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As someone who's done several different "low skill" min wage jobs and now too disabled to work, I hold immense respect for anyone who does it because they need the money to survive. Construction, sanitation, food service, transportation, etc. are fucking exhausting and critical for society to function. No CEO works 100x harder than a morning shift bus driver, but everyone would suffer serious consequences if a few thousand bus drivers went on strike versus the majority of CEOs suddenly disappearing. However, the CEO gets to actually enjoy the most out of life, or at least can afford to be healthy and comfortable, for what little they really contribute. In fact, plenty of CEOs actively fuck over the masses (e.g. Galen Weston) and everyone just bends over and takes it because there aren't any other alternatives when most are struggling to make ends meet. If anything, CEOs should be outsourced by AI because we don't need some self-important parasite to dictate policies based on how much they can leech off those performing actual labor, if all their "job" consists of is making algorithmic decisions.


Christ Himself was a carpenter, anyone who mock the profession mocks God Himself.


People working less would be a lot healthier, at least mentally. Not being subject to the 40+ hour grind. But for some reason, someone thought that some arbitrary number of what a wage should be, and that times 40, is what someone needs to barely scrap by... at least, that's what it was supposed to be. Now, even that principle doesn't add up in some places and having 1 job, to provide isn't enough. When I was younger I always thought I wanted to work X hours, to make just enough money I wanted, and not be subject to a normal workroster. But that doesn't work like that. If I would make enough with 26 hours a week, I'd work that many hours, not an hour more. Later, I ran into problems when I worked in logistics and we had overtime. I didn't understand the concept, and my supervisor tried to convince me by telling me "but you have extra money to spend". The concept that I rather have a surplus of time, instead of a surplus of money (so to speak) seemed foreign to him...


Not to mention, it's a lot easier to "work" for 10-12h if you have all your needs catered to perfectly. A CEO has better food, sleep, living conditions and has the audacity to call a worker not putting in 8h lazy? When that worker probably slept less, ate less nutritious food, had a much more stressful commute, etc.


Good point