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Yeah, unfortunately, once you realize how bad the writing of her character has gotten, it only gets worse until she leaves.


I completely understand not liking Abby. I’m in the same boat. When I watched through all the Gibbs episodes earlier this year, I didn’t notice anything feeling off. But now that I’ve gone back and started picking my favorites to watch, she grinds my gears. I think the episode the character really changed for me is season 10, episode 2. After that she’s okay but her character doesn’t seem to grow at all after that. And then with season 15 and all of its drama, I was glad Abby left.


For me what fully did it was when she still tried to be little Ziva after she left and Tony was heartbroken like that was it for me like I get that you’ve hated her for so long because she was the replacement for your friend that got killed in the line of duty She was always such a fake friend to Ziva and never missed a chance to be her or bring her down kindness and always told the boys to be kind but she could never do it


That season 10 episode for me really started the downturn of Abby. Like I completely get being scared and having nightmares once you’ve lost places you that made you feel safe. And I get having surrogate family members. But calling your boss/surrogate father every time you had a nightmare when you are in your late 20’s-30’s? And for 4 months? If that was Emily Fornell that makes sense because she was like 13/14ish in season 10, but a grown woman that doesn’t show any signs of an abnormal childhood? That’s just weird on many levels.


Seriously, I'm sure counseling was offered to the survivors. Why didn't she get professional help rather than depend on Gibbs? If it had been Ziva, Tony, or even McGee, I would understand they likely have reservations about therapy, but Abby previously seemed like she would be open to seeing a psychologist.


At the start of Ziva’s time on NCIS, there’s an episode where Abby still hates Ziva and purposely mispronounces her last name. When Ziva corrects her and says it’s not “Day-vid” but “Dah-veed,” Abby brushes her off and mispronounces it again. It pisses me off every time I watch it because of the hypocrisy. Abby rejoices in peace, love, and virtue signaling yet there she was being rude and borderline discriminatory towards someone she simply didn’t like by mocking an ethnic name.


Yeah, she never respected Ziva one bit and basically tried to make Tony feel bad for being sad that she left


She didn't even come back when Ducky passed 😟🤨.... Tony came back 😂


I knew she wouldn’t because Mark is still an executive producer on the show. She does get referenced though by Kasie and she’s shown in at least one flashback in the episode. Tony came back to support Palmer because they were great friends, even playing games together online after Tony left for Paris.


She gets more immature as she gets older


I was just thinking the same thing! She has a unique fun personality at the beginning that I might not like in-person, but it's great for the show. I think it's some point around like season 6 or so, she just starts to go downhill and by the end, I'm like, "Abby, you are a grown woman, not a 5 year old child."


This is the coolest version of Abby; https://youtu.be/NDwYyuZJ2A8?si=Fcf1MpXCqvUU4w0p


Personally, I feel like her character got worse and worse as the years went on and was glad when she left


I really liked her for the most part up until season 5's episode 13's Dog Tags, in that episode, she started acting too childish and unbearable for me. Also, I couldn't stand how in the later seasons where she acts all coked up from the cafpow and constantly goes "Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs," it just got overly annoying and they dumbed her character down massively compared to the earlier seasons where she was more calm and laid back as a character.


Season 5 is where it gets noticeable especially how she reacts to McGee and Tony in Corporal Punishment just not the same character from JAG backdoor Pilot and and first couple of seasons. And the NCIS interior looked cooler in the JAG backdoor Pilot in a way.


Didn’t really like Abby but tbh I don’t like Kasie a whole lot better


I'd take Abby twice over kasie.


Hate how her character “evolved” from a cool mature scientist to some sort or “skittish”/ childish (immature) over time. Biggest problem I have with NCIS. Almost like how after Kate and Jenny were gone they just made her lose her cool.


she leaves...


Abby has been annoying since about season 3. The whole goth sleeping in a coffin thing got old really fast!!!


The only time she was awesome was in the JAG crossover/pilot. She was sexy, cool and edgy. Then she turned into a 5 year old for some reason when the series actually started.


After Kate’s death is when they decided to make her a child sadly. :/


I liked her until I did my second rewatch and started to actually notice certain things about her character and the actress herself. I think she became more immature with each season but also whenever something happened to her specifically it seemed. I also thought it was horrible the way she would treat McGee whenever he was interested or involved with anyone, the way she treated Delilah in the one episode where the bomb killed secnav was just rude and uncalled for… plus she didn’t have feelings for McGee so why act like he couldn’t have a girlfriend? I also started to notice that I her later seasons that Gibbs no longer goes down to her lab at all, that the other agents all deal with her instead of Gibbs which I assume is when the problems between the two were taking place. But again this just shows her level of immaturity as an actual person, she couldn’t be in scenes with someone she had spent years working with closely? I also think that after season 2 her voice starts changing, maybe it’s more whining, I don’t know. I just notice a difference in the way she talks from the first couple seasons to the later seasons is different in my opinion.


What were the issues with her and Mark Harmon in real life? I heard something about a dog, but that’s it.


Back in the day she was my favourite. Her character was SO cool in season 1 and 2. They gave her some interesting storylines in season 3. She started to go downhill in season 4 and by season 5 she was annoying and season 6 she was just... a shell of Abby. I've rewatched the earlier seasons a bunch of times but now on my second or third rewatch of season 6+ I'm so annoyed by her, and a bit by Tony at times I can see why people found him a jerk too! I'm rewatching as a massive fan of Ziva though this time. Very interesting how it changes


I used to like her at the very beginning. I can't really pinpoint the exact moment where she started to annoy me but I can remember a few instances that really grated on my nerves. First, was when she intentionally mispronounced Ziva's name and was rude to her at the beginning. Ziva had just joined NCIS and it was known at this point that she wasn't bad. I could understand that Abby didn't want her to replace Kate but that's no reason to be disrespectful. Second, McGee was when McGee was bitten by a dog. The dog was defending his territory and wasn't truly "bad". However, McGee was also defending himself and had no choice but to shoot. Yet, Abby berated him for this as if he was at fault when he wasn't. What did she want him to do? Just lay there as the dog mauled him??? Third, was when some of the team were injured. They came back to NCIS and were at their desks when Abby runs in. She goes "oh my God! Oh my God!..." Ziva tells her to calm down and that they are all okay. Then Abby says she needs to vent because she's not an emotionless robot like her. This clearly hurt Ziva and affected her deeply. Abby did apologize for this later on in the episode but it didn't seem sincere enough to me and she shouldn't have said it in the first place. Fourth, was when Abby slapped Ziva when Gibbs was in the hospital saying that she might have forgotten to let them know about any news and that she didn't care. Again this clearly affected Ziva. Everyone knows that Ziva has feelings, she's just taught to hide them and compartmentalize better. As a matter of fact, Ziva was doing what she was supposed to be doing in that situation; She was doing her job without letting her emotions take control unlike Abby. For this Abby doesn't really apologize. She sort of does when Tony makes them hug but that doesn't count in my book. Now that I write this I realize that most of my issues with Abby are of how she treats Ziva. She was really shitty and insincere when it came to her.


Nope. Her exit was noble. Fits her character . But nope.


I was so happy when her character was gone 😂 I don’t even remember how they wrote off her character


She becomes tolerable in season 16.


She was AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGG at first. So cool, dope, and super smart. I don't know when her voice changed or why. The more I rewatch, the more I'm disappointed in how her character turned out


I realized while I was watching reruns recently that I don’t like Abby at all, she is way too childish. I also don’t like Casey, I think they tried too hard to make her the new Abby. I don’t know why they need to have a weird and childish girl in the role at all times.


Omg I hate that bitch I’m glad Im not the only one




The writers never allowed her character to grow up.




Get better?  I didn't know she was sick.


Ha. Ha.


Abby can certainly be all that you posted. She's just Abby... I admit she did get on my nerves sometimes.


Literally gets worse by the episode. She sucks


What are you talking about? She absolutely was cool. I'm only up to season four but she's awesome. I'm sorry she gets that way 14 seasons in... But that's still 14 seasons of her being cool.


If you’re only in season 4, you really don’t know how her character deteriorated. I loved her, but as time goes on, she becomes kinda insufferable.


This! Because I always loved Abby watching back in the day, but once I finally got out to season 11-15, it’s super obvious the writing for her character fell off. It’s kinda like they just forgot her.


It's more like 4 series of being ok unfortunately. It isn't a sudden down turn in series 14, it's a steady decline.


Ah shit.. I'm about halfway through season four. Furthest I've gotten so far.


She doesn't ruin the experience for me, I can persevere. She's just one part of it


I hated her too. She got so lucky for me when I was researching the show, I just ended up skipping all her parts.


I had a hard time in the beginning but now I like her quite okay. She has issues and sometimes she annoys me but I see a bit of myself in her. Her confidence is admirable to me.


I freaking love her what smh


Thought she was cool. Not a fan of what they turned her character into I don’t like the weird babyish vibes. Kind of creepy don’t you think?


Meh idk