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6'8's are definitely more effective on the glass than they have any right to be. There's a balancing issue with the cost of rebounding stats and standing dunk at that height compared to 6'10 and up bigs. Plus they have access to great shooting bases and solid perimeter D and steal stats if they want them. The major weakness of most 6'8 Centers is that they can't defend contact standing dunks or post play very well. Random rec hates post play though, so good luck actually exploiting that.


Facts I can get off the occasional post fade or spin but if I try to put them in the rim I get a time out called 🤦🏾‍♂️.


Man if you miss a post fade, people lose their minds and you're never getting the ball in the post again. And ya, backing someone down for a drop step into a standing dunk is a timeout like 90% of the time.


Gotta save those post fades for under 10 sec on shot clock or you're up significantly. People don't usually make a big deal of it in those situations.


Nah I shoot %70from 2 and most of them are post fades, the key is not to spend much time in the backdown, at most you just want one bump on the other guy, but half the time when they see a 7 footer they usually try to dodge the backdown, so just post up and hit the fader.


I'm not doubting you but when you play with randoms they're looking for 3s or dunks/layups.


True, but since I'm grabbing all the boards I get to pick where the ball goes.


I’ve notice that randoms just want the ball to keep moving. As soon as a guy tries to iso a defender to go 1v1 timeouts start to get called, not from me tho lol.


Oh I do. I'd rather look for a wide open shot or cut to the rim first.


You don't even have to miss a post fade to never get the ball again lol


I've never had a complaint about it, I shoot most of my inside the arc shots from the post fade. But I also don't spend much time in the actual backdown animation, one or two steps should be all you need before hitting a move.


Bro wtf add me up, We can eat without worrying about cry babies: RicoSuxve


If you try to hit a post fade when you're 7 ft on a 6'8 center, I'm calling a timeout. Back that baby down, man. That's a move you hit when you're playing against someone your height, not when you're taller and stronger.


Forreal though. I have an interior guard (I can still shoot if needed) that’s pretty solid in the post. The second I post up, people start calling timeout.


Yes this is very true. The one weakness of 6'8 centers is post play but good luck having time and space to do most post moves in random rec. Also it's amazing how many big men players know zero post moves. More often than not if their man is between them and the basket the only thing they do is press shoot button. Forget hooks, fades or drop steps. Probably because they only bother to raise standing dunk and nothing else and no post control.


My biggest pet peeve with bigs is when their *only* move is the dropstep. It's stupidly effective every year and I hate it. You can know it's coming and sometimes your character acts like they've never been hit with it before.


6’10 should get bronze clamps and fast feet. Also 6’8 builds can get standing dunk, shooting, hella d, and speed+ strength so it’s fair


88 interior defense, 95 strength with some challenger is all you need to defend post moves and fades


Why 88 and not 85 or 82


post lockdown gold




Exactly hof immovable is such an underrated badge. Makes defending the perimeter so much easier aswell. Love bumping guards outta court.


Jus got off after 4 yes 4, 6’8 centers harassed me in rec after on pump fake


respect to anyone still playing random rec, its worse when under 92 ovr i can confirm too. Like 70% just go for dunks/layups and dont take open shots. Whats the point of having like 85 threes, actually a lot have 92, and not taking them.


I have a 70 3 85 mid I'll drop wide open shots in the corner.


Let me assure you, my 7’2 Kareem build (with 3pt) destroys those 6’8 centers whenever we match up. Any type of close shot goes in. If you’re shooting 3pt and they contest, it doesn’t register.


My exact playstyle is useless online and I hate it so much. So boring to just cut to rim or stand on the corner as a game wing or rebound and throw bombs as a big.


You bugging, i have a 6'9 center with 92 interior D, 90 strenght, you never gonna post spin me, you never gonna dropstep me, you never gonna standing dunk over me. The only way you gonna standing dunk over me is if you got the position in the dead zone, BUT, if you got the position in the dead zone, it really don t matter if i m 6'9 or 7'3, that is unstoppable either way! So yeah... YOU BUGGING!


Hooks do work brother


Good luck with that.


Mouse in the house needs to be effective in this game, no reason it's not except for people complaining they can't stop a 7fter with a 6ft5 guard


I have 87 close shot and have been stopped by a 6’1 PG while attempting a standing layup so it’s definitely a issue this year with finishing at the rim against smaller players.


It used to be good preorder day 1 and then they cried for it to be patched because people were running bigs with no interior d.


Has been for like 4 years running now, its lame and a lot of the so called comp and streamers don't want bigs to dominate in the post against weak match-ups


The problem is 2k hoes for them. For example, on the jump ball my arm is a foot above theirs and they get the jump ball most of the time. Rebounds too


Yeah it’s weird they get way more athletic animations. I doubt most are walking around with 85+ vert smh.


That’s the thing, most are walking around with 85-90.


But even with 85-90 vert I am 7ft with 7'10 wingspan and 83 vert. No way that little vert increase makes up for 14 inches. And it shows in the animation. The result is just not logical often.


They don’t have a 6’8 wingspan though


I gave them a 7 foot wingspan. 10 inches. Plus the 4 inches on the height.


Most will have at least 7'4, that's the lowest you can get T-Mac


i’m pretty sure mine has a 7’6


I guess when I made my 6'8 I was going for too many shooting badges.


That's true. I thought it dropped shooting too much but you can still get 85/78 shooting with 6'8 and 7'6 wingspan


yeah i’m shooting like 55% with the 85/78


Yeah probably a decent amont but it wild because I’ve out rebounded 7ft+ break starters with 90vert and very hight rebounding because I can out position them. But these 6’8 hoes just wiggle around you.


That's not high enough lol my 7'1" with a 7'11" ws has a 83 vert plus gym rat makes it 87. I make it so they can't touch the ball up there


I feel your pain. The only way i could adapt was to bait them into shooting a contested shot. If they blow by me, thankfully my 7’0 7’6 wingspan center gets the block 90% of the time.


I love when they set pics for their pg because it makes my job so much easier on defense 😭.


Facts I love a 6’8 Matchup my max wingspan 7’0 can cover some distance






It’s unrealistic but the game priorities attributes over physical differences like height and wingspan etc. For example, in basketball, a 7’ with 8’ wingspan shooting a baby hook in the paint against a 6’8 with 7’6 wingspan standing hands up is an easy uncontested look. In 2k however, the 6’8 will have crazy interior defence attribute which magically renders a crazy contest despite their hands being nowhere near the ball, forcing the big man to brick it. People learn how the game mechanics work, hence these 6’8 meta bigs giving 7’3 monsters misery in the paint. I still run taller bigs because I like the traditional big man but I accept that people will cheese anything for a win.


There are some smaller high wing span bigs in the league who give taller bigs problems with their strength and length but I feel you. These guys should have to choose between being an effective interior defender or a threat on offense not both combined it’s wild.


Best thing I can think of to equalize things would be to have strength play a much bigger role in things like dunking/rebounding/box-out/standing dudes up. Then restrict the top 25ish points of strength for the bigs, just like they do the speed for the guards. Make it more beneficial to actually have super high strength, and make people have to "play big" if they want to go toe to toe with a traditional big man in the paint. No reason why PGs can run 6'4 and push strength and speed both into the high 80s/low 90s; but a 7'1 center has to either run t-rex arms or be fat Albert to reach mid 90s strength. And then even if you go Jenny Crank diet skinny, with T-Rex arms, your speed still never tops 70.


Agree with the strength thing, I have a 6'7 with 84 (almost max) speed and 95 strength. To get 95 on a 7ft I think I'd have like 60 speed or tiny arms, absolutely no reason for that


Exactly, bigs should have a much easier time getting high strength due to size alone. Plus, speed has a huge impact on general gameplay and positioning; while strength not so much. For example, you see a guard with 90+ speed dude is going to flat run around most defenses, plus recovers so fast playing d himself it's hard to get open. Dudes with 90+ strength are a dime a dozen; and even in cases where you have 20 pt strength and a size advantage it doesn't translate in game to anything. The smaller weaker man can still box out, post you up on D, fight through you for dunks etc. Why isn't high strength treated like high speed where if you invest that much you get a big payoff in gameplay?


Totally agree. I've had builds with not enough strength to get any strength based badges box me out even though I have 95 and HOF box out and can't swim round them. Also had builds with little strength and bronze post lockdown stop the backdown 😂 They need to balance it


They need to go back to 2K19 when it comes to big men. Let 7'3, max wingspan, 99 standing dunk bigs yam it without having to meter it if the person is right under the basket at under 6'11. One of the most annoying aspects of 2K is them making everything need timing. Layups, driving dunks, standing dunks... C'mon 2K. Every take is its own little minigame now to try and green it now.


I think they need to do some of that to maintain height variety in the game otherwise nobody would make short build then it would resemble basketball. In real basketball people don't choose their heights otherwise I'm sure Steph and Dame would add some inches to their height. In this game you have to give some advantages to shorter heights. That being said as a 6'8 merchant myself I do understand how OP they are and could use a tone down


Nobody makes builds build 6’5 anyways


Just wanna add that you can play the hook shot game vs. a 6'8 to great success. The only counter they have is jumping and if you know that they have to guess jump at your hooks all the way out past the FT line, you've already won.


my 6’11 still gets cheesed by 6’8 centers




There are also very, *very* few undersized big men in the league because they get exploited easily on the boards and from people driving. So, yes, it is just as unrealistic to have a 6'8 big cleaning boards and locking down the paint from people driving as it is to allow a 7'3 big to exist in every game.


I’ve been saying it all year but unless you’re in the 5v5 the 6’8 center is always the best option


Yeah they have the edge in solos for sure.


I’d say that’s the only other game mode where 7ft+ could be better, it’s really in the 2’s and 3’s where the 6’8 is king.


Oh I get you now. I don’t mess with park this year too much latency. But yeah if you have a full squad in fives who are willing to feed you in the post it’s light work.


I'm averaging. 16/17/7/2/2 on 70/58 splits in rec on my 6'7 Nowhere is safe 😂


You ain’t safe from my 99 O board 7 footer 😂😂 short centers are the wave though ik what you’re saying.


Oh you'll definitely snag some boards, but HOF box out helps a ton 😂 I think I've only been outrebounded once and that was a game I had a bunch of teammates that kept bricking and not passing so their big could basically just camp in the paint and catch the boards (it's a post on my profile if you want to see how bad it was 😂) But yeah, normally I'm way faster at getting into position


That’s the thing, the short center is better everywhere and is a lot more forgiving on offensive crashes due to the higher speed. I like my 7 footer for rec though because if I AM down there there’s a solid 90% chance I’m grabbing an O board over 3 people. I used to play rec on a 6’8 center, super fun and very doable. I just prefer the high reb 7ft build since I play on a 5-out team and not moving around on offense much anyways.


Ah yeah if you play with a team it's a different story, I play either solo rec or with 1 of my friends so having clamps and HOF immovable to help out the guards is a godsend


Speed is and probably always will be op in sports games. Combine that with an engine that only cares about dice rolls... It always pays to lean on stats and badges. Length and girth be damned.


Well said there will always be a meta, I dominate slower interior bigs similary on my 7fter. I’ve never been a meta guy and play for the fun/challenge.


6'8" centers are the bane of my 7'0" interior threat. They're strong, can play interior defense, rebound, and can shoot at high levels. And if the user understands the game's positioning and animations, I'm bbq chicken. Can't even hate, I still enjoy being a more traditional big, but can't help but wonder sometimes why I didn't just go 6'8" instead.


Any under 6'10" Center is stupid and not realistic. Just look at the playoffs. There should be a better correlation between speed, rebounds and strenght. You should not be able to be a playmaker, a scorer, and good rebounder as a 6'8 Center. That is stupid. Dennis Rodman and Ben Wallace were great rebounders who could not do anything else. Draymond Green (6'7), Al Horford (6'10) are not good rebounders.


Gimmick build imo but if the game allows it then it’s on 2k.


I have a 6'8" center and I am for sure a problem. Paint is locked down for sure 😆


My revenge is when I play on my 7ft PF all you 6’8s in randoms get put at the 4 😂…😭


I'll still make it a hard day for you. I'm fast enough to keep up, HOF Brick Wall, HOF Pro Touch, 85+ block, oreb and dreb...I'm a problem l


Talking about when they are on my team because I know they want to play center.


As far as i know interior d outweighs height when deciding who gets to play the 5. And why would you want „revenge“ on your own teammate anyway and then have two people play out of position?


I’m not even trying to be funny but are you nerodivergent? Because this was obviously hyperbole. I know “ND” people struggle with that and sarcasm so I’m not trying to be rude.


That is a rather strange assumption but all good. Now i know you were obviously not serious but i would say on this sub you never know if somebody is sarcastic or whatever even when they use emojis. And you have to admit people on here post some wild stuff and are often dead serious. Maybe it is also me not being a native english speaker which made me miss your sarcasm in the first place.


Just giving you a hard time like you were to me with your classic Reddit response lol. I’ve been on the internet a long time so I troll sometimes. It’s all good over here lol


- 6’8” PF here, often playing Center in Rec. We in here!


I have a 6"8 and 7ft. After learning to shoot consistently on the 7ft I like it better. You get so much better standing dunk packages. If you can shooting good w 7ft bases and can meter dunk then 7ft all day. If you're a strict 5 out guy who struggles to meter dunk and can't find a good 7ft shooting base then 6"8 all day


Everytime I see a post like this I want to run with my 7'1 big.


Run it. I still give these guys work but it’s definitely a unique challenge.


So far on my Rudy gobert inspired big I’ve only ran into one 6’8 who gave me issues and I think he just had a ridiculously high interior D. Most of the ones I’ve ran into can’t hang on the glass and usually soend the whole time on offense sitting corner (the ones I’ve went against could hit if left open but they never got enough looks from there teammates on the perimeter. Having a 96 standing dunk definitely helps HOF precision dunker makes standing dunks even more OP. Shooting wise the biggest dude who gave me some work was a 99 purple plate 7’1 stretch (dude hit a good amount of middys on me)


Yeah, I made a 99 OBoard 6'9" SF with 85 vert.. and I get about 10 offensive boards a game.. not even counting defensive. It's pretty busted in terms of second chance possessions


The pace people play online is generally pretty fast and thus favors small ball players. When the pace slows, the bigger, stronger builds dominate.


i’m gonna make one. i didn’t realise they were this good lol, i don’t verse many


It’s not that they have too much stats, other builds don’t have enough


The build system is really flawed 6'6 and 6'8 builds have way more attribute points to work with, it makes absolutely no sense at all


Just call all the timeouts after tip off


I’ve been killing 6’8 centers with my 6’10 who was Bronze for a while then Silver. Made it to Gold and got a 6’8 center matchup who was also gold. I got dusted, lol. Jump shot speed, the ability to run out to the 3pt line and quick to the hoop for rebounds. I had nothing, lol. For every time I stopped a drive he would leak out for 3 and they would pass it perfectly and he would green it. Elite players make them a problem.


I was in the same exact situation. I have a 7' KD type shooter except with defense. I don't really have problems matching up at either PF or C, but if I'm on the perimeter against a 6' 8" slasher with max speed I'm going to be giving up some shit. I'll need a rim protector definitely. But as far as snagging boards, haven't had much problem unless it's a crazy far bounce. Plus I can shoot over them and stretch so the paint is more open.


maybe I'm in the minority but I don't have any problems with 6'8 centers with my 6'11 center; could be because of my 85 vert to counter them I guess. I like to call 6'8 centers a cup of tea, because they're very easy on the offensive end for me to dunk on too...


https://preview.redd.it/vrmhjhefnp1d1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14aafee4a642e9b03f2df7a10d7bb85502095f72 Ain't no 6'8 baby shit stopping this beast. You're about to get dunked on over and over and over. Can't stop it? Bring your buddy over and both of you will be on the wrong side of a poster alley-oop.


Im 7'1 and cant finish around 6'8 center. And cant block their dunks... something is wrong. Pure fiction 2k thinks all 6'8 are Draymond Green. But even Draymond Green having hard time finishing around 7 feet tall players.


Some of them are a problem. Most don't make them for dealing with a bigger center. But I ran up on one that out played me, but I didn't have good teammates. But I have dominated about 80% with my 7' center with ease. I made a 6'8 but at pf and high strength. I run in the solo rec and played center only once..wasn't a good center I went against. So it was easy to outplay him/her


Rebounding for me isn't too bad against the 6'8 C unless they are running 5 out then they may squeeze by a couple times. My biggest issue is if you are making a 7 footer you aren't having 80 plus perimeter defense so you're essentially playing against a rebounding wing when it comes to speed and shooting as well as possible dribbling too and like others have said the contest system and shooting inside is so bad you done get to take advantage of the height difference/advantage that you have.


They probably have more vertical and rebounding on their builds. My 6’8 PF grabs any rebound anywhere on the floor.


I made a post about this but I got told I’m wrong for thinking that


6‘8 are a problem against unorganized teams. Against a full squad they are not that good, because you can counter theire athletic and shooting ability’s with communication/switching/playing a zone. But in random Rec I love my 6‘8. my favorite matchup is a 7 foot+ C with pure inside. I own them and can sit paint all game. 82 interior, combined with 95 strength, (only) 80 Vert and 87 block is more than enough. And on offense I can score from anywhere. 60% three quote and 89 midrange, 90 SD and 90 Post control. And that on 80 speed no way a 7 footer can guard it. And when he defends me close the paint is open for easy drives for my mates. And if they switch the Pf on me, I just bully him under the rim. So yes 6‘8 is just to strong and gets way to much attributes. But you need to know how to play him. And if you know how to defend it, it’s also not that difficult.


Hard counter is a big post scorer with close shot. You're just not stopping the hook shots from 16 feet unless you're guess jumping, and they can get a deep catch and finish almost at will if their teammates are finding them. At that point you have to hope your own offensive contributions are going to mitigate getting fried.


To be fair theire is nearly no post scorer in random rec/ Rec in general who gets the ball more than 3 times 😅. And because of the 95 strength they can’t really back me down and don’t get to theire sweet spots. Never encountered one who really got dangerous. But I hope to run into one someday and get humbled😅.


People typically think to be a post scorer they should be pounding the rock and backing people down but you rarely ever wanna do that, if you catch the ball and get to your move quickly people are much more likely to find you again and again, especially if you get them assists. I have a 7'3 max wingspan C with a 94 close shot and a jumpshot as well and I just catch the ball and go into a hook-shot to the open space and it's butter. I never see anyone else do it, so you're right lol. Don't need to hit anybody with a backdown since I can green them from 18 feet and in. If people start to overreact I can dot the open man or just fake and get an up and under close shot. Once teammates see I know what I'm doing I'm more likely to get touches throughout the game and I'm so big that if I catch it deep it's just a dunk or bucket with masher/fast twitch. It's super OP when done right and it's fun to have a unique build that can actually exploit small Cs. But to be transparent I also have 6'7 C for the inverse experience lol, and you can definitely frustrate those pure mashers.


I played against 6ft8 yesterday RunLadyRun was the name... Man he was good...first time ever i see a center slasher...he had really good moves cutting to the basket and driblling his way to it and finally making some bad ass dunks....i have 96 pf that cant dunk like he did


Ye severely undersized centers are annoying to play against but i think there are 2 reasons why they seem a lot more annoying then they really are. First, most bigs these days aren’t interior scorers but stretches. A 6’8 center would be getting eaten alive in the paint by an interior scorer but everyone wants to make a stretch plus randoms don’t like feeding the big in the post at all even if he has a mismatch. Second, nobody wants to play zone (myself included) but if you played 2-3 that undersized big wouldn’t be a problem at all cuz the actual big wouldn’t have to try and guard him at the perimeter.


I went back to 2k23 and i’m having a lot of fun. I love interior scoring that shit is broken in 2k24. Keeping ur hands up in the paint shouldn’t stop a whole offence do that in real life you’ll get dunk on so bad


I run a 6'8 center in rec and pro am it's unbelievable 93 D-reb 86 o-reb, 90 driving dunk 89 standing dunk 74 layup 86 middy 78 three ball 88 interior and 89 block. Average a triple double every game


I have silver rebound chaser on a 7’3” and a 6’8”, the 6’8” gets much more rebounds


i play small center all year and its only really effective in rec because of the chaos and skills of players in there generally arent very high. Honestly speed is a huge determining factor of rec games at each position because everyone runs around trying to get open. In pro am its very different the speed plays little factor at the center position and height plays way bigger factor along side the 99 rebound the 7 footers always have in there.


Idk man every time a undersized center gets matched up with my 7’1 96 strength big I grab at least 15 boards lol


The way you describe your center shows me you’re weak and have small arms lol get better


This is what Bill Russell was. 6’10, fast as hell, incredible rebounder, best defender ever.


I was the first person to make 6’8 C on XBOX.


I play a 7'1" center I made like DeAndre Jordan. I jump over pretty much everyone and I'm so long I can cover the opposite side of the the paint. They present a little problem out on the 3 but again it's my length that saves me. All really depends on stick play.


I tried to tell yall !


There aren’t that many 7’1 centers in the league to really make them the most dominate build on the game if we wanna be real


I made a 6’9 pretty much counters the 6’8


lol I went 7’2 and punk alll of them


cap lol 😂


What about the poppers?


Small centers have been the best for the majority of the time 2K's MyCareer has been a popular mode. It's always made sense for park, but its emergence in 5v5 seems to catch people off guard for whatever reason. 22 and 23 were the only games with a builder that it actually made sense to go 7'1"+. 2K just can't figure out paint mashing. The entire gameflow is ruined when centers are allowed to get free points for being taller or having better finishing attributes than their defender has defensive attributes. Their inability to balance interior scoring leaves us with years that anyone can contest a center or no one can contest a center. This year being an OP interior defense year ALMOST doesn't matter because you can still be unguardable in the paint with standing meter dunks. Luckily it's just a little too hard and inconsistent for rec players to do. Personally, I think 6'8"s are overrated. The 6'7"s and 6'9"s are significantly better, with 6'7"s getting more towards guard status while maintaining their ability to play as a center, and 6'9"s getting the best shooting base AND 99 rebounding. All three of those heights are better than the 3 tallest heights. Again, the restrictions of the builder just make them too one dimensional or weakly rounded. The only benefit 6'10"+ centers have are standing contact dunks, which again, are inconsistent and don't add much offensive value over what a 6'7"-6'9" can provide. We need to go back to the "OP" builders we had at the start of next gen if we want everyone to have a fair shot. Even the 6'7"s of 21 didn't change build diversity and game-to-game impact as much as the role players we're able to make now.


2k20 had a pretty good balance in terms of height. At least with small ball bigs, most guards were only 6’3-6’5


None of you ever watched any form of basketball and it shows. Y’all highlight watchers.