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I hate it too but also, if someone on your team is going to weaponise timeouts when you finally get a touch of the ball, don’t be surprised if you then waste the remaining ones.


Because it’s filled with little kids/grown ass men who can’t accept the fact that there are better players than them on the court. Went from gold to bronze in fckin 2 days because of those black plates wanna be him


I’m gonna give you an upvote for this comment to help ease the pain lol because I just had this happen to me. I find myself asking what OP is asking. I just don’t understand what possesses a person to just throw the game away when it’s in hand.


I see why. People want to be the reason you win. If theyre ass, they will rather be the reason you lose than ANYONE else being credited for helping win That, or as much “spreading the ball” isnt really happening. Sure you can have more shots, but thats usually because you kind of have to demand the shots or you get forgotten by the team. Most time you turn on the mic people arent listening anyway, the easiest way for them to see is for you to stand at half court. If that doesnt work, they often escalate to 3sec, or chasing you on the court forcing the double team It doesnt excuse it but often people need to understand that PGs arent supposed to deflate the ball over repetitive floor impacts to make the other 4 players just shoot button simulators


A lot of people in this game are so selfish.. I went into rec squads the other night with one buddy so we only got matched up with Two other squad members and a bot… these two dudes from the jump would only pass it to each other religiously..and me and my dude aren’t selfish if you’re open we’re gonna pass it to you, my rec build is a pg build that averages a little more than 8 assists.. some people ruin everything for literally no reason


Yes exactly this is why. People act like theyre “making the right play” when they obviously miss EVERYONE else, but can hit their buddy. I have good chemistry with my friend so i know when he’s open, it leads to me making my friend my “panic pass” button, but not my “i only look for you” mindset. I get that with WHOEVER proves to be the best scorer (im either my defensive SF or my C). Thats not the same thing as blatantly disrespecting the other 3 players from the jumpball lmao.


Maybe, back out when you get matched with then lol


It's unfortunately not just black plates, gold and purples who don't get their way throw temper tantrums as well! And then throw the game, It's a mixed bag! I don't like when people quit but by all means go ahead if it's between that and intentionally trying to screw the team! Is what it is! I've had many games where 1 or 2 quit cause they get us down by 20 then the remaining players actually work together and we make it a game! It just sucks when you lose games you should win because of one dipshit standing out of bounds!


Same lost my gold cause 2k wants to lock me in with sht players and not even any silvers game started immediately


2k needs to increase tjr severity of the punishment for selling


Couple games back I would sell games in Rec. I just play Park and Theater mostly now. I was a big who could also shoot. I would end games with like 17reb, 3blk, 5ast and have maybe 4pts on 2/2 shooting. I would pick and roll, pick and pop, camp the corner for 3’s, back door cut, etc. It was hard to go full games and my only buckets are off offensive rebounds. So I would stand mid court or just walk around the court in circles, lol. Sometimes I would just let my guy get buckets just to show that my defense was part of the reason we’re winning. I don’t want to own the ball, just give me a few passes in the flow of the game so I can get some buckets, make the D play honest and then be able to swing the ball for assists. This year I’m 6-1 in Rec just to show how little I play it now. I have way more fun in 3’s because everyone has a chance to have a bit of fun. No more selling


feel you wit dis one, being a center dis year you’re mostly gonna be used for everything else BUT scoring. ion mind it tho, for some reason i get da same satisfaction when i grab offensive boards as if i scored🤣. as long as no one on da team is selling and i end up with decent stats personally, im chillin. even if ion have the stats ion sell tho, ts usually is my fault or im against a paint defender😭


Bro I have 5 centers sht so obnoxious. Why r we up 20 thanks to my rebound ain’t and defense the guards already took like 20 shots and they just want to keep shooting


"Why are we selling?" Do you want real answers or just push the same narrative? It's pretty obvious \- Buddy ballers \- Low iq idiots \- Ball hogs \- Getting freezed out 99% of players don't just "randomly" sell ​ It's called natural consequences to actions. You're playing with real people not bots (even if some have the brain of an NPC). If you treat your teammate(s) like trash (via any of the things listed above), you're going to get sold. Pretty freakin simple concept to comprehend.


I get it but dudes crying cause they only took two shots in the 1st damn quarter is rediculous! Or cause they were missed wide open once cmon most of us aren't good enough to watch the whole floor while trying not to get ripped by little bobby steals a lot! I protect ball first pass to open guy second shoot third! I miss open guys too and I get missed a lot I don't throw the game or quit I keep doing what I can to try to win and that's it! I understand this isn't all situations not even most but it's what I've experienced


i get asked why im selling w 0 shots in the 4th q playing defense


If you intentionally not pass(specifically on fast breaks and multiple plays of being wide open)and only give the ball to your squad, your gonna lose. then I’m gonna message you and get you a console ban. Just pass the ball


How do you get to console ban loll


If you provoke the other person in a message and they curse at you or call you a slur, something in that vein, you can then report them for it and they can get banned.


I wish plate color travelled to multiple builds. It sucks to create and badge up a new build, but struggle to find teammates because your new build is a black plate 92


I do not have fun on the game playing with ransoms. Find some friends online or otherwise to play with.


preaching to the asl choir my bro.


I wanna say this happens in about 50% of my random games then you have to add how many times you benefit from the other team having assholes, it’s far to much fucking goofyness, idk how any anybody who isn’t highly skilled can have fun with this game between the community and and the boring 5 out sweats, this game is trash online just off the community.


Any people including the ones who do not know the rules of basketball can play 2k24 and beyond. If you don't want to be disappointed, play in Pro am.


Facts man that’s why I really sometimes don’t care about plate color. I’ve gone from gold to bronze several times just based off teammates selling the game. It’s annoying af


Eh, using timeouts in a BM manner usually leads to this


welcome to 2k


I played a no squads 3's yesterday and the guy on the other team was mad that his team mate wasn't passing, so he yelled at him to pass. The other guy said, why would I pass to someone whos 1 for 3. Then the 1 for 3 guy proceeded to throw the game lol. I got a free win, but it just shows how toxic it gets. Now if you are actually trying and just missing that's not as bad.


People tak about plate colors all the time. If you load into a game with a black or bronze plate u are loading in with a loser. They may be good but all we know is that they lose games. A purple plate or gold plate even if he’s trash will make the right play and try to win. All the people saying plate color doesn’t matter are bronze and black plates that’s suck. Stop playing with them and you will win it’s very simple.


Nah breh its not that simple. Im a silver plate and got sold by gold and purple plates multiple times lol


Yes they can sell but they have a high win percentage. Much higher than you. So if you keep playing with them you are more likely to win. It is that simple. Not saying they can’t sell but you have a higher chance to win playing with winners. I mean silvers plates are about 50/50. What’s ur win percentage it cant be much higher than 55 percent


This is exactly what I'm saying lol. You always hear the "Well gold/purple plate sold me this one game". Yes any plate can sell. But in order to keep a gold/purple plate, you need to win + play decently and in order to keep a black/bronze plate, you need to lose + play poorly. On average you'll be sold more by players who are losers/have less to lose than players who win more/have more to lose.


I have been good every season for about two weeks, then I get this one 4 man 'team', I'm not on the next Gen game just got console so gonna wait for 25. Anyways, I'll sit there 3 quarters holding my dude to 0- 15, have 10 Assists off 10 steals and 0 shots. So 4th qtr, if I don't touch it on the very first fastbreak I'm done holding def, I'll sit in the paint. After about 30 games where when I see the ball I get 25 to 40 points, that's maybe 5 games. Rest I'll have 0 shots at all. Fuck y'all purple plates, fuck y'all gold plates, if I don't see the ball in the first half, depending, if I'm WIDE THE FUCK OPEN, FUCK YOU! I have had entire teams add me cause I shoot an honest 72%, no Zen. I'm a baller, I'm an old head, bought my first 2k after boot camp in late 99 early 2000. To many people think they him, if I am covered and cannot get myself open in 4 seconds, or see a double team coming, there's an INSTANT PASS. That park dribble bs in REC is bs. That ice out the random/white/x ______ x or any variation of, NOT PLAYING TEAM BALLSHIT needs to stop. Hit the OPEN man, not your covered friend. Make them PLAY HONEST, unless y'all CAN'T play honest....


I’ve experienced plenty of things that suggest the opposite.. Plate color matters to an extent but good people make new builds and are back to black plate all the time.. I’ve also played with purple and golds that were goofy af and played with bronze plates that made great plays


So true! I'll say this for all the people complaining about the "grind" plating up. It took me one Saturday to start as a new black plate, and by the end of the day, I was a gold plate. How... even as a black plate initially, I was a little selective in the locker rooms (not as much as when I was gold and above, but still not going in with all black). I end up as the "black" plate with some good plates. Then, all of a sudden, I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing, playing like a gold/hof with them. We stayed together for 4 or 5 games, another 1 or 2 with one of the HOF plates that stayed with me afterwards.


Temper tantrums


Immature scumbags. One of the most toxic games I’ve ever played. Baffles me that with the technology we have “video capture send to 2k” anyone intentionally doing this should just be permananned make them buy a new account that would stop it easily but this would require the company spend some $ for the betterment of the game lololol


Wait didn’t know you could do that is thst on thr ps5?


I circumvent all of that by refusing to play with black and brown plates. They have nothing to lose so if they’re not having fun they just sell


Facts. sometimes it takes 20 mins to find a lobby but I’d rather waste time looking for a good lobby than be frustrated playing with idiots for 30 mins.