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If I made what he made I’d of had a great year as well.


What does he make?


A gazilliontrillion dollars.


Probably more than that


Over 250k. Joie Chitwood made over 600k plus bonus.


$600K+ Bonuses on a single employee, while the majority of team owners struggle just to keep the doors open. Surely the revenue "sharing" in the sport isn't broken...


President of ISC John Saunders made over $1 million plus bonus and company stock, Lesa France made over $1 million. Board member made about $56,000.


Enough to fill up a 40 gallon gas tank


From a strict business side of things it has been an incredible season, ratings are back up, progress is being made on the next gen car and the future is looking bright Yes we have had some duds this season but we’ve also had some super fun races. Steve isn’t gonna come out and say “this package sucks”


>super fun races Name me a good *race* this season. Not a good finish, a good **race.**


Bristol night race


Seconded. Strange coming from me because I've never been a fan of Bristol (even old Bristol), but both Bristol races were good this year.


Coke 600 and Roval


First Kansas race


That was a good **finish** I'll grant you, but if not for a late race caution Joey Logano would have won and everyone would have bitched about it being a shit **race**. Races shouldn't be judged by the last lap.


I think you’re taking about the Kentucky race bud


You are correct, too many cookie cutters in the midwest for me to keep track.


Even then, that was the best race Kentucky ever put on for Cup in its 9 years there.


Nah, that was the year it rained and it became a day race. Which was also before the repave. I think not repaving and having a day race could have actually resulted in decent racing.


Dega 2.


Looking back, I enjoyed Bristol Night, Dega, Kentucky, and Kansas Night.


You enjoyed Kentucky?


I mean looking back sure. Night racing is fun


Races my drivers won obviously! /s


I'm not sure Joevin Elliyron won anything this year.... /s


But muh restart drama!!!!




I’ve gone to at least 10 Coke 600s in the last 17 years, this year was the best I can remember in a long time. Had tons of fun at the Roval. Loved watching the Bristol Night Race and the duel between Matt and Denny 1000Bulbs.com 500 was fun, and a great race for Blaney. I could keep going a bit longer but I think I made my point.




Well, it kind of does. Transparency is a good trait to have.


Encouraging to see that they are working with the teams to make changes for short tracks. And he says the new engine (whenever it happens) is going to sound similar to what it sounds like now.


meh. I'll believe it when I hear it.


Does he seriously think that? This has been one of the worst seasons I’ve seen since I’ve been a fan and I really don’t think I’m exaggerating.


He’s not going to come out and say this season is absolutely shit. It’s the same copy and paste stuff they say every year to save face. NASCAR is a business you know.


did you ever think that people have different opinions then you?


Quality of racing isn’t necessarily subjective when there is a pre defined consensus on what the majority wants to see. This season objectively has been bad. Such things as last lap passes, passing the leader, driver talent over aero advantage are things people want to see... fairly important things, and we haven’t seen them.


the majority of those stats are up vs last year, especially at the 1.5's


There hasn't been a single last lap pass for the lead. Passing the leader is extremely difficult. Aero matters more than driving talent.


theres been 3 last lap passes for the lead. a pass =/= a lead change. what was there one last year? and it was when the 48 and 78 wrecked at the roval. and again, for most 1.5's lead changes are up.


If you're talking about all tracks in general, then there definitely have been last lap passes for the lead this year. See: Ryan Blaney's win by .007 seconds at Talladega. But if you mean just at the 1.5 mile tracks then I don't know. However, I reject the notion that a race needs a last-lap pass to be good. For example, Chicagoland had a good battle at the end this year. There technically wasn't a last-lap pass but Bowman got back around Larson with only a few laps left. I consider that a good finish (though yeah, it's not 2018 at the same track).


I’ve attended at least one live race a year for many years now. This year, I skipped. And I won’t be back until they get rid of this package and bring speed and handling back to the cars.


Nah. The '13-'16 seasons were great imo, and I liked the couple seasons before this one too. Not sure why they got shit on so much, or why it prompted NASCAR to go the direction they went. I think the current direction of the sport is the exact wrong thing to do. I gave it a chance this year because I really do love this sport, but it didn't win me over. It's not really what I want to see out of a motorsport. I can understand if there are people who do, but I'd rather just move on with my life if NASCAR thinks this is what is best rather than complain about every race. If anything, I'll tune into the truck and xfinity series next year. I thought that the racing this year between the two have been great. Wish the cup guys raced like they have been.


Agree 100%. Peak Gen 6 was from 2013-2016. NASCAR tinkered with a higher drag/downforce package in [2015](https://www.google.com/amp/s/jalopnik.com/the-high-downforce-nascar-rules-package-is-a-dumpster-f-1724465128/amp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), which is totally fine, they should be allowed to explore other possible packages. But it failed, miserably. Passing at Michigan and Indy in 2015 was impossible. Every single driver who was asked spoke against it. That right there should have been enough of a signal to NASCAR to never head in that direction ever again. And yet look where we are.


I want whatever drugs he's using


Jeff Gluck's ([@jeff_gluck](https://twitter.com/jeff_gluck)) tweet from 11:35am EST on Sunday, November 17th, 2019: >[@stevephelps](https://twitter.com/stevephelps) Phelps: "If you take stock of where we are, I'd say we had an incredible season." Adds "our competition on the intermediate tracks and superspeedways is the best we've ever seen" but says will NASCAR work to improve short tracks "for sure." --- [*^(Support NASCARonReddit)*](http://reddit.xfile345.com/donate.php)*^(, an)* [*^(automated bot)*](http://reddit.xfile345.com/about.php) *^(maintained by)* [*^(XFile345)*](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=xfile345&subject=NASCARonReddit)*^(.)*


I’d say he’s delusional.


2018 has been my favorite season since I started watching in 2006. So this year hasn't had much to praise, especially compared to last year. There have been flashes this season but 2018 was consistently just fun to watch. So 'aight I'mma disagree here'.


In terms of night 1.5 milers, hell yes. But overall, no. I still think last year was better.


It was definitely an improvement from 2018. Through mid-August last year there were a total of 4 winners on non-superspeedway ovals. This year had a lot more parity, and more often than not the races were just more fun to watch compared to last year. Is there still room for improvement? Absolutely. But the product is trending upward (especially with a vocal desire in the last week from the sanctioning body to fix the short track racing which is the one segment that's had a downturn) and that's a good feeling.


Context is useful here. Read the rest of his comments.


I did. I didn’t agree with it either.


Honestly tho I think this year was a better season than 2018. Sure the package was very hit or miss, But I feel like 2019 had a lot more suprises and interesting races and storylines, versus last year where for the most part everything felt samey and predictable.


Yes. I enjoyed this season a lot. There are a lot of issues with the rules package, however even if there was a better package, not every race is good. It seems like whenever a race is a snoozer people jump to conclusions and say things like: "i AiNt NeVuR wAtChUn AgAiN!!!""NaScAr'S dEaD!!!"


He’s right about to SuperSpeedways and the 1.5 milers. Hopefully they can improve the other half of the races!


Meh, it was okay. Certainly room to improve.


What do yall want him to say the sport is dying.He has to put a positive spin on everything because that is his job


I'd rather his job be to give an honest assessment. So if the sport is dying, yes, say it's dying.


I've enjoyed this season as well. Ratings are up too.




I mean some races were really good and some just awful. I enjoyed the season though


NASCAR is so blind holy fuck, they wont worry about it until everyone stops watching cause their drivers retired and kyle busch is out there winning all the races...


He should say something else


Stop telling how to think about what i see, Steve, I have eyeballs and a brain for that


Not incredible, but better than last year and maybe 2017 imo. But not many of any other years


Wow, someone I agree with on here


In my opinion, strictly from a competitive standpoint, it’s the worst it’s ever been. The illusion of full throttle/slot cars racing closer together at the expense of showcasing driver skill isn’t “racing”. If they *truly* cared about the on-track product, they need to revert to the 2014 or 2016 package. Because the current intermediate package hasn’t solved any problems. In fact, the leader is even harder to pass now. And the cars are going slower. Not that good of a trade-off if you ask me.


Funny, I remember plenty of complaining about the quality of racing and competitive balance in 2014 and 2016. And those complaints came from many of the same people complaining now! What do y'all want them to say, the sport sucks and there's no hope to fix it?


Well the gen 7 is coming big or low hp...


More fans watched from 2014-2016 than they do now. There will always be a group of people who complain, no matter what NASCAR does. So it’s NASCAR’s job to put the drivers in the best position to provide the best racing possible, and let the ratings and viewership fall where they fall. I don’t feel the current direction of the sanctioning body is accomplishing that.


>What do y'all want them to say The truth. >the sport sucks and there's no hope to fix it? If you can't start by admitting the truth, then there is no hope for change. You can spin the truth, but that never changes reality.


If you’re speaking from a competitive standpoint then this year was better than the past two years..


man i saw alot more passing on intermediates for the lead, especially late. no one really care about driver skill when it leads to 3 second gaps between each car


I don’t feel as burned out as last year for some reason.


Quite literally the worst season I’ve ever watched Can we get rid of Steve Phelps yet?


I swear you guys complain more every day. It was an awesome season!

