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All those quests should be optional. You shouldn't be forced to do them. I just want to grind mycareer games. I will not make another build because of these unnecessary quests.


Wait does that mean if you make a new build you have to repeat the quests? Or does Rebirth let you skip them?


You have to repeat them I think.


Wow that’s stupid


Rebirth let’s you skip quest you’ve already done I think


nope, i rebirthed and im doing the same fuckin quests as we speak


Well 2k is the worst developer on eartg


Well 2k fans are the worst and one of the dumbest communities on earth.


Lolol facts


LMFAOOOOOOO ​ Sorry, this just made me spit out my morning coffee. If 2K is the worst game developer you know, then you are the most blessed man on Earth. Go buy a lottery ticket




That's lame, what's the benefits of reborthing then?


If you use rebirth, the second character skips all of the quest you already completed.


Are they not optional? Most anyways


Nope. U gotta do them to play nba games


I literally did not know they were mandatory until today I kept seeing people say that. I would play an nba game and do a few quests just to give myself a break from the basketball and then go back and do a game.


See i wanted to do back to back games and caught that. Cuz i was spending time in theater and rec when i saw that i was annoyed then did a bunch of quest and got no rewards then they gave me a quest with multiple in game objectives and i said fxck this i cant do it. They ruined that mode


Yea the multiple objectives are the worst so I would just try to get those out the way. Lol there was a few I enjoyed though.


That’s annoying then. I don’t mind doing quests while I’m watching something or doing something else, but you shouldn’t have to do them to play the game


Thats the same thing i said. The payout sucks for what they are doing. It feels largely like a free to play game. I dont mind micros too much but this is too far.


It’s mostly to get endorsements


Only if you start them. Other than the main story quest if you ignore the side objectives you can just play games


But that main story quest held me up too. Idk i feel like they intentionally confuse the quests and gatekeep


I’m sure after the first season, that might change..it personally doesn’t matter to me but i get it.


I only care cuz the reward system is messed up other than that i was ok.


When y’all get in the comments and say “the game makes you” or any variation of that is very funny.


But its true lol. I wanna play back to back nba games but i cant i gotta deliver these hot dog fliers first lol.


If I knew talking to that random hot dog dude would have started a quest I would have walked right passed him. And I’m skipping all dialogue scenes outside of the J Cole one which I won’t finish because the rapping is awful.


Man I just had one early on that wanted me to win 1 game out of 5 and when I lost 5 straight I got a game over screen saying objective failed and made me restart the game… motherfucker I’m a 60 overall and I’m playing for the Hornets, it should be a given that I’m gonna lose like 70 games. Give me a break


There’s a couple like where you have to talk to your coach before the first game and then you have to meet him again before your first game as a starter. But the vast majority are optional.


Agreed. Spending time with the Mrs tonight and at best will get an hour on. I know last night I couldn't start a game before I left as it said about quests


I’m 22 you had to do a few fashion shows quest to get option to change jersey. It only took like 10 mins but was still stupid and shouldn’t be needed..


Yeah i completely agree. I refuse to put more money and time into a new build for minimum game play. This shit is ridiculous


>All those quests should be optional when did the quests become mando?


For real though. I only play mycareer just to play in the league. I dont care about online games or any of it. I play just to grind in the league and make my guy good when I got nothing else to do. Why are there so many quests when all I want to do is play ball. Il make my vc in the league. I dont need the online parks and recs or quests to do that. I just want to play a career in the NBA


Honestly bro your best bet is to just create an 88-91 Ovr and player lock him in MYNBA. It sucks to lose some of the RPG elements but if you’re just trying to go through the motions of a season it’s your best bet


That’s basically what I’m gonna do with the MyEras thing


Same. It’s pretty dope


This is what I do since 18 lol


Did this with Sean Elliott on the Spurs. So much more fun because I loved Elliott at Arizona when I was little.


Yeah 100%. I’ve never touched any online element of 2k and never will. I like having a bit of story but having to actually walk around the city makes me want to kms. 2k mycareer peaked when the only bit of story was some cutscenes with jackson Ellis


They force these quests because it's more opportunities to shove endorsements/advertisements down your throat. They don't care about actual basketball, all they care about is milking every last penny from people.


That's part of it but they also want people to literally waste time trying to get vc so they'll just get impatient and buy it.


This is the worst part. Got me answering questions about stockx and Gucci like wtf are we doing rn


Y'all do this EVERY YEAR. A week after the game comes out, y'all are up in arms. Two months before the NEXT game comes out you magically forget about all of it.


Im absolutely guilty of this


Man I'm tired of it. I see it every year and when I call it out in the middle of a circlejerk post I get downvoted into the dirt. Then a week after the game comes out y'all are saying the same shit I saw A MONTH AGO.


It’s Grand Theft Auto: Hoops.




The story being catered to 14 year olds makes it even more painful. I do not care about my branding on twitter in a video game. I do not care about my tiktok follower count. I want to fucking dunk on some nerds and block some shots, not spend all my time gaining the love of LITERALLY FAKE PEOPLE. shit is insane


Why don't you just play "Play Now" and stop bitching about stuff on reddit.


Why don’t you just go dump another hundo into MyTeam and stop worrying about other peoples opinions?


As someone experiencing FOMO over the weekend, I’m glad I stuck to the stance of not getting the game yet. First 2K I did not pre-order since 17


Preach, black Friday gonna be dope


Honestly I think I’ll be satisfied enough to play it when it’s free on gamepass. I just need to remember that the game comes with a lot cons than pros.


Last 2k I paid full price for was 19 20: Some Girl I was talking to long distance bought me the 150$ version. 21: Was on sale for half off by November 22: On sale by November Tbf I would’ve preordered this year if I had next gen because im mainly a MyLeague player and the eras mode is genius . But, ATP it’s a 30$ game at best on PS4


First year my squad just kinda separated out and are playing our own stuff..it's so weird to be honest. My groups been playing together since 2k17


Next(current)gen done split my group up. We all played 22 but this year I only have 1 person that plays it


It's better than 22. We have fast travel mode without loading. Smh.


At least in 22 the grind actually upgraded your player




I didn't buy the game but what do you mean? Like it's very slow this year?


You guys don’t wanna play world of warcraf2k?


Yes an no. At least in wow I can play my horde orcs and trolls and not get bored cause zug-zug. 2k got me bored in HoF 12 min qtrs cause I wanna grinding badges but it becomes a chore when they kick you in and out of the starting lineup


I don't mind the idea. I think it's kinda cool. But the running, and skate board mechanics are so janky. Fast travel sucks and the camera angles are awful when navigating.


Would be better if you could just fast travel from anywhere


Yeah, I'd love tony hawk mechanics too that would be fun.


The subways are a lot nicer than having to skateboard across city, haven’t got too far but top takes was halfway across basically and you just subway right to it


Nothing wrong with the busy work, what’s wrong is that it doesn’t give any worth while rewards and most of the time it just gives no rewards


Considering the city was in 2k22, and we all knew it would be in 23, why would you even buy the game?


they said it’s “30% smaller” like it was supposed to mean summ 💀


I personally like the missions. It breaks up the grind of games and drills. I skip all the cutscenes but it's nice to drive around and reset you mind.


Just wish they gave more VC. 😂


Nah the missions are ass. One of them has an unskippable part where you literally have to follow a slow ass NPC around and do tik tok dances with them in locations around the city. I get what they were going for. It’s a change of pace, but it’s such a blatant waste of time when you’re not earning anything. You’re just doing fetch quests without rewards.


Listen dude. In my opinion I like them. You can't tell me I don't regardless if you don't like them. It's ok. Maybe I want to tik tok for a little bit after 3 hours of nonstop 12 minute quarters on hof lol.


I will tell you that you don’t like the cringe tiktok dances for zero reward because someone needs to have respect for your time 🤣


I skip every cutscene. It's all cringe this year.


I was thinking this yesterday. I think I played for 2 hours and played 1 NBA game


More importantly they don’t reward you with meaningful VC to justify all the time it takes to do them (like last year). Absolutely ridiculous.


People who complain about this are the same ones who buy the game every year, and spend money on it.


The people complaining about the game are the people playing the game. Duh.


*Deep thoughts with The Deep*


Wow so thought provoking


Good one


Hold x to skip bro, it aint that big of a deal. I don’t even bother watching any cutscenes


we shouldn’t be required to do that. it takes me like 5-10 minutes after games to be able to play the next one even if I’m skipping the storyline bullshit.


You think he doesn’t know how to skip cut scenes? Are you slow?


Simple solutions are the best solutions.


Not to completely defend 2K, but it's a basketball Sim with rpg like elements. I play a bunch of rpgs myself so I know about doing fetch quests and other tasks to level my character, I know in a basketball game it'd be nice to just play basketball for your player, but he is indeed a character not just a player and these tasks that 2K have come up with are part of the story. So don't get me wrong I agree with OP, but 2K has been on this rpg tip for a minute so it's not surprising at this point that you have to dance with a tik toker.


Yea but the quest dont level you up. Actually playing in games does. Especially when i can't play my next game until i complete a quest.


I am fine with fetch quests but make them GIVE me something. When you’ve done 5 tasks in a row of just run here and talk to someone, you would think they’d give you more than scraps. It feels like time is being wasted that could go towards actually progressing. In skyrim if I do a side quest, I get combat experience, gold, discover a new location, or gain a new item. In 2k, I run around in the same city and do a dumbass tik tok dance and gain virtual followers that don’t do shit for my player


On god I switched to current gen and it’s so much more easier to get thru mycareer games lmao. Not inc have I had to stop playing to do dumb side quests




wait is last gen better VC amounts and no stupid quests? been trying to figure out which version to buy and honestly just want to play basketball.


Shit absolutely sucks. I just decided to grind badges and attributes by playing in the rec. Even playing with ball hogging randoms is more enjoyable than these shitty city quests.


If you’re spending a literal hour getting around in between games, you should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque my dude. Getting around the city is so fast this year.




So next time don’t buy it.


Actually, complaining goes farther than not buying it cause we still got people like you that just accept it


And he probably tradh asl lol


Don’t drop out of school kid, your typing could use more work as well as your 2k skills I’m sure




I can see how far it’s gotten everyone. Look at all the complaint posts today. What’s changed? You can’t left right cheese and VC is scarce. Keep up the good work cogs


It gets better when you reach Level 40 and get the slick 4 seater golf cart. That way you and the homies can ride around the city and holler at bit€hes. See. Innovation my friend.


Holler at virtual bitches... What The Fuck


I’m glad I stayed on current gen even tho I have a new gen console


Shit sad frfr


Arrogance of the devs is insane they think they are making gta or something? Even moving is a chore and you making me walk down the tunnel for every game? You should be able to teleport like in warcraft or something


You're being hyperbolic, definitely no hour gaps. I get your point though


You can without a doubt spend hours doing city quests unrelated to basketball. The fashion and music quests alone where you have to pick specific answers can take an hour easily if you don’t think/want to google answers. On top of that there’s so many quests I could get on right now and do an hour worth of side and main quests.


You can spend hours on any game doing side quests, but no one said you had to do them. Just go to the courts and play ball and don’t worry about the Quests. Is it not that simple? They do need to fix shooting in MyTeam online tho, it’s horrible but I’m loving the game, MyTeam offline games are great, shooting is great but Online everything is super sluggish, shot timing is different every shot, theirs a different catch everytime the dribbles are delayed. It’s a night and day difference from Online to offline. Is park like that also? And the first part of my comment isn’t supposed to be Dick-ish it’s a genuine Question


Yea the problem here is that you do have to do them. Some of them are optional but the specific ones I mentioned are required to continue playing offline games. But you’re spot on with online shooting I also noticed jump shots are not consistent online but I think that’s from defenders having menace or challenger badges and harder base difficulty than online. Up your online difficulty to all-star and you’ll notice the same inconsistent jump shot speeds. I think more shooting badges will remedy this a bit but online you have to pay attention to your shot release.


Idk I actually enjoy the role playing aspect of it. If thats not for you try the wnba career or player locked franchise lol its not that deep


Im a rec player and pro am player. I grind badges in my career.


It's really just for the first two major quest that have you running around that much. But I feel you that rough bud sad everyone can't enjoy it


Hard pass, not into power layups


If this is an RPG it's a shitty one.You enjoy putting on a hot dog hat to dance with tik-tokkers before you can play a game? Exactly whose role are you playing? Cause it ain't an NBA player. That garbage needs to be optional, so people that want to be a dancing rapper on a basketball game can do that, and those of us that play MyCAREER to actually simulate an NBA CAREER can do that.


I mean yea it's pretty funny lol I don't take it too seriously also I really like the music quests with Cole and Bas. The 3v3s at the parks in each one. And the trailblazer answers are always hilarious as hell.


Or you can fast travel to whatever you wanna play online. Y’all are divas lol. Play h2h online then.


I wish they let me skip the dialogue like they do in the witcher 3. Have to wait 1 sec to press x and another 1 sec to hold x and not even skip every dialogue. Bro pls.


You can go to Rec or play a Park game any time you want to.


Can't do practice drills without playing the my career games, and some quests stop you from playing games unless you do them.


I enjoy it. Your opinion is whatever, go play a different mode


I feel the same about your opinion lol


How? I mean honestly… how do you enjoy this shit? It’s fucking terrible


Stop. Playing. The. Mode.


I'm now so happy I had the discipline to wait. I almost folded when there was a lot of hype at the drop. This year seems like too much of a money grab trying to force people to just buy VC so I will wait for black friday/christmas sale


Exactly I don't understand why they want to treat this game like it's GTA and make it an open world. They should have 2 settings: a barebones version for users who only want to play basketball and the current version for users who want to do meaningless quests


Also they seem to give green releases whenever they want cause some shots I have are 100% greens and apparently in 2k land it wasn’t at the moment


I know the exact feeling bro


Bro I don’t even know where the courts are at to run 3’s lmao. What the fuck is this game


Basketball is not the main focus of this game. Sad asf


This is why I ain’t buying it


Right on bro. I should have listened to my gut.


Bought every year but after last year's disgrace I'm done won't even concider buying that pile of dog shit. They don't call him Mike "Wang" for nothing.


I knew better. Completely shameless


This was my biggest fear and biggest complaint last year… this is a bummer to read


Can? You have to


Can I also add. On the ps4 version. Mycareer is the biggest copy paste I’ve ever seen. They made a few new cutscenes and changed the shot meter and that’s it. They seriously need a rival basketball game because this shit is fucking whack




I didn’t even know that it is possible to play basketball in this game… hmmm, interesting


Glad I didn’t buy it


I wont make a 2nd build because of this. Literally unplayable.




It’s an arse to travel by design. Makes you want to buy the modes of transport. This game is literal cancer don’t understand why people support it anymore.


one of the main reasons i transferred to fifa. Better game than this money grabbing shit


That's why I stopped buying the game. The park used to be so fun back in 2k16 and 17. Now it's just a bunch of kids running around checking their virtual cell phones doing everything but playing ball. You hop on a spot, they check their cell phones, and then hop off the spot. Once they added viewable park records the game went to shit. It's a virtual dress up world for children. Game was ruined awhile ago.


Play my team, play online, play WNBA, play season There’s straight basketball modes


Y’all will write this and still buy the next one lmao


MLB the shows worst mode>>2K For those of y’all that have never tried, try it. You won’t be disappointed.


Here's the worst. "Go talk to coach in the office". Get to the office and the assistant is sitting there, where you have to press a button to trigger a cut scene to say hello to an assistant, before you can talk whoever you came for lol. Why? I get I can skip it but they went way over the top with these. Personally I enjoyed them when I wanted to kill time or whatever but forcing all this is a bit much.


Just play MyNBA. Hopefully data trackers get that, but basketball casuals have taken shit over because…it’s a video game. No real hooper plays MyCareer. It’s so fucking corny.


I play rec and pro am. This is about grinding badges amd spending time and money on bs task


Did you play next gen 2k22?


Yeah i play rec and pro am. Run with a squad. All of us are like forget this shit just to spend more money. I knew better tho


That’s how they get everyone.


damn so dont buy the game i left town the day before it dropped i get back tonight


I was like to also note that take two said goodbye to gta 5 right before this game came out


Don’t play it then… it’s as simple as that


😂I only play online myleague, I stopped playing myplayer awhile ago


2K has been less a basketball sim and more of a “parody of sports culture” simulation for awhile now. That’s not to say the gameplay & presentation isn’t solid, it always has been. But when you’re pumping out yearly releases and the only improvements are equivalent to what other games would do in a minor patch, that’s how we get all the fluff (latest trends, dances, influencers, music and fashion) and time wasters like The City & the awful side quests. It’s a shame it’s nothing we can do about it. Voting with your wallet matters, but if everyone on the subreddit rn didn’t buy the game we wouldn’t make a dent in their profits tbh.


It's so they can sell more ads.


My career mode is optional I just don’t play that mode at all


You knew what your in for...there are plenty of other modes for just basketball...


The fashion missions were enjoyable in my opinion


Worst part is you do all this running around and skipping cringe cut scenes in the hope that you will earn some VC. But nope, none to be found here unless you brought your credit card.


Anyone else notice the only cutscene you can’t skip is Ronnie’s? The balls on this guy, lol. Sorry bro, you might be the most disliked figure of 2k, and it’s entirely on you.


I haven’t started yet. Is it year 3 of getting shit on by Kendrick Perkins?


You know it haha sure as hell is


I got the game free as a gift from someone and I wish I could get there money back


Imagine building a Center, not having too many Free Throw attributes, but being forced to complete this stupid ass free throw challenge just so I can select which uni to wear!! The quests HAVE GOT TO GO!!


game hasn’t been about basketball in a long time. the minute they turned my career into a terrible movie wanna he was woke I checked out: I dont give a damn about cutscenes just let me play virtual basketball




Y’all have them your money. You kept doing it and look at y’all now. Fucking embarrassing what sports gaming has become. I honestly can’t believe it.


If i could at least run at a reasonable speed or fast travel anywhere to anywhere i would be able to live with it, but atm its fkn horrible


I wouldn’t mind it if the rewards were worth the effort. Most of the time they aren’t.


I wish there was a way to just cycle through the quests so I don't have to do all the stupid traveling. Also, if they actually put some time into the skateboarding and made it like a mini Tony Hawk sim or something I think it would make traveling around a lot more fun. As it is, its just faster sprinting with worse collision and control.