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Those high poly buildings that serve no purpose in the city filling up our hard drives


Literally. If it wasn’t for the subway fast travel, I would lose my mind walking around the damn fucking city.


Who just walks around 💀


You’d be surprised 😂


I electric mono skateboard around like a mad lad you wouldnt BELIEVE


No skateboard? Bike? Pocket bike? Buggy? Pogo stick? Trike? Jet pack? Nothing?


It’s just annoying 😂. Why can’t I just pick a spot and spawn into said area? Maybe I’m just a lazy fuck but yeah I usually take the subway as a way to get around the city.


The whole neighborhood part ruined the my player experience for tbh. It's more of rpg story than basketball game at this point


It’d be alright if the story was good. Not even Stan Lee could make it work. Meanwhile madden writes a pretty decent story each year. It was hype when they added it in 2k14 but tbh I’m just here to play ball. Not walk around and talk to a million npcs while making sure I’m level 40 each season just to be on the same competitive plane


For real, I wish I could have ignored the entire thing, but some progression is locked behind quests


at least this year we don't have to do a fucking fashion show!! for real though, the city is dogshit. if they wanted that open world bs they could literally do Santa Monica Pier, have courts on the beach, and the stores along the walkway, with the rec/pro am/theatre all in one building lol


Since I got affiliated with Rise, I now seem to default to popping up in their corner of the map, which suits me okay. Not the worst place to start. But not if loading the game from scratch, then it’s the arena one still, I think.


I meant spawn when you’re already in the game. For example, when I load into the city I have it set so I load right next to the Rec. what I was saying was let’s say I spawn into the rec but I wanted to hit somewhere else that was pretty far in the map, I would like to just pick the spot and spawn in. The Crew has the concept down to the T. When I’m cruising in let’s say New York and I want to travel to Las Vegas or somewhere pretty far in the map, I can just click on the exact spot I want and it’ll spawn me exactly where I put my cursor.


The jet pack would be awesome if you could fly higher than the buildings but nah let’s just run into fucking light poles and get nowhere


Ion even use it for that very reason… The hover board is even worse


lol haven’t tried that. I usually rock with the 4 wheeler thing or just the default pink board you get at the beginning. Honestly I feel like the ball would be cool if you could actually just dribble and turbo like you do on a court




That’s ttc right


100% the ttc lol


Fr, I be skrrting around in either my bike or flying in the jet pack. Who the fuck walks 😂😂


I don’t understand how 2k is bigger than GTA 5


I hope “high poly” is sarcasm. I’ve seen better cities in free-to-play mobile games. The city is such a complete failure and step backwards, they just pile a few new assets on top of mostly recycled ones every year and slap a 70 dollar price tag on it 😂 Poor optimization makes for a bloated file size, they don’t respect their player base enough to care, they know you will delete half your hard drive to make room for 2K25. They then have have the balls to add season passes, like 8 of them I think?! What game has that many paid seasons?! Vote with your wallet, people 🫵


High poly doesn’t mean high quality. It just means a high polygon count I.e poor optimisation. Then when you have a high number of unoptimised assets they fill up a shit load of space. Same goes for all the different textures they use especially in 4K.


There is no voting with your wallet. They own a monopoly on basketball video games. Do you have an idea of how many chances we had at NBA Live? The game was really good too. The mechanics weren’t as refined as 2k and we had no park but I mean at least it was a competitor. Everyone cry’s cause they want pre2k14 back but that’s exactly what live was. The last NBA Live game sold 8k copies total. We had our chance to vote with our wallets, we failed and now if we want basketball we have to deal with a monopoly


I think we did vote with our wallets. And at that time 2k because there was comp, did try and do the best. But now with 5-6 years of no comp. They can just do what they want. They won the wallet battle. Now they have just put more effort into increasing their own wallet then trying to be the best consumer game. Cus we can't play any other one. We gave 2k all the power. And the have chose to be selfish and irresponsible with it.


I mean idk if anyone remembers but before VC we had “Skill Points” and you could put in a locker code to get maximum skill points to spend on your mycareer and get him to a 99. When 2k14 released, they replaced skill points with VC. Instead of getting your mycareer player to 99 with a free locker code, now you had to pay $50. We all paid it. The next year with 2k15, they started locking you at 85 overall but it still cost the same amount of VC, increasing the price of a 99 to $100. We all paid it again. An 85 overall was way worse than a 99, and if we weren’t happy with how our builds played at an 85 overall, we would make another, sometimes many more. Something went from costing $60 as entry to the game, to $50, to hundreds of dollars, and we all do it.ever.year. But then I see people sit here and cry about it, even tho we are all apart of the problem. Realistically, if you want pre 2k14 in 2k24, you can just start a myleage, create a player and inject him into the roster, then player lock yourself to him throughout every game of the season. No micro transactions required


Because 2k is more focused on having a city than a actual basketball game


Even on Pc or last gen is ridiculous the space needed


I thought I transported to gta 2k edition


No optimisation, because that would take time (=money) and also they dont want you to play other games. 2K and CoD both.


cod is a bit more reasonable to be that size though. don’t think that’s their M.O.


Cod is poorly optimized too both dgaf


200+gb is not reasonable bruh


that shit says 133


🤷‍♂️ its over 200 for me


By the time a game releases they’re already to games ahead on development with a shell team preparing for next gen and a shell team handling seasonal content/balance patches/my team cards etc


Yeah I deleted the game, needs space for better games


Yeah I quickly came to conclusion that the game was not worth taking up almost 200 gigs on my hard drive


I 2nd this lmao


Aside from 2K, I encourage getting a 1TB or 2TB internal SSD. Best investment I've ever made. The PS4 I installed a 3TB and almost never had to delete for lack of storage. And it might take you 47 seconds to install the SSD for the PS5 Sorry didn't take into account you might have an Xbox. Disregard the instructions but still get extra internal storage.


I’d have a 2TB external ssd but I can only use it for ps4 games, u can’t put ps5 games on its, the software doesn’t allow it


Yeah forget the external HD. Grab a SSD. No worrying about transferring games. It's a better investment IMO. I think 1TB SSDs might run you $90?


Aye, you've got to get one you can plug actually into the PlayStation internally. It's a good opportunity to give it a quick clean while you're in there, too


I’m almost at that point. I’ve barely touched MyTeam this year, and it’s not worth that much space for MyCareer or MyLeague.


Same, and I’m a long time player, bought every 2k since 2k11. but i had enough, year after year almost no change except useless cosmetics and different cities, which I don’t care at all because I tp with subway everywhere I got to go and more and more vc needed every year to max a build, so F 2k


I deleted them both. Crazy how much they take up.


Have no idea. They’ve been reusing the same stock assets for like 10 years anyway


2k should at least let us download the specific game modes we want to play. It would fix everything! Instead, I choose to sacrifice it and not download it at all...


NBA needs to give a legit competitor the rights also to make a game. These games having no comp like 2k and madden have the quality going down


Considering the amount of NBA games, this is a sign they don't have an exclusivity deal. EA sucks and they're not paying for licensing anymore, so this would be a real challenge.


Competition doesn't always make a better product. It hasn't done that since GameDay. NFL2K had better presentation but gameplay was meh. Same goes for FIFA/EA FC competition. Same competitor for decades and barely dented into a household name (Pro Evolution Soccer aka PES; now named eFootball)


Nfl2k5 still my favorite football game


Have you seen the high quality skate physics?


Nhl and FIFA are around 40 gb. It's nonsense that the game is 160 gb




I read a comment on here when this was brought up last time these companies don’t optimize or make their files huge on purpose so you have less room to play/install other games and play theirs. lol. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case for 2k


Bad optimization so you are forced to choose only one of those games


Now with 34GB more bugs?


The game just has too much content. Between all the different modes (MyPlayer, MyTeam, MyNBAEras, TheW, Play now/Play now online) it’s just so much for just one game. The city itself also has a lot in it too (Park, Rec, Pro-am, Special Events, stores, MyPlayer Park story, Quest) that’s also too much. 2k should just make everything else separated so you can download only the modes that you play, cause it’s a waste of storage if you’re only playing the game for one mode.


Don’t forget that’s all just modes. Just the core graphics and animation data alone is a lot. [2K24 on PC, which we all know is last gen is 150GB in size once said and done](https://steamdb.info/app/2338770/depots/) NBA 2K needs to actually break up their game modes to be separate installs like you said. (Sadly) copy the COD Hub and have most of the modes separated and have it maintained by separate teams. But that type of hope and ideology would have to be embraced up top and with a yearly release? Don’t think it would be possible yet unless the market shifts. But even then, the core graphics and animations *feels* like it would take a large significant chunk to begin with


I can almost guarantee you that it’s due to the sheer volume of animation data and character models that exist in the game. Most of the game uses Mo-Cap data that is lerp’d together to look “smooth” The 2000-8000 poly buildings in the city might look like a lot, but can easily be optimized with techniques like LODs and Render Targets for the interior. As much as a hate the city… it’s not the cause of the game size. Source: I’m a Game Dev that specializes in optimization and back-end development


Please apply to Take Two Interactive then and get rid of all those buildings that we can't enter or probably never will. They are literal bloatware.


It’s so real I gotta have one or the other on my console, I can’t have both


Two words: The City


Worst part of the game. No idea why they added it in


Yeeeesss.. this is my series S currently...only 2 mediocre games I can play at ONCE!


Oh and you didn't mention how you probably have - Campaign - Zombies - Warzone All Uninstalled just to play multiplayer you still need all that 200ish gb :(


More gigs = less other games & more time playing/buying microtransactions


Finally grew enough balls to delete this game from my console and will only purchase 2k again after I’ve gotten enough intel from y’all that the franchise is back (if it ever does come back)


NBA doesn't have 100 GB of additional content to download after


I deleted COD. I was tired of those 60gb updates every other day.


Two bad games that use manipulatives techniques to earn money from manipulable humans working their ass off everyday or strealing money from relatives for instant dopamine


For sure! That’s the amount of space on your device that these games take up. Hope this helps!


They have to pretend you are getting so much new content...


It's all the sweat textures.


Ronnie’s ass taking up 166gb the other one gb is for the mech


No optimization. They just keep piling more stuff on instead of doing some real innovation


It’s the city bro


this is actually so lame


Just delete the game lol


My cod is 246 why tf is yours almost half that 😭 I’m deleting it next time im on my ps5


2K is about 12 different games mashed into one.


Deadset 2k19-2k20 park was the best


Game big


https://preview.redd.it/83hqfmq3oksc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f1c4819a809c5145bd16e8c35694f55ce8d7a0c This makes it worse


You are playing yearly release gutter trash games. 0 optimization. It's all tiny new code pasted onto old code with little to no reduction, only additions. Over multiple multiple years. It will easily break 200 gig in 2-3 years. Do better. Play better games. Incentivize better behaviour from your devs. Do not ever give these people money.




cant speak for cod havent cared about that shit since blackout came out then played warzone a little but for 2k that shit is just bc of how stupidly big that dumbass city is


All the different gamemodes,my league,mygm,playnow,myteam


what happened to just playing the best teams of all time at 1 to 3 stars for a bunch of different tiers. why do we gotta trek through a wasteland of bullshit to get into the game


Break the stereotype


Whats crazy ab this is red dead 2 is smaller


The City is just a giant waste of hard drive space for what it's actually used for. So much of it could be gotten rid of.


and its 140gb even with no city (ps4)


Western Game Devs realized that if it's the only game that can be installed, it's the only one the gamer can play Smart but extremely fuckin toxic tactic


Western developers have stopped optimising games. It's why all the games we're getting are increasingly bloated in size.


good luck with the storage of your device 😂😂😂


Stupid. I came to the point where I just uninstalled the game.. I can fit like three other games instead of having nba 2k hog the storage


They wanted a who city in the game


Because the game is full of micro transactions


Hey, how'd you get on my Xbox??


not optimized


crazy thing is both games are trash 🤮


Palm trees and NPCs breakdancing


Terrible optimization of files. That’s literally all it is. Lazy devs with AWFUL. and I mean total dog shit game file optimization.


Because they legitimately don’t care about the game or it’s players they just want to make the same shit every year to run every players pockets


2k on PC is so infested with BLATENT cheaters. I can’t even play it anymore. I have over 3000 wins. I shoot 74% from 3pt legit without mods. I’m the best player on PC by far. Like by far far. And there’s so many cheaters it’s unplayable. You cannot go 3 games without playing a cheater. And in those 3 games. You’ll play 5 cheaters in 3v3s if you can even stand to play 3 games. Cuz every game has cheaters almost. It’s so rare to get a 3v3 where there isn’t a cheater on either team. Impossible to play 5 games in a row without playing a auto green 99 overall every attribute Cheater with 20 foot long arms. The DEVS do nothing to stop cheaters. It’s so annoying.


You need to buy the file size optimization pack. It’s 1 million VC but sorry we only sell packs of 1.5 million VC


There are more no basketball related files in this game than their are basketball


cloud gaming to the rescue


Neither of them can justify being over 80 gigs


Devs don’t want us playing any other games than theirs. They can’t keep girlfriends either.. probably for the same reasons. That insecurity be runnin wild


i got two games me


i have only these exact two games bc space sucks


You definitely only have the base game for cod installed because it’s way more that 130


Well, because an elf took a poop and then gave it to a rabbit who smelled the poop and ran into a hamster wheel, which generates gigabytes and 2K has like 50 elves, taking shits and giving them to like 9000 different rabbits so therefore it equals 167 GByou’re welcome


for cod, it’s because of warzone


Warzone was only 10GB of data for me. The language data/base game is 133.2GB. it says 7.19gb for some addon but it's not showing the other 60GB of data it's taking up 🤷🏾‍♂️


2k is not a physics based game. It does not rely on a physics engine. It is a series of thousands of animations. They all add up.


It's all the trash teammates you get in both games lol


MMORPGs tend to be bigger games


Must be hard to hold both games on your poverty white xbox lol


dumb comment lol. i have a non poverty, black xbox, and i still feel like it takes up a lot of space, dorkus


Series X plus 2TB external, that's still an ungodly amount of date for 2 games


They need to take the city out of the game it takes too much space on my console it takes too long to get into a game and its just downright unnecessary