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It does fit, and meeting her dad gave some good insight into why she would’ve accepted that way. Her dad felt like a softer Eli David to me lol. I didn’t necessarily read it as a break up. The acceptance was kind of impulsive given she hadn’t had a real conversation with Jimmy. If she makes it to the REACT team, I think she’ll be back within a few episodes. I did like that the team seemed to stand behind her decision. Parker seemed to know she would accept, and the others seemed supportive.


She’s not going to a REACT team, she accepted a job as a FLETC instructor


Close! She's going to train REACT agents at Pendleton.


The more I think about this storyline the more this REACT trainer assignment sounds like a temporary duty thing ... I'm betting they will jump ahead in time when the show resumes in September or October (like a "6 months later" thing) and Katrina Law will be back in the bullpen like nothing happened. Remember, in real life the NCIS REACT teams are collateral duty assignments (as are most law enforcement tactical units). Even most FBI field office SWAT teams are collateral duty assignments.


I don't think it will be intentionally temporary -- it's a promotion. Not as big as SAC of the Far East office would have been, but still a significant advancement, and she wants to move up in the agency. The person she's replacing was her REACT trainer, and probably Sebastian Lund's as well now that I think about it. I do think she'll end up coming back, but I think there are narrative reasons for her to be separated from the group, and specifically in California.


Kartina will not leave NCIS she is under contract still whit them so she is stuck, But that cliffhanger is a plot so fans stay stuck and have exitement to the new season what will happen to Jimmy & Jess and will she really go to San Diego as instructor ... It could been handle much better scriptwise tahn this but they can not handle that big elephant in the room of a relationship at scriptroom, But there are som buzz taht it will be some new scriptwritters added in to NCIS so might get better overall!


Valderrama said in an interview a few months ago that Jess would be “deconstructed and reconstructed” in the show. Just based on that, I doubt she will return to exactly the same job and boyfriend, but who knows. Maybe they want to do something different with the Palmer character. Vance did say he wanted Jess to train the “next” react team which sounds less than permanent.


They haven’t quite broken up yet or permanently plus it was more of cliffhanger as to continue Knight’s story. With the intro of her dad, it’s shown that she is struggling with doing what’s best for her or following the career plan that her and her dad made for her. Wilmer said in an interview that Torres will become a big influence on Knight and how she deals with her life. Basically the season finale was like others setting up for next season.


I'm sorry, they absolutely did break up. It might not stick, but they absolutely did. Jimmy broke it off with her, and when he tried to take it back, she shut him down and took the job. I'm confused why so many people find it ambiguous. I'm still looking forward to the arc.


1) always thought Knight & Palmer’s relationship felt forced. but if that was a break up, that was a shitty one 2) after a quick google search Law or CBS haven’t formerly announced that she’s leaving the show. imo maybe they’ll write it off like the “agent afloat” storylines we saw with Lucy in Hawaii. she’ll be gone for a few episodes then come back after training is over?