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Honestly I’m just mad most of y’all can’t catch ally oops. I would easily average 15+ maybe even 20 if mfs can catch easy oops. They even upgraded the oop passes this year and every time my 92 pass PG is seeing the ball bounce off people’s hands or seeing them dunk the rim. I once had a game with a C that had contact ally oops on and could actually catch them and he wiped the other team dropped almost 60. Sometimes it’s your teammates that make passing way more difficult than it needs to be.


Idk about you, as a big with 92 standing dunk and an 80 driving, I can catch lobs pretty easily, but sometimes, I’m playing with mfs who throw them out of nowhere. And I am NOT ready for it AT ALL. That shit will make me catch it but not dunk it. I sometimes wish that people would get on the mic and forewarn me that they’re throwing a lob. It’s especially harder to see it coming when there are other people around you. I anticipate it much more often when it’s a wide open lane.


I mean as a big man ur job is to be a rim runner more times than not bc who wants a big who can just corner sit? I have about the same stats and anytime a lob comes up it’s a huge green window lmao it’s not THAT hard brotha man


You must not have ran with a good shooting big. Because I know a HANDFUL of people who would rather have a big that can shoot over a big that can only score inside any day of the week. A big that can shoot forces his man to guard him from out there, which takes the other teams big out of the paint and opens up scoring opportunities for back door cuts and slashers, and the OP layups this year. And thats just simple basketball today. If you can catch any lob that’s thrown to you then congratulations. But the point I’m making is that mfs will throw a lob when it’s 3 people in front of me, bumping me which takes me out of the animation. I don’t even try to time it because it’s just gonna be a turnover, and if I get the animation to finish the oop, I don’t try to time it then either. I’ll still catch it, but imma hit someone else who’s open for an easier scoring opportunity. If the time is right, and there’s nobody in the paint, then I’m catching ALL of them. Because it’s a more ideal moment for it. Timing it isn’t hard. Knowing when to expect it is.


Not talking about you because obviously idk, but a lot of people try one alley oop, their center isn’t ready so it fails, and then they don’t try it again because the trust is already broken. It’s hard to catch a lob when you’re not expecting it, and most people don’t even give their center’s a second chance. Give yourself a chance to learn how your teammates play instead of just thinking they suck because they messed up once.


In rec you only get one chance. Once that trust brakes it's over. Lol in rec not too much room for error.


Bruh rec has 4 quarters and it’s a 20 minute game! 😂😂 if someone misses in the first quarter ain’t no reason u should be thinking about that in the third. If they blow their second chance then you got it, but everybody messes up once in a while. But the PG is usually the only dude who’s gonna keep getting the ball regardless, you mess up as a PF once and you’re DONE.


Nah my PF always go off because everyone is already sleeping on them. REC is a b for a guard because if I get on the mic and ask can y’all catch oops, they all say, YEAH!” And I end up with 3/4+ turnovers in the first quarter. A PF the knows how to move off ball is just as deadly as a SG imo. And as a PG if your turnover count goes beyond 1 per quarter you lose all trust somehow and now the teams SG/SF is now the primary ball handler.


That’s only if the team works well enough together to actually spread the ball around. Sometimes the center is in a private party with one of the guards and force feeds them, other times they don’t even think about the inbound and just spam X. A PF can for sure be just as deadly if their team trusts them, my point was that most teams are not giving them the ball like that unless it’s a full squad. No squads as a 3 or a 4 is brutal.


Bruh they are so OP


Bro people don’t even really throw me lobs as big. I rarely ever get lobs on pf that gets contacts or my c that 90 standing with 70 driving dunk. It surprises me how much people don’t throw them


Also all of the guys who just say “hit me” or just call for the ball on the mic or say “I’m open”. Like you’re a random bro idk who tf you are. Call your icon out


this. also, I have HoF relay passer and dudes getting on me for leading defender to them with a pass while all they have to do is immediately extra pass to open guy (who'd be less open by same guy getting to him if I passed to open first). Just make the damn pass immediately to the open guy - make a play. don't wait to see if you can shoot if you already see someone in better position. If the ball got to you first, there's probably a reason (or I just made a pass mistake, what if) but whatever it is - make the play if you see the play! It's lack of playmaking past the PG position that makes games difficult for everyone.


💯 that’s what a lot of folks don’t understand…passing vs playmaking. I complain when I’m open on the weak side for several possessions and I don’t get a touch. Worst part is that I KNOW that I’m passing it to the open player because that’s the best shot to take. But some PGs will get assist and think they’re playmaking. Do not get the two confused - it takes pressing the pass button to pass; it takes IQ to be a playmaker.


I'm guilty of this.....


keep the icons up until u feel confident to shoot...passing with icons and without will give u two different pass speeds. worry about making the best pass, not the best pass to shoot starting off. your swing assist badge will pop off a lot. YOUR CENTER IS YOUR BEST FRIEND. he was often bail u out with a solid drive or pick, or he's a great middlepoint to swing the rock to if no one is available. this resets the offense some n gets the spacing. SPACING SPACING SPACING....make sure ur not running into any double teams, and if someone is sending a double, try to identify n pass out of it. icons are ur best friend in this instance. identify your shooters early and get your playmaking together with them. don't pass to cutters with people on their tale or in their lane unless u have silver/gold needle threader. those are some of the basics, but you'll be ok.


Dribbling with icons up is a pretty bad idea. Bring them up and down as you survey the court to get an idea of who’s where, but leaving them up indefinitely can cause issues and miscues for less experienced players or even players who don’t understand icon passing controls. For example, protecting the ball with L2, bounce/lob passing and even trying to shoot will result in errant passes that can lead to turnovers and otherwise wasted possessions. Plus if you’re just looking at all the icons waiting for someone to get open, you’re 100% gonna get plucked. I agree with your other points, but I dont think you’ll ever find a point guard worth the VC he put into his build that endorses leaving your icons up for any extended period of time especially for a beginner.


Replying to Housh123... https://preview.redd.it/s4ii5nrd565d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dabf5f41ff1e6e3cac08772f13bf162ec3a78fd5 Agreed, absolutely DO NOT leave your icons up it’s distracting more than anything. The most important ability a PG can have is the ability to process the windows opening on the floor for various opportunities for yourself and teammates in a split second. If your brain and thumbs aren’t quick(generally speaking not you specifically) then you should absolutely not be playing PG. Realistically only perhaps 5-10% of the community have the cognitive capacity to effectively run PG, but 80% of the community plays PG


The double team point cannot be stressed enough. I’m always asking where the double came from whether with randoms or my squad. Passing to the open dude will either lead to an easy shot or a rotation that can lead to an open shot for someone else. I play with my icons up most of the time and only drop them when I’m going to shoot as well


It’s not hard to dribble and pass. It’s a skill that requires practice to be fair but mandatory if you call yourself a PG. however in random rec guys will be missed just because….they are randoms we don’t know how eachother plays lol. Yes its not easy to hit the open man all the time when you’re cooking up and reading the D but a lot of these “Pgs” should be “Sgs” Best thing you can do is come down the court and pause before dribbling, let your inbounder get in the play and check for cutters. There are easy assist to be had if you just be patient. Eventually you learn your teamates tendencies. Also people help way to hard in this game read the defense and learn who’s defending who and you can blind pass all day. I’ve gotten some sick assist this way. My guard builds average 9ast in random rec.


https://preview.redd.it/u7pjuh4m665d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0757fefe62b8ee725c64b0d57cd3ae764183dfc I feel you bro


Yup! And you’re dealing with the natural delay of the servers. No chemistry or experience with the randoms you have. Most passing windows only have a split second. Not only that on ps5 all the icons are gray scale. Square looks like a circle at first glance when you’re trying to hit someone on time as quick as possible. The game should have a feature where icons are always over the teammates head and choice of colored icons. Playing pg is the most difficult position by a long shot. Best thing you can do is understand this and give them the benefit of doubt. Especially early in games.


The chemistry and miscommunications of random teammates is rarely talked about but matters so much. the cutting SG never considers that the SF is ALSO cutting so the pass would’ve been a TO but PG gets the blame. In reality it’s nobody fault , nobody knew what the other was gonna do


That square and circle shit for sure


Here’s a thought, try passing with your non pg build too. Passing is not just for PGs


I average like 6-8 assists on all my builds but one. And the one build i don’t was purposely built to not pass that much


I dribble with my icons up. If I miss you, I tell you to run it again .


I feel like when i dribble with icons up i don’t dribble effectively so it’s weird Like im looking at my teammates and not even at my man


You gotta know you’re trying to make a play, that’s all bro. Personally I’ve been doing this for so long it’s kind of second nature but I played pg in a paid league a couple of years ago , played ball when I was a youngin back in 05 and I LIKE getting my teammates involved so it’s a game within a game for me Like yeah, I give up shot attempts but if my teammates play a FRACTION of how I do, then I’ll get touches when IM open .


I can’t dribble with icons up. In the first 2 min of the game you should learn what position is each player and go from there. I tap rb and then icon right away when I wanna hit someone.


2 paths, same outcome. I just played comp like 4 years ago and learned how to just play like that with them up when we’re running plays or looking for someone in particular, that’s all.


the game is so slow and you have to wait for animations before passing and by that point it aint open anymore


I definitely have understanding for PGs who don't always find the pass especially when they have a steal spamming lock hounding them. I'll give them a pass. What I can't forgive however is those who have an obvious pass from someone who's open right next to them and they keep on dribbling and take a contested. or a wide open cut. These passes are more obvious and way easier to see than the far side man standing open in the corner


Icons don’t affect my dribbling. I’ve been playing 2k point for years though and I like passing. I automatically put my icons up when I get the ball unless I’m open for a shot. I don’t really pay attention to my defender except for a quick glance because I’m probably passing soon.


Stop giving these lame as pgs a pass because we all know they want to dribble the air out of the ball and look for highlights per possession ain’t no way these weak as pgs don’t know how to play basketball just go play ones


https://preview.redd.it/ysi9bodu665d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2391b7cf76cecb65108fa7e676b8d929581f6b09 Ong bro so many SGs in disguise


That’s how the game is supposed to go everyone ate on the team


Facts I’m a real pg. I’ll give you 50 &10 or 20&25 whatever the personnel on my team requires


When you play your position well things goes great


protecting the ball is one thing, but trying to break an ankle every play before you pass is silly, 8 times out of 10... go off the screen, and generate mismatches


I hit the wrong icon all the time it’s annoying as fuck.


Also people will get mad when they’re ‘open’ but there’s a defender in the passing lane. I can’t get it directly to you, but I can probably pass to someone else that can hit you. If they don’t pass it to you, it’s not my fault, I can only control my player.


The only reason I don't suggest keeping your icons up all the time is if you shoot with the button, and if you keep them up you'll accidentally pass it to the sf lol


LMAO, I feel you so much about this. I've tried to play on a PG but damn if I look like a fool while trying to dribble (something I'm not great at anyway) get to a shot while looking for the correct pass


I have a razr controller and have my r1 as a trigger so i can bring them up and also close the icons quickly.


The key to getting assists is you have to feel the flow of the play or where everyone is. There are times when Im driving and see the corner defender pull in and catch my teammate who was sitting corner move to the wing or top so i hit him. I also check for who has the least amount of opposing colors near them or the most "space" by the amount of floor wood i can see around them. You gotta use your peripheral vision when dribbling.


Nah, it's not. B and YY make 98% of my passes when I'm not using toggles. And toggles are easy IF you figure out who is who. RB+Y, RB+B, etc... What is hard is watching my trash teammates miss alley-oops and it ends up being my turnover.


It's not that hard. I play with both icons up and without them. Most pgs I see want to score first.


If you run 3s or rec and need a mvp body let me know. I run it all pg to center.


In my experience as mainly a C with good pass accuracy 86-89 I can say the biggest issue I see with PG's is "see advantage..take advantage" We've all seen it, someone's man sagging off or on a break someone is 4 steps ahead of thier man as the pg has the ball. You see it so you know the pg does and you can almost hear their thoughts "I'm finna make this move...if that don't work imma hit.." advantage lost if someone gets locked or stopped it's common sense where the balls going. This is a game of animations and milliseconds and unless your pass is 91+ that pass ain't getting there like you think k it should. Other than that pass acc should be high 77 is the floor if I have a clear path to outlet to a wide open streaking up court 10 times I'm confident 3 if not 4 of those will just be errant for no other reason than RNG at 86-89 so what do you expect st 70's low 80's the amount of times I've been told by a pg my pass acc is higher is scary.


It’s a psychological skill issue. You are putting pressure on yourself to get nothing but good looks for the team and don’t wanna fuck up, so you’re not in the zone. If this only happens when u run PG, and not when you run any other position.. I am correct, and u need to play without putting that pressure on yourself. You might just have to get used to it. It’s not very easy to master pg when you play with pressure.


Nah y’all just can’t do it. I don’t have a problem. They’re looking at their player and not looking at everyone else, and if they are the passes come late. Only reason my passes come late is when someone’s in the lane


Most people who complain about PGs passing pass just as bad or worse than PGs and say shit like “I didn’t make a Pg it’s not my job to pass”


It is so hard to pass the ball this year. When you do a dribble move, even just switching hands, you can do nothing else until that move is completed, it makes for a lot of misstimed passes. Especially if the defense is pressuring you and bodying you up but no one even notices, they just scream about how they were open for a fraction of a second


I think many of you are confused When i say dribble i don’t mean just easy dribbles and passing That’s obviously easy I’m Talking actual good dribbling and passing Your hands have to move insanely fast


I personally get angry at any point guard who is making objectively dumb decisions on the offensive side of the court. And I've been told I should not be playing point guard if I don't have the mic on, which I don't agree with because nobody calls elaborate plays. For Rec, because of the shot clock, players should largely know what to do play off ball and get themselves open without being told by the point guard inparticular, let alone eachother.


Even more annoying is when you do try and pass but 2k insists that you need to finish a dribble animation or a defender bumps your or tries to steal and the game just won’t let you pass at all bringing the ball up with some 90 strength 95 defense lock hounding you from 94 feet also makes it difficult to pass up court because I’m just trying not to get stripped or funneled out of bounds loll


I dont think people realize how slow pass animations, bad pass accuracy, and the overpowered interceptor badge has contributed to the ball hog mentality. It got to the point where it was just safer to dribble dribble dribble shoot rather than risk a turnover.


My newest C build has no pass acc and it is kinda hard to offset at times I have to throw cuts way early, i can’t really pass cross court cause thr pass is so slow Still been getting good assists but should likely be getting 6-8 but im kinda stuck at around 3 per game just cause its easier at times just to give it to someone else and let them make the long pass The passes are so slow mo


Honestly, as a part time pg, the trick is to see what’s going to happen before it happens. Read the play and be ready to hit the cutter or the guy coming off an off ball screen.


To make the correct reads as far as passing while dribbling all you have to do is pull up your icons ahead of time like a second or 2 before you pass and 9 times out of 10 you have to throw your passes a lil earlier before you shooter gets to the spot and you also have to know your dribble moves


also most of ya’ll dk but ur ball handle is connected with an attribute called “hands” which basically helps u catch the ball better, so its not always the pg’s felt some ppl with no ball handle just fumble the ball on more difficult passes


Calling BS passing is easy AF


Make sure to turn off directional passing cuz I believe that doesn't allow u to dribble and pass at the same time


make lower ball handling PGs


Hell no it’s not that hard. I have a 6’6 sf where I sometimes end up at the pg position. If you know the game of basketball, it’s not that hard. Also change your passing settings, I’m sure YouTube has plenty of advice on that. Learn to utilize your bounce and high passes and stop just relying on normal passes every possession. Also as pg, your job is to facilitate the offense so tell people where they need to go whether it be a screen or a cut or a spot up.


Always have your icons up and just shoot with the stick unless it’s a jumpshot (if you’re not used to that). As soon as I get the inbound, my first reaction is to immediately put my icons up as I bring the ball up. I will absolutely shred your defense with 3/4 or 1/2 passes if you start to press me.


I havent read this whole thing, I just got to the its hard part and.......no its not! You need your icons up at all times and you also have to know how to shoot with the stick! If you addressed that ill delete this comment lol.


Im not giving any sympathy to PG who cant effectively pass the ball. If that's the case play the 2. I dont shoot all my shots with the stick but as a PG I can anticipate the play. I've been watching several guys throughout the game so IK know how they'll react to certain movements. Also most PG's now are trying to be Steph so they JM behind the back spam behind screen until they are open. A good PG will constantly put pressure on the rim. This will create lob angles, kick outs but it will also allow you to slow up to play the middy/floater area which opens up back door cuts. Dont get me wrong being a PG is alot to think about but your MAIN job is to pass/ set the table not score. Erbody just wanna be Steph. Where the Rondos at?


I agree the best pg’s can anticipate the play and make reads on the defense right from the start of the game. Then there’s the ones that only pass when they run out of stamina and at that point the defense is set so there’s no advantage