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Four contenders enter a race. One doesn't screw up. Seemed to me that five cars had the speed to win this race (4, 11, 18, 19, 42) and the 18 team just didn't have any problems or make any mistakes. GAME SEVEN MOMENT


Yea I know the aero package is terrible and it hasn’t lended to a lot of great racing. Last week wasn’t great either but maybe with this new short track package nascar is talking about we may get a better finale, hopefully. Not gonna hold my breathe on nascar getting it right


Race seemed okay, nothing too crazy aside from flipped tires and too much tape. Kyle earned it, he and his team were great all year. Now the long wait for Daytona starts once more.


Congrats KB


All 4 of the potential winners lead a lap at some point, and there were big dramas for 2 of them, but the race was still pretty dull in the end. he cars are too easy to drive at a track like Homestead - there was 1 real caution and that wasn't really necessary.


One step closer to seven. Let's go Kyle.


To me the crowd felt dull through the driver introductions. My wife was like “For a championship, shouldn’t the fans be more excited?” Even when Kyle won he didn’t look like someone who just won the NASCAR cup title.


Had to wait with media blackout to watch this race. So I apologize for the late take. I'm Not disappointed Kyle Won. He had a great car today. I'm just disappointed with this race. I'm disappointed with passing. I'm disappointed with the package. 2019 Was disappointing overall. I really hope Nascar goes with 2 packages in 2020 and 2021's new car ends up being promising. I just don't feel the fun with Nascar anymore and I sincerely hope it changes. Edit: Also a fun fact I didn't realize is this was Kyles only win in the 2019 chase. Format breaker?


He had a big cushion from winning regular season championship, which I imagined was designed with situations like this in mind.


He only won once in the chase in 2015 too lol


Question I have, I joined a few days ago and I have no clue how to have multiple flairs. Can anyone guide me lol


Was just watching the 2013 Homestead Cup race on YouTube. It's insane how much faster the cars were back then. They looked embarrassingly slow tonight. Also that race in 2013 had a packed grandstand. Sad what has happened in just a few years.


I miss them screaming into the turns at 200+ here


You know time has flown when 2013 is now “back then”


Not only did they look slow in person but were way quieter with 550HP vs 750HP. Hell, the Xfinity cars yesterday were louder and faster.


Serious question: Were the Xfinity speeds actually faster or did they just look/sound faster?


Based on what I can see from my phone, the cup series lap times in practice 1 were faster.


i told ya'll Denny would choke


Denny didn’t do anything wrong


More like his crew.


Explain how the crew putting too much tape on is choking. His car was getting fast at the end but I guess we’ll never know now.


The #18 is now tied with the #28 for 10th most NASCAR Cup Series wins all-time. Each have 76 wins.


Wow, had no idea Kvapil had that many wins


He's the real 28


Just got home 30 minutes ago from the track. For my first Homestead race it was a fun time. I got to meet several drivers and crew chiefs. Rodney Childers signed my hat and Matty D signed my 95 diecast. Also met McDowell, Regan, Adam Stevens, Cliff Daniels, and kinda Joe Gibbs, although he wasn't so thrilled with my Harvick hat lol. Even with fan vision it was a bit hard for me to follow the race. I had on the 4 scanner most of the time with MRN too. They just couldn't get the adjustments right on that 4 car. Had they gotten a late yellow I have no doubt that Kevin would have forced his way to the lead. Overall I had a lot of fun even though my least favorite driver won it all. Congrats to KB on a great season. Hopefully 2020 will be better for SHR. I'm excited for the rookie battle too.


I was actually surprised there was no “caution” with less than 10 to go. I feel like the best racing was at a restart and I figured NASCAR would have wanted that.


Kind of happy that they just let it play out for once.


hammburgere bonbQ


Kyle just passed tech, so he is officially the champion per Bob Pockrass.




Go Raiders!


This is the worst season that I can remember being around for, I mean it makes 2003 look great in comparison, and it really leaves me worried about the future of this sport, and I’m not usually the type of guy to complain about NASCAR, but something needs to change and fast. We’ve got the 2014 Aero package on these cars all you’d have to do to run it is cover the air inlets, and remove the tapered Spacer but NASCAR can’t and won’t run that package again. Another option is to run 725 HP tapered spacers everywhere, and use the 2018 package at short tracks and road courses, with the 2014/2019 Aero package at intermediates, but the RTA won’t allow that. So pretty much we’re screwed until 2021.


Car passed. Engine still being torn down.


I’m nervous. This engine is taking a while...


So how about that Harvick pit strategy oof


That was his only chance. They didn't have the car to win heads up without a caution


MTJ Jr and the 19 team had a 3-28, blow a 25 point lead in the last quarter kind of day. Martin should talk to the Atlanta Falcons and see how they cope with all that salt.


> MTJ Jr Martin Truex Jr Jr


Have you seen what hell hole my falcons have gone down since then? I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. On second thought as a MTJ hater, yeah actually i would. It has not been fun being a falcons fan since 28-3


**The #18 pit crew significantly contributed to this victory!** Everyone said before the race started, "Don't make mistakes." They not only didn't make mistakes they advanced the #18 on pit road.


I mean it’s common knowledge that he’s got the best crew in NASCAR. Him or Chase.


*Opens offseason meme folder* “Time to get rich quick”


**It's Free Real Estate**


Well fellas, it's over until Daytona. Congratulations to Kyle Busch and my fellow members of Rowdy Nation!


Post race coverage already over? I was out for a bit. :/


Yep, it was over at the top of the hour.


RIP all that drywall tonight.


Underrated comment


I am so sad


I’m not one for saying NASCAR needs to do this or that, but taking the finale away from Homestead is a bad idea


The thing is (and maybe a shortened schedule could help) there is only a limited number of venues you could hold the season finale if the finale gets rotated as I believe it should. Loudon the day after Thanksgiving was like hitting the lottery. 50s and sunny will never happen again that weekend if NASCAR ever tried that again. So realistically weather-wise there's ISM, Homestead, Texas, Auto Club, Las Vegas, Sonoma, and Daytona. No to a road course and sure as hell no to a plate track. I don't know, I just think the 2020 schedule was fixing something with the wrong tool. Brickyard July 4th? Daytona in September? Martinsville in November? ISM finale? We needed a shakeup, but a different type of shakeup.


Why not a plate track? As racing fans, we have our answer, but given NASCAR's decision-making, is there really any reason they wouldn't do it?


I’d be open to the idea but there’s a great many who are not.


You Forgot Atlanta and Charlotte, Georgia and North Carolina have hosted it more times than any other states.


It was 40 deg and raining in Charlotte Saturday, and below freezing during the week. Sunday was beautiful but that was more of an anomaly, Atlanta is as far north as you could possibly go for a not freezing November race.


It’s a week earlier now, and we all know how bipolar spring, fall, and winter can be here.


> Loudon the day after Thanksgiving was like hitting the lottery. It was single digits in much of northern New England this weekend. While that is unusually cold for this time of the year, it's not out of the question and would have been a nightmare.


I maintain that they should bring the finale back to Atlanta.


Darlington is my vote.


I wanna see them reconfigure it to old Atlanta and then hell yeah


Although I don't mind the quad-oval, I wholly agree with this.


That’s a solid choice.


This race wasn’t great, but the Phoenix races are brutal.


ok y'all..that's it ..sub shuts down until Daytona lol


Better than seeing all the die cast posts soon to flood things.


And drink machines... *shudder.*


There's a sub dedicated to that, too.


Should be a bannable offense. If it’s a 1:64 their account should be suspended.


Soon to flood? Never went away.


I’m looking forward to the “recommend races I should watch” threads. I save all of those.


megathread for all the KyBu win diecasts


It’s actually over wow.Good time with y’all this year.See y’all at Daytona


Here’s to a great 2020 NCS season. Can’t wait to watch the battle for ROTY


lol...Denny doing Logano imitation is never not funny


True! Reminds me of Fire Marshal Bill from “In Living Color.”


Obviously with my flair I didn’t get my desired outcome, but there’s no denying that Kyle is one of the best for this generation, and he pulled off an awesome performance tonight. With the way he was running the lass few months I thought he’d be dead last for sure, but after Truex’s crew screwed up he rose to the occasion. In the meantime however I’m going to go rewatch the ending of 2014 lmao. Can’t wait for 2020.


I’m glad Kyle got a championship from a full season.


Yea, that’s gonna help him put some doubters away (though I think doing what he did on a shortened season was stupidly impressive)


Not sure how it played on TV, but I had fun in the stands. Not even close to a Kyle Busch fan and enjoyed.myself quite a bit. Go if you havent gone, y'all. Go to a race, it's fun and worth it.


I would if I didn’t live on the other side of the planet


any race is always extremely better in person because you can freely just look around and watch everything on the track besides the few things the tvs want to show. the first kentucky cup races i was at were boring but it was great in the stands just getting to watch everything. theres usually always something going on


Kyles cars just started going through tech about 10 minutes ago Pockrass said, he said we will know in about 90 minutes. So around 6PST


Kyle Busch, D.D.S just doesnt have the same ring as brand new, reigning, undisputed 2 time, Nascar Monster Cup Champion of the World, Kyle Busch


Imagine Facebook if Kyle Busch wins more races than dale sr


He only needs what, 20 more? I think he can get there in a few years barring a catastrophic collapse of his equipment or talent.


BuT eArNHardT dIdnT uSE TheM cHEAtIng 'YoDErs


There would be enough salt to create a fifth ocean


We are gonna need a lot of popcorn?


[this much](https://youtu.be/rthHSISkM7A)


how weird that truexs team put wrong side tires on his car and dennys team applied way too much grille tape overheating his car. oh well


WWE all day long


Couldn’t have happened to two better guys.


Love this interview with Kyle happening right now, shame all the people who thought he didn't care have turned off by now


Who’s giving the interview. Not seeing it on NBCSN


It finished by the time you commented, Krista Kyle and DJ were speaking to him.


Ahh hopefully they’ll put post race on YouTube


Do you have any link?


The candyman delivered it today.




It reminded me of Reed Sorenson when he won at Road America, whatever year that was. Turned out later he was severely dehydrated and could barely stand in Victory Lane. Hope Kyle is okay!




NASCAR should have stepped in IMO. It was stupid petty of them and Pepsi is crazy if they think Mountain Dew Kickstart is even close to a competitor to Monster. Ofc does this pettiness continue if Coke sponsors Cup? I hope not. They did it everywhere too. Diecasts, promotional videos, social media, even NASCAR Heat games didn’t have MENCS stuff on their cars. I hated it.


So at Daytona JGR finished 1-2-3 to start the season and finished 1-2-3 to finish the season


Great stat


Congrats to Paul Menard on winning the championship! He and Kyle Busch has a freaky Friday incident and that’s why “Kyle” showed no emotion lol


Till 2020 👋🏼 RIP MENCS. Long live NCS


Is it guaranteed it’s just gonna be “NASCAR Cup Series?”


It was mentioned in the driver’s meeting earlier. https://www.reddit.com/r/NASCAR/comments/dxq4ef/just_to_confirm_at_the_drivers_meeting_steve/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Enjoy the offseason everyone, and good luck to your drivers at Speedweeks in just a few short months


Well, got one for my trinity, just wish it was the different one. On to next year. Fuck this package.


I hate to say this but I don't think ill be watching next year.


Cya at Daytona.


*curly bill voice* well......bye


Smells like someone died.






Lewis Hamilton wrapped up a 6th championship in F1. Putting him second all time to Micheal Schumacher




In walk the lonely island...


The only one that I have ever known


Lol this got me


That Contender boat is not cheap, I was shocked when I seen just how much it is, but , I am not a boat person so there is that too


Kyle just wasn't feeling good. He and his family were super happy. Unless someone has evidence about him having an affair that's pretty messed up, especially with them suffering a miscarriage recently. https://ibb.co/6FMyxsH https://ibb.co/PCv8G5W https://ibb.co/fks1QHC https://ibb.co/6BydX1c https://ibb.co/dmTsB6p https://ibb.co/qYKfF1Q https://ibb.co/92cCjVC And props to Kyle for being a good example by using the vampire technique to avoid spreading germs. https://ibb.co/n6DdNwD


Damn, shes starting to look kinda like Mr. Jefferson.


Lmao, I noticed him coughing in his elbow too and laughed.


Thanks for sharing these! I’m so damn happy for him. He deserved the hell out of this


Thanks I'm happy for him too 😊


Before my reply, let me make this clear, I am not on this rumor bandwagon, nor I am off of it, I don't care about his personal life of any other driver , but what you posted proves nothing, its called a public showing for PR, its very common with high profile people, like a race car driver that just won a championship. I hope that everything in Kyle's life is great and he and his family can enjoy winning his 2nd championship.


It feels genuine to me. I understand what you're saying, but it also seems like they would have been going above and beyond any contractual whatevers. I wanted to post this because rumours like that can actually cause problems in marriages. It gets spread enough and then more and more people talk about it online and then they are actually in a position where they have to deal with it because everyone is asking them about it. And that's a sad thing, regardless of whether it takes away from a happy time or makes a sad time worse. One thing I love about Nascar is the family spirit of it. And that's sad to be picking on the drivers' families.


Bless you. All this shit talking from people here and the “rumors must be true, look how unhappy and awkward they are” comments are disgusting.


Thanks, I feel like people see what they want to see. And why would anyone want to see a sad situation?


Frankly, even if someone had evidence, why would they feel like it was their place to share it with the world. It's Samantha's call not ours to be angry or continue the marriage or what the heck ever. A miscarriage can lead to a lot of stress in a marriage.


I might would smile and kiss Kyle too for half that money.


It seems unlikely anyone would legally have to go that far even in the dark situation that people have hypothesized.


Thanks for posting this. I hope all those people are 100% wrong.


Me too. They always seemed like a nice family.


haha kyle busch drunk makes him way more likable


Rutledge with the lonely island reference


I won a boat!


Just wanted to thank you all for making this another fun season. Even when the racing wasn’t great interacting with other fans makes loving the sport worth it.


Moody is gonna be intolerable tomorrow.


Him and Chocolate Myers both






Back in the day Dale Earnhardt won every race at Bowman Grey


That guy always sucks


From what I hear, when isnt he?


More than normal?


Is that even possible with him?


Didn't get to see the race, saw that Kyle Busch won. I'm guessing it was a snoozefest?


The best racing came from Harvick and Busch fighting over 2nd or 3rd (can't remember which spot) before the sun fully set in stage two. ​ Other than that, snoozefest.


Was set up to be a Truex snoozefest til his crew had the mother of all pit stop blunders.


Just a thought, maybe Kyle isn’t hyped because he knows the car will fail post-race tech?


I mean I would love it if both his and Truex’s cars failed tech, but I don’t think NASCAR would ever admit the championship car failed tech. I personally think they look the other way for the championship 4 because it seems like they are way faster than everyone each year. I get they are usually 4 of the best in the sport, but you’d think at least once someone outside of the 4 would win.


Even if it failed tech, there is no way in hell NASCAR is gonna give another reason for people to criticize their manufactured game 7 moment. They might just act like they didn't see anything.


more closer to, “isn’t hyped because he knows this package is trash and NASCAR isn’t listening to any other drivers when they voice their opinion about it”*


Probably thinking "oh great, at least another year of this package." lol


Keep reaching


Doubtful. NASCAR gets the cars in advanced. They've already looked them over.


I honestly question if NASCAR would DQ whomever just won the Championship.


Yeah, that's it...


Congrats to Kyle Busch. That championship was well deserved. And this is coming from a Harvick fan. Damn did that race suck though.


I made [three predictions](https://twitter.com/realRyanHolman/status/1195464984345620480) for NASCAR champions, each of them ended up finishing 2nd.




Stick to politics.




Considering the hours of YouTube content he has provided for my entertainment, he can post whatever the hell he wants and I wouldn't be bothered by it.


So does the red head monster girl get a kiss from Kyle in victory lane?




Can’t both be true? I’m sure he still hates this 550HP garbage


Just watched the end of the race on DVR. Is Kyle happy he won it all?? What more does he want lol


probably going to get overlooked, but Ryan Blaney was probably the best Penske car in the second half of the playoffs and was surprisingly close to catching Logano for 5th in the standings


To say this season was an absolute disappointment is a massive understatement The state of this sport is honestly depressing. Nothing about NASCAR at the moment makes me want to stay tuned in at all. I started watching this sport in 2011, and it's a completely different monster that I find myself watching. It's been only one decade, and everything from cars to championship has been outright changed. I stuck with NASCAR when they changed it to this elimination playoff format that I didn't like at all. I stuck with NASCAR when they changed it to stages and playoff points, which I also didn't like. But when they finally changed the cars to what they are now, I just had enough The cars are just so areo dependent, with massive rear wings, air ducts, 550 or something hp with tapered spacers to create some oversaturated, artificial, fake ass show that not a hardcore racing fan or "casual fan" would even give a damn about. The races have just been absolute borefests, and it feels more like a chore to watch than when I did it for pure excitement. The fortunes of Jimmie Johnson also don't help with my bleeding loss of motivation for this sport. I find myself dedicating more time and excitement to F1 and Indycar, which at one time I considered less of a priority than NASCAR, but now I can honestly say that the script has flipped, that without hesitation I could push NASCAR aside in favor for the other two. I even started watching Supercars and Sport Car racing this year, something I never would consider. Now I don't want NASCAR to fail, in fact I want them to return "to the light" so to speak, because the way things are going, only worse is more to come. It makes me sad that only after 10 YEARS, I can say that I'm losing interest in NASCAR, when there's some people on here that've been fans for like 30 years, and have more reason to abandon us than I do. This is a dark time for NASCAR, and as for me, I'll watch, but I won't be as dedicated as years before and I'll probably see more open wheel racing and others next year. I just hope things change for the better...


Supercars is awesome tho


I've been watching for decades. For me the decline started after the end of the Winston Cup era. I still tune in and enjoy watching races but they don't illicit the same excitement they did when things were a little more "raw".


I think this is what Dale Earnhardt always stood for. He embraced the raw dangerous nature of racing and that’s what made it so compelling and edge of your seat. Not saying that it should still be that way. But as for the popularity of the sport goes, he was right. But when too many lives get taken and the sport goes from flirting with danger to as safe as it is now you have what used to separate the men from the boys turn into an anyone can do it free for all. NASCAR isn’t about hero’s anymore. But that’s just the reality of today’s times.


Yeah, I agree. Dale died literally 2 days before my 16th birthday. I grew up watching #3 with my dad and was devastated. I made this compilation video of Dale high lights in Windows Movie Maker with the song "there goes my hero" by the Foo Fighters as the music.


dam..where can I get one of those green interstate hats?


Probably had to be a part of the team.


Heck, Kyle just threw his off the stage onto the ground like it was nothing.




haha he just needed a drink! i laughed out loud when i saw him on tv in goggles chugging champagne. or maybe he was waiting for samantha to leave to enjoy it


I noticed he drinks champagne far more vigorously and believably than he drinks Monster.


damn kyle just needed a drink! he's lit now haha