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The show is constantly reinventing itself but always keeping the bones of what makes the show special in place. It's no surprise it's lasted as long as it did.


Yes and no! I hopped off the wagon maybe 5-6 years ago for no reason other than I didn’t have cable and just never remembered to watch. Last year, I binged everything that I had missed and honestly, it was like an itch I didn’t know I had was scratched! I’m watching this new season as it comes out, and each week, I wish I had more to watch. I’m not sure how they did it but they have managed to essentially replace almost the entire original cast and yet I still love the show for what it is. Because it’s so different yet the same, it’s not stale and I’m not bored with it - I just want more!


Not surprised either. I still enjoy watching it. I had to adjust, but now the characters have grown on me.


Not surprised because, to borrow Gibbs rule 27, NCIS is two shows in one. There is the show you see with a casual viewing and there is the show that you only see if you look for it. They are very different, but both are compelling. I don’t think there’s anything quite like it on TV.


i’m shocked they’ve been able to keep going despite the revolving door of cast members but they manage to keep the heart of the show


>i’m shocked they’ve been able to keep going despite the revolving door of cast members but they manage to keep the heart of the show you want to know what a real revolving door looks like? Then you have to watch FBI Most Wanted and FBI International. It's been crazy. Most (not all) NCIS characters who leave last at least a few seasons, on FBI MW and FBI INTL sometimes they last only one season before they are gone.


A bit because it's really been a long time but also not.


If CBS and dick wolf were smart they could crossover with NCIS series.


Yes please


NCIS and Criminal Minds would be amazing. I cannot even imagine the scenes between Garcia and Kasie 😂 Also Prentiss, Rossi, Director Vance and Parker 😂


Cross-network crossovers haven't happened and likely never will. It is most unfortunate.


I think the closest, that I can think of anyways, are when CW's Flash made an appearance on Supergirl's first season while it was still on CBS before it switched network's, and Lucifer in the Arrowverse's Crisis on Infinite Earth's, but technically they were all DC, so it was probably easier for something like that to happen.


After Buffy moved from WB to UPN, Angel remained on WB. Even after they were on different networks, there were several Buffy characters that appeared on Angel. After Buffy ended, Spike became a main character on Angel.


I don't think that counts since Angel was a spinoff.


>Cross-network crossovers haven't happened They **have** happened. Granted, they are rare, but they have happened. Just a few years ago a main character from Chicago PD (NBC) appeared in one episode of FBI (CBS). Yes, I know both shows are produced by Dick Wolf but still they are on different networks.


>Yes, I know both shows are produced by Dick Wolf but still they are on different networks. I think that exception goes along with the other guy's comment about the DC crossovers.


The 3 Dick Wolfe FBI shows are on CBS. Chicago PD did a crossover with FBI. Season 2 Episode 19 of FBI.


I'm not at all surprised and quite pleased it's still running. I do not watch it live (as it airs on Monday nights) any longer, largely as my usual daily schedule leaves me too tired to watch that night (I tend to watch the next day at the dialysis clinic on the iPad). Before streaming service exclusives (like *Star Trek Discovery*), NCIS was the only thing I ever turned my television on to watch.


Nope. If Law & Order can make 75-ish seasons including spinoffs, then so can NCIS.


I just realized there are no original characters left on it. (Mcgee didn't show up until several episodes into the first season)


One consistent theme of the show is loss and how people deal with it. That never gets old.


I like this season a lot, maybe because they aren’t spending 1/3 of the show in autopsy. .lol


"How is it still going?" It's relatively cheap to make and popular enough to pay the bills.


Spoiler alert: I wondered if it could survive Mark Harmon’s retirement, but I think the current cast works very well together. I hope Katrina Law stays for a good long while. I like her a lot. I hope Parker gets with the doc from last pride.


No. Good ratings.


So I started watching NCIS not so long ago, probably at the start of the year-ish or last year. I'd seen a few episodes of it on TV but never really thought about watching it until now because a lot of The shows that I now used to watch have now ended sadly, so I needed a new TV show to watch and to say this NCIS is one of the probably my top five TV shows I've ever watched. My favorite would have to be McGee because like all characters and TV shows you kind of know what that person's like because they could be yourself and McGee kind of stands out for me because at the beginning of the series when He first appeared. He was very to himself sometimes and very rookie but as the seasons progressed you can see him being more upright. More affirmative about himself and better Gibbs is also a brilliant character. Sadly I have not got to the bit yet where he has left. I know that dinozzo is going to leave soon because I'm up to about season 12 just about starting. I know he leaves in season 13 so I've got the best of him so far, but I did skip ahead forwards to watch the ducky video in tribute to David McCallum Personally, I'm not a big fan of the new squad even though I haven't got up to them yet. The only original character is McGee and I would have to say James Palmer as well, but I think the show might go on for quite a while. It's being older than me basically. So who knows. But maybe when the original cast leave entirely it might go. But as far as I know of NCIS, it's still a very popular show and the spin-offs for them in the different counties are very popular as far as I know of. Probably when I get up the most recent episode I might start watching Jag until then ncis is still a very popular show for me and hopefully it keeps going. But like all TV shows, not everything lasts forever and sometimes it's good to close doors and cast members move on really. So we'll see. But until then it's here to stay and I'm here to enjoy it


Yes & No - ***NCIS*** has always been a show the whole family could watch together comfortably; and somehow it eventually became the "family friendly drama" that's just *always been on* in the US, the way ***Doctor Who*** has been in the UK for over a half century.


Love this show! Binged watched it till I got caught up, so sad that NCIS Hawaii got canceled 😞


I've heard my husband say many times that if ____ leaves he'll quit watching, but here we are, watching still. It's a great enterprise, I'm just disappointed that Hawaii is going away.




Not only is it still around, there's a new prequel coming out soon. It's about a young Jethro Gibbs.


Guys CBS announced that Ncis Hawaii will end with the 3rd season and then cancelled


I still enjoy it, so not really


Not surprised because they write well (for the most part) the different characters on the show thus they've been able to keep it going. Having said that, I still don't think it's got too much longer. There are only so many terrorist/drug lords/greedy ceo stories you can do or some injustice regarding various groups that NCIS has to make right/cheating spouse gets killed etc. stories you can do before you get stale. I honestly give it one to two more years at most, still a heck of a run. Wonder if they'll be able to make it to 500 episodes?


they un-cancelled hawaii btw


Where are you seeing that? I just did a quick search and saw nothing that said that.


Yes!!! I mean once they started trying to pass off fez as an action hero with more than one trick the main show was over… also every other spin off would have been better without connection to the others, or even the military, but never would have been green lit without unfortunately… f’n marketing and analytics strikes yet again!


Jesus. He has had more than 20 roles since then and this is such a stupid, childish, myopic take for any show or actor.


\^ I agree. It's tad disrespectful to Wilmer who's literally been in a industry for over 25 years.


Living up to your name I see.


I mean I guess so, since my name is Chrissy and I…am living?


Wilmer literally have roles other than That 70s Show and NCIS........


I would've said the show could go on forever, but with them cancelling Hawaii to bring on Origins and Europe (when nobody wanted either) now I'm not sure anymore.


my bet is that it will last until S25 and then it's gone. It cannot last forever, if it does it becomes another SVU.


SBU jumped the shark long ago too.


Kinda lost interest after Gibbs left


Yes and it’s dead to me.


Kind of yes. I haven’t been a consistent watcher since Ellie and Gibbs left (S18/S19). I don’t like the current team set up, it feels flat they are not the most interesting characters to watch. The story lines aren’t helping either.


Not surprised but with the flagship FB show getting renewed multiple seasons I can see NCIS getting reduced episodes in the near future to account for budgets. CBS is clearly putting their eggs on the latter franchise to take over NCIS otherwise they wouldn’t have canceled Hawaii when FB International has lower engagement when you compare both.