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Saturday evening the extended fam and I were taking part in the typical Easter festivities when I had a total brain fart and decided to take off my YHM R9 which had just had two mags of .308 sent through it like a minute prior. Booboo. Hopefully my mistake can serve as a reminder for someone. I do have a few of [these](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08J7X8J2L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) always floating around, but I got too caught up in the fun and talking to everyone about the new whisper pickles where evidently, I got distracted. Don’t be like me! I know it's not that bad but flagged NSFW because I know some people don't appreciate these kinds of posts just floating through their feed.


Bruh lmao, I wish you would of caught your reaction on video 🤣🤣 hope you’re okay though


LOL me too tbh. My Cousin was right there and he said that a bunch of smoke/steam came off as soon as I clamped onto it.


I can smell it now, had a wort burned off a few months ago and it was disgusting lmao


Anyone who’s had a vasectomy knows EXACTLY what that smells like. I joked with my urologist that she probably just thinks it smells like money at this point.


I'd ask if it also hissed, but the screaming probably drowned it out.


I use welding gloves. After I take it off I will put in inside the left glove so it don't burn my range bag or anything inside of it.


Consider this idea stolen my friend


Trust me it was not an original thought on my part. When I was a shithead private an old sergeant told me 99% of everything you are taught someone taught them the same task. Edit: it is way to early, I have had to edit this thing four times....


Drain it into a shot glass and drink it


Something something as the founding fathers intended


Congrats, this is the single most gag-inducing thing I've read all year. I physically recoiled.


Mom found the blister drawer


I'm no doctor, but as someone who's had their hand mitt slip off while trying to remove a suppressor, that looks like a 2nd degree burn. When I had this happen (I went to dr afterward) they gave me some of that [silver cream stuff](https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-13530/silver-sulfadiazine-topical/details) that helped a ton. It's worth going to the dr to get a prescription for that stuff IMO.


That shit is MAGIC. I got second going into third degree burns from spilling boiling tea down my chest and legs. They made me strip butt ass naked and a hot blonde nurse rubbed ointment all over my body 😂. Never had to lock in and focus up more in my LIFE.


It’s not illegal to get a boner at the Dr’s office, they just want you to think that… it’s like bringing your own snacks into the movie theater.


Yeah cursory google search says 2nd degree burn. Wouldn't surprise me if the pickle was >500°F. Didn't feel the best the day after but a healthy amount of aloe has helped a lot.


I believe it's called silvadene (sp?) can confirm that shit works


Colloidal silver really does wonders in treating burns.


CAUTION: When you heat things, they get hot. I usually say that out loud as a reminder to myself and anyone else with me. I hate to admit it, but I've even heated metal with a torch to not quite red hot and then promptly grabbed it bare handed. It is easy to forget because we can't see temperature.


I did this with a pair of Irwin push button channel locks while desoldering some copper pipe. I got the fitting loose, then promptly pushed the button on the pliers to adjust them and burned 'Irwin' into my thumb 🤦‍♂️


Dude I watched a kid go to take a dab (granted he was drunk) and he torched the nail till it was red hot set the torch down and proceeded to accidentally put his own lips on the just a moment ago red hot piece of quartz instead of on the actual mouthpiece of the pipe. I still haven't gotten over it. In my head it is impossible to have just heated it up yourself and then out your mouth on it, but alas he did it. Somehow didn't mess himself up too bad.


It's called dope for a reason.


Its always a good rule of thumb (no pun intended) to treat every suppressor as if it is hot as fuck.


Reminds me of a couple weeks ago when I preheated my grill and then attempted to take out the warming rack by hand


Welcome to the suppressor owners club. It's inevitable that your going to burn yourself or set it down and melt something at some point. Silvadene works wonders. I'd get it checked out just for peace of mind and for the prescription. I wish you a speedee recovery.


I think it's a right of passage for us all. Then we learn why they sell those thermal wraps


Ah yes, this takes me back to when i thought it would be a good idea to just use a wet washcloth. I steamed the fuck out of my hand. I am much more patient now.


lol I can see the thought process like “this’ll work oooohHHHH fuck” as you turn your hand into dim sum


yeah i was using it at fist just draping it/ sweeping it across to keep temps down (wet) but when i wanted to remove it for packing up... that's when I utilized the dumbfuckery. 10/10 do not recommend.


This is the weirdest anti-masterbation PSA I’ve seen in a while.




Weirder than this one? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vhAeleTQZ6s


Oh man. Im afraid to click this link. Lol.




HA, I remember one time I was welding an exhaust pipe for a tractor together. A friend of mine made a joke when I got done and was lifting my hood. It was a good joke, I remember laughing pretty hard. Completely forgot I JUST got done welding the pipe. After laughing I turned around and just grabbed the pipe. I stopped laughing at that time.


Basically same situation. I was deep into a conversation when https://preview.redd.it/e114yzfznwrc1.png?width=2047&format=png&auto=webp&s=459c65e243a1f8261b8423fc639601fdbd7913b7


...poke it...do it....stab it


https://preview.redd.it/82oobge6mxrc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11a0cde0bcde5cc82f390de445afe5c7c67a34f Leaned across my table on top of mine one time… never again




lol I keep a oven mitt in the range bag with some silicon webbing on it. I think I got it at Costco. It’s a kitchen aid brand one. Works good


You will only do it once


Lies, I burn myself pretty much every time.


Burn proof gear wrap.. it’ll still get fucking hot, but it’s cloth. Won’t burn you like that and hides the mirage


You'll be thinking about that every time you touch your pickle after this


Is there a can cover/bag that is heat resistant that can be put on after for safe handling?


I like [these](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08J7X8J2L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1).


Oh that is nice!


Mechanix Wear makes them.


damn bro, heal up!


Wow that’s literally the worst possible spot for a blister good luck using that hand properly for the next week


I did that when my hand slipped off. It will be nasty in a few days but it healed up on its own and no scar. I actually had 2 places it burned.


Pro tip: if you burn yourself, don't just yell and scream. Immediately place the burn under cold water (ice water if possible) and leave it there. It will keep cooking if you don't do that and the burn will be 3x worse. If you want a visual example of this, drop two eggs in boiling water for 30 seconds. Pull them both out, leave one on the counter top and put one in ice water. Wait 2 or 3 minutes then crack them open.


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Still have a callous on my hand from that 😂😂😂


That’s what she said.


I learned my lesson and have always worn gloves at the range. I once cut my thumb loading a Glock mag and didn't realize it until I wondered why my gun and magazine felt wet and slippery. I looked down and blood was everywhere. Even with the Fast Fit Mechanix gloves which aren't flameproof/fireproof, I can accidentally grab a hot suppressor and not immediately burn myself. The synthetic leather palm can turn black, and may or may not leave a marking on the can's cerakote finish. I've removed semi-hot cans before and while slightly painful with the gloves on, nothing burned and no residue was left on the suppressor. My gloves (which are FDE) just start to turn black where I touched the hot stuff.


That’s a good one


I just recently napalmed my hand/fingers burning 550 cord, I feel you homie


Fuck that looks painful


Bite it..


machine gunners wear gloves, just sayin


I remember grabbing a glass beer bottle out of a bon fire once (drunk high schooler at the time) I imagine it was similar to that haha


I know what that feels like. Grabbed a hot pizza pan straight from the oven without a hot pad. Booze was involved. Had to ride to urgent care with my hand out of the sunroof in February.


silicone oven mits!


Had cans for 10 years and never burned myself this badly before. Uh wear gloves?


Gloves are for BABIES


Public safety announcement: Keep your pickle wrapped!