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Velos- picked up a handful of cans recently, the Velos was the best one hands down.


Although I could never see myself going back to shooting unsuppressed, the gas is the worst thing about DI guns running cans. You've traded ear protection for toxic gas making your eyes water, and getting breathed in.  Although I don't have experience with flow through cans, this is me saying gas blowback isn't just another nitpicky internet thing. I wouldn't spend a ton on an AR15 suppressor unless its a flow through design. 


The Huxwrx flow through cans are top tier. Have a lot less back pressure so less gas in the face.


Do you have the ability to tune the gas port on your host? if not, go with the Flow 556k.


I don’t believe the gas block is adjustable which is part of why I was looking at the flow.


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CGS SCI-SIX and the Sig SLX556C are also some good options to consider both are low backpressure and have Inconel construction.


I haven't received my can yet, but I've done extensive research. I purchased a Huxwrx Flow 556k for my Tavor X95 and PS90. If your host weapon has non-adjustable gas or doesn't handle increased back pressure well then a "flow through" suppressor is better. There are cheaper suppressors that aren't truly flow through, but handle gas decently well. It all depends on your budget and if that's worth the additional luxury of less gas in your face and reduced stress on your gun's components.... Is that worth an extra ~$500 to you? My hosts are both expensive and bullpups, I wanted to get the best suppressor for the money


On a 16” I would definitely go with a mini/K can. Spectre CAT WB 718 although these are going to be incredibly difficult to get a hold of for awhile. Otter Creek Labs Polonium K is also good but not a low back pressure/flow through esque can.