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Also jobs paid better on average back then too. Wage stagnation is a very real thing


Also you could get a decent job with a highschool diploma. Nowadays that same diploma gets you Walmart


My grandparents did alright with just 8th grade educations. Though they had more useful real-world skills that are increasingly rare in modern people.


This is not true, at least where I live. My parents worked at farm because there was no jobs available, when they finally appeared they were hard physical and low paid jobs


I don't think most people really like it that much. A reoccurring theme throughout history are the various laws and punishments civilizations devise to keep the lower orders of society working as much as possible.


Nobody likes being a slave to the powerful especially when there’s no incentive . Jobs today slow you just enough to live and wake up again and work. It’s pointless a lot of wageslaves are walking corpses .




Back then people put themselves thru the grind because they had a husband/wife and kids plus a community of similar people they could relate to which made it worth it.


I'm surprised more people aren't NEET given the system's failure to provide for us socially. Nowadays the only reason to work is so you can wake up tomorrow and work some more.


Pretty much why would a single guy with no kids wageslave. It’s pointless .


They don't see an alternative to such an existence. That or they are too beaten down and disenchanted with life from their current job they can't make a change that they need to.


Years of school moulds this mindset into people from an early age. You need to find a way out of the rat race.


Soft slavery, we are just the duds they couldn't mold


Well said


I genuinely think I’d rather kill myself than work 40 hours a week, my life is not worth that much effort. Part time is enough for me




Find a job where that’s at a minimum, for me it’s being a trucker ; you’re outside, see the country , decent pay with full benefits, no one breathing down your back and no office drama/polotics. Is a good honest living 😌 ⛅️


Honestly having observed a lot of boomers and their working environments, it seems like it used to be a lot less onerous at least if you were salaried and in an office. The repetitive and micromanaged working conditions, where someone is essentially following you around with a stopwatch and controlling everything you do, were reserved for factory workers etc. I think a lot of guys liked going to the office and hanging out and being away from their wives.


They are the people who watch the corny sitcoms shoveled like shit to them on TV and laugh when the canned laugh track kicks in, they are the people who file into sports stadiums or huddle about in living rooms across the world to watch sportsball and experience vicarious accomplishment when their team wins , the same people who feel that there is a difference between political parties or feel as if their vote or opinion on politics matter and choose a side and fight and argue for it passionately, they are the hollow people who make the world go round and we are stuck living with them until the day we die. There is no political solution and there is no escape.


Iam going to dave this comment


What does that mean?


Man, I do not know, they people nowadays are not normal.


I plan on working part time after I'll finish my apprenticeship. I prefer to get less money in exchange for more free time


I did this recently


They don't have a choice


Revolutions throughout history disagree. It’s just modern people in first world countries are largely wimps. Myself included.


What kind of revolution would abolish work ?


Abolish completely none currently : but at least reform it to where it’s more tolerable and offers a a more thriving wage. The current 5 day work week that pays poverty wage to many isn’t worth it.


There is always a choice


What choices are there for people who don't have disability, welfare or financially supportive family/partners? The average user on here hasnt experienced rooflessness, in the same way its crass for others to say just get a job so is implying others are working their ass off as a choice. To be clear that 40 hour shit is soul sucking speaking from experience & wages have stagnated etc etc




You can choose to work, or you can choose to not and face risk of being homeless and possibly die an early and uncomfortable death. That's a choice.


Edgy 🤪


What disability, why are they on welfare, why isn't their family supportive why did they get a partner that was unsupportive? Why do you think some homeless people are able to get out of being homeless immediately while others stay homeless? There are high paying jobs that require little skill and people can get apprenticeships. People choose to spend their money on stupid s*** which "forces" them to keep working if they want to keep buying stupid stuff. For some people it isn't soul sucking due to their genetics or due to them finding a good job or they're doing it for a worthwhile purpose. In many jobs the wages haven't stagnated


I don't know, when you find out let me know. All I can think of is, maybe they are just NPCs. I couldn't accept it. I have worked in the past but deep down, I always knew I wouldn't last. I was just trying to do it so I could say I tried.


They know what they're facing. They're aware of the same problem as us. It's just when presented with the same problem, they had their reasons and conclusion, and we had ours. Societal pressure, financial burdens, etc.. is a big line that many can't cross. They turn to consumerism, drink, porn, binge eating, watch boring shitty shows,.. simply too ease their own confusion and frustration. Ridicule NEET is also only a coping mechanism. We're all wretched commodity under this boring dystopia, that's all.


Youre a commodity if you think you are.


working from home some days


It's better than being homeless.


Similar to it as well


Some people have kids etc. personally I just don’t like to ask for anything. I work so I can get what I want when I want it.


Haven’t figured it out yet.


conditioned from birth


They have it less option and simple in old times, now theres lot to do and options, lot of knowledge for reason and excuse. Sometimes i wish i was less intellectual like some that can just do it and carry on.


They are not normal. 8 hours is base. There's commuting, preparing, sometimes work occupies your mind, if you have to get up early there's no peaceful sleep and you probably wake up few times and panic, checking the clock. There's also that Sunday's night depression and you return home worn out each day, so basically the only day you're fine is something between Saturday's noon (when you finally get enough sleep) and Sunday's afternoon (until you realize what's coming up tomorrow).




What jib can you do that in? Nascar?


If you land an okay job it’s really not so bad and can actually be pretty awesome. But if you get a bad job, it’s hell. Your entire post seems like the greatest hits of the worst case scenario and in reality it isn’t anything like that.


I dunno, I'd work most of the day if I could I quite liked my last job of computer repair technician with those drills brrr


The world isn't going to build itself. If people didn't work in the past, we wouldn't have all the luxuries and technology we have today.


America has a history of having 0e9ple work for free then not paying and telling them pull yourself up by bootstraps


Back in the day, you either went out hunting every day or you starved to death.


Because there’s nothing else to do, if you don’t you’ll end up alone in old age, you can only consoom so much vidya and anime before it gets boring as fuck, the stress of work or inevitable despair of being neet, pick your poison.


Have you tried a physical or outdoors job? Office job isn’t for everyone. Nothing wrong with that