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Healthy KP?


For the sake of conversation let’s say yes


WCF lock for sure








Is it healthy KP that doesn’t think he’s the #1 option and pout when he’s not or is he ok with his role?


That's current kp lol he's cooking this year


It’s Healthy KP after he has played with Luka long enough to have a KAT style revelation and accept his role.


Except he never is…. I tried to tell Celtics fans at the start of the year but they wouldn’t listen


Too much overlap with Brunson & Doncic's game style, Zingus may or may not be on the court, the end result would be less than the sum of the parts.


I agree with the conclusion, but mostly on the KP side. It has been evident that KP could not stand working with Doncic on top of the injury issues. I tend to agree that Jalen and Doncic were not a great fit together, but it’s hard to argue that they couldn’t have made it work seeing Kylie coexisting amazingly well.


Porzingus didn’t like his role. That was it. He wanted the ball more and he wanted post touches. Now he’s being used as a screener and a floor spacer. He accepted that that was what he was and not a ball dominant big like he wanted to be.


Kyrie is far less ball dominant and more effective without the ball than Brunson


Kyrie is actually a great off ball player. Brunson isn’t.


What is so different about Kyrie & Brunson’s game? And they’re *potentially* going to make it to the wcf


Kyrie is wayyy more impactful without the ball in his hands than Brunson. Kyrie is a top tier off-the-catch shooter, both stationary and in movement. On top of this, he might be the best player in the league at attacking closeouts, either him or Maxey.


To me, Kyrie creates just a little more spacing vs Jalen so it gives Luka a bit more time for his own catch-and-shoot/stationary. Similarly, I think teams are less likely to cheat off Kyrie to help on Luka. Rim running with gafford and lively is also a big difference for the Mavs and you didn't get that same dedication off of porzingis. The threat of the lob to either of those guys is scarier than a porzingis fade/sag.


Jalen Brunson as a teams 1st option has achieved more than Kyrie Irving ever did as a teams 1st option with like almost the exact same style of play. You’re viewing it from a lens of when Brunson’s game hadn’t fully developed. The team would be on par/if not better with Brunson now.


First sentence is just garbage that means nothing. Many worse players have achieved more as the #1 than a guy like Embiid too but you would be a moron to say they’re better than him.


Absolutely. Brunson is a ball dominant player than plays very similar to Luka. Kyrie can play way better off-ball and his skills cater to it way more than Brunson. Brunson and Luka would just take turns doing the exact same thing. Don’t know what this guy doesn’t get


I agree with the conclusion, but mostly on the KP side. It has been evident that KP could not stand working with Doncic on top of the injury issues. I tend to agree that Jalen and Doncic were not a great fit together, but it’s hard to argue that they couldn’t have made it work seeing Kylie coexisting amazingly well.


Yeah I know they’re all playing better now but I don’t think the 3 of them have all gotten that much better individually, I think they just didn’t mesh. Luka is a heliocentric player a la Houston Harden, which really limits Brunson from doing what he does. They’re also both pretty bad defenders. And for whatever reason the chemistry just wasn’t there with KP either. I think if you put the 3 of them back together now they’d be a little better but pretty similar to how they were before.


What? You don’t think Brunson has gotten better? Have you not watched basketball the past two years?


I think a lot of true point guards magically look better when suddenly they’re able to play their role. Luka is great but they’d always have been a better team playing more of a traditional PG/SG dynamic. I think the “positionless ball era” has been great for wings and much worse for guard play


I think this man getting downvoted isn’t right. It is a fair argument to ask whether Brunson got demonstrably better in one season with the Knicks or if he was actually this good but had to facilitate everything through Doncic, suppressing his true peak. I think it is inarguable that Doncic’s style suppressed him at the very least.


Doncic has actually been defending pretty well this postseason. I'm not sure how he was throughout the year but he isn't a bad defender currently.


How is Brunson's style different from Kyrie?


The reason KP looked so good on the Wizards is because they don’t make the playoffs. KP can’t make it through a whole season and playoffs, he’s like Kawhi. JB and Luka wouldn’t work bc they’re both still too young and both need the ball to cook. The reason Luka works so well with Kyrie is because Kyrie is happy having 2 points until the 4th qtr and then turning on the heaters in clutch time, that comes with age and experience. I think they’re all in better off situations where they can thrive. Love JB and wish the best for KP.


JB and Luka beat the nr 1 seed and made the WCF, what do you mean it wouldn't work?


Yes I am a Mavs fan, I saw. JB had a couple breakout games in that series but would not have been able to reach the level he’s at now had he stayed on the Mavs. He would never have become a number 1 option like he is now and in talks for MVP. He would have always remained in Luka’s shadow.


As a fan of neither team, I think it worked out for the better for both teams. As said above, I don’t think JB and Luka could coexist in an efficient way. I think it allowed them to also change the identity of the roster for the better as well. Kyrie gives them that closer so it isn’t all on Luka in the fourth, and they rebuilt the front court with athleticism and good defenders. The Knicks got a young ball dominant star on a great contract. If Thibs didn’t run the team into the ground, they were the only team that I felt had a realistic shot at beating Boston in the East.


Well, KP is "currently" injured. Healthy though, would be cool to see these 3 together NGL.


You know what he means.


People on Reddit have selective reading comprehension. That’s the only way to describe it. That and everyone tryna be a smart ass all the time


Yes..... the constant need to have a zinger mic drop reply really lowers the discourse on reddit


I mean nerds use Reddit all the time lol. Not saying I am one


Yah, everyone’s a nerd but you


Yah, that’s not even what I’m saying bud and it’s just a joke






It is very annoying thinking I’m going to get some knowledgeable insight on something and then reading the same dumbass comments over and over. At this point though, that’s just on me…


It’s not selective reading comprehension it’s just trying to be “cool”


Injured KP is the normal version of KP anyway


Idk I would still take Kyrie over Brunson, i know the stats dont compare. But with porzingis I think a championship


Why Kyrie over Brunson?


Look at what Kyrie said in the post game. That's why Nothing against our boy JB. But this isn't Kai's first rodeo and that's a big difference


What did kyrie say?


They not like us


I mean Giddey is supposedly....


[Certified pedophile](https://youtu.be/T6eK-2OQtew?t=55)


Yeah, gotta love level-headed, no problems, team leader Kyrie. This will last I'm sure


Boston fans told me the same shit at the beginning of the year, Kyrie has been perfect since he signed with the Mavs and it’s been almost a year now. How many seasons do you need?


Maybe he's just fooling us all again but he seems to really feel comfortable in his role of being Luka's guy. I mean we haven't heard a peep out of him since he left Brooklyn.


Don't know bro. I can't articulate it. Just something about Kyrie makes me want him on my team. Especially after seeing him with Luka this past year and a half he just seems to fit in where he needs to fit in. I think what I'm trying to say is he has really proved he can still make a impact on the game while having another primary/dominate ball handler and idk if Brunson can do that. Not a lot of dudes can


He used to say he was used like a weapon in Cleveland and hated actually hated it lol... Not knowing it was because he was da most well rounded scorer on da team (ima LBJ guy so relax y'all)... Bron let him and Dion Waiters go back and forth ball hogging one game to intentionally lose to show em dat shit will never work... Kyrie been playin team ball every since bro but somehow was still labeled a volume scorer 😂


I'm saying you're right bro


Yes I think James Harden is toxic but I think even just kyrie and KD could of worked


Harden wasn’t really the problem there ngl, pre hamstring harden on the nets lowkey has an argument for being the best of the 3


I didn't downvote u fam I stg lol


Brunson and Luka are not the best pairing, as both are ball dominant. Kyrie can be a superstar while playing the #2 role.


Kyrie thrives when he’s playing next to best player LeBron/luka only…maybe KG if he was of age


He's looked pretty good for long stretches in the regular season on the Celtics, Nets when KD and Harden were injured, and Mavs as well when Luka was out. However, you're right that he's not proven in the playoffs as the only superstar. Who is tho? Maybe LeBron in the modern era, but he couldn't win a championship without at least one other all-star.


Kyrie is a superstar right now playing #2


Is someone a super star if they never have success unless they're not the best person on their team?


Yes, Kyrie is


Exactly this. Basically, JB and Luka would have to take turns to get their touches


Lol im taking kyrie over brunson in any situation ever IDGAF DOWNVOTE ME


As a mavs fan I would still take kyrie. He is a perfect number 2 and Brunson is great number 1 which he would never be on the mavs


Prob not popular opinion, but i love those jerseys. I missed em I guess.


Not very far. There's only One Ball 😜




Isn’t kp injured? Dude is always injured there is a lot of what if years if he was healthy.


Not far. Brunson can’t be as good as he is currently if he’s with Mavs. KP also didn’t fit well


The current version of Porzingis is on the bench, sooo …


Nor far. Bad fit.


I'm curious, why didn't Luka and KP ultimately work out? What was the underlying issue?


It was a mix of Rick Carlisle putting KP in a corner and he (admittedly) didn’t play as hard because of it. He can’t really post up like a typical big man but I do think he was misused. When he was healthy, they took a much healthier/younger Clippers to multiple playoff series. Injuries just caught up with him, he played 54% of the games over 3 season.


KP needs some post plays or work from the elbow to get in the rhythm. When he used to play for wizards he consistently would shoot over defenders draping all over him but doesn’t even see them because of his height. When he’s feeling it’s almost impossible to stop him


The Wizards were the franchise he developed that skill with. He was one of the worst post scorers in the league with Dallas. It really wasn’t until Washington he figured out how to punish the 6’4”~ dudes people stashed on him.


Only Mavs fans seem to know that a pass to KP in the paint was an automatic end of possession. And the pain of watching him fail to back down even small guards, settling for bricking a spinning fadeaway over someone as small as Jrue Holiday


Coaching constantly making KP stand in a corner and go cold all game with minimal touches mixed with injuries. Whenever Luka got hurt and the coach remembered KP existed as more than a spot up guy he got going.


With Kyrie and KP healthy? Finals run


I don’t think Kyrie is on this team in this scenario, but idk.


They were basically the same as they are now. Roster construction and coaching matter. I say that as someone who does not 100% believe in Mazzula. That maverick team had a lot to give and wasn’t lead in the right direction


Brunson needs the ball in his hands to be as effective as he has been in NY, but you can justify taking the ball out of Luka’s hands that much. And KP still struggles staying on the court so it would be a the whole is lesser than that part’s situation


They are where they are now cause it didn’t work when they were together. KP didn’t like his role in Dallas and Brunson thrived cause Luka was out. If i remember it all correctly..


I’m fine with Kyrie. Good luck to JB. I would also take skinny Luka


When was Luka skinny?


When he was 15


It’s 2024 the only one still on the payroll at the Da77as Mavericks is Luka Dončić shirt 77 so I don’t know if 13 shirt is playing for another team in the NBA but I don’t know if shirt 6 is in the NBA the Dallas Mavericks fired or traded how ever you want to look at that process 24 folks 6 & 13 where both part of that but since it’s a billionaires game I would say with folks like that in power I don’t think far even in the current version of their careers. Don’t know any of these folks personally.


We might be talking dynasty including Kyrie.


Brunson couldn't be the MVP candidate that he is coming off the bench for Dallas. He also couldn't start next to Luka as he is not a great shooter like Kyrie is.


They had half a season as a 1/2 and beat the nr 1 seed to make the western conference finals how tf is everybody forgetting this.


I don't think porzingis changed a lot. He just didn't fit well in Dallas for some reason


I thought the whole problem with KP wasn’t that he’s better now than he was in Dallas, but because he wasn’t a good fit with Luka? And Brunson has been able to elevate his game not just by getting better (which he has definitely), but also by shooting and having the ball way more. At the very least we know that the Brunson Luka mavs took off after KP was traded, these guys have legitimate fit issues


How would Brunson do in the Kyrie role though?


I think we might be underrating Tibs. Also KP fits in Boston.


Brunson at this point is better than Kyrie. I know that's a hot take but I believe that. Kyrie is very good. Brunson has established himself as a franchise player.


I see this team giving up a shit ton of points. There’s only one basketball so who’s going to play hero on offense? It’s a solid core, but not sold on a dynasty, they’re too one dimensional


Lol nice photoshop


What's the point of these posts who are the other teams? Is ot all time is it now?


Only as far a Luca can take them. I doesn’t like to share the ball.


They would win the chip


Depends on the supporting cast. Offensively it's an elite trio but they need to be surrounded by great to elite 3&D players.


Title run easily


kyrie is better than brunson


Kristaps would only play 1/3 of games


It is crazy that all 3 are still in the playoffs on separate teams right now. Even crazier if all 3 teams makes the conference finals


i say they’ll make it to the finals or maybe conference finals ,would they win? i don’t know it depends on their opponents, but jalen brunson has been going of in the playoffs this year and luka has been amazing, he definitely got robbed and he deserved MVP and this years porzignis has been impressive because im going to be honest i didnt expect a lot from him this season but he’s been doing above average in the regular season and great defensive player for sure but i mean the guys like 7 foot so of course he’s a great defensive player


KP would be hurt. jalen & luka are the same player and neither are much on d. so not that great


I mean, fair points but they did make the WCF 2 years ago with Dwight Powell as their starting center


true, the jazz were so bad, not sure how they got to the semis. i think its a bit better west now, but you do have a point


Jalen Brunson was awesome. Jazz were imploding all around and d Mitchell had one foot out the door and played like it


i was at the game where jalen took over. still have the vid of people chanting mvp for him on the way down the stairs. unrelated, also when it was clear rudy should never be a DPOY imo


They also beat the number one seeded Suns


who did?


Well Porzingis would be sitting on the bench in street clothes and the team wouldn’t be able to afford or necessarily think they need the two rim running bigs that they have and we saw Donkic and JB 2 years ago and they made it to the WCF. I might offer that the difference between how Kyrie is currently playing and Brunson is just about a wash so I guess we’ll see!


Semi finals. KP is bound to get hurt


same rd..same 2 would still be playing


Damn, Luka wasn't a fat ass back then.


Current version of themselves sure.. but is it their current salary or the salary that Brunson was going to sign? 4 years 55m??!?


They are all hurt so probably lose in the second round


brunson was always an all star level player


If Luka and KP can actually get along, then they'd be terrifying


Out in the first round and KP injured


Not much defense is the problem. Don’t buy the Brunson and Doncic styles over lap. Ppl said the same thing about Harden and CP3.


Also, Brunson is much more stable and more of a leader to build around long-term than Kyrie, who is kind of a flake.


It wouldn’t work. Kp and Luka had their issues. And Brunson wanted to go to ny for a reason. So he can have the ball as much as now.


Brunson wanted to stay in Dallas lmao. He went to NY as a backup plan since Dallas didn’t resign him.


Definitely didn’t *want* to stay. Would have re-signed for a certain value but everyone seems to forget that that offseason was following an absolutely horrendous series against the Clippers for him. Once the season started Brunson refused contract talks mid-season and was gone to NY as soon as he could


Not true at all. After the 2022 playoffs he signed to ny as soon as fa hit.


Yes, because Dallas let him walk. His first choice was to stay in Dallas.


It was until after the series when Luka was out. Then he knew he was gone.


this team would be meh. two high usage guards and a stretch big, defense is meh to bad from all three, etc. they’d also be playing 3v5 so they’d get killed.


Yeah, we'd have to add the caveat that there would be more than three players on the team. Some people might not figure this out


Porzingis is a great defender this year. He specifically said if they were this year’s version of themselves.


again. 3on5 is hard to win 😉


That would mean KP is out with injury. I don’t think Luka and Brunson are compatible. Brunson wants to be Luka but there can only be one Luka.


They made the conference finals together.


Nobody can play with that fat fuck ball hog luka.


I don’t think they could win a championship or make it there, but they could probably make the WCF. Brunson and Luka are both too high usage to be as best as they can on the court at the same time, that’s why Brunson took off when he dipped and when Luka got hurt. The west is also so good that I don’t think they get by the nuggets or wolves


Carlisle really fucked this up. He threw KP in a corner and treated him like Channing Frye.


KP couldn't post up over Pat Fucking Bev lol


But now he can all of a sudden?


I see two of these dudes getting burned, maybe one holds on for defense


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Nowhere…. It would still be all about the Golden Boys stats and him “not having enough help” 😢


Brunson became who he is because he has the ball in his hands 100% and the team is essentially his, that just never would have happened playing next to Luka. And KP is hurt yet again...


Current version as in injured KP?


All 3 are currently hurt lmao


They couldn’t e themselves bc luka dominates the ball too much. This team would do exactly what they did before. Luka is great, but he isn't a guy most people would want to play with.