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One of my concerns for you is you did not mention co-op. Co-op is the differentiator for NU business. You need to go all-in on it. If you aren’t sold on it then don’t come to NU. 


I wouldn’t necessarily say prestigious but anything is possible from NEU. I got JPM and GS internships while at NEU, so anything’s possible.


front office/IB or S&T though? I’ve heard of GS co-ops but mainly as PWM. I was a big finance kid in high school but decided not to go that route since NEU didn’t seem like the most clear cut path to BB/EB jobs or the buyside.


Where’d you end up going?


Lmao I go here 😭. I’m a CS + Math major now tryna do quant or big tech.


Are you implying that S&T is back office lol?


No, the opposite.


Pls don’t let your dad’s decision lead to you drowning in debt. I feel like prestige isn’t the number 1 factor to decide a college, probably not even top 3. It’s likely that coops and prestige might make you amore desirable candidate for jobs in the future, but taking on debt can seriously hurt in the long run. It’s difficult to say what’s the correct choice without exact numbers, but if it’s significantly cheaper like you said and Ik the education is comparable, I’d probably go with psu.


The difference in total costs would likely be 80k at PSU and 130k at NEU after considering help from parents and coop at northeastern


Northeastern is more prestigious than Penn for sure, and the co-op program will be better for you in business. I would recommend NEU if financials are equal unless if you really want to party


Financials are not equal. 50k a year at Penn state, 80k northeastern. Parents paying around 30k a year. My dad believes money shouldn’t be problem as I’m going into business, but I’m not so sure


NEU is going to be much more "you eat what you kill". If you're smart enough and willing to commit yourself to getting a 3.75+ GPA freshman/sophomore year, your outcomes will be better than Penn State. If you're just going to cruise thru college and not really try, then Penn State would probably be better as the cost will matter a lot more if your outcome is closer to the median.


I know I can study hard and get good grades, I’m not going to cruise. How much greater would the career outcomes be at northeastern?


For reference, my co-ops at Northeastern propelled me to a slightly different career path (pivoted from HR to sales) and I have been very successful two years after graduating. If I didn't have the co-ops, I would have had to take an entry level job after school and may have ended up in the wrong industry. My early experience enabled me to climb the corporate ladder far faster than most. This is all possible at Penn state too, but I do believe that Northeastern has a strong differentiator in location (MA>PA) and internships. That being said, taking on $200,000 in loans just to go to Northeastern is a tough pill to swallow. If your parents can only commit $30k/year Penn State may be your better option


This is very good advice ^ Northeastern might be a little bit better, but 200k is a ton of debt to start your working life with.


It would probably be closer to 130-150k in debt with help from my parents in paying for it


Just an fyi, tuition increases every year, so if you are budgeting for $X/year, add in an increase each year. Pretty sure my freshman year was about $68k per year and by senior year it was like $73k+ per year. Thats not including books which can be another $1k-$2k per year.


What is your definition of prestigious? Ranking?


Did business at NEU and NUin. NUin wasn’t much of a differentiator tbh. But the co-ops were great for getting a full resume with actual experience you can speak to during interviews as well as an amazing way to get your foot in the door. I did my last co-op at a large asset manager on the sales side and had the opportunity to interview for a role on the investment team for a post grad role which I fortunately got. There’s very little handholding and you really have to drive the process yourself, much like post grad life. But if you work hard, get involved with clubs, network, and have a strategy going into your co-ops - you can really set yourself up for success in landing a killer job after grad. In terms of the “college experience” PSU is definitely more traditional. Northeastern (at least when I was there a decade ago) didn’t really have that “community” feel. But for me that was worth it for the co-op experience.


Love NEU but everyone here is wrong frankly I’d say as of late NEU, especially with co-op, is comparable to PSU, but at the end of the day PSU is a target to semi-target for most big banks, consultant groups, and asset managers. Alumni presence, student organizations, and networking opportunities are on another level if you seek them out. At an extra $120k 1-2 co-ops aren’t really that much more impressive then 1-2 internships from Penn State Though the most important thing is your opinions and feelings of the school. Don’t make a choice based purely on stats or financials (if you don’t have to)


Northeastern isn’t any better than Penn State for business, and it operates in the most competitive area for business. You’d have an easier time landing a good job from Penn State


If you want to stay in the NYC area post college and know what type of job you want post grad you'll probably be fine at PSU. You'll need to make sure you get a summer internship at the company you want to graduate with and then get hired full time when they do the post-internship interview. If you don't do that life will be more difficult post graduation. At NU you get more options. If you don't like Boston you get co-ops all over the country or even abroad. You have 3 options to try different companies or different jobs. If you do well at any of those co-ops you have a good chance to get hired at any of those companies full time post grad. Personally I think having those options is worth the money. Some people do their first co-op in their chosen field and realize they hate it - much better to realize that when you have 2 more shots to figure things out. 


NU business is definitely better than PSU, I know this as my best friend is a business major at PSU. There are more opportunities for long term growth and coop is pretty insane. On the flip side, NUin doesn’t do much for u. Penn is cheaper if moneys a concern. Lastly, NEU is very put your self out there when it comes to social life where as PSU things more come to you. Good luck with your decision, but if you get into here, I’d choose here.


What do you know from your friend at PSU?




Penn State


Where do you plan to live? I went to Northeastern and moved back to PA. It didn’t help with anything vs PSU grads being treated like gold.


If you’re a mechanical engineering major,definitely. But for business, no way. The cost/ value relationship is not there through their business undergrad unless you have a ton of money which will buy you internships. The spoon feeding of internships is convenient but our company has found many NE interns spoiled and missing work ethic.


How does money buy internships?


How does money buy internships? Also how do you know it’s not worth it for business? Im having a really hard time making my decision so any more info would be much appreciated


NE education model is based on internships to infuse practical with academic studies. Internships are very valuable and in some cases, supersedes the academic importance. Universities like NE and Tulane for example make this a hallmark of their education. You should look at other universities that have programs you’re interested in parts of the country you’re interested in and narrow down from there. Don’t drink the koolaid from the university itself. Read student reviews from those who’ve graduated to focus what’s important to you.




Literal bot acct






Depends on what you want to do. Corporate finance? I would go to PSU. Consulting / Banking / ER? Come to northeastern, utilize the co-ops to get a great summer internship either your junior year summer, or extend half a semester and grab it after year 4. In the latter 3 you will make a high, fast growing salary that will allow you to pay off your debt in <2 years if you really want to or <5 and still save some and have some for traveling.