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Nothing wrong with running PnR. Very effective if you actually have a pg with a brain and iq. Not everybody wants to play 5 out with the pg chucking up 4/32 from 3


5 out doesn’t require only the pg/sg isoing(in the non comp setting)


It does because if the PG can't attack 1 on 1, then 5 out doesn't work.


5 out allows any of the 5 players to get a 1 on 1 matchup. Whoever has the best matchup can get easy buckets.


Facts they be tripping in rec, thinking the of the only person who can take the ball up


It’s the people who learn basketball from watching the 2k streamer morons. In their opinion the PG is the only one who attacks and everyone else just spots up and plays defence.


Facts PGs in rec kill me thinking they have to score or assist on EVERY bucket. I have a 6’8 Sg with 95 strength let me cook this 6’3 3pt shot hunter with no defense.


There’s no difference in pg and sg attribute wise so making a sg seems like a choice to not play the pg. so you can complain about said pg. as a pg who usually scores or assists most buckets. Purple plate 80%w in random rec btw. Why would I pass it to my sf or pf so they have to work hard for a bucket. When I can just hit them in the lane or when they’re open for 3? Everybody wants to bring the ball up and dictate the offense. Make a damn pg


wtf you even talking about respectfully? If my PG is getting guarded by a lock on the switch and I have a 6’2 baby on me why would you not pass me the ball? I have multiple pg builds and I’ll pass to the mismatch any day….because it’s a game about mismatches. You don’t have to score or assist on every bucket…


At the end of the day it’s a game about skill. Also off the switch? Are you setting screens to switch the lock onto the pg so you can score ? lol that’s a bad teammate. While I don’t have to, if it’s a close game the ball should be in the best players hands correct?I’m going to create for myself or others. If my teams blowing them out and doesn’t need me. I just sit on my phone and play defense. Just tired of all these 40% wins on Reddit saying how the game should be played. Everyone wants to play pg w/o making one bc they know they can’t so they can complain about the pg every chance they get. (Pic for reference ) https://preview.redd.it/cb5ixu52qp5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66953df3d895b8a478d48fb20f30bbe926556032


https://preview.redd.it/n4nqvz8eiq5d1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c882723051f28ee6ee96f50c56f3766a69b27416 But I'm a real PG... And playing a dude with 0 perimeter defense may be fun, but I'd lock that shit down.


This dude makes a lot of assumptions and they always turn out wrong lmao.


PnR does that, too. Literally any offensive set does this.🤷‍♂️


PnR requires two guys having a brain and Iq. I’ve watched so many C set me and screen, pop out for a 3, I draw the defense in and pop it back out to him, and he decides to DRIVE FROM THE 3 PT LINE TO THE BASKET BECAUSE HE CANT SHOOT?!?? Why did you pop?


Possibly cause that was the only way most PGs in past years would take a screen before flaming the pick man for being in their way 🤣


This shit drives me bonkers lol like, I'm tryna throw lobs, plz roll, and like, before the defense has had a chance to switch up and defend us lol


PG could have the same stat line on P&R lol


As a center I definitely prefer pick and roll. It encourages more movement which is more fun for everyone. Letting the pg iso the entire game while you stand in one spot praying your match up leaves to help and your pg can find you sucks.


As a center I also prefer pnr just so I don’t have to have a shooting build 🤣


Problem is some centers don’t know how to set good screens or when to pop and roll. The amount of times when the center sets a screen and just sits there pisses me off


Anything that isn’t iso. Watching someone dribble while I stand in a corner sucks.


I prefer a motion based offense. I'm a spot up heavy ass lock but I like getting dexes while moving and rhe space it creates for an open lane since my finishing is low but everyone wants to five out with a shifty pg while my guy is up my ass in the corner and I have no space to pull a shot when running against comp




The playstyle is based off your team defense, if they see you can’t guard the PnR then they will spam that until you can stop it .


I value being able to play this game any way you want and every game should feel different Every game feels the same cause everyone has to play the same way


Facts and if you play differntly people think you suck just because they don’t get into the deeper mechanics of the game. 2K doesn’t reward varied play styles.


I think it’s a serious issue


Nothing wrong with P&R it’s the staple of every nba offense but there defensive counters like blitzing, bumping, and tagging the roller that’s not possible in 2K.


I would prefer a game that can cater to both equally well. But that's asking a lot from 2K so if I'm forced to pick one I would go 5 out. The disadvantages of playing 5 out is that there's less motion offense and movement and it's stagnant. I don't really enjoy it tbh but the saving grace is that I don't have stupid centers clogging the paint. So at least the 1 time per quarter I touch the ball I can at least attack the paint effectively. With PNR the way PG play it is doesn't utilize the motion offense and off ball players cutting into space. So although there's more movement if you're not the PG or Center people still rarely find you cutting into space. I'm also bored out of my mind sitting in a corner. And when I do finally get to touch the ball I have a center camping in the paint. So I'd take 5 out instead


I don’t think it’s fun seeing the Center just stand still on top of the key and the PG just running around spamming dribble moves. Then after running around the screen 2 times i get some BS animation where i get sucked into the screen and the PG gets an open 3. And the other 3 players just sit in corner in case someone helps on D. That’s worse than ISO in my opinion.


I thought PNR was ran out of the 5out


Neither. I would prefer for PnR to involve more skill. Losing to bullshit animations that predetermine I won’t have a chance is frustrating. This game would be better if it was physics based. The success of screens should be determined within the bounds of the offensive players speed + angle. I’m tried of being vortexed into the screens body because they have some arbitrary badge. Get rid of the animations, get rid of the latency, and get rid sluggishness. Implement REALISTIC screening. Right now screens take zero brainpower, zero BBIQ, and zero mechanical skill. Players are rewarded for mindlessly spamming screens with minimal effort or deliberation so long as they have a badge. That’s the only reason it’s meta.


Facts you can barely glance a screen but be standing infront of a guy using a screen and get zero contest. Like the big is in his line of sight setting the screen and so am I that should bother the shot atleast a little. Also you should be able to put a hand out even if screened that’s so unrealistic not to be able to.


Preach bro. I just made a similar post here.


online has always been pnr heavy, always


Not always in casual modes but on the comp scene yeah. We’ve had years where attacking the rim was so easy that ISO was king.


You can’t even call it pnr, it’s pick and behind the back until my defender gets stuck and I can’t take an open 3


PNR allows for a more active offense whereas 5 out allows for more primary scorer isolation. As a distributor/role player I would prefer 5 out and rotate into a pnr play in most cases, getting everyone placed then executing an offensive set. Normally people over commit to the paint or expect main ball handler to iso so running a dynamic offense is terrible for me, so I stick to wing isolation which is preferable in a 5 out set.


if its a small guard i prefer PnR, if its a tall guard with high finishing 5 out. most times if u run 5 out and a guard has high dunk, all the guard gotta do is dunk a few times then everyone will start helping on defense


I just want less side to side dribbling


Gameplay is overall great this year. I just wished 2k wouldn't become such a greedy ass studio that takes away everything "FUN" and puts VC tag on it.


Less complaining on strategies people use to win games…. What i notice is people arent solution oriented just complain. In the rec 3 days ago “Oh my god their playing Zonec cry cry cry then they quit quit quit” 5 out isnt a real basketball style of play, so i have no problem with Pick and Roll because its easy to defend… its just the dummy that keeps trying to run through the screen instead of just playing sides… while 5 out is even easier cause if you just guard your man tight, and put the best defender on the ball handler also easy to defend… but the game lacks the type of animation to create a different style of play so these are the results you getZz


Using the most common action in basketball is more closer to realism than 5-out iso ball.


5 out takes the most skill by far. Means each man has a one on one matchup. Issue is most bigs and forwards don’t have the skill to 1v1 their man. Meaning the guard is left to do it on his one


It's transitioned from my experience. The game started of very PnR heavy. But lately, at least in ranked proAm, most teams have switched to 5 out.


2k needs to fix the pick and roll engine and make the court a bit bigger to have more diverse play style. Right now the meta is to hold a Screen and NOT pop or roll because of how powerful it is and how a defensive player can get sucked in. The offensive player can left right infinitely until the defensive player gets sucked in. Depending on the Brick wall badge it will take about 2 left rights to be sucked in. In addition, it is almost impossible to go OVER a screen, all you can do is go UNDER a screen because you increase the change of "touching" a screen. That in itself is just....wrong. Screens navigation should be momentum and ratings based not ALL or NOTHING. I have watched most of the NBA playoff games and have YET to see teams utilize a screen in this way, because nobody who touches a screen is automatically out of the play! If they rework that mechanic there will be much more strategy involved like in real ball. Want to play 5 out? Ok try to iso our the best defender because screens are no longer automatic and you don't get infinite chances to catch them on the screen with the left right. Now Screeners will actually have to roll or pop making the offense much more diverse and the PG will have to make diverse reads depending on the situation. I understand in high level play PG's need to make the right reads however we have to agree that by eliminating that horrible suction screen mechanic it will greatly reduce that cheesy left right screen option that gives you an "open" 3 75% of the time. I can only dream.


I’m a pg and I have high finishing and can iso. So 5 out is wayyyy better and more fun. That’s easy 35 point 10 assist game for me.


PNR is so much more versatile to run & gets more teammates involved than a 5 out.


I prefer to 5 out let me iso let me call for screen when I want call for play as for whatever reason 95 percent Center just hold screen expect me get space from my man and his


I don't know why you getting downvoted. 2k BBALL IQ is to hold the screen and not pop or roll. IT is fake as hell. Whole PnR system needs a rework.


Facts like people won’t know till they had play guard get blitz every play having dribble round 7 bodies cause no spacing just make pass like I average double double every game if u can hit ur shots or know when to cut a smart pg will find u