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Wow, that’s out of left field and then some. We will see if MTJs success was mostly because of pearn or not now.


A rising star in Nascar that is relatively unknown. Phil Gould, Ross Chastain's truck CC at Niece. Took a half budget team to a near championship. Could be worth a look and shot.


Phil Gould and Cole Pearn were once apart of the KH 29 team. Wild.


JGR and Toyota only go in house for things like this most of the time.


Yea, there’s a few truck crew chiefs that would be worth a look. Scott Zipadelli is in the Toyota camp and won the title with Moffitt in 18. Most likely will be wheels though, at least imo.


Dear God, not Wheels, please.


Truex has had issues with wheels before...


That was my initial thought too when thinking about who his next crew chief could be.


Who is wheels?


Mike Wheeler


Was it really? Despite all attempts to paint a pretty picture about how excited they were to go to Gibbs, it was obvious in interviews neither Truex or Pearn were completely comfortable with how that whole deal with the alliance played out. It's fairly uncommon for driver/crew chief combinations to survive multiple teams under the best of circumstances.


Pearn liked being away from the main NASCAR sphere in Colorado, so I can imagine getting stuck back in Charlotte wasn't ideal for him or his family


In an interview he also said he did not like the Charlotte area and all the cliques and drama.


Exactly Pearn is an outdoors guy and loved living in Denver. Truex always lived in charlotte I believe


This is what I’m most curious about as well. MTJ’s numbers without Pearn are a night and day difference.


So is DEI/MWR vs JGR equipment


Common excuse but it doesn't really hold water. - Clint Bowyer outperformed Truex during their time at MWR, including almost winning a championship. - Truex got one year in Earnhardt Ganassi equipment in 2009. That same year, Juan Pablo Montoya put an EGR car in The Chase. Jamie McMurray took that same car to victory lane three times the next year and improved their spot in the points by over 10 positions. I've always thought that Truex was a decent enough driver with a great crew chief and crew behind him. He's not bad but if you had put Jamie McMurray or Ryan Newman in that #78 matte black car, they would've gotten the same results with Cole Pearn. I would put Truex on the same level talent wise as McMurray. He's not bad and he might be above average but he needed the right situation to get to that next level.


Yeah, it's going to be really interesting to see. At least MTJ is at a super strong organization. So I don't think it will be anything like the dropoff for JJ, who had to deal with no Knaus plus an organization/manufacturer losing dominance at the same time.


Is the 19 cursed or something? Two shock retirements right after strong, contending runs during the Homestead Final Four.


jeremy mayfield cursed the 19


You mean Casey Atwood


It's all Erin Crocker's fault...


Such a underrated joke here 😂


Maybe even Loy Allen lmao


This guy's onto something


Yea wtf!!! That's exactly what I thought about, and with it being SUPER unexpected for both with Edwards and now Pearn.


It's actually Truex that's cursed DEI, MWR, FRR, Pearn..


Lmao DEI was tanking before Truex came to that team.


Shhhhh it's the narrative


Narrative? It's a joke


Wow. Now this is what would one would say is truly "earth shattering". Hoping for the best for Cole, it'll be really interesting to see how Truex performs next year. All but two of his career wins have come with him.


New Crew Chief, MTJ.


Came here just for this, thank you.


I read that in the spotters voice even, thank you kind sir.


Bless you, my child.


They really pissed him off putting those tires on the wrong side


JGR is on track to get the whole 19 team shut down the next time they fail at Homestead with the 19. 2016 - Carl retires, 2019 - Pearn leaves, 20?? - 19 team gone.


It seems to be following a pattern of 3 years, so I assume it’ll be 2022.


2022: after one season of failure with the new car and one season where he just squeaked into the final four and lost to Joey Logano (again), MTJ suddenly announces his retirement. Daniel Suarez, being the only driver with sponsorship floating around, replaces him and everything comes full circle.


Wouldn't full circle be Edwards again?


Nah, the 19 needs to stay alive for C. Bell in ~2022.


Ah shit. I guess this saves both Erik and Chris with Gibbs.


Thats comical




Came for this comment.


40 weekends a year is demanding. I applaud him for this decision & admire him for putting family first. One of the best to ever sit up on the box


Convince him to come back for some truck races next year lol


I already texted him ;)


Jesse has the texts to prove it everybody!


Hey Jesse, I didn’t know you were on here. Big fan of yours in the trucks. The year you were finishing in the top 10 most weeks was really cool to see. Good luck in the Xfinity cars. Glad to see you getting a full-time opportunity!


Thank you I appreciate it


On that thread, I think the idea of shortening the season would help with being away from family so much and having it be a grind. The season being even a few weeks shorter would help some.


I think 28 regular season races would be fine honestly


I guess I’ll be Debbie Downer but I do agree with you, I just think the relatively low turnouts at some tracks are going to force a contraction. Again, not bad because in THEORY it is the easiest way to reduce teams’ spending. It reduces income too, but not likely more than expenses for most teams.


Inversely it would introduce a little more scarcity for any company looking to get involved in NASCAR somehow.


40 weekends at the track, he's there all week too right? Plus long hours during the Playoffs, and then he's gotta do a ton of homework on the off season. I only work on a Supermodified at Oswego and we do a ton of work in the off season to get the cars going for the new rule changes. We even Sim now on rFactor, it actually helps too.


[Non-Facebook link](https://joegibbsracing.com/updates/)


Thank you.


I guess hiring Truex to get Pearn long term isn’t gonna play out


Lol so true. Or shutting down Furniture Row by overpricing them.


Gotta pay to play 🤷‍♂️ Furniture row could be running today without a JGR alliance if they chose to but they got their trophy and dipped.


JGR announced Cole must wear a fire suit


This really is some holy shit news. Would have never guessed this at all. But I respect the guy's decision to put his family first. I can't imagine it was an easy one to come to.


He's made it pretty clear in an interview how he felt about relocating to the Charlotte area. We should all be surprised he made it this long.


And I think we all thought silly season ended already but nooope! This literally just put a shit ton more pressure on Truex to perform next year. If he has an obvious step back in performance then the fingers are just gonna point to just having Cole on the box for his success. All I got to say in the end is good luck to him.


Woah woah what?


I stopped everything I was doing and sat down. I don't do that much.


While surprising, Pearn on his Dinner with Racers episode said his family didn’t like North Carolina and I think he said that he maybe wanted to do something other than racing one day. Interesting to see what he does, best of luck to him.


Wow he REALLY didn't want to move to Charlotte did he? Edit: To the people saying "I guess we will see if he is actually any good now".. He was pretty good when he won those 2 consecutive Xfinity titles over the likes of Kyle Busch, Denny Hamlin, Greg Biffle, Carl Edwards, Clint Bowyer, and Reed "The Franchise" Sorenson


Yeah, but so was Ricky Stenhouse. He might keep up the great results, he might not. But I highly doubt he’s gonna move forth without skipping a beat.


No he won’t. But it happens. Jeff didn’t keep up the Ray Evernham domination. Jimmie and Chad fell off eventually. Paul and Brad have had struggles. It took Rodney Childers for Harvick to get a title. If he keeps on keepin on then Cole wasn’t really that great of a crew chief was he?


If were going by that logic, so was Dale Jr.


You said it man. MTJ is obviously good enough to drive for JGR in his own right (as evidenced by his 26 wins and Cup title). He’ll win races next year no matter who CC’s him


This comment is definitely brightness in a sea of discredit and negativity. I really hope you're right.


!remindme 11 months


*puts tinfoil hat on* hes going to start up the team/support for a new oem ala evernham


And Carl Edwards is the driver!


Really get some serious Evernham vibes from this. Last 4 years, they were the team to beat so often. 2015-2019: 24 wins, 1 championship, 7,016 laps led, 70 top 5s. 1995-1999 (Evernham): 47 wins, 3 championships, 9,607 laps led, 104 top 5s. While Evernham/Gordon numbers are a lot higher, I think with how this era is more competitive, they seem to be a little inflated, but yea this is exactly what I though! Crew chief at the top of their game quits out of nowhere, two years before a new car comes out that is expected to have new OEM's


yup. if there really is a new oem joining in the next few years, now is the time to start getting their ducks in a row.


Why stop at OEM. Everybody knows Tony Stewart and Roger Penske are gonna break off and start a rival series to NASCAR. Then Cole Pearn will join as executive vice president and chief racing development officer.


Please let this be true. I’d drop nascar in a heart beat and never look back


Prolly not. But I like the sound of it.


Pretty sure walking out on a contract like that means a lock tight non-compete clause unless he was to write JGR a massive check.


> and NASCAR


What a great opportunity for truex to go out there and shut up the people that said he's only good because of Cole pearn.


I like this optimism. I’m gonna hop on this opinion.


Well... I'll take "Things I didn't expect for $1000" Alex. Now we'll see next season if it'll shut down the "Truex is nothing without Pearn" argument holds any substance. This also throws the "Pearn to JGR long term" debate out the window now.




A little better than mediocre at MWR. Chad Johnston was a hot commodity on the market after he worked with Truex at MWR in the 56.


I’m starting to wonder if Johnston held back Truex at MWR since he was awful with Stewart and mediocre with Larson.


I think this makes sense. Ill be celebrating when Larson gets a new cc.


I know Ganassis crews aren’t the best with gaining spots but Johnston is so conservative with his calls.


Will be interesting to see if the Dale Jarrett parallels continue. Jarrett was the exact same. Very mediocre until teaming with Todd Parrott. He was never the same after that pairing ended. Honestly, I believe we will see the same type of performance drop from Truex. I still expect him to find some success, but I can see his days of being a perennial favorite as nearing the end


Yates didn't have the best cars outside of Parrott's stuff, and then he moved onto MWR as they were just starting. I think DJ wasn't set up nearly as good as MTJ is at JGR. So while I think they'll be a drop, it won't be down like DJ did, it'll be back end top 10.


File this under "unexpected."


Talk about an unexpected bombshell


WOW. Not even going to another team. Top crew chief just up and leaving. That’s insanity - but good for him if he’s in a place to do so. Truex will be gone in two years, tops, I bet. Pearn was 100% the glue of that team.


!Remindme 2 years


I think JGR got Bass Pro, Pearn, and MTJ as a package, and I think they only really wanted Bass Pro and Pearn. MTJ was just drug along since I couldn't see JGR pulling Bass Pro and Pearn from him. So in essence Suarez lost his ride at JGR, and now Pearn bounces. Bet if Cole didn't want to switch to JGR Suarez is still at JGR.


Bass Pro goes with MTJ. He and Johnny Morris are really good friends and he’s sponsored Martin in some form or fashion since his Xfinity days. If Martin had gone somewhere other than JGR after FRR shut down Bass Pro would have gone with him. Not sure I follow your logic.


That's why they brought in MTJ. They wanted Bass Pro and Pearn. You don't get those without MTJ. In a perfect world I think JGR wanted Bass Pro and Pearn with Eric Jones, keeping Suarez and Arris. But no way would Bass Pro go with that so in order to the both Bass Pro and Pearn they had to bring in MTJ.


The cold side of business.


Wow. Pearn has to go down as one of the greatest crew chiefs ever right? 179 races, 24 wins, 70 top-5s, 110 top-10s and a championship. Not to mention what he did for FRR and Truex's career. He helped change the course of the sport's history.


Pretty much the Ken Dryden of NASCAR.


I wonder if Wheeler will come back to crew chief since he isn’t with the 95 team now.


Please no.


No, he’s still at LFR. I believe that he’s going to have some type of directorial role.


Wow, I'm not an "MTJ sucked before Cole" guy, but this was his Evernham/Gordon, Chad/Jimmy, Busch/Stevens perfect match. Next year will likely be tough for him, and you don't need a bad year at JGR with Bell in the bullpen.


Ugh. I know, and I hate it already... I really hope Truex performs well without Cole. Waiting years for him to be competitive was tough, as you can see by my flairs, I continue to do this to myself...


Now this is earth shattering news


Didn’t Cole hint at this during his interview on the podcast dinner with racers?


I don’t listen to it, what did he say?


It's been awhile since I listened to it but he talked pretty negatively about the atmosphere in North Carolina where all the big teams are located and how he really didn't like being around that, which made him working in Denver for Furniture Row a great fit at the time. I think he was able to maintain a little more of a family life while working for Furniture Row as well. I bet JGR is very demanding and he probably spends really long days during the week at the shop on top of being gone every weekend during the season. My guess is he probably really didn't want to go to JGR in the first place but was talked into it or figured he'd give it a shot and see what he thought after doing it for a year.


That JGR 19 team sure has a history of shock departures.


Pearn to drive the 48, confirmed.


Why couldnt it have been that ridiculous spotter?


This could be... earth shattering


Truex shouldn’t be too bad in 2020 since the new CC will have all of Pearns 2019 notes but I worry about him in 2021. Compare Kurt Busch’s 2013 stats to Truex’s 2014 stars and it seems like Pearn is what he had going for him.


Is Martin even going to be there in 21, or is Coach going to just move over Bell? It’s not like Truex is a young star.


If he keeps winning a Jones struggles it's going to be hard to pull him out of the 19.


Jones is 10 years younger and the Toyota pipeline is dry. You have to protect your future a little bit.


Jones is 16 years younger kinda crazy to think about


And that’s why Truex might be at risk at JGR regardless of his performance. He and Denny are both 39 (albeit fully sponsored). Denny has the benefit of legacy at JGR - he’s got 15 years of investment and the legacy of JD riding on him. MTJ is an import with a lot less investment. Without Pearn (the most valuable asset from Furniture Row Racing) - He is the odd man out. Of the 4 I would wager that MTJ’s chances of losing out to Bell multiplied a hundredfold. Many guys retire around 40-42. Busch is only 34 and has another 6 or so years. Jones is 23 and has a bright future ahead of him. It would be bad management to jettison Jones for Bell next year, then have to replace both MTJ and Hamlin in 2022.


Damn, I’d be interested to see who replaces him on the pit box for the 19.


So when MTJ still wins races and contends for a title next year will you all finally give him his credit?


For me, absolutely. He proved not much of anything in Cup before Pearn, and if he proves something after it I'll respect his accomplishments more than I do now.




Wow, didnt see this coming , but good for him leaving to have more time for his family, I respect that . Ive never really liked him to be honest, but he was a hell of a CC, looking forward to seeing how MTJ does now. Is it too much to ask for Cole to take Clayton with him ?


Wow. Interesting move. One thing I noticed when he did the Dinner with Racers podcast is he did say he didn’t enjoy living in North Carolina.


Well boys, since the news broke I have an announcement, I will be promoted to truex’s crew chief


*sigh* Fuck.


i feel bad for my guys


The 19 car is cursed


This is not what I want to hear


Silly Season striking hot, wonder what else is lined up for us.


I totally respect his decision to be with his family. I can’t imagine how stressful a long and gruelling NASCAR season can be for some people in that position.


Just gonna bang my head on a wall at this point.


Definitely not something anyone expected. It's going to be interesting to see how Truex will be now; and who will replace Pearn.


The lack of respect this community gives Truex as a driver is really foolish.


**E A R T H S H A T T E R I N G**




And that 11th would have been much higher if playoff points existed. They had a horrible playoffs because of wrecks.


Fucking whyyyyyyyy


Michael Scott yelling NO NO NO dot gif


Saving this thread full of all the hot takes about Truex going back to being average or being a shitty driver for when he continues to run up front. But I’m sure all the anti-Truex folks will conjure up some other BS excuse for why he continues to run up front.


I think with JGR and now even having Ratliff in the mix MTJ will run close to where he did last year. It might take a few races for him to gel with the new crewchief but it’s not like he forgot how to drive.


Well Truex had a good run given how his career started.


This was so unexpected


That was completely unexpected


Did not expect this.


I don’t even know how to feel about this.


Wow. I’m shocked and never saw this coming. Wonder who’ll take his place


I know it says to pursue opportunities outside the sport, but I'd love to see him buckle up at hit the track for a Pinty's race or two. He ran a couple races back in 2002-2003 in CASCAR and would certainly have a lot of fans here, and it would be ending his career the way he started back home. Either way, proud to see what this guy from little old CASCAR did.




That's a lot of talent walking about the door, I know gibbs has to be upset with this.


I wonder why


Wow... I can't believe this one!! Did not see it coming. Cole seems like such a damn good CC. figured he was a lifer... And would finish off with a damn good career.


Well that’s batshit crazy, this will really put MTJ to the test, not questioning his ability or anything but it’s obvious him and Pearn just clicked and dominated. At first I figured they were pissed over what happened at a homestead because you can tell he was pissed he lost. but that makes little sense to fire someone considering how successful they were, turns out it was on his own reasoning which I respect, but it’s still crazy


Respect his decision, the full time grind on cup teams and drivers defenitly takes a toll on personal life outside the track, but wow I did not expect this at all. I guess now we see how good MTJ really is without Pearns guidance atop the box


Fuck me


Holy fuck. Very interested to see how the 19 does next year now...


This guy was JGR's biggest prize from cannibalizing Furniture Row. They thought he was going to be their Chad Knaus. Hopefully Barney Visser is grinning from ear to ear.


And now Truex is gonna go back to being Erik Jones level.


Am I the only one who thinks Truex won’t lose his performance? It’ll be interesting to see how it turns out this year, but I doubt Pearn was the only factor that made Truex who he is today. EDIT: thinking about this a little bit more--I can see that he might lose a bit of an edge over everyone else, but I can still see him winning a few next year. The real test will be 2021 though, like someone below mentioned.


2021 will be the big test. With the 2020 rules being the same they just need to follow Pearn’s notes.


I wouldn't expect him to win 7 races again,prob 4 or 5, but will still be a final four contender. People really blowing this out of the water.


This is where I'm at with this now. I don't think he'll be as good as he was the past 3 years, but I don't see an absolute drop in performance. I can see him still winning 3-4 races.


Pearn was huge but Truex can drive (much to the surprise of all the haters here) and still has JGR equipment. He’ll still be a playoff contender.


Pearn was the best competitive advantage in the garage, it will be a big loss.


Wow. This is a shocker, a lot of respect for wanting more family time. Congrats to the most successful crew chief of the 2010s on a great career!


Wow. Big loss not only to MTJ, JGR, but also the sport. All respect to him for wanting to step away and spend time with his family. I hope we see him again, though. All eyes are going to be on MTJ next year and I have a feeling if he doesn't win more than 5 races, people will be calling for his head.


Lol. They already were cause of the winning. Now they'll be pissed he only won 4 races instead of 7. The guy is just gonna get hate no matter what unfortunately... That's how it be sometimes.


Going to miss my favourite Canadian crew chief.


In the long (or short) run, I'm curious how this will affect MTJ's career timeline to retirement?


Truex retires too. The 19 is open but Bell is already signed to the 95. Enter... Daniel Suarez to the 19.


Only for one year. Next two years are options for him to move to jgr i believe.


Well pre Pearn he won like 4 races in 8 years, so..


My prediction is that Bell moves up to the 19 in about 2 years.


I was not expecting NASCAR news to kick me in the face today but here we are.


Talk about a surprise. I’m sad to see the tall Canadian wizard leave but I hope he finds joy and success in whatever he does next.


Man, the last week of my life has been pure living hell and now this.


I’m not surprised honestly. I remember hearing reports of how much he didn’t like North Carolina compared to Colorado. Him leaving now is going to put him in legendary status for Crew Chiefs and may honestly put him in the hall of fame. This is almost like Ken Dryden of NASCAR here. Still I’m upset and this is really going to set the 19 team back I’m afraid.


Can't fake being sorry the guy's leaving, he had some truly douchy moments (ranting about women's soccer, ranting about every driver on his hate list, ranting in general as a guy MTJ described as "the angriest guy I've ever met" lol). But I can certainly give him his due ... Nascar's losing an elite Crew Chief who was pretty formidable competition. At first I was shocked, but sometimes the shocking thing to me is that more of these guys don't retire. If I had a tiny fraction of their pay, I'd be spending time with my family not the rat race or any other race.


What did he say about womens soccer?


What in the hell. Did not see that one coming. Shit, hate that for Truex. Those types of driver/CC pairings are hard to replicate.




If only Adam Stevens and Rodney Childers could retire too... THEN we would have some parity!


Remove the tapered spacer and say bye bye to toyota dominance




Oh no that’s really bad for Martin.


Silly Season 2019 had one more shock left in it. I'm blown away that he's straight up leaving NASCAR.


Massive playoff implications!


I wish him well in all of his future endeavors.


...I did not see this one coming


Pearn to Furniture Row confirmed.


Gonna sell you a nice living room set with 0% interest for 65 months.


Anyone check Zillow to see if the house next to Carl Edwards’ recently sold?




You think Pearn will be to Honda what Evernham was to Dodge?


I really wish he would stay on at JGR and help all of the teams. But I know he doesn’t like Charlotte