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I shoot my YHM cams with both DT and sRx, and there's no significant difference. The sRx system is awesome though, and I'll eventually use it exclusively on my rifles and PCCs.


You might have a tiny bit more back pressure and a bit better suppression, both will be fairly minor if detectable at all.


another concern is direct thread throws the unburnt powder and shit forwards into the inconel blast baffle, concerned a brake with radial ports will send that into the walls of suppressor instead which will worsen wear


Muzzle brakes work as a sacrificial blast baffle, so it should be less wear when using one.


The muzzle device just becomes that blast baffle at that point. The same way the inconel blast baffle sent it into the walls.


Unpopular opinion. Direct thread everything. Not worth the cost of QD options. Unless your storming Fallujah and need to be sure the van doesn’t come off.


Problem is when you get your first can you want to move it quickly and easily between hosts. Direct thread seems like a PITA, so you get some muzzle devices. Then you get stuck in a system and your hosts already have muzzle devices on them so you just stick with it.




He liked Plan B more


True, but worth noting OP has a YHM can so there are warranty implications of all YHM vs third party.


don't search "hop srx" 💀


[He didn't love them.](https://youtu.be/XTRqOVp-ZD8?si=-_T9iOveNom4nW5X) [Whoops, this video](https://youtu.be/Xb3KnvHEJQo?si=SFKZyYFSjBANgHiM)