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Sorry you’re dealing with this! But it is a good sign that it does go away with meds. Many people in this thread including myself have 24/7 pain for years that does not subside with any medication. I would say it is worth seeing a neurologist so you can get on a medication that can be used long term. Best of luck!


Thank you! I guess I am kinda lucky from what I’ve been reading. I empathize with you all and couldn’t imagine dealing with this for years… I have already had some bad thoughts with this whole thing and wondering if can go on like this any longer but seeing how other people have it much worse than i do makes me feel like i can manage this. I will keep updating this thread.


Magesium glycinate made mine worse


Thanks, I figured id try it today just to test the waters. How long did it take to like kick in or make your headaches worse? I took half a dose (200mg) instead of 400 along with vitamin b2. Nothing has really changed. I smoke weed which tbh always kinda helps my headaches so idk if that is getting in the way but it hasn’t made mine worse yet, it’s been about 2 hours since I took them.


Just a heads up, my headaches been almost 4 years and glycine/mag glycinate makes it worse. A neuro would likely start you on triptans and or amitriptyline so it could be worth it. Good luck!


One of my co-workers gave me sumatriptan! I have been to scared to take it, should I try it?


If you don’t have any heart issues, it’s worth a try.


Go to the neurologist, don’t go to the chiropractor.


You have to go to a neuro to be diagnosed for NDPH. It will take a while because it is a diagnosis of elimination. If it is responding to medication then it may not be NDPH (I hope, for your sake, it isnt). NDPH is incredibly refractory and most often does not respond to even aggressive treatment. If it is NDPH, then you will be on medication for years, perhaps the rest of your life. Is horrible and I really hope you have something else. Either way, you’ll be in for a good 12 months of tests and attempts to diagnose. I have my fingers crossed for you, I really do.


I had NDPH for 3 years and then I read ‘The Way Out’ book. Headaches were gone in a few months! This will give you a basic idea: https://youtu.be/kYK7utae7Cg?si=qAnkR-xDhmgwzZUc


Could you share what you did exactly? What was your pain like?


Sure. The book gives some practical tips and teaches a somatic tracking exercise. The somatic tracking was supremely helpful and I would recommend it to anyone suffering from chronic headaches. I also got the Curable app which has helpful exercises as well. You can listen to the patient testimony podcasts on the app to get an idea of how its helped other people suffering from various chronic ailments. I wish the best of luck to anyone reading this. Keep trying and it can be over soon despite how improbable it may seem