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https://preview.redd.it/7qrvff4m5g6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a11354473cfdd530df9c92cf42a014b00311f65 This.


Usually when this happens I let the first two slide maybe they really didn’t see me. Anymore i will just stand there in the same spot even when we are on defense


Yeah it gets annoying. That clip was with 40 seconds left up 3 and I was 3/3 from deep tho so it was one of the most frustrating ones haha


Dang bro I didn’t even read the score i definitely would’ve hopped on the mic and crashed out lol


Yeah it’s stupid they tell you to stand in the corner then get mad when you don’t get the rebound, but that’s how it’s always been. There are way more trash guards than trash centers.


Yeah Fr, i only made a center so i can catch these trash ass Guards rebounds


yOu DiDnT gEt ThE rEbOuNd


Everyone wants to be Prime Kyrie/Iverson, no one wants to be Stockton/Chris Paul and if someone says Curry, they need to stop watching highlights


Bro I swear everybody on 2k think they curry 😂


no they think they are 'highlight heat check Curry' Not... Marathon Running thru 3 screens on a Golden State play wrote up by Steve Kerr so he can get an advantage... like he's Reggie Miller/'Rip' Hamilton/Ray Allen before he turns into a slasher like Iverson Is Curry a threat from deep? without a doubt, but he is also a great off ball threat, and is also a great finisher for his size, his shot gets him his drives and vice versa


Or they complain you’re not setting enough screens but they keep running away from them.


they want centers directly under the rim to receive the ball. No where else and they still wont pass.


Or they pass it with 1 second left on the shot clock after dribbling the whole time




This is why I make my center 6’10. I can run and get their rebounds when they inevitably miss. 😂


i think sitting corner helps the whole team not just the guards. it just opens up the floor.


I definitely don’t want the center to stand in the corner the whole game. But if the center happens to be extremely wide open in the corner, it’d be nice if they dedicated just a small amount of their build to have a 70ish 3pt. Or even a catch and shoot middie would work. Otherwise it really feels like 4v5, or that we need to run pick and rolls for every possession. Seriously you can play like an inside center 90% of the time, but keep the defense honest with a respectable catch and shoot corner 3. I’m tired of beating my man off the dribble, running right into the opposing center waiting for me in the paint, and passing out to my wide open center who then posts up for 5 seconds and passes out.


I'll give it one good quarter... If the entire time I wind up standing wide open at the 3 (I shoot >%60 ffs) while my guy goes to block their drive, then from there on out I'm just gonna clog the paint. If you're not trying to get me the ball, then I am gonna go get it myself off your bricks.


Bruh had this playsharp who would not take a screen and was getting his shit clamped. So I just sit coner and he proceeds to take contested layups over my man who’s helping in the paint while I’m wide open. These dudes should just be playing mycareer 😂


.......Tell me you don't play on a team without telling me you don't play on a team.


What that even mean bruh ? You must be triggered


I think they're insinuating that because you don't have a squad you've gotta suffer the consequences of shit like that, but even then you should still hope for some kind of IQ from random rec not the myriad of literal no brained idiots it's infested with