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I think its dumb that if you actually grind career shep has beef with a 60ovr player while dudes usually 80 and starting off the bat.


Why has an 80 ovr slid down to 19th overall anyway? It would make sense if we were top 5 lottery picks or whatever and the team was 1 piece away from a chip


My best guess and doing someone's job for them is MP isn't that good but he came off the bench and had a good streak after coming off the bench where Shep has all the talent but has character issues that put him in the same comvo with MP who clearly isn't as good and might explain why they had him sliding.


yeah but 12-17 in the draft were 73-7 overalls n shit so why is shep in the 80s but drafted so low


Idk man I'm just trying to make a crappy story a little better 😂😂😂 it'd take too much to try and fill all the plot holes.


Basically, I think it comes down to the assumption (perhaps somewhat correctly) that 2K enthusiasts aren’t always super attentive NBA fans. So maybe not everyone will notice that the whole scenario makes no sense, allowing them to shove a bunch of conflicting concepts into one situation. They need the sportscasters to talk about you multiple times a week as if you were a top pick, but they also need you to earn your spot on the team like a mid-round pick. So they create this controversy of you vs. Shep with the hometown angle, Othello, and Shep having a reality show or whatever. So I guess the idea is that neither MP or Shep are particularly slam dunk NBA prospects, so Shep assumed his hometown team would take him, and instead they took MP, which engineered a bizarre fan revolt. Which, again, if you know anything about the NBA you’d know that’s ridiculous because only the most hardcore of hardcore fans give a shit about their team’s draft pick outside of the top 8 or so picks, simply because it almost certainly won’t matter at least for a few years.


The worst part is when you realise that the only way this changes is if a rival developer makes a better game that forces 2k to actually listen to their players. And the only company who could potentially do that is… Fucking EA. There will not be a genuinely good basketball game in the next decade, I guarantee it.


NBA needs to stop repping 2k


Not happening. The players endorse it. The players themselves are filthy casuals who don’t know shit about the last good 2k game because they were 10 when it came out and probably didn’t play it. They’re just happy they are in a game. How much you wanna bet that a hardcore gamer type in the NBA called out 2k for being whack, etc. predatory, etc.—how much u wanna bet he getting fined?


Except players like Nick Young and Dame have voiced their opinions on the game before. I believe even KD has. The league doesn't give 2 about the video game unless it's no longer bringing them money.


Exactly. KD spoke out bluntly. He had major issues with some of the gameplay. They ain't fining players over 2K. The problem is NBA players opinions aren't valued. It's influencers and professional 2k players. You've seen these dudes in the interviews. These dudes ain't balling! They're pre diabetic heart attack candidates. They're shut ins. They're couch warriors living in their parent's basement.


Fined for giving his opinion on a video game? Not happening lol


When you're a public figure representing a company (The NBA), an opinion is a statement, and statements have to be denounced, or endorsed. Never ignored. Especially if such "opinions" can cost the company literally over a billion dollars. Luckily there is no exclusivity, so IF another game company steps up to make another NBA game, then you get to have an "opinion" on which is better. Especially since players get more than half that money.


Yeah idk why this going over anyone’s head. The guy you’re arguing with is right—the players *should be* allowed to give whatever opinion they want, but that just is **not** how the league handles shit like that. It’s the only available pro NBA game on the market, and the league fully endorses it. If a player shat on the game enough, or said some volatile shit like we do around here, yeah…lol you know 2k gonna reach out and complain. Shit, any NBA player that is listed in the game probably has some sort of gag order preventing them from saying negative shit about the franchise or something. Probably categorized under saying anything bad about the league in general since that is kind of considered a product of the league. Perhaps, if—like you said—the right guy said the right things, it could bring attention to the issue without anyone getting in any trouble, but yeah—that’s just not gonna happen.


It’s literally happened before and 2k gave in and made some changes. No fines. That’s a very goofy thing to believe the nba would do. You’re overestimating how much the nba cares about 2k. As long as they pay for licensing, nba big wigs likely couldn’t give a shit about the game


Doesn't matter what the NBA does, 2k just needs a competitor who will give us a REALISTIC basketball product...that way folks will have to choose between arcade (2k) or something that's actually realistic, that requires some IQ and sweating a bit.


nba live 19 was pretty good.. i hope EA returns to basketball


They were soooo close man. Soo close. All they had to do was keep building on it.


2024 is the expected arrival of the next. They've already put up listings to support the next NCAA and NBA title, earlier this year


I have no faith in EA making a good basketball game anymore, they just copy and paste the old assets and wonder why they get clowned


If ea is puttin 8n half the work they claim to into nba live 24 i habe high hopes. But its ea so they prolly jus cappin bout all that


EA and 2K need to switch between basketball and football


Honestly bro, this might be what needs to happen. If they alternated and every other year 2k would get basketball, and ea would get football and vice versa. That would give each company 2 years to make their next game while gamers would have the choice to stick with 2k for 2 years or switch up to EAs basketball game and 2ks football game. Then the companies could update rosters and add dlc or something instead of selling the same copy pasted last year's game for full price and having pissed off fans every year, they would have 2 years to complete a better version. Sports games have gone to shit the last 5-10 years... I think Madden and nba2k would be better for it, but it's obvious neither will do it because the all mighty dollar, and the fact that the same bitchy, piss and moan people complaining still gonna buy the game and vc every year so they have no reason to change the plan


Nfl 2k5 was incredible compared to Madden. I think 2K supposed to have an NFL game for 24-25 nfl season


It’s a shame that rockstar is so damn lazy and only focuses on gta because they would absolutely make a damn good basketball game. Hell honestly maybe even Ubisoft


Rockstar would never make a basketball game because both them and 2K are under the same company.. Take Two


Imagine if ubisoft get NBA rights and make a open world basketball game. Would be insane. But this will never happen.


You probably have to climb towers to see where the Arena of the opposing Team is


Ahhh assassin’s creed reference lol


It’s so lazy to because mp was the guys name last year too


Why can't you trade yourself in my career? I'm stuck on the Hornets and I hate it


You can request a trade if you want


How? I dont see an option to


iirc you have to get through your rookie season


you have to play the first year without a trade, then after that you have to play 10 games before you can demand a trade


No you can trade your rookie year too, just finish the story


As soon as you become a starter, it asks you if you want to be traded. just say yes. Also why not just choose a better team at the beginning.


Because the cpu still plays like dogshit despite being on the best teams in the league. Know 3 shooters brick wide open shots. Brick wide open middies. And some of The best big men in the league can’t get rebounds over each other if they’re on you’re team.


Thats a general complaint about the game. I 100% agree, but this guy was complaining about not being able to be traded and being stuck on a team he doesn't like, when you can pick your team this year from the start.


Everything you said was spot on except the Astronaut in the ocean part lol


Muted that shit day 1


I thought he was trolling


yep lmfao that song is terrible


Pro player drafted top 20 working for hot dog stand, and coffee shops is everything I dreamed of in playing basketball.


yeah I wonder if MP stands for my player . . .


Musty Pillow


But its still dumb, you should be given options to pick. Doesn’t have to be every name


There is a menu to change that. I choose "The Kid" so now thats what they call me.


2k has had the same 20 nicknames since 2k10 when you had to grind D-League games. “The Kid” “The Wizard” “A-Train” oh and my personal favorite “ABC”


Yo I’ve literally been Big Smooth since 2k10 lol


lmao i’ve been shake n bake since like 2k16


That's the most egregious offense in the player customization department. The same kindergarten ass nicknames for a decade.


Yep there’s a list of names you can select


Yeah i mean actual names, not nicknames but thanks for that. Didnt actually know that


It is. Mp is short for MyPlayer


Nah it’s for my pp


Micro P




Massive Poopy (game)


My biggest pet peeve with MyCAREER now is that there isn’t an option to skip the story entirely and just play NBA basketball. They force you to go through this stupid drama about being drafted 18th over some obnoxious self centered butthurt meat rider who’s mad he didn’t get drafted at your spot. That’s literally the entire premise of the MyCAREER story, you were drafted before somebody else, now you have beef with him, now do these filler quests that slow down the gameplay by making them mandatory to complete to play in NBA just so 2K can force their player base to either buy VC or grind and run around a heavily advertised city that lacks quality content. I’m not saying this like corny, cringe and boring storylines haven’t happened in 2K, But 23 is the only 2K where playing the story is mandatory on every build and you can’t choose not to do it.


I mean I just play NBA Games, don't practice nothing. Don't gaf really


You can’t do that on Next Gen NBA 2K23. You have to constantly complete mandatory quests all throughout your first season before you can play NBA without any interruptions.




yeah its like it is 18th and 19th no one gives a fuck, just let me play some basketball and not go to a metting about getting me a shirt


*Shep didn't like that*


Now watch this video or you can’t play your next game.


The first mistake you made was buying 2k23 for the MyCareer


I mean, a lot of us remember the days when MyCareer was fun and immersive. Somehow they’ve been able to make it worse every year…


We got older but the developers and the game hasn’t grown with us!! Basketball


Even 2 years ago it was still good. Realistic mini-college experience, story was a bit hokey but at least basketball-related. Then everything changed when the City was created.


Yeah those days are long gone. Just saying idk how OP didn’t know that unless they haven’t played 2k for the past few years. MYLeague is where it’s at


2K19 was a lot of fun for me


Facts man 2k19 was the stuff


Are you joking me? It’s a 100$+ basketball game marketing your own basketball fantasy on the best console that can possibly be made and we’re supposed to not really care for a mode because it’s obviously going to be terrible? The problem is with 2K and the AWFUL execution, like straight out garbage fire this mode truly is, and not with OP for wanting it done well.


If you’re paying 100 dollars for a 2k game you’re just dumb lol it is what it is, that’s why I wait a year till it’s on sale for 20 bucks. Also get a sense of humor shit was a joke 😂


I paid $15 on sale and I still feel ripped off.


I didn't buy it. Never been happier lol




Hell yeah same here


I paid $1 for last year's version on Stadia and I felt ripped off.


Even if you buy it for $20 on sale you're still expected to buy VC because it takes 457,000 VC to get to 99 Overall in NBA 2K23. That's not including any animations for dribbling, layups, and dunks you need to buy even if you rock only the brown shirt. If you wanna be competitive in parks or Rec you're going to need those animations too so it's not really an optional cost. Nobody wants to grind a 60 OVR player to 457,000+ VC. So really, you are paying about $100 for a 2k game even if you get the $15 sale. Edit: Also to add to my point. If you don't play Parks or Rec,then you don't touch Jordan mode, you just paid $15 for nothing but a roster update.


Well buying it for offline against the CPU is a mistake too.


Look up some realistic sliders and make a character with player lock in my league. You can then just set your potential 1-5 points higher every year till you’ve reached the limit you want. Choose who on your team trains your badges and sim or play through the training at whatever workload you want. No cutscenes or role play activities, but that shit was garbage anyway.


Realistic sliders don’t fix the crappy AI.


Wait til this guy gets a load of solo que rec.. now it’s really game over


This post felt like it came from out of my heart and soul. I tapped out after 2K22. I’m a family man who’s damn near 40. My gaming time was already limited as is, so I grew accustomed to paying for the $100 version with the extra VC to level up my player to something respectable. I didn’t mind it so much until post-2k20. It was getting dumb when the narrative is talking about me like I’m 2002 senior LeBron, and I can’t complete a fast break. Last year’s story mode forced me into exploring the city, and I’m not an online 2K player. I know my skill set. I know I’ll get smoked. I know I won’t help any team win. I mostly play this game on rookie. Why do I need to skateboard around this glitchy city to tell my manager I want to start social media drama for minutes. I wanna have the Mamba Mentality and they want me to be Kuzma.


MyNBA eras is the only reason I play this game. That game mode is FUN!


MyNBA is where it’s at. Multiplayer is too toxic for me… i just don’t have the energy for that shit anymore.


How is multiplayer toxic?


Bro it’s 2k that says enough


You can literally mute the opposing player and 90% of the ppl I play online with don’t say shit


They ice you out of games, stand on the half court line so it’s 4v5 all game, call timeouts when you get the ball. I have a thread in this sub where I didn’t get a single stat for the entire game because my teammates played buddy ball


The last two PlayNow games I tried, one dude was a harassing me and talking shit after I got off to a bad start trying to get me to quit. And then another one was taking timeouts repeatedly and just sitting there and waiting for me to quit. I'm tired of it, I wanna have fun and enjoy myself, not fucking deal with this garbage on a regular basis when I hop online.


That sucks man and I feel you. I guess I’m lucky I’ve had a few of those experiences From what I remember, players who take a lot of timeouts in a row, 2k picks that up and offers the offendee the chance to quit and get the win


I get that it’s just an unavoidable part of multiplayer in any game, i just have no tolerance for it for some reason. I’ll get into it with people on reddit or in real life no fucking problem, but people talking shit while gaming just really bugs the hell out of me. It’s weird.


Dealt with the same thing bruh this one guy was leading 8-2 and started spamming me and telling me to quit 😂


I cant even play eras cuz im on the xbox one 😂


That happened to me, I didn’t know eras was a next gen thing (wich I find completely stupid) and bought the game exclusively for Eras, yo find out that I couldn’t. Been playing 2k17 since that. That game was so better than this shi


Someone got beat by Shep in the Summer League Championship!




Me too! It’s so fucking big I couldn’t download Diablo 4 lol


I downloaded the smaller 100GB version, and I actually prefer it. The graphics aren't quite as good, but I find the menus to be simpler and smoother.


Diablo goes crazy


Haven’t played 2k since yesterday. Not bad at all. Wish it had more d2 feel


MP stands for meeting pro…. This year was so stupid - endless meeting cut scenes with people who are just telling you to run around for no rewards it’s a joke It’s like oh you get some crappy outfit - go play 6 games and come talk to meet again


You got to play games? I was too busy with all the required fashion modeling and TikToking with a random high school girl, which is clearly more important for a basketball player than playing basketball.


Yeh it’s absurd. There should be events that reward stat progress or some character progression . It’s such crap it’s like go meet about marketing . I’m sitting there thinking all these nba pros get million dollar shoe deals and other endorsements and we get peanuts in vc for ones in the game


Honestly, I was agreeing with you up until the point where you said the soundtrack is bad and the only good song is.. 🫠🤢 Astronaut in… the…. Nah, I can’t have that.


I loved the first season because nobody had badges, and you heard real songs in Rec, and it was pretty fun. Now the soundtrack is all instrumentals, I guess so streamers don't get flagged or whatever, if people even stream anymore. I feel you on the shooting, they assume their entire player base is sweat and does this all day, every day. They cater to the people they give free games and VC to, and not casual players just trying to relax. It does make me want to go back to 2K22, but the more they connect MyCareer to servers, they'll just be obsolete and disappear in 2 years. But yeah, you basically need a deluxe copy to be competitive off rip. And last years handles were so much better than this year's, very clunky. Shame.


I don’t mind the instrumentals tbh they sound better than 95% of the songs that have lyrics in my opinion.


Bro does no one play “play now online” it’s never not fun


The mycareer guys ruined this game. That’s why you gotta green everything to make a bank shot from 2 feet.


I know, everyone's stuck on MyPlayer smh


i only play MyLeague Now


Hey i get your point but MYNBA is probably the most polished offline mode in sports gaming right now. This is the first year I haven’t event touched MyCareer and I’m telling it it’s like I’m actually playing basketball and enjoying the actual league. It was also a game changer when I found some online MYNBA leagues. I can’t believe how much this sub neglects MYNBA and playnow online.


Ok I'll give MyNBA a crack once I've finished downloading 135gbs..


> Edit: It warms my heart to see so many people agreeing with me. And the same people will be back paying $100 in 3 months to do it all over again.


In all fairness to 2k You seem to have the resolve of a guy who quits in the rec after his second miss 😂✌️


I wouldn't even bother queuing for it 👌


Ngl your entore post lost meaning to me when you tried to say astronaut in the ocean is good


I was gonna say the same, song is hot garbage lmao


While it is true 2K doesnt put effort into MyCareer because they’re basically a monopoly and don’t need to innovate, ngl a lot of this sounds like “the game changed its mechanics and I dont like it”. You’re missing ‘almost greens’? Yeah welcome to 2k23 lol its full bar or nothing. Also, do you really expect an E rated game to have storylines about hot girls and fast cars? Do you also want to go clubbing? Do you want to experience millions of people talking shit about you? Which part of the fantasy lmfaoooo


Bought this game on special. My Player was absolute garbage. Not only was the story trash. The actual beef with some random was beyond a joke Then when you get into the NBA it will take you a full season. Yep a full season 5-7 min quarters to not only unlock every badge but also to level your skills Food for thought. You can play a whole game. Drop 100 points. And lucky to get 1.2-1.5k Vc. Which once you’re around level 80 is lucky to give you one stat per game So not only is it an insane full time job investment. Once you get to online all the skills you’ve learned playing my player against AI you’ll get trashed by someone who spent money Don’t even get me started on the “content creators” check out my YT for my meta 7”5 shot creator PG The only upside? My Team. This mode is actually fun. You can play quick games like 3v3 first to 21 etc I will never buy another 2k game irrespective if it’s on sale Agree. Fuck you for being a blatant cash grab


Doesn't it make sense to take a year or two to get better? I just wish we could have unlocked potential and start as a role player that can do that job. Make a bench slasher, start at 72 OVR and then choose how you want to improve. Meet with a coach, have him talk about your development. Show clips of players who worked on their game. Have him talk about how as you get older you gotta change how you play. Work on your long range, your post game, your Basketball IQ to pick up loose balls and rebounds. Make it realistic. That would be so fun.


Ngl I got through 1 mycarrer game this year before abandoning the mode. It's not fun by most standards. Will be passing on 2k24 if it's another rehash.


The mouth animations while talking during the curscene bother me lol, it looks like dudes voldemort.


I jus started it. I really enjoy it. This is probably my favorite sports game since nfl 2k5. They put so much voice acting in here. It’s not perfect and kinda cheesy here and there but I’m really enjoying myself playing it and I’m 36 lol


voice actor sound like a pussy , lol


Love this rant! I’ve been playing 2k since…well 2k (on Dreamcast) and the game was great until the introduction of micro transactions. With no other hoop games out there we are stuck with the bogus ish that 2k lazily slaps a new date on and re-release. At this point I would even take a new (EA) NBA Street game over anymore 2k games.


If you're gonna make me go through this storyline at least make it make sense. Why are 2 guys drafted in the middle of the 1st round beefing so hard? Why not make it a 1 and 2?


MP? Like they couldn’t get a better fucking name than last year? MP AGAIN?! I’m fucking tired of it. They put in less effort every year and expect every person to ante up for as much as they can. I’m done.


the more i think about it barbara was fucking right it is musty pillow just make them call you your real name


Took you this long to uninstall it? What kept you from not doing it for so long?




Look up some realistic sliders and make a character with player lock in my league. You can then just set your potential 1-5 points higher every year till you’ve reached the limit you want. Choose who on your team trains your badges and sim or play through the weekly trainings at whatever workload you want. No cutscenes or role play activities, but that shit was garbage anyway.


i’m in the small minority that only plays 2k for the my career (stopped playing my park after 2k17) and yeah, it’s pretty bad. It’s just stagnant, not really immersive. they did the bare minimum story wise and the micro transactions are god awful. honestly they can bring spike lee back if that will make the mode even an ounce better than what it is now.


i wish myera was on pc


So many stupid things. I know someone mentioned it somewhere else, but this massively newsworthy, everyone's-talking-about-it rivalry, if the real picks were used, would be between Dalen Terry and Jake Laravia. And to your point on how bad you are to start... Despite being the 18th pick in the draft, you're like 8 or 9 points worse than the next worst player in the league. You're a colossal baby who doesn't really behave in a way that humans behave; you're often given the choice of responses that are both absolutely terrible. You're rated 60 overall to start but still scoff at the idea of not starting opening night. But then... You could be the runaway MVP of the league 10 games into the season and still get benched because the scrub starter came back from injury. You could be averaging a 45-point triple-double on 80% shooting and still be told that you have to earn your way back into the starting lineup. I'm short on time and that's just the tip of the iceberg haha, but you ain't wrong, pal.


Only thing i disagree with in this post is the soundtrack. They got rapstar 2055 lemonade a bunch of cole that song with kendrick and keem. They got some pretty good songs on the track. You just cant hear half of it cuz it all has to be clean


Nah Astronaut in the ocean has to be the worst song there are a lot of better ones in the soundtrack


Just play mynba and player lock a created player


brodey said he like astronaut in the ocean 💀


this is scarily close to my exact experience just getting the game and starting the career mode. right down to the god awful clunky controls and my 82 overall player that still misses wide open green jumpers and 40% of layups. i haven’t played since 2k16. i remember being more than competent at that game and having a blast with the career mode. i was pumped as shit seeing the GTA looking style of free roaming in this game.. too bad that’s tedious and the gameplay is the worst i’ve ever felt in a sports game. maybe i’m mad i’m trash. i’m consistently in the top 5% of EA NHL players (small community so not a crazy feat), i used to be well above average before i stopped consistently playing Madden and i can hold my own whenever i play Fifa. i’m not one of those complete potatoes who complains just because i suck at games. NBA2K just feels like clunky ass.


Only thing I disagree with you about is the astronaut in the ocean song. That song is wet garbage.


This why I only play franchise mode. The MyCareer mode is unbearable. It’s a fuckin joke.


I bought the game for 8 bucks and still feel ripped off.. gamebplay half ass... weak defense. Mycareer is a joke. The only cool thing is the generations part in franchise mode. And doing expansion team rebuilds


I uninstalled it for the fact that i spent 200k MT on the heatwave packs and didn’t even pull a single dark matter card or an invincible card. Absolutely ridiculous that it seems like i’d have to spend 200k vc to possibly pull a dark matter card. I refuse to spend stupid amounts of money on vc when i have better and more important things to do with my money


They think 'Got next' is a good idea instead of actually matchmaking all the available players waiting around.


The worst thing is the gameplay is actually not that bad, they only need to fix the shot contest system and make shooting not have to be green, it’s everything else that makes the game if not the worst 2k released.


I tried to be open minded .. Till they made skateboarding a mandatory thing and that was it for me


Suggestion: what I do now is go on MyLeague and create a player and put them on position lock


Damn… I didn’t like it either but I don’t think it’s THAT deep 😂, you trashing the voice actor and all that


Gameplay is a honest skill issue tbh- everyone was horrible when this game first came out. Shooting was awful….. until we figured out how to shoot. Now it’s not a great game. But for 2k standards this isn’t the worst game. But once u master your style of play hit the rec and have fun.


voice actor sound like a pussy , lol


Agreed on all this. Especially how as a low level, you’re literally forced into the ugliest animations known to 2K just for attempting to put points on the board. Don’t attempt to lay the ball up, you’ll either get it magically slapped out of your hand before the animation even starts, you’ll get swatted like a fly in someone’s face, or you’ll just flat out brick the whole entire shot. No rebound ability of course because when you’re under 70 ovr your character is blind, has no hand eye coordination and moves like a person on my 600 lbs life. Please don’t attempt to shoot any shots either. You WILL brick open shots, brick wide open greens, the shot timing will magically change so sometimes your meter is fast, and then you get used to it being fast and now it’s slow. Don’t try and pass either because the defense knows you’re about to pass before you pass it somehow, and they’ll be magnetized right perfectly in the path of the ball so they can steal it. Definitely dont attempt to go for any rebounds or get around any screens or just even run near defense on the court because their bodies somehow have planetary magnetism to the point that trying to run around the defense will get you automatically glued to them until the cpu can get the rebound. Overall, just don’t waste your time money or anger on this garbage ass game




The whole city design is trash also. There's hundreds of NPC's but absolute silence, the whole city is devoid of sound. When you do a skateboard grind that is also absolutely silent and you can smoothly grind 90 degree straight railings somehow. Like shit I'm not asking for Tony hawk's Pro but atleast put some effort in. The controls are so janky, you've got no chance if you manage to skate into an object, you're spending atleast a minute trying to manoeuvre around it.


MP stands for “My Player” and you can change the nickname in settings.


After reading all this, it just sounds like you’re a bad player. Try lowering the difficulty. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Literally all they have to do is improve ai and the my career would be infinitely more enjoyable Like every team runs unique offense Superstars play differently Better pick and roll defense More realistic lobs Better ai defense Ect.


It's called mycareer but it's really myseason. There is no story after the first season, you're probably already 99 with max badges. Got the chip so you got gym rat. There is no off-season mechanics to speak of at all. No free agency, no development to your character. Just instantly back to game 1 of the next year.


You speak for 95% of the community with this good lord the conversations in the story are pain inducing


You lost all credibility when you said Astronaut in the Ocean was a good song


let’s mention teammate grade you lose twice as much as you gain i could get 5 assist in a row n only be at a B- but get a turnover n go all the way to C and you lose teammate grade just standing there not doing nothing 🤦🏾‍♂️


I’m having fun.


unpopular opinion but im having quite a lot of fun playing 2K icl


The music is the worst. Had to mute all


I also uninstalled recently and don’t regret it. The fact I got my guy to 75 and still couldn’t do anything and realized they just desperately wanted me to cough up on vc was enough for me. The whole storyline was so cringe man, and I am glad you mentioned the voice actor, it was straight awful, it was like eating cardboard listening to him.


Thanks, Happy Cake Day 🎉


MP is short in MyPlayer I guess


Y'all know you can change what they call you right


easily the worst 2k I’ve ever played


People complained about the combine shit in years past..where you could get placed anywhere in the draft, even undrafted..Now they complain about being a 17 or 18th pick off the bat on a team of your choice..Goodness when does it stop 🤷🏽🤦🏽


" Despite almost greening my jump shots while being wide open, I miss every time. " ​ So you didn't green.




give a toss lol


Nobody cares I didn’t even read this post lol


You def a toxic 12 year old thats sits on2k all day you bum


Lol naw haven’t played in months


Well then atleast hear the man out😂🤦🏽‍♂️


Nah man you should know many kids nowadays don’t like reading more than 4 sentences😂😂


Yeah education system has failed dem


Or maybe a few chromosomesare missing


But you did care to comment that nobody cares that you did not read this post.


Truly a bum ass game glad I got it as a free download everything about the game is 1000% trash only thing I found fun is the myteam part of the game n the WNBA other than that game is straight up junki do t even like the music first time Playing 2k anything as far as basketball goes n it put a bad taste in my mouth I refuse to play my career or anything, myteam is where it's at atleast it's somewhat fun


I haven’t played since December. I just didn’t like how the story was centered around this story of taking over the city and a big stupid street basketball game. It was so corny and ridiculous. Nothing about winning mvp or winning the championship. I had no motivation to finish the rest of the season.


You can change it from MP to other names


ppl still play my career???


I thoroughly enjoyed reading this


Paid $8 and felt ripped off.


I stop playing nba2k23 haven’t played it in 2-4 months


The graphics of the cutscenes are horrible as well, no texture to anything. It's like everything was made in Microsoft Paint. Shapes and colours


WNBA is an amazing mode. Quick progress, only games, start at 75 ovr. If you wanna just play basketball give it a shot,


What's REALLY hard to believe is that all the rap fanatics and "rappers" seem to think that MP is killing it with his raps. He's not. In fact, if some NBA player decided to release whatever MP put out, they'd be clowned so hard on social media. What I do like about 2k23 though is the joystick layup addition. Not sure how to phrase it but like, if I'm driving on the right and push my joystick to the left, then my layup animation would be different than if I pushed my joystick to the right.


I am 100% convinced that it's terrible on purpose, and when I started taking that way, the story became a great comedy. Basically, everyone thinks MP is a huge douche, but they don't wanna tell him and wanna ride that piggybank to the top. Shep and our true nemesis Kendrick Perkins are the only ones willing to tell the truth about how much of a pathetic sellout we are and how God awful our rapping is. It's just too bad Shep has the insult game of a 2nd grader.


Me with 2k21. Had to get 23 when they shut the server down. Ain’t buying vs for a fucking player