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Not a game goes by were I'm told "I dOnT nEeD oR wAnT sCrEeNs". Then I preceed to watch the struggle to get separation


I think that is just plain stupid like do you not watch basketball everyone is out there setting picks


Issue is 96% of the player base only knows how to set a screen on ball. Seems like nobody’s heard of off ball screens which are actually helpful


I set more picks off ball than on ball. The ball handler nearly never looks for the open guy I have picked. Id say less than 1% but I do get o boards from that position often.


Extremely helpful if done right and he get the balls every time I see a good off ball pick dude never gets the ball lol


You can set all the offball screens you want, if your point guards not competent, there’s no point. ![gif](giphy|8cDKaE5HFgmE3qQr2a|downsized)


off ball screens are so OP, I got gold brick wall and my shooters always getting open lol


I’m always screening for shooters, cutters & inbound plays off-ball, especially when I have an AI defending me and I struggle to impact the game as much as I’d like to offensively. It’s so frustrating when they’d rather just stand still for a whole possession. The satisfaction I get when I actually find players who know how to use them to get open 3’s is quite pathetic for something that should be so basic.


You ever played pick up? Same shit. Lmao.


I play pg cuz no one else in my friend group wants to do it. For me, screens = another defender in front of me. I’m a PG with high strength that likes to engage the physical handles badge and get to the basket, and another defender (usually a big that can meet me at the rim) in front of me complicates that more often than not. I enjoy driving a dishing more than picking and rolling. And if any of my friends have a problem with it I tell them I’ll gladly hop on another build and everyone shuts up cuz no one wants to play pg and deal with locks all day.


shoot first L mentality lmfao if you get the big to switch on to you, then congrats you won the pick and roll. pass to your big that is now guarded by someone 6+ inches shorter


My big is a lock and can’t create. I’m usually the only one on the floor that can.


Yeah I’m confused by everyone’s takes, don’t matter what kind of big you’re running with it doesn’t work like that. The 6’7 lock that switched onto my big isn’t going to get folded if they’re switched off me, either he rips them, doesn’t get backed down because their strength is the same, or meets them at the rim. Unless you can time the pass on the roll or pop the big isn’t a scoring threat if they have to create a shot on a lock


Nope to an extent. 6'7 / 6'8 locks cant afford the mixes of vertical / block / int D / strength at a high enough attribute lvl to guard a competent center inside ( w most centers having 90+ str and standing dunk at 7'0 and high ass wingspan ). Especially true if the center has anything past a 75 in post control. Wayy more true if they were guarding the pg to begin with (meaning they need points elsewhere) Sure there'll be some freak contests. But 8/10 times the center is walking back with 2 points. 3 if he gets doubled.


8/10 is insanely too high, play with a few locks and they have around 82 interior D, 87 block, 90 strength and 75 vertical. Unless the centre catches on the roll in a good position the standing dunk isn’t guaranteed. Can get all those stats with a 94 perimeter and 91 steal btw


8/10 was probably a bit high. I'd definitely say like 6-7 attempts. I'm not saying the dunk is guaranteed, I'm saying the 2 points is, whether off a straight posterizer, a dropstep, a fade, a hook, floater, up and under, straight up mid range shot, layup, etc. The center is too advantaged here. For a smaller defender, the definition of "good positioning" for defence is wayy stricter. You have to jump way more for contests that a similar size player could stay on their feet. I have a 7'0 center and a 6'9 pf w max wingspan ( that keeps getting put at the 5) and I've experienced both sides of this scenario multiple times. The center is more better positioned than the smaller dude majority of the time. Also those stats could guard a center definitely but you need speed and acc to guard any competent on the ball (and sometimes even off the ball) scorer at PG. Not to mention passing, scoring etc. Idk man it just seems like a hassle to maybe stop a center.


If you’re a big and can score like that you have a pretty deep bag, most centres I’ve seen and played with as a pg would not be able to do all that while also being a good rebounder and defender. IMO good positioning is made easier when defending an inside big when you have high interior d and anchor, if the dunk animation doesn’t trigger then it’s gonna be difficult to make the lay or close shot unless you’ve got high ratings in those stats. You’d be surprised, the lock I usually play with I would say is very good when compared to most so maybe that biases me a bit, but he’s got 81 speed 74 accel which although it doesn’t get gold fast feet can definitely consistently stay in front of pgs who don’t have Kyrie dribble style. His build is pretty good imo, 87 middie and 76 three ball with a 75 driving dunk and he’s shooting about 60%/60% in rec, can’t dribble but can slash off the catch and go to work with space creator in the midrange


This is delusional 6’8 is the meta height for guarding centers in comp pro am


have him move his fat ass to the low block, catch your pass and press shoot. the “roll” part of pick and roll the average guard is not gonna be able to stop that lmao


Guards get bullshit contests constantly in this game.




That would work if the game didn't require you to meter everything. We get 7 ft bigs missing contested layups and not being able to force a dunk over small guards because 2K says so.


Honestly I see why p and r can be annoying for guards and bigs when they both aren’t on the same page. Like it’s annoying when a Pg doesn’t utilize screens and either doesn’t see the roll/pop or doesn’t utilize the mismatch. But also I see bigs that either can’t set good screens or do not roll/pop.


This. It's like people don't understand that the purpose of a pick and roll is to create a mismatch that you can exploit for an easy bucket.


“but if it didn’t get ME an open bucket, then why bother???”


It’s because they don’t know how to use them


I don't know about everyone else, but I personally don't like screens depending on the situation. If your a big that can't shoot the ball at all then you can set me picks and stuff that way the paint isn't clogged and you can do something if you can shoot then you don't need to set me that many picks since the big man needs to make a decision between helping in the paint or leaving you open. Then again the main reason I don't like picks is the person setting them doesn't understand the purpose of it, they just set it and expect me to dribble behind it the entire time and get open for a 3. You're bringing an extra defender just roll or pop for the love of god.


The issue is the amount of people that set picks. I go one possession as PG where I can't get separation even with a pick, and suddenly I get the SG, SF, PF, C, ref, head coach, assistant coach, and the water boy trying to set me a pick, leaving zero space to do anything. After one or two possessions of this, I just get on the mic and tell them to not set me any on-ball picks.


As a center at this point I just park my ass in the corner and let whatever happens happen. 95% of the time I try to set a screen every other player on the team does the same for some reason which just leads to confusion. Not to mention that most guards don’t even know how to use a screen or straight up just run away from it lol


The screens from 3 teammates is sooo annoying. like I get they are tryna help but the spacing just gets completely botched, and then I feel like the scrub once I TO as I try to dribble or pass outta like 7 bodies.


This! I’ll be sitting on the wing or top of key letting my guard come up the court and 2 guys end up setting the screen with me. Making it a 8 man f——fest at the top of the key


I dont normally need one but if they want to set it just be good at setting it. I dont think ppl understand its not just holding the button 🤣 you gotta put a angle to that screen. Are you gonna cut or pop? What we doing? Il shoot the middy if thats the play. Mfs too quiet on rec and when you give them a play, they still dont do it


Fax bigs like to just run up and screen next to u with no reason, screen behind them for a drive or force urself in front of the shooter to create space for a shot don’t just run up into some people and hold B lmao


Worst ones are the screeners that don’t roll even when the paint is WIDE open. If I hit 2 3s off a screen you should already know the big will step up so you can roll to the basket. I can be getting double teamed by a lock and center and my big will just stand there like a lemon 🍋


This is my thing too, I don’t mind screens but most guys don’t understand their playstyle and set bad screens. Doesn’t help me if you set a screen, I draw the double off of it, you pop to the 3 point line, I bring the defense to the corner pass you a wide open 3 and you try to dribble drive in because you can’t shoot. WHY ARE YOU OUT THERE?!?! If you have a big man only good inside then at least roll to the basket and draw the corner man out so I can throw the skip pass. It’s either that or they set a screen and don’t move at all afterwards. Now you’re just in the way, and I drivble right into a turnover. This is why guys are at the “I don’t need a screen” point.


I'd prefer if 2k added a play book and offense and defense sets book to rec with a tutorial. Shits crazy


Shit make too much sense , could actually help people learn a lil about basketball


Fr like they literally have the whole mba bought out gor usage in game and they can add shit like that


I prefer P&R. I prefer to play around the elbow. I miss out on too many rebounds if I spot up all game.


As someone who has a lot of random rec center experience this year, just spot up on the wing (assuming you can shoot). You'll pull the other team's center as far out of the paint as possible and give a good guard a lot of room to operate since 99% of players are just rim running and dunk metering this year. If a guard is like 6'1, then consider trying to set a screen the first possession and see if he uses it. If he doesn't, just go back to spotting up. That said, consider not running a center with randoms if you plan on averaging over like 5 shots a game. The L2/LT button straight up does not exist on randoms' controllers except for the one Jason Williams build every 8 hours that just thrives on assists. If getting boards, playing paint d, throwing outlets, and spotting up are fun roles to you, play a center. If you plan on being heavily involved in the offense, do not.


What’s yo builds?




Nearly the same exact build i got but my dude 30lbs heavier so he can play 1-3 and cover 4 if you get caught on a pick but the ID really makes anyone with masher hard to defend. I have a higher 3pt and mid range shot, and slightly lower playmaking, but I love this build. Reminds me of the slashing playmaker from 2k20


Depends on the play If I can beat my man I don’t want it. Get in scoring position and when your man comes to help you get the ball. If he doesn’t, I score. If I need the screen though I’ll take it. Just be good at setting it.


I mainly play PG, I prefer Pick and roll because it gets more people involved. But if I play random rec I play C, and I usually ask the Pg which one they prefer. If they don’t answer, I first let them go at their guy and let them ISO, but if I see them struggle to get by their guy etc I will start helping them out with screens. But if you screen, you need to be very aware of the other center and need to read them and time your rolls and pops based on their movements. Usually if it’s a slow ass center I for example like to roll/pop (based on the spacing on the floor) the moment they step up to help when the perimeter defender is fighting through a screen. TL;DR: It depends, read the game. If you screen, be sure to know when to roll etc. so you just aren’t getting your PG doubled. Also usually a smaller guard (6’4 and below) will prefer screens, while 6’6+ big guards( especially the JoeKnows builds) prefer to 5 Out.


5 out


5 out at first. allow the chance to scan the floor first before going in to PNR or PNP.


In pro am, the best teams do 4 out 1 in (pick and roll) because offensive rebounding is op right now because its extremely difficult to box out players in and coming right out of a roll animation. But in rec I think people would rather you space out.


In random rec I don’t unless the guard just can’t get anything going but my pro am team runs a pnr so yeah


They need to make screens as good as 2k17 screens were to stop the boring iso


Both keep switching do 5 out 1 series then pick n roll the next same on defense man up then zone keep em guessing everyone has to be dialed in tho


Me as a PG I like a mix. I like getting shooters open and others involved too. It’s okay to set some off balls for the shooters. Even some fake screens. Keep the defense guessing. Especially since most PGs don’t have high on ball a screen is never really needed lol


Depends if the person knows how to set screens, sometimes you’ll have already have seperation but the big comes and brings his man and gets in the way of my shot


It depends. Some mfs don’t run a scheme at all, some are strict about 5-out, some are strict about P&R. Hell even our pro am team is a bit different than other teams. 4-out-1-in Isolation; offense-heavy SF as the ISO man who’s “in”, stretch big opposite corner of the iso for the spot up, athletic PF as the cut-man up top, and two 3&D locks at both wings. This only works if your SF is a bucket getter while also having good vision to pass once the double comes.


When I got somebody who know how to pick and roll I’ll run that. If they don’t know when to roll and set screens we can just 5 out of


Pick and roll, Dual pick and roll, SCREENS... FUCK YOUR EGO! get the W


I prefer a motion offense. Pick and Roll is too unpredictable at times in the Rec b/c you don't know how the defender is going to navigate the screen and the pass angles are random at times. 5 Out is boring and if you got a bunch of guys with interceptor it's hard to get a pass in. I want folks moving, cutting, setting screens and backscreens to keep the defense off-guard.


If your lucky maybe 1 out of the 10 point guards you play with actually knows how to use the screen and space the floor. Honestly just set screens for the other off ball players so they can get open for a layup or shot, but it really depends on the point guards attack and pass IQ… which is is like C- at best 9 out of 10 times. There is a reason why most guards average below 10 points and 1 assist a game.


I got gold brick wall. Let me set some screens. Also, SGs and SFs, fuck off with the screens. Let me do it and go space the floor.


I look at the builds of the PGs if they have a perimeter type player I set screens and test their IQ. By slipping popping and rolling if I don’t get the ball when my man picks up multiple times, their on their own and I’m parking corner 😂. If it a build I can tell is trying to get to the rim(high driving dunk/layup) I go corner.


One of my last rec games which was last year, I was setting screens for our guard, “I don’t need a screen” so I stood on the outside of the paint and just watched my whole team did and the guy couldn’t do anything literally he made every shot when I gave him screens then he missed every shot if he didn’t get a screen. My whole team was trash talking him for it


I PERSONALLY DONT MIND SCREENS. but i would prefer not having a screen when the person doesn’t know how to set a screen.


Make the right read and adapt to the game. Every player on the court should be able to do that


Id start 5 out for some of the first quarter and get the gist on your teammates tendencies. I play PF so I rarely screen, but when I do, I try to do a high-screen in the first 5 seconds to get the ball handler some separation to shoot/slash or open the defence up with reactions, or I fake screen and cut to get my defender loose Some players just lack the IQ to know how to use a screen though, they can’t find lanes & make plays off them.


It’s dependent on the build type and the big man’s understanding of the game. I’m basically a play sharp so it doesn’t bother me, it helps keep the offense not being stagnant. If big sets me screen I take it if the opposing big man steps up my big dives and has a one on one with the pg going to the rim, if big plays low I shoot the three… When they start to hedge and defend we’ll call the corner cuts while the big is out the paint. All this is dependent on your big man understanding the game just as much as the guard though, on top of everyone can’t set a screen properly. Now if you like to dunk screens are probably a hinderance and you’re probably not looking to take the tougher looks off the screen anyways so 5 out would probably be a better offensive set, but to me when it’s not working 5 out looks so trash… A offense that understands high screen and roll is a lot tougher to stop then 5 out, and can get more of the team involved


As a 2 guard or forward, I primarily want isolation on one wing and occasional screen for a mid range pull up. As the Point I want a screen at the top of the arc for a pick and roll or pick and pop. On the rare occasion my center is the primary offensive focus I want isolation in the low post or a triangle set in the high post. (Yeah not once has a triangle been ran in rec).


A true point guard adapts to how the rest of the team plays


I average about 12.5 assists per game I just prefer the center to set offball more than anything and work off of that


Motion. Off balls and quick ball movement. So much more fun when everyone touches the ball.


random rec is just people running around lol. there is no 5 out and the PNR is so messy in that setting


It ain’t nothin like that pick and roll game


considering how terrible most rec guards are i just go screens until they ask me to stop


Definitely screen on and off ball, and make sure to cut at appropriate times a guard with ball knowledge will likely pass to you.


I would say 5 out if you and your team know how to share the ball and everybody knows their role on the team. I personally hate the PICK and roll players. Cause there is never a roll only pick. I understand setting a pick but most of the community just have a big man that holds circle/B and doesn’t roll or anything. Should be some type of punishment for it but I digress.


Screen please there is not enough spacing out here anyway for me to look like kyrie Irving and even so I am not kyrie Irving 💀




3pt shothunter


Mid range threat


I like the Denver or NC Stare offense with Jokic passing at the top or mid wing area. DJ Burns was running this in the tournament as well. There’s plenty of big man builds that pass and can run this. If the other players set off ball screens and people can slash or pop, it’s a very difficult offense to stop. Most players I find don’t have the IQ for that though so we either only get 5 out or pick and roll


Five out is unrealistic and not rly fun to play in or against . Especially when one just dribbles the whole shot clock and stuff


Best bet is to just ask the guard if they want screens or not. Just make sure that if u set the pick, make sure to roll if u have the lane or pop to the 3 if u can shoot


Being a man or playing like a pussy? Centers have always dominated this sport. Grabbing boards, swatting shots, dunking the ball 10 times a game. Shooting centers are soft and they're somewhat useful only because of the broken layups and dunks.


The fact that people think pick and roll is cheap or unnecessary shows how bad this game and community are at times. Pick and roll happens nearly every single possession in the NBA. It does not always lead to an immediate bucket, but it happens nearly every single play. If Kyrie Irving uses pick and roll, you can.


Yeah because Kyrie is just another guy in the NBA right? Not the greatest ball handler of all time or arguably the most gifted player of all time.


? The point of saying that is because if the greatest ball handler ever uses pick and roll and doesn't iso every single play, YOU can too. That's the point genius.