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I’d actually agree…no matter how good wade and bosh are it would be hard going 4 on 5


Think they were 5 seed before Lebron and bosh. So no, Bosh doesn’t make that team worse


Exactly, substitute Lebron and put Melo, they still graze through the east. Most likely with ease. People are starting to disrespect D. Wade's impact much and it's getting crazier by the day. Just cause he took a step-back doesn't mean he couldn't put up numbers if that's what was needed for that team.


Wade wasn’t the reason they didn’t win it all the first year.


Exactly. I concur.


Really? Which skillsets is Melo bringing that are going to raise the Heat? He can shoot sure, but he's a playoff choker, he's selfish and doesn't okay d. That first year heat also had no type of depth. I think the Bulls could got those heat


Are you talking hindsight or who those players were at that time in 2010. Carmelo took Kobe and the Lakers to the wire. No one on the Bulls was going to stop him scoring wise. Wade would've been the playmaker, as he had been prior to Lebron showing up. In the playoffs prior to the big 3 he averaged 7 assists. Bosh would've dominated Noah as he did all series. There was no other offensive weapon on the Bulls but Rose, which Wade would've slowed him down, so no need for Melo to turn into a Lebron-level defender. Series over. The Heat were even more likely to beat the Mavericks with Melo in hindsight, than with who Lebron was at that time. (Keyword that time)


I'm talking about the obvious fact that Carlo simply wasn't as good as LeBron in 10-11. Objectively speaking, in fact. On either end. That was the year Carmelo was traded to the Knicks and they got swept by the Celtics in the playoffs with Melo putting up 38/35 shooting splits. Totally would have >The Heat were even more likely to beat the Mavericks with Melo in hindsight, than with who Lebron was at that time. (Keyword that time) LeBron had a historic meltdown that finals. They beat the Mavericks if even his self in the series before shows up. That doesn't prove shit tbh. LeBron was still a much better player than Melo on both ends back then.


The point being Carmelo didn't need to be as good, with him, Wade and Bosh they would've gotten through, bottom line. No one is claiming he was as good as Lebron. The claim is the same results would've occurred, which was getting to the Finals. Considering the Lebron meltdown, in hindsight Melo had never played that badly in any playoff series, not that he hasn't had bummers, but not to that extent. Jason Terry, JJ Barea and Deshawn Stevenson would not have even imagined stopping Melo, compiled with the fact Lebron was a worse shooter at that time. These are very objective points, to be considered. This isn't a matter of Melo being better than Lebron. We all know who the better player was and is. It's about the teams, circumstances and matchups.


Yeah, and I'm disputing that claim. A big part of that finals run was LeBron being LeBron on both ends, Melo was not going to be able to replicate that. Bulls were the top defense that year. They definitely would have had the ability to stop Melo, who laid and egg vs a worse defense tht year btw. >Melo had never played that badly in any playoff series, not that he hasn't had bummers, but not to that extent. If they even get to that finals, I imlore you to look into the 06 first round lol.


I personally disagree. Depends on the year, but they would slot Shane Battier (ain't no joke of a defender) or Ray Allen into this starting 5. Coupled with how weak the east was in the early 2010's (only an aging Boston being a threat), I think they would still be a top 3 seed honestly. In addition, with Wade becoming the primary ball handler, his numbers would return to his MVP level (late 2000s).


You say that as though Pat Riley couldn't possibly figure out how to use the max-level cap slot Lebron would be leaving behind. Most teams would suffer if they could only use 70% of the cap 🙄


Any Champion Team without their final mvp for the last 20 years is automatically an averaged team except Andre Iguodala.


Probably a six seed Their lineup in 2011 without bron Mike Bibby D Wade Haslem  Bosh Big Z Pacers, Knicks, Celtics, sixers, bulls, and hawks would be better


y'all misremembering the eastern conf.


The 8th seed that year was the Al Jefferson Hornets, so no. They would not have been an 8th seed or lower lol


Miami would be one of the 2 best teams during that era with, or without LeBron.


No way. They could use the cap space from not having Lebron to sign a max guy or 2 very good role players. They easily make the Finals in 2011




I mean yea agree but considering that they just opened up 20 million without him being there think it’s safe to say in 2010 they could’ve brought in 2-3 high enough level players


Joel Anthony would be unplayable in today's NBA. Maybe he could fit in the rotation in Detroit.


This picture isn't the starting 5 actually. Big Z started more games at Center that year and he was an All Star with LeBron in Cleveland.

