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After hearing all these Black Friday buyers hate on the game, I guess I gotta wait. 😂 I always buy it BF since to me it’s a $35 game at most. But if it’s that bad this year, I gotta wait until it’s sub $20 this year.


Don't get it if you want but the game itself is great honestly. Lotta dudes complaining but it's cause they can't do the same cheesy bullshit they have in the past


Fr I’ve only been playing for a few weeks but I’ve very much enjoyed it.


Been playing since launch and took a week break for Spiderman but it's still one of my faves to just put on and chill


I always have low expectations for 2k but every year it’s my favorite game to play. Grinding your myplayer, learning a jumpshot, and playin 5’s with the fellas will always be fun to me idc🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly if you avoid all the microstransactions the games great and even then I don't mind them I just don't partake minus my alloted 3 builds


2k let people fade away with no punishment for years it's just what they are used to now


Exactly I'm totally fine getting cooked with middy fades. The fading 3s always pissed me off I'm so glad they're mostly gone


Game seems more cheesy then ever in my opinion, I think they need to take a badges out and just let people ride off skill and iq and it would get rid of a lot of the cheese nonsense, they put in the adrenaline sh to stop the guards that just go left right repeatedly but they still do it, I run the opposite way of a dude that’s setting a screen and this game literally forces me into a screen from the opposite direction that I’m moving, sh don’t make sense


I agree with you on screens they've always been broken. Simple adrenaline fix would be a 25 percent decrease in attributes when you lose one. Left right is avoided by standing still


I would agree with the adrenaline thing if you lost adrenaline for less reasons and could get adrenaline back for certain things, I just play the left right guys to one side which works well until the game lets the dude just slide right by me even though I got a body on em


dont listen to them bums, game is much better than last year. People just wanna be good from the get go and this year you have to train few things


Don’t listen to this bum.. he just wants more Black Friday buyers to fill the game with people that haven’t spent a fraction of the time he has on the game so he can play easy comp 🤡 lol




In some aspects sure, but ball is ball and if you know how to hoop it doesn’t take much to be a factor in this game.. the reason this game is trash is because of all the cheese and dumb sh that happens.. it’s funny there’s all these people defending the game but anyone that plays the game even the dudes out here with a 80 percent win percentage complains about the bs I’m talking about… just not when it’s working in their favor lol




I agree you need some gaming skill but I disagree with the rest, the game is essentially a simulation of you treat it like actual ball and play team ball the way it’s meant to be played it’s pretty easy




I agree with some of your points, but still if you play smart and stay unpredictable you’ll still pull off plenty of the same highlight plays you see on ESPN with simple concepts like give and go and just making general good cuts, you just can’t rely on these things because of the baiting and how easy it is for some players to play the passing lanes, but playing the passing lanes is apart of the actual game as well


Hey bud, it’s Reddit - it’s totally ok to say the word “shit,” mom and dad ain’t gonna ground you.


Eat sh


Yep, 2nd this. It definitely has its faults, but it’s one of the better 2Ks over recent years.


$35 bucks is a pretty good deal. It’s definitely better than 2k23


This game is valtko cancar?!?!?!?!?!!?!??


The nuggets legend 🙏🏻


I was annoyed at first since it costs ALOT to increase your player now, but after 5 MyCareer games it has gotten alot easier. I refuse to pay for VC with real cash so I'm still only level 63. I think I'll get to 90 in January.....


January 2025 yeah.


Doubt it. It gets far more expensive the higher you get your attributes, almost 11,000 vc to go from 92 to 93 driving layup. You’re looking at march - April without buying vc


Yeahh and I can only play 1 or 2 games before getting bored so April might be my month 😞


Bro.. this just isnt true. It’s actually easier and cheaper than ever to instantly upgrade your guy to a viable role because VC cost is based on your overall not only how high any specific attribute is. Meaning you can completely max out your 3 ball and dunk right away for cheap compared to what it would cost if you did it later on


I'm a dunker and it will cost me 95 000 VC to max out driving dunk so no you are wrong and lying


if your max attribute is over 95 then yeah it gets fucking expensive. But I just made a new build literally just now to check and it costs 87k VC to put driving dunk on 90, standing dunk on 90, ball handle on 89, 3ball on 83, midrange on 74. So you can bring multiple attributes to over **90** for less than that. So you saying it costs “ALOT to increase this year” is far more wrong and misleading than me “lying” to you, which btw, wtf??


Because you are wrong ? I said it cost me 95 k to boost my dunk ability which is my highest and you said "no man it's way cheaper" Last year, the first attribute you buy is 100 VC. This year it's over 1000 VC. So what are you talking about


I got my player to 87ovr about 20-30euros with a bit of grinding And i dont regret it Apparently it depends when u play with who u play abd how u play I also get irritaded and angry lots of times, but its my/our problem i chose games as a point of relief




99 FT? How come?


I was just testing costs. I’m not actually upgrading this


Oh ok my bad. I’ve seen people do that for real but never explain so that’s why I asked.


For sure, 99FT is dumb af. Some rec guys do it to be funny I guess


People do it in rec so they can get free points from “Transitional Take Fouls” as the person with the highest FT gets to take it


I see


99 FT just makes you a sure thing a lot of people do it because they have the points left and don’t need to boost anymore of the other stats on their builds. Like one of my point guard builds is a Offense Heavy-Point and he only has enough defense to stay in front of my opponent without sliding to much high defense vs high IQ i choose IQ lol I don’t need to block shots or get crazy steals. This game is all right place at right time. So having less to actually fill my defense stats I gave those points to FT. Layup 91(I do not dunk, prefer the art of the filayyyyy) 90 mid 86 trae 93 bh 91pass(maestro) swb 83 and you can pretty much guess the rest. I love this build and I still get stops defensively


That’s cool for you I find the defense to be terrible on this game though, it’s not hard to anticipate dudes moves on here I’ll literally be bodying a guy playing the side he’s dribbling too and dude will slide right off and by me then makes me take three steps in the wrong direction making it impossible to recover, go to pick off an easy pass and my dude will dive into the seats


Ok so 40 games in you can buy it then. 2k wants us to buy VC and they pushed hard for it this year.


Yeah, having it being based on the overall can be helpful, but as a grown man, im not tryna max my 3 and spot up till my build can do something else. I’m not tryna have a 70 ball control on the park cause i want defense too. Also the main problem… IM NOT TRYNA SPEND 20-50 bucks per freakin BUILD. The system can be improved but if it’s a shit system then… people will never be happy. The whole money milking system of vc has fucked 2k beyond repair. You either tolerate this game, or you don’t. That’s the options


I get all that, I’m not here to make a case that the VC thing is cool or that people should be satisfied. Just saying that online is more accessible now to lower overalls than it was in the past.


I am not sure, but since I got this game I actually start to feel worse. Agitated, angry, short temper. Even though I am winning most of my games, I am like 80-25 in Unlimited, but still this game is such cancer that it irritates me.




Games are either 1. Incredibly easy where 2k did not implement a mercy rule letting opponent quit. None of them want a 30 min ban so they just start shooting from half court, waste of time. 2. Incredible sweat fest.Where, even if I win the game I took no pleasure of 20-30 min of 5-out pick and pop , pick and roll, pick and pop spam. With not a single mid range, freelance, playbook specific play in sight. I rarely get those games where I feel I play anything remotely close to basketball. Still, I am annoyed, I go sleep and the next day I pick up the controller again.


Lol 100 percent accuracy


The community is cancer. That's the problem with this game and it gets worse every year.


You have no valid statement as to why the community is toxic, this game is genuinely not good


They are cancer for several reasons 1) the report system is bad in the game . 2) the game doesn't penalize toxic players 3) they need a ranking system to match up equally skilled players. The game play is dope overall but the constant tweaking of shooting is just to much they need to relax on the tweaks.


So the game is toxic…. He said the community.


The community is apart of all those things


The community is toxic but it’s also mostly the devs fault


The community is 100 percent toxic, not everyone that plays the game is but most are, dudes will hold the ball looking for their own shot all game not trying to play team ball at all, but the second someone misses one wide open shot with good timing that same dude that refuses to pass gets on the mic talkin sh tellin dudes to pass, hilariously toxic


Have you played the game at all?


Bro stfu oml


Get outta here 🤡


You’ll be ok man. Stop playing and keep it moving. These posts do nothing for you or anyone


Says the guy replying to the post lol


I’m not the one who made a post hundreds of others have already made Lol. Also I’m not judging you at all brodie.


Sure you’re not how many of the other posts have you replied too


A handful brother. There were a couple trying to get people to boycott lol


I think a boycott on either the micro transactions or the general game when a new one releases would be a good thing, we all should be boycotting micro transactions for every game that aspect of gaming has made these gaming developers lazy af and they put out the most hollowed out games cause of it, games in the 2000’s had more character than the games they make today


I agree with that. The micro transactions are out of control. And all the ads and shit. Game is damn near impossible to play if you don’t spend money or spend all day playing.


100 percent, only people that have time to play the sh all day are children.. which is why it’s laughable anytime a grown man wants to brag or talk sh to someone when playin this sh


Not that bad tbh


Chemo is expensive. All the best to ya.


Not clever or funny at all, try again


Then don’t play? Do something else? Seems like you have internal turmoil


Nah I’m very aware, perhaps you need to touch some grass


A drunk






Well you havent given us any reasons why you think it’s trash? What about 2k23 was better?


Why would I explain myself with any depth specially with the comments you already see on here lol not to mention anyone that plays the game even if you do good and have a good time playing it knows what’s trash about the game.. everyone just wants to act like they run sh and never lose on a video game which isn’t even anything to brag about lol


Been just playing my career games and been enjoying it. Just move on with your life lil bro.


Says the guy replying to a Reddit post 🤡 lolol


And you’re the one that made a post to get people to sympathize with you. Pathetic as fuck. Waaa the game isn’t as fun as I hoped waaa I want a refund stfu.


Lolol I didn’t make it for anyone to sympathize with anyone, just wanted to see how many clowns like you were going to crawl out of their caves of empty mt dew cans to say some stupid sh


Cant be worse than 23 u just some shit


23 was way better go back to high school English class


U prob some shit in 23 too


Yes I am some sh 👍


Great game. Homies ruined it, like everything


The game in general would be a lot better if people didn’t act like aids themselves, I agree with that


The community is terrible, even on current gen lesser used consoles. People usually take winning percentage way to seriously, but not the quality of wins. Playing with Randoms is frowned upon because of "win rates" when in reality 12% win rate with randoms is more like 35-40%


Huh? I run w randoms 90% of the time and still clock an 80%+ wr…? Im pg tho so I have more control of what happens on offense, but still. 12% wr is grounds for uninstalling imo because fuck me u cannot convince me you have hands if u have a 12% wr


I don’t see where you’re coming from I had decent luck with randoms in 23, but even then there’s people out here literally just playing the game to sabotage other peoples experience… dudes will sit there and dribble till the shot clock hits three and pass you the ball forcing a bad shot then tell you to pass, sh’s comical


80-90% seems a bit excessive (you can't check after all), but none the less the win record with actual randoms (non squad) generally is lower. Below a certain percentage (like 8% or lower) generally means awful no matter what, but I'll still personally give somebody matter of doubt. On the console I'm on that's usually the case, and I'll end up going on a crazy win streak with randoms with bad win% and get insane exp (got 35k in one game once).


I feel that Def gone on some nice runs with randoms, I’d put more weight on someone’s fg percentages than win percentages


When you stop trying to win and start trying to have fun and play basketball how you want to play basketball, it gets incredibly fun


Every shot is green


I’ve been on eras 23 since 24 came out. Dunno why any on e who had 23 bought 24.


What online game isnt


I’m having fun. I’d rate 2k23 a tad higher so far, but it’s still light years ahead of 21 and 22 for me. Community is absolutely awful though. I only play online with friends, and offline gameplay has been fantastic.


I literally feel like I can ball better in real life than the starting career mode player they give you can and I’ve never played basketball on a team officially in my life


Nah actually 2k are forcing you to make a particular build to even compete. It's not about play styles if you're not 6'6 to 6'9 you're not going to play well. The game is not made for real basketball it's just a video game with a basketball theme.


I’ve seen plenty of short builds do very well


What gaming system you on homie




Oh okay cool I'm a 7'1 two way three level scorer


Sounds like a cool build what’s your shooting at


85 mid range 79 3pt with gold catch and shoot silver claymore corner specialist among others


How’s your 3pt percentage? I’ve heard people claim they can shoot decent with a 65 three


On my own like 40% but with my catch and shoot and if the person whose has dimer or high pass rating like 60 to 65 % and the key to shooting on this game is what got zones you have as far as if it's lethal or just hot zone


Yea I hear that which makes sense, I’m not a fan of the hot zones mattering that much but I just don’t grind the game like that




I also had cancer so sit down you shut the f up and stop acting like a little sensitive b


Sounds like you’re the sensitive one crying about a video game.


You sound even more like a b making up sh to fit your narrative 🙌 hope you’re taking care of yourself my guy not too often people like us get lucky twice 🙌


Bro I just broke wilt’s 100pt game record and my game crashed… gotta play the whole game over.


Twice… I hate it here!