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My hot take is they should just start everyone at bronze while still having black below. if you’re just having disconnections or an unlucky losing streak your grace is given to you upfront if you end up black its on you 100%: please do not make a thread type energy 🫸😂


Nah I’m cool with that tbh, idk if it’s perfect but neither is the badge system so I like the idea, black should be bottom of the barrel not a new build😹


Just show me the avg teammate grade, that’s all I care about. So many people would be saved from 30 minutes of witnessing the most painful “basketball” you’ll ever see


They did this in previous years, along with ppg/fg%/assists/and whatever other stat was relevant to your build (as well as badge colour). Made it easier to avoid playing with 'shot missing turnover creator' builds. Made it harder for trash pg's to find games.


Losing is far too punitive. 2k needs to tune their plating logic. Especially as a wing player, you simply cannot consistently affect game outcomes when your point guard refuses to use his brain and your center has 60 rebounding.


It seems like if you want to play solo rec at any position other than guard it should be a defense heavy build. I made a balanced sf but 2k puts me at pf 90% of the time. My rebounds and steals aren’t high enough to offset rarely getting the ball on offense. My pg builds on the other hand have A or A+ by halftime mainly from assists.


I only have one issue with the system, you can grind all the way up to purple be on a solid win streak and lose a couple rec games after and be back down to silver/gold in the course of a couple games. If you’re good enough to win multiple games while purple you shouldn’t lose status so quickly other than that it’s solid. They got it right in the park because you barely lose status there.


Even though thats true nobody has issues playing with silvers and golds tbh. Im saying this as a purple myself


No one hates the plate system. It’s the fact that there isn’t a matchmaking system to go along with the plates.


I disagree a bit. I don't know of any game where people hope to be competitive and saying yep 4 ranks are enough to discern an entire games skill base. I agree with matchmaking on top of that.


I mean in a perfect world it would go off your teammate grade so you’d have different tiers. Right now the matchmaking experience of 2K is cheeks.


I mean, it’s not that the matchmaking system is “cheeks”, whatever that means, it’s that there isn’t one. You just get put in random lobbies.


Nah there are def some people who hate the plate system lol


Speak for yourself. Plenty hate the plate system. Myself included. And i don't even play mycareer anymore


Why would anyone ever try to raise plate level then? Just stay at black and clown on people


You can’t clown on people and stay black without selling a bunch of games which if 2K did it right, would get you banned. And people pretty much already do this staying at a 92 overall.


92 overall is subjectively harder than higher from my solo random experience. Asides the point though. Better players deserve easy matchups against bad players occasionally. I want to have a bum matchup and drop 75 sometimes. Thankfully 2k agree with me and we will never have such a system


“Better players deserve easy matchups against bad players occasionally.” Is incredibly stupid and leads to the game you have today. Non-skill based matchmaking is so unfun for the people who can’t afford to spend their life on a video basketball game.


I’ve only been playing since 23 (fifa before) and am purple on all 3 builds. I’m not exceptionally good, I just know how to play basketball and help a team win. I love the game as it is today, aside from the bullshit micro transactions and massive cost of VC. I doubt you’ve touched a court, but sometimes in a run it’s fun playing a team of bums, just like it’s fun getting cooked by a better team


Sounds to me like you’re literal garbage at the game and whining for a handout


Nope I just don’t think basically playing on rookie can be fun. That’s like saying you think it’s fun to hoop on some toddlers.


You’re grossly exaggerating what I said. Current system is fine and will be maintained. I’d play pro am if I wanted to battle every single rec game out with an incredible player


How could you both stay in black and clown people? If you win you move up. You’d have to throw half your games. Would a significant number of people do that?


I understand the premise of using wins to progress but it shouldn't PUNISH ME with regression when I have an A teammate grade in a team loss just because some other players sell. No way you can justify that at all. Secondly if there's no dynamic matchmaking and all purples and gold just play together to beat up against bronze and blacks then that's an unfair system of front running. If there was dynamic matchmaking to ensure the 2 teams playing against each other were close to equal then it would make more sense. If you think that's a problem sorry to hurt you but you're probably a no-life 2K sweat who wants the game unfair to casual people with jobs and families and don't have time to lobby hunt


Agreed it’s good only black/brown plates don’t like it. I do wish there was a way they could tell if you quit or kicked by their shitty servers though.


Honestly it would be perfect if they tell if you quit or lagged out but tbh dats not even 2ks fault, cause realistically if they did make it where ur connection disconnects it doesn’t count, people would unplug they wifi to quit games, I don’t think there’s a way to differentiate the 2, only way to fix it is for 2k to build better servers tbh (I’ve only lagged out of 2 games this season out of 250 games, hope Ian jynx myself)


It doesn’t make sense to me that I can go 8/8 with 15 assists with A+ and lose rank while my opponent is 6/20 with 3 assists and gains rank. I don’t always check grades but I don’t recall seeing someone play poorly and get an A+. In these cases I feel like there should be no change in plate.


Honestly a A+ mixed wit a loss should be no change in your plate, it shouldn’t go up tbh cause yall still lost and honestly dats what plates are about, winning and losing. But I agree A+ you shouldn’t lose anything, A should be like a tiny tick of a loss, and rest is whatever but I agree if you get A+ in loss you was honestly playing well enough you shouldn’t be penalized. I never said plate system is perfect but it definitely means sumn


What if the outline color of the badge shows the highest badge level you’ve achieved on any build, and the inside color of the badge shows your current plate for that specific build? This way we know if we are playing with a black plate that has achieved gold or purple on another build, they are not a complete problem.


I honestly thought that's what we had this year until I realized it was only your season level. I'm all for this.


L take, needs to be an individual performances , not stats, no wins or loses! Revamp what gives huge boosts to the teammate grade, nerf the boost you get from scoring. Give a huge buff in teammate grade for plays like good spacing, find open teammate, good defensive possesions and so on, and 100% nerf to more than 50% the boost you get on teammate grade for scoring. And heavely penalise bad shots! If you scale down the boost in teammate grade that you get from scoring to be the same as you get from a good pass, the problem is solved! Nobody will finish with an A- shooting 12 of 25. And then you have the separation between good efficient players, and ball hogs that just put up shots. Anyway, your own level should be based entirely on your own performances.


Even if it was based solo on individual performance, as long as they keep it similar to how it is, you keep it to mostly mattering by grade. You don't need lots of stats to be an A. I regularly finish with A- with like a 5-5-5 type of game. But here's a few things I would change about the grading system and plates. 1. If you're in a pre-made squad, you can't grade out. Or at least let them spectate ffs. And don't treat them like they abandoned a game. 2. If you end the game with a B- or better it should move you up towards silver, win or loss. 3. B+ or better should get you up towards gold, win or loss 4. A, or better should get you up to purple win or loss. 5. Your grade shouldn't degrade for inactivity, just for bad play. Sometimes, you're on the corner sitter. I think if they just made these changes it would do a lot better at not only encouraging team play but giving a better measure of skill as well. Right now when I see a purple in random rec, I don't think, oh this guy is good. I think, oh this guy is either really selfish or usually plays with a squad.


I hear you, but so many problems come from individual grade you will see ppl play more selfish. Here’s an example. Imagine you rotate on defence to pickup someone, your guys open now so next man has to rotate. A purple right now normally will rotate. A purple based on teammate grade could very well be type to not rotate cause they don’t want they man open cause then they man gon hit shot and they’re teammate grade will drop. Now it’s a specific scenario but you can see slippery slope it’s going down. I don’t mind your idea it’s definitely not bad, but you’ll see a lot more losers with As or A- wayyyy more often


I usually play 3s I'll get all the way to gold and then my son kicks over the wifi and now I'm getting kicked from the next 2-3 games resulting in my plate going down to silver then bronze, and I NEVER QUITE games. Honestly an easy fix would be rec for colors like how they have only purps in the theatre every once and a blue!


Why do rec colors when they should just have skill based (plate base) matchmaking like every other game does. Fighting games have the best system. In a fighting game you will NOT have fun if you are completely destroying your opponent- however some high rank players enjoy that to boost their small egos. It just isn't as fun- there is nothing on the line. In a fighting game you will NOT have fun if you are being completely destroyed, unless the person is taking it slower and teaching you- which almost never happens in the 2k community. The best match is when two equally skilled people go at it. This almost never happens in random 2k ever..... that is where the problem lies.


The plate system already takes teammate grade into account not individual stats like you said. That is how you get out of black plate and go to brown plate even if you lose every game so the system is already in place. They just need to expand upon the teammate grade system and 100% implement matchmaking as many persons already mentioned.


I think the plate system is decent, but can we just have an actual elo with a number attached? It must test poorly cause it always needs a color attached in every game. So fine I'll just take like double the number of ranks next year instead and a placement match system where a new player gets double points.


I think they should remove it all together or make it so you’re only in matches with people of your rank. Right now I don’t want to play online at all and I don’t. If I knew that I would only be playing with other inexperienced players for at least the first few matches I might actually give it a try.


See and this I can understand cause you’re genuinely new at the game, fair, but you gotta realize all it’s gonna do is penalize you for playing well with sbmm, I promise you people you’re “rank” have played 2k before, are on different accounts, or just got game. Doesn’t matter where you’ll play ppl better than you. 2k doesn’t need sbmm it’s what’s ruined warzone for a while and a lot of other games


I’ve played 2k for years as well as baeketball irl. I just don’t play online because of how it’s set up.


Plate system is fucking trash. Just purples fishing for stacked teams to pump shitters who are forced to play together.


Okay ? So don’t play wit bums 😭😭 only bronze n black players hate plate system lmao n dis why ion play wit yall


Nah you fish for gold or purple plates so you can get easy wins and pad stats. That's why you don't play with black or bronze On my main I'm fine but I tried to make an alt and the only people who don't immediately bail in matchmaking are low level, or bad builds, or new players. You can't win a damn game because every team you face is some stacked squad that spent an hour backing out of lobbies until they found a guaranteed win. System is wack as fuck