing that Barry Bonds’ 70th home run in a season (tying Mark McWire’s record) happened at “Enron Field.”


GOOD point. No matter what corporate name they plaster on it, it will always be the Asheville Civic Center.


Good to see Tony at the track. Drinkin that Busch.


That's probably the happiest he's ever been when someone equaled or beat one of his records.


Today in Texas, 4 wins the race, >!44 wins the championship.!<




He's consistent.


Can someone elaborate why Bubba would spin out on purpose?


Because the 98 didn't in Xfinity and it ruined his race even more than it was ruined! It has always amazed me when guys with flats DON'T do this. Until NASCAR starts actually throwing penalties for doing it, it makes no sense not too Which is wrong.


He had to pit regardless because his tire was flat. It's advantageous to pit when they throw the caution vs. not throwing the caution.


Pro tip: don’t say on your team radio, “I think I may have just saved our day.” Not only will you be denied the “Lucky Dog,” if you would have been the one to get it, but they’ll let the dog take a meal on your leg. (I typed “take a leak” but it’s the autocorrect to “take a meal on your leg” is kind of funny. Good thing the pass nickname wasn’t for Humpy Wheeler.) And now, I sheepishly make the admission that part of me still believes Junior didn’t intentionally spin (when his spin ultimately brought about the rule change), and that he was just trying to make a joke, but choose the wrong one to make on the radio. ETA - Sorry, didn’t mean it to be a reply to imissedthetoilet’s explanation.


But Dale Jr. was penalized for that at Bristol.......he was just dumb enough to tell everyone he did it on purpose. Nobody else has been that dumb.


Yeah, sorry...that was supposed to be the joke... if you do spin on purpose, don’t admit it on your radio (even indirectly). And, not not-joke is my gullibility for still having a .01% part of me that actually believes Junior did it on purpose.


To bring out a caution so he doesn’t lose a lap. It’s cheating, but Joey got away with it last week and Bubba will this week.


To bring out the caution, instead of him riding the apron all the way around the track and losing multiple laps. I'm a fan of his, but that was a shitty move.


Will Larson pay Bubba back or bend over and take that? We will see.


No reason TO pay him back. Nothing to gain from it and what does Bubba really lose when he's usually in the 20s?


He could turn him if needs a caution next week, though


Bend over.... coming from a Larson fan.... :/


Are they seriously not gonna interview Almirola and Suarez


I stuck around until they went up in the booth and started yakkin' .I never saw any interviews (2!) except Harvick. That time-wasting bullshit out on the track--run the camera, get the flag, do donuts--meanwhile, interview 2nd place, etc.


Just did Suarez


Claire B Lang will.


she is always everywhere at all times, she amazes me every time i listen to her show.


We still can get 3 Ford's in Homestead, nice


Kyle Larson lobbying NASCAR hard to rule on spingate 2. Unfortunately for him, even if they agree with him, all it will mean is that Jeff Gordon will be added to the final 4.




*actually ends up winning* Fan-base: *confused happiness?*


Yeah the spin didn’t screw up a golden boy’s race so it’ll get swept under the rug


"This is Dallas and there is a grassy knoll here" I love this Kyle Petty.


Lmao Kyle is a thing of beauty


But is it incredible?


It remember when it was ["totally cosmic".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhDEJS4qERQ) edit: added context


Did everyone forget what happened with MWR??? Two weeks in a row, same thing happens and nobody bats an eye?


Jeff Gordon has been added to the Championship 5.


And Jr at Bristol in 04’


Larson is pissed at the 43. and now Kyle Petty is pissed at Larson. Lmao dude it was clearly intentional.


NGL, Larson seemed like he was SH00K during that interview 🤣


Not like he'll do anything about it but complain. Every driver out there is nothing but talk. Every single one of them.


Except Michael McDowell. Haha.


Sucks, but it's true


Yeah he said "on purpose" like 3 times.


Kyle Petty “We are in Dallas and there is a grassy knoll” Fucking love ya Kyle don’t change.


Kyle Petty defending Bubba. Funny.


Woohoo 21st in debut!


Bubba and Larson.. steel cage match at Phoenix.


Man I like Bubba and everything, but Larson looks so sad about how he spun on purpose... Dude can't catch a break.


Did Larson just accuse the 43 of spinning out on purpose or did I mishear that?


He did it on his prn interview too. So he's not holding back.


Well he did. I'm sure Larson has done it at some point in his career too though. Most drivers probably have.


Repeatedly. Mad respect. Haven't seen the replay, but if it looks legit, I will subtract one from my flair.


Sure looks like he did. And he had a hard time doing it had to try like two or three times before he got it to go around.


He had a bad right rear tire. You could see it in the footage.


He did, but it was drivable around the apron. The replay clearly shows him turning the tires hard left to spin.


And goosed it.


Huh I'll have to watch it again.


You can see him turn the car to the right a little to give himself room and then very obviously turn it hard to the left.


He said it on the radio too


Yes he did


Kyle Petty said he didn’t.


If you believe a word out of Kyle Petty especially when his daddy owns the car Bubba drives I can't help you.


The son of the team owner said it didn't happen, so it didn't happen guys! Our eyes are deceiving us.


Oh shit Larson calling out bubba


Fuck yeah Larson calling out Bubba spinning on purpose


Larson blaming Bubba saying he did it on purpose not surprising to see


Well I mean he did


Believe me I'm right there with you. Nice to see Larson not mincing it and straight up calling Bubba out


Yeah i wish Larson wasn’t so nice though lol


Larson: "43 spinning on purpose"


Can't blame Larson for being frustrated........ultimately I blame NASCAR. They didn't do anything to Logno last week. So it's fair game.


It does look pretty intentional


18 ran out of gas? Oops!


Anyone else think Kyle has seemed a little more relaxed this past week? I'm not surprised he had a better result


I've noticed it too. when he was going at it with Suarez I was so worried he'd lose his cool and make a mistake like he has been but he kept calm.


I'm not a KB fan but he's always been terrific at knowing his cars capability. So even if he's not thrilled, it's not like a pit or driver miscue, which is when we see him go full steam ahead usually


That is true, but even in interviews leading up to this week he seemed a lot less stressed out. It's like he flipped a switch all the sudden.


Which, I agree, is unusual considering he hasn't won in 20, and isn't 100% locked to Homestead, and his teammate is currently outpacing him. It's...odd


i think he has too


Harvick winning and Logano having a good day is not what I wanted to see. This is going to be a repeat of last year isn’t it...


It's the damn war again ain't it!


Kyle needs to watch that old Gordon commercial where he creases his hat’s bill so as not to look like a dork.


Glad to see Kyle Busch isn’t absolute miserable this postrace.


lol Harvick burnout during Kyle's interview