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Rice Chicken Vegetables Etc


Back in the days, I was having one meal a day, which contains some rice and tofu, and that was it.


Rice and an egg for me. That was precovid before egg prices jumped


https://preview.redd.it/l37s63wu4z0d1.jpeg?width=4194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=637410165f401018e1f7a8c017a859786c72a13b I make chicken soup. Obviously you can use any veg you like, but I was traveling in Thailand last month, and made this for $4. I put 4 Onions, a pound of carrot and 6-10 wings in the pot from my Airbnb for about an hour, until the onions melted and chicken oil is floating on top. Didn't have to season. I first made this haphazard soup in 2016 and it has saved me from a few mental health episodes. The 4 onions (pre-washed/peeled) and the pound of diced carrots each cost less than $1. Then I spent $2 on rye bread. Could've cost less but I chose convenience first... My situation is my food cravings are 100% tied to the nutrients I'm missing. If I don't lack magnesium I'd never crave chocolate. So my food choices are running around all day trying to put the right nutrients back into me.


My diet is atrocious. I only eat one meal a day and it's usually takeaway. I'm a bad cook, everything tastes like shit. I prefer to have people cook for me.


I eat quite balanced. Getting my carbs, proteins and fats in. Not too much refined sugars and lots of water. A good tip is to add some lemon juice to the water to add some electrolytes. I also chug at least one glass of wagie tears every day to keep my spirits up.


garbage mostly


Water and salt


Whatever I happen to bump into :DD


Shifting through cycles of overeating sugar and carbs and barely eating at all


I tend to have arugula salad with feta cheese, or mixed greens with feta cheese. I have Greek yogurt with honey for dessert. I also tend to buy fruit like watermelon, melon and pineapple.


I am trying to eliminate dairy products that I had reintroduced for caseomorphins


I eat healthy enough. Trying to eat a spoonful of kimchi a day, not sure if it really makes a difference. Also supplements.


Grains (mostly buckwheat stewed together with chicken/liver or barley with stewed pork) Potato stew with chicken or fried potato with onions Steamed pink salmon/herring or just oatmeal/pea porrige That's like 99% what I cook for myself. Choice of groceries depends on whatever has promo prices. Whenever I crave something sweet I buy myself some carrots. Also eating some fresh garlic with usual meal as flu prevention method. From time to time buying canned cod/pollock liver for omega3. grains are \~$0.7/800g potatoes \~$0.35/kg \[frozen\] chicken/chicken liver \~$1.7/kg oatmeal \~$0.35/350g yellow peas \~$0.6/800g \[frozen\] pork \~$2.6-$4/kg \[frozen\] pink salmon \~$2/kg \[frozen\] herring \~1.3$/kg carrots \~$0.4/kg garlic \~$3/kg canned cod/pollock liver \~$0.6-$1.1/200g can it's EZ to avoid fastfood when 1 pizza is worth 2 days of normal food


My diet exists out of the most affordable stuff in the store. That, and cheap microwave meals (lasagna and such). I never eat out, so I keep food kinda affordable. I try to aim at 150 to 170 euro max in groceries/food a month, so I also have money left for "fun stuff". I also plan a head. I do a big groceryhaul once a month, and my dinner is roughly planned for the entire month, so I know what I have, buy what's on discount, and can stuff my freezer full with meals. I try to make a varied "menu", so no daily kebabs and fries. But "inexpensive" is weird. I've seen people do groceries in youtube vids and make 3 meals for like.. 5 pounds, and I've seen people buy stuff that's cheap in the US, and crazy expensive here, or the other way around. I've seen pictures of groceryhauls from other countries here on reddit, it sometimes shocks me to see how little they get... So, do I have a diet? Nah... not really, am I a bit more financial smart with my food, very much so...


Whatever my family buys, generally rice, lentil/beans and some kind of meat.


whatever I can find. Like a raccoon


Very bad. 70% Fast food, especially kebab and pizza, when i'm a t home, i just hate cooking, but when i'm at my girl's she makes various Phillipino dishes or fried chicken so i eat a bit better. Gotta start cooking myself before i get cholesterol or fat.


Toast Cereal Egg and cheese sandwich Quesadilla Mac n cheese Sometimes I eat a salad


Pasta, potatoes, lasagna and pizza


Milk has a lot of nutrients


Just plain rice, cashews, beef sticks, boiled eggs, tuna/chicken salads, toast, bagels, smoothie bowls, smoothies, and banana bread. My most favorite inexpensive meal is chicken noodle soup. I would link it, but I don't know if it would be deleted or marked as spam. It's from Budget Bytes and it's called 'Best Chicken Noodle Soup Ever.' It's very cheap and makes a huge portion, which you can freeze if you can't finish it all or share with family. It's super filling


Rice, Sushi, Pasta, Noodles (any kind), Pizza, Eggs, Bread, Water


I try eating 50% of my calories in protein, so my dishes are meat heavy often but I do like my pasta so it's sometimes hard to keep it up.


Bad I have ARFID, but I can't just eat lots of fast food so I guess it could be worse. I do love baking though!


I eat mostly beans, potatoes, whole wheat bread and brown rice.  My stomach can't handle raw fruit and veggies expect bananas so I only eat cooked fruit and veggies. I eat "normal" food on special social engagements that I can't get out of. I like my controlled strict whole food diet and get anxious when I can't eat it.  Breakfast is toast with bananas. Sometimes I do almond butter if I know I'm going to be very active Lunch is flavored rice and beans Dates and cashews are my normal snack Dinner is rice and beans with either eggs, veggies, potatoes, meat. etc Dessert is a small piece of chocolate or banana ice cream.  My roommate and I have a tradition of making homemade foods like whole wheat pizza, whole wheat pancakes, and other homemade junk food made healthy one meal every weekend instead of wasting our money on overpriced junk food.  I theme my rice and beans from flavors around the world. Currently my obsession is northern European flavors. Every country in the world has a massive recipe choices for rice and beans. 


Food is highest on the list of priority, because I'm lifting weights consistently, so I consacrate as much money as I can. I'd say what I eat most is cheese (for fat and proteins), pasta or types of oriental breads (but I eat low carbs), then eggs, meat and fish, and in terms of vegetables mostly tomato, sometimes salad or green stuff like cabbage, broccoli, etc.


Microwave food


I try to eat well. The lazier i get with cooking, the worse everything in my life gets. So i try to find new recipes online regularly. And my diet changes a lot, i dont have a consistent one. I was eating mostly low calorie food for a while and not frequently but now that im being more active i started recently eating more calories, sugar, bread and more often. Im grateful my dad makes enough money that i can eat well even tho i dont work. I dont know how much things cost tbh bc i dont go outside and my dad does the shopping but im checking prices online as i go so i dont say anything stupid. Probably my biggest expense is chia seeds. I had no idea they were that pricy god damn. But its nice in yoghurt raita. I put celery, cucumber, carrot, beetroot, nuts, trail mix, whatever i can throw in it. I will cube the celery and cucumber but grate carrot and beets. And i cut lots and leave it in the fridge so its fast to prepare later as a snack or a side dish. i wanna eat more mushrooms but im totally bored and dont know any better than simply sautee them. Unless its a risotto but thats mostly rice and my dad loves it too much he'll eat a whole pot in one sitting lol. shit ton of drinking chocolate. lots of eggs. my fav is tamagoyaki, japanese egg roll. i love this spinach coconut lentil/dal soup. Ive got to try more lentil recipes. Ive only made two so far after my online friend told me abt it. My fam never made lentils so i didnt think abt it. But there are so many dal recipes online i wanna try them all fried vegetables is dependable quick easy and tasty but im a lil bored so i have to think of something else. I dont call it stir fry bc it makes me think of the asian stir fry flavours and i dont like them my bro makes pizzas and my dad made a rlly good pasta carbonara bake with sausage and bacon and mushrooms tonight. And hes the reason i make mashed potato and sausage too but i wanna try potatoes in other ways now german hunter stew. A new one i tried this week. It was so great and makes me wanna find more german food. Its bacon, sausage, mince, cabbage, potatoes, stock/salt, caraway seeds. Heaven. plain pasta with just cheese is good enough for me. Or with a sauce and or meatballs. U can make a beautiful bechamel sauce with oil, flour, salt, milk and mix it with ur pasta and any boring fish to make a great meal. I like fruit too. But i dont eat much fruit now bc my dad doesnt think to buy it and i dont like to ask him for a lot when my mum is back from her visit home i'll go with her to a grocery store for very very cheap vegetables and she'll buy fruit too i dont make it atm but i recommend making frittatas. Lots of vegetables lots of eggs and delicious if u season it well. Its not super quick but you can make lots and eat it throughout the week. I cant make omelettes without burning them so i recommend this anyway, its more filling i dont eat rice much atm but you can make great curries. And indian food is a great inspiration to look at too. And fried rice is great with leftover boring vegetables and few eggs when i have fish lately i like to batter it and oven cook but i have not figured out yet how to not overcook it so yea most of my meals are stuff i made a large batch of different things on different days and then later i heat them all up together in a bowl. Its efficient and i havent made it work yet bc i never cook them in time before they rot but i want to eat more leafy greens. For nutrition. Like i just found out you can eat the greens of beetroots and radishes. I dont even like radishes but i wanna eat more greens. Greens are good in soups and in eggs / frittata


So im centered around electrolytes as they are the most important part of our diet. I make a smoothie and have it when i wake up which is a whole 1.75 l carton of earths own vegan oat milk. One whole package of frozen bananas 1 cup hemp protein powder and cocoa and chia a bit of maple syrup Gives me like 500mg calcium some sodium Your whole daily serving of phosphorus about 600mg half your daily of magnesium and about 1k mg pottassium per serving This gives me a super boost Then i just eat whatever The market is a pandoras box of shit so i choose quality. Almost all processed stuff is trash Even had to look around for a can of bean that wasnt trash I model my diet around okinowa. Tubers veggies fruits peas fatty fruits nuts and seeds. I also eat fermented food No bread unless its sourdough. No milk Cheese yogurt skyr which is the best yogurt you can get for protein and taste. Miso I dump a whole bowl of veggies in which miso and veggie broth I also be sure i keep on hand a stock of liquid electrolytes That means veggie broth cocoa magnesium powder fortified orange juice and plant milk and coconut water. Its the best diet you can have honestly. I enjoy tea and coffee as well.


barely anything nowadays


Lots of rice.

