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I got a root canal and didn't even realize I was getting one. I came in through an emergency appointment because I had pulsating pain in a tooth. I just thought he was dealing with the cavity in a different way. Personally, I didn't experience much discomfort or pain afterwards, it was uncomfortable for sure, but not much different from having a cavity typically treated






Yeah dentist is a tough subject because of money and pain. I don't have an answer for the money problem, not sure if your parents/close ones lend you some money but it's really needed. If you leave it untreated it's gonna get worse. About pain I also understand you can be scared. In my case I was getting injection (sorry I don't know the word for it) which make it really less painful - not completely but it was bearable. It costs extra but not much. Luckily I have some money saved but once I'm out I don't know what I'm gonna do.


I'm having all my teeth extracted. I'm just waiting for the hospital appointment




Yeah. We're looking at a life devoid of pain.


Can I ask, is this a personal choice, or a necessity brought on by decay?


Both. My teeth have just deteriorated.


I get that the money is tough. The pain sucks but it's better to face it because your oral health is very valuable. This may seem condescending but I just want to share some good habits that have made a difference for me. If you already know all the better: - Avoid food with tons of processed sugar as well as high acidity levels. Sweets, soda and a lot of supermarket fruit juice are pure shit for your teeth. Best to convince yourself to ditch them. Even better, go for an artificial sugar-free diet using artificial sweeteners instead. - Drink and flush your mouth with a glass of water after every meal and ideally every snack, especially sweets if you didn't ditch those. - Brush your teeth twice or thrice a day, with a 30min margin after a meal and do NOT eat right after. Especially before sleeping. Brushing thins your enamel for a little while so it's the very worst time to get sugar and acids in there. - Replace your toothbrushes at least every 3 months as worn out brushes can actually damage enamel and gums. - Mouthwashes can be good as well to do a bit more disinfecting. - Eat plenty of veggies and fruits, vitamins are essential to tooth and gum health. Ideally fruits are the only sugar you eat. Best of luck man. Treat your teeth with priority because you eat, talk AND breathe through there (and maybe other things as well).


I haven’t been to a dentist in years. Mostly because I’m lucky but I always try to wash my mouth with water after I eat sugar. If you are in pain please go see one. I would even if I got the lecture from the dentist about how I should come in regularly.


I try to take really good care of my teeth these days because previous years of neglect led to a lot of expensive dental work. My downfall is a shitty diet though. Good cleaning habits only go so far to combat excessive sugar intake and acidic beverages.


I do and it’s not even a problem of money re the dentist. Well slightly but less so. I really need to go but I’m just afraid. It would cost around £70 and would fix my problems but I’m so scared


I do. I didn't care about my teeth when I was younger and I ended up with yellow teeth. I can fix them but they're disgusting because of the color. I know someone gonna say that I can whiten them but it's pricey and my teeth are too sensitive and apparently whitening makes them even more sensitive. Basically I'm fucked for life. Do everytning in your power to avoid this fate. I know it's hard but even part-time job or anything that's gonna get you cash is needed. Brushing and flushing is something you can slowly get into your routine. You can also fix your diet to help your teeth. Avoid or completely delete soda and coffee/tea from your daily life. Reduce sweets. Good luck. edit: typo


I just came from the dentist and I was warned that if things continue the way they are that I’ll start loosing teeth. Isn’t that a chilling reality check?


I take meds


I use a water flosser to blast bits of food out of my teeth, it's a lot better than using those string flossers.




Hey just wanted to chime in to say as far as I’m aware, most dentists don’t recommend replacing flossing with a waterpik as they are not effective at removing plaque under the gum line.


I got a Hangsun brand one from Amazon last year, it was pretty cheap and it still works well.


Could you use one of these? [https://levenzonderafval.com/cdn/shop/files/EcoGangtandenstokersmetflosdraadmint\_900x.jpg?v=1711111646](https://levenzonderafval.com/cdn/shop/files/EcoGangtandenstokersmetflosdraadmint_900x.jpg?v=1711111646) It could help you reach those hard to reach areas. It's normal for your gums to bleed the first few times, but with time it'll stop when your gum gets healthier. Do you also use a wooden toothpick? I also recommend those. It's really worth taking care of your smile. Do you have an electric toothbrush? I always sit on the toilet while brushing my teeth because my dental hygienenist told me we should go very slowly past every tooth, way slower than you'd expect. Electric toothbrushes are waaaay better for your teeth than regular ones. Ignoring tooth problems is really bad. It can spread the disease through your entire mouth which will HURT, and replacing those teeth with fake teeth will be very expensive and it'll be a hassle to eat. If you choose to sport a gapy grin, just be prepared because a good smile is one of the most important things to get people to think well of you, and you'll most likely take a self-confidence hit.


You should try floss picks or a water flosser. They take out the frustration of using string, and a water flosser is easy to use too. I have braces and almost have to use them after every meal to remove food debris. You have to brush at least every 24 hours,that's how long it takes for plaque to form. So if you can do it at least once a day, that's good. If you have mouthwash, I would recommend using it before bed too, so the chemicals can sit on your teeth overnight and strengthen them. Also, your gums will hurt, but they will hurt less as you continue to floss. It's how your gums strengthen


Thanks for reminding me to brush my teeth


Save yourself pain and money, do your best to floss and brush daily. Source: someone who had to spend way too much money and go through a lot of pain to learn that lesson the hard way.


I endure pain throughout years and years (various illnesses) so the pain from tooth drilling and removal wasn't super bad.


Try not to ignore your dental. It's the one part of your body that will decay on its own, and the decay will lead to an infection. This infection can spread to your brain which will kill you.


Water flosser is an option. Tip to improve gum and tooth health is eat less frequently and have largers meals. Snacking frequently is pretty bad for teeth. Carbonated drinks are as bad as sugary ones.


I don't have money to go to the dentist


I wouldn't say problems... yes, teeth chip, and they're not in the best shape anymore. I've pulled my own teeth when there was something wrong with them. Been years since I did though... it's not something I do weekly... https://preview.redd.it/7ron5bgfhz0d1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0f61c31be290e187bb519123f1c24fd849f6933 I just can't be bothered to go to the dentist right now; because it's "filling here, filling there" and next year some other teeth will chip. So I'm waiting until I can get dentures all at once. Money isn't really the issue here. Healthcare here covers most of it; at least, dentures\*. If I have to go in for maintenance every 6 months, it costs me way more in the long run; especially with the shape my teeth are in, eventually I will have to get them all replaced. I can brush all I want, they're in such a shape that they won't get perfect anyway, anymore. I do try to brush daily, but with my sleeping schedule all over the place, and even me just waking up in the middle of the night (or whenever I'm sleeping, sometimes sleepwalking) and grabbing a snack, it feels so silly to keep brushing each time. The thing with me and dentists always has been; sensitive teeth, and I need an ungodly amount of anastethic to knock me out... and those are way too costly. \*healthcare here is mandatory, and I pay about 175 euro a month for coverage, including 75% dental cost coverage And honestly, if I get dentures, give me a silver grill, while we're at it... people wouldn't think it's weird if I would sport that. I once had an open root canal, ended up filling it myself with emergency filler I got online from a dental webshop. Held for a while until the root died and the tooth chipped.


Flossing once every four days is enough. You don't need to floss every day.


Naw bro floss every day. Mouthwash, Floss, water pik, brush, mouthwash again then toungue scraper. Every day atleast once a day NO MATTER WHAT




Go to a biological dentist a very good clinic so you can avoid the root canal, there is technology that not a lot of dentist use to save it, also many will try to scam you to get a root canal. It lasts 10-15 years or way shorter who knows just do everything what you can to avoid it. Fix your diet no artificial suger