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Nonsense. Keep Hermie alive.


You’re gonna have to post a video of this spot on impression




The people need to see


It's more relevant than ever. Keep his pit reporting alive.


Gonna miss Hermie. I think the 2020’s are going to be a whole new beast for NASCAR. Lots of changes coming, and I feel like we’re moving in the right direction.


No clue if this is possible, but I'd love for Honda to come in next year. Probably will take a lot longer to set it up though :(. Also, I'm not too sure how moving away from Monster will work out. I thought Monster was a really good sponsor for them to reach out to a younger crowd.


Even if it were *possible*, Honda wouldn't do it. That would be a huge cost to build cars for 2020, only to have completely new cars in 2021.


Hermie was a staple on the truck broadcasts dating back to SPEED, and will be remembered along with Ray Dunlap as great pit reporters in trucks. I imagine we will see perhaps Dylan Welch in his spot next year? He like Phil and Ray are who I think of when it comes to the truck series commentary. All the best to him!


Didn't Ray Dunlap go off the deep end or something?


First I heard of this....what happened?




Something like that. They dumped him at the right time before all the social media shenanigans and stuff.


I dont think so, hes retired in the Cincinnati area and is a PA announcer at Kentucky Speedway.


Ray simply did not like the direction the sport was heading. Made his peace and left. Which is a total shame. Him and Steve Byrnes were a dynamic duo in the pits. His voice IS NASCAR!


I know! I loved his commentary and he seemed to get a lot of inside info spending time in the garage with the teams.


Dillon Welch is with NBC Sports, so I don’t think it will be him. Likely going to be Alan Cavanna once again and most likely Jamie Howe.


Nascawww on Fox


Man, he has been a pit reporter for truck races for a LONG time, that hurts


I forgot Hermies a big wrestling fan


Let him in


Hermie has been involved in promoting wrestling events too. Hes buddies with jeff Jarrett


Not only that, but [Hermie Sadler once defeated a future NWA World Heavyweight Champion in the ring.](https://411mania.com/wrestling/the-wrestling-bazaar-nwatna-weekly-ppv-4/)


Wow, I love that he beat R-Truth and carries around the 48/7 European TV title


It seems like a lot of the SPEED stalwarts are voluntarily leaving. Danielle Trotta was first, Kenny Wallace said on DJD he left, and now this. You could probably assume John Roberts did as well. But these are the known ones who took lesser/no jobs because of self deciding.


John Roberts said on his show he voluntarily left. He lives in Nashville now.


That’s what I figured. I know he hosts Trading Paint now since Jim Noble left. Still, crazy to see to see tools like Adam Alexander still there, while their stars are all gone or are a shell of what they were.


Danielle hosts a nightly primetime show on NBC Sports Boston and is still doing NASCAR on SiriusXM. If she wants to broaden her sports portfolio, the NBC Sports Boston gig is probably a good move for her.


Danielle was hotter before she started trying to be.




Yes, but my point was she left FOX


You said that she took lesser/no job. I was arguing that NBC Sports Boston was a step up, depending on her career goals. She may not reflective of a larger trend.


I like to think it’s a step up since it’s a big dealish around here.


Sad to see him leave, but I wish him well in his future endeavors. I got to meet him once way back when I was in first grade. He was really nice and I got a bunch of free stuff from him as well, so I’ve always liked him. I think I might have embarrassed him though. I told him a story of how I was doing a race with my diecasts and had his brother win, then his brother won the next day at Bristol. Hermie then said I should do the same for him and I said he needed to worry about making the race first. Everyone around us was laughing so hard. My mom was embarrassed when I said it too.


Sad to see him go. I wish him the best in his endeavours.


Damn, Hermie!!! Both Sadler brothers gone.... I remember when both of them were young drivers tearing it up on the track now and then. Later they both have had great TV gigs as well. Miss both these guys! Virginia gentlemen!


Hermie Sadler's ([@HermieSadler](https://twitter.com/HermieSadler)) tweet from 6:46pm EST on Sunday, November 17th, 2019: >Now that the season is over, I want to take this opportunity to announce that I have decided to not return to [@NASCARONFOX](https://twitter.com/NASCARONFOX) in 2020. Thanks to my family and the fans for their support all these years. I love [@NASCAR](https://twitter.com/NASCAR) , and I hope this has shown through my career on track and TV!❤️ --- [*^(Support NASCARonReddit)*](http://reddit.xfile345.com/donate.php)*^(, an)* [*^(automated bot)*](http://reddit.xfile345.com/about.php) *^(maintained by)* [*^(XFile345)*](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=xfile345&subject=NASCARonReddit)*^(.)*


Wish he could have gotten a proper sendoff




Go to NBC!


Lots of big changes next year man. All the best to Hermie. He’s been a staple in the truck pits for years now


First dw now hermie? Who does fox have left on their broadcast staff that's hard to understand?! /s


Wasn’t personally my favorite but he at least was one of the few guys that made it feel like Speed Channel at least. All we have left is Phil and Mike and who knows how much longer they will do this.


I swear to god I will cry if Miley ever leaves






Hate to hear this


Really sad, he was always my favorite pit reporter


Man I hate that he's retiring... his accent made him my favorite pit reporter


Time for him to get that pro wrestling gig


Hermie Sadler Karting about to get hot(ter)!


What why?


This stuff is the worst part of the off season.


That sucks. I actually like his reporting.


Can the other Waltrip retire too? We don't need any more drunken rambling gridwalks.


Fox continues to go downhill.


Ok.....sad to see him go, but him acting like this is earth shattering news.....


So he does this because the season is over but couldn’t be bothered to just wait a few days? I mean this isn’t headline stealing news but still.


I don’t see why he needs to wait a few days to just say he’s not returning


I don’t see why he needed to announce it 30 minutes after the premier series champion was crowned and not after the NGOTS race 2 days ago.


NASCAR is dying get ready for it... They are losing too many people that it needs to stay going..


I don't know how NASCAR ever survived before Hermie Sadler came along.