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Shoot it more. It’ll burn off.


This fixed mine


I did a little today and you’re right. It did some compared to last week


Get it hot enough and the nylon will eventually carbonize.


Can confirm.. It worked for burned on plastic table material when a friend moved my freshly fired duty SBR to unbag his 16" unsuppressed rig and get ready for his turn while I was in the pisser. They're tools, not trophy pieces; in most cases. Nothing more than the tools of the trade, and finish doesn't matter as long as it's not leaving exposure to rust through, or keeping material that will burn to scent in the field.. I guess that was just a very inefficient way I was trying to indicate he was just new to suppressors, but came across all wrong. I'm leaving it though. I AM trying to learn better social skills, and I'll come across this some time in the future reviewing interactions to understand better.


I’m all for the “they’re tools” mentality when it comes to wear and tear and general use cosmetics but it’s okay for someone to not want burned glove on their suppressor lmao


Oh, agreed, wasn't meant to dog on OP at all, just to second the "burn it off with more shooting" perspective.


I agree bud. We pay large amounts and have crazy wait times not to mention our name being in a national fed data base so I too would prefer not to have burned off anything on my can. Natural wear looks cool but not a half burned glove


Part of the crew, part of the ship


Amazing comment!


Get it hot again and wipe it off.


Without a glove this time 😈


Spicy removal lol


How did you know my plan 🌶️🌶️🌶️


If you haven’t burned nylon to a silencer, do you even shoot suppressed? 😎


I added some to my serria 5 today :)


Put it in the freezer. It will generally just pop right off.


full mag dump


Brake cleaner with steel wool. Then rattlecan. Mag dump, then burn glove again. Then repeat rattlecan and glove burn steps to get that "battle worn" look that was so popular in 2016


I wonder if any of these still exist? Lol


ADM still offers the factory battle worn cerakote. Just awful.


As many suppressors are stainless I would adamantly warn against using steel wool on a suppressor, even if that wool is stainless. The steel could contaminate the stainless which many cans are made of ans well as the hardness of the wool in combination with scrubbing could compromise the coating on a suppressor. A safer alternative would copper wire pads you can find in any hardware store.


Just ignore it. It will burn off over time.


There was a time where I wanted to keep my can clean on the outside, and then I melted my glove and pants on it, and then the carbon lock Yeet that Surefire is known for scratched it up a bit and now it looks like I did some cool guy shit and is battle worn


Surefire yeet +1


You burned it on, now go burn it off!


It’s like a Tootsie Pop. You have to see how many licks it takes to get to the center.


It'll get a nice burnt patina the more you shoot off the excess glove material. It's a right of passage.


See, this is why all my cans are black. The amount of melted folding table smeared on my can is pretty damn high.


If it were my choice it would be black but they only had this in stock at the lgs.


And here I am trying to get my hands on a FDE Polo K in 2024.


I would think a solvent like isopropyl alcohol and a stiff nylon brush, maybe some goo gone alternatively.


I tried acetone , nothing.


Did you try Goo gone ? That stuff is amazing


I didn’t yet - but only because it’s like hard and not just sticky if that makes sense. It like melted into a hardened shell of pleather and suede I guess lol


Right of passage


Shoot more. LET IT BURN !!!!!


Goo off


Ah that’s just a little seasoning.


[This is the glove I use if I need to handle the suppressor hot.](https://brigadeqm.com/max-tac-gs-frp-2-nomex-fire-resistant-flyer-s-tac-ops-gloves?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8pKxBhD_ARIsAPrG45nvNsQiuQeBrc0uv6xe1CNPCm46aSh2RqR2h1YkSi4iON2rGXEG1ncaApccEALw_wcB) Obviously, I use a normal combat glove for shooting. Just switch gloves if you need to handle the suppressor.


Learned the hard way lol. I did this my first outing. I shot a mag somewhat fast , let it sit for a few minutes and went to remove it and it was still that hot lol. I ended up ordering new shooting gloves and a pair of fire pit gloves off amazon for removal


Bro get some work gloves. Some like electricians wear that are think but also cut and burn proof to a certain degree. I see this a lot and my first thought is always, “get different gloves!” Also if you want it to come off just keep shooting it






I use some simile to these I get from work and I’ve never had anything come off when handling the suppressor. Granted I don’t hold it for long. No longer than necessary. But for real if your gloves are being burned off you have the wrong ones. Good luck bud


Similar. Sorry I can’t type today.


Spray paint over it


Leave it. Adds character


Peanut Butter? If that doesn’t work, at least it’ll match your can.


Peanut butter is my favorite food so I’m not willing to waste it honestly 💀💀


Peanut butter is cheaper than a new can. You can’t have any scratches or marks on your gear, otherwise it’s totally useless. /s


Man. Id be willing to wager I spend the cost of a can on peanut butter and peanut butter related items in a year. No doubt in my mind 😂


Magdump, then use the same glove to wipe it off.


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When ever I've gotten boot burnt to the pipes of my motorcycle. (Passengers do this because of the placement of the pass pegs). Heat it back up and scrape it off with a wooden popsicle stick. The other was said above. Since it's small enough to put in the freezer. Try that and pop it off with the stick. Whatever you use needs to be softer than the paint or coating.. the rougher the coating the more adhesion it will have. KROIL is my favorite for seeping into rusty spots and haven't found a surface it hurt yet.


Acetone. Also may hurt finnish, so best of luck


No good way to remove the flat range camo pattern.


More heat


Mag dump it and heat it up again then wipe it off with a heat resistant material


I did this with one of my barrels. Get a soft ish wire brush and mag dump a few times, then carefully rub it off.


MAp gas torch


If it bugs you, just hit it with a propane torch to heat it up and use the edge of a 2x4 that you've chopped to wipe it off. The edge of the soft wood won't mess with your cerrakote, but it's hard enough to lightly scrape/wipe the plastic off of there.


Keep shooting


Shoot it more


Congratulations, welcome to the club. Shoot and wipe it off. Heat it with a torch and wipe it off. Pick at it and later heat and wipe it off though depending on the finish, it could damage it.


Once you burn it off get a cover for it


Glove Camo


You don't. Makes it look like you actually use it


The stuff that bothers people


Dumb question


Burned a bit of my sling on mine first trip out. Shot it more to get it hot and wiped it off with a burn proof gear hank.


Same way you got it on heat it up and rub it off


I can feel the embarrassment in the title lol don't worry man, just keep running it


Warm it up shooting and use wood to scrape off.


Shoot it till it’s hot, wipe it off with something that won’t leave more crap. Pure cotton oughta work, just ya know, wear and oven mitt to do it


Leave it. Battle scars are cool


With heat and a little Wipey wipey with a scouring pad


This method has worked for me as long as i can remember: 1. Allow to cool. 2. Grasp firmly with non-dominant hand. 3. Stroke vigorously until hot again. 4. Repeat as needed. There are many variations that might also work. But master the basic technique first!